Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Question Time!

What's one of the things that bothered you at previous RP communities that you wish could be improved, and how do you think could improve it here?

For me, this is a huge pet-peeve. I hate it when myself or my faction is in need of something and the staff takes days or (in some cases) weeks to respond or get it done.

Solution: If you're going to take on the responsibility of being a Staff Member, you not only need to make yourself readily available for members and new comers, but you need to do so regularly. Checking the board at least once or twice a day should be sufficient (bar vacations/LOA's), and coordinating with other staff members so that someone is always available to deal with issues is always helpful.

I think we are all familiar with this, and I think we have all seen the vast difference that these two factors have on a community. In my opinion, a community's solid member base are what makes up the community. Not who created it. Not who runs it. Those people that dedicate their time and energy into playing on it. As I've said many times to countless board owners, this is your community to run as you like. But if you rule it with an iron-fist "my way or the highway" mentality, people are most likely to leave when they find an alternative.

Solution: Democracy is inefficient, but it can be effective if properly utilized. Members should be consulted with new ideas before any changes are even considered to see how the community feels about it. Furthermore, all members (excluding their 10,000 alts) should have a say and possibly even a vote on what changes are going to take shape within the community. Last but not least, I definitely don't believe anyone should ever be attacked, trolled, flamed, or berated for stating their opinion even if they are the only person expressing it because chances are, what one person is expressing three or four others are afraid to mention or speak up. Everything should be taken into consideration (regardless of how inferior an idea may seem) with a majority rules mentality.

I've role played at dozens of communities (not just star wars communities) online over the past 15 years, and you can always tell the ones that are on the same page, and the ones that aren't on the same page. Obviously our imaginations work differently, and how we perceive a thread may not be the same way someone else perceives it. That is something that is difficult but essential to keep in mind as a member (as well as staff member) in order to keep IC running smoothly at any community. Communities that aren't on the same page tend to have numerous issues getting anywhere in a large thread involving multiple players and factions. They also tend to be very "cliquey" and eventually inter-faction role play fizzles out all together. Communities that are on the same page tend to calmly and rationally discuss things in order to keep a thread or story line running smoothly and keeping things enjoyable.

Solution: Calm, rational and well-educated discussion should be encouraged. Irrational flame wars, name calling, power plays, etc should be discouraged on a community wide level. We cannot leave it up to the staff to be constant peace keepers in out of character coordination threads. We should, in fact concede to each other even if we believe we are in the right for the sake of maintaining a community of integrity. Take hits. Take losses, but do so with that "we'll-get-em'-next-tome" mentality. I have seen communities where OOC discussions about story line involve absolutely zero argument, and are mostly filled with admiration and praise. I'd really like to see a this community evolve to that level of cooperation as well. But, as I stated it takes a consistent effort from everyone to achieve that.


This kills me. It's one of the main reasons I've never been a fan of playing at Star Wars: Epics. I think they're too restrictive. It's not their fault, it's honestly my own perception but every time I create a character their they take it apart bit by bit until it conforms perfectly to what they're looking for in the character, timeline, story line and plots. I'm a fan of what I like to call "free form" role playing. This is, however, only possible in the most elite role playing communities with extremely mature players that don't need to be told they have too many ships, they're using something that is too powerful, or they are just playing god.

Solution: For this community, I'd like to see very little restriction within reason. Basic rules are universal to role playing etiquette but not everyone is going to know what role playing is, let alone what is expected of them. They should be outlined simply and plainly, and shouldn't be spread out over 15 posts at 8,000 words each with words capable of being twisted so that they mean one thing for some people and another thing for others. Everyone is equal, regardless to whether they have been here 18 seconds or 18 years. After all, we all started as "newbies" to both role playing and play-by-post. You want a faction? Great, create one and work on keeping it active. If not, it gets deactivated and archived. Don't like being a Jedi? Well you earned your rank so your character can do what it wants with it. It' sup to you to role play the leave realistically for a real IC purpose. Wanna create a super weapon capable of destroying a planet? Terrific! Just consult the staff first for a basic set of guidelines. Wanna play a canon character? Why not model a character off of all of your favorites instead? Dark Jedi? Absolutely. Loner-Sith? Go for it. It's your character. You're free to do whatever you want with it.

I honestly ignore them. I shouldn't be measured on how long I've been at a community or how well I write. And I definitely shouldn't be measured on my post count. IC, who cares.... I might call myself Grand High Lord Emperor Admiral Master but that doesn't mean everyone else in the galaxy is going to see it my way. My character will gain respect IC on an IC level, and I will gain respect OOC on an OOC level. I don't need a title to prove it.

Solution: Don't have OOC ranks.

With all due respect, I'm going to use real-time examples here. I've played at both communities on and off for a number of years so I have the right to my own opinion on them. I've seen communities with issues being hostile to newcomers. On the contrary, I've seen communities that welcome them with open arms and do everything in their power (as a community) to get them to stick around and get integrated. The Rebel Faction.... possibly the least newbie friendly community anyone could ever stumble across. 99% of the newcomers that stumble(d) across TRF typically left within a day or two because they were so hostile toward them. The Gungan Council on the other hand, always warm and accepting of new comers though they did lack the ability to help people get integrated beyond a friendly "hello, welcome!"

Solution: All members of this community, not just staff members, should welcome newcomers. They are the life blood that we need to survive and they nourish the community as it grows. But simply saying "hey, how are you? welcome" in my opinion, isn't good enough. I want to see factions fighting over each and every newbie that comes across this board. I want to see them stumbling over each other to answer every little question they have and get them up and running, as well as keep their interest and help them stick around. We do that, and that one person goes and tells three people... or posts a link to us on Facebook, and then his friends tell their friends and so on. Word of mouth is a much more effective means of advertising than any banner or ad we could ever place.

Obviously things happen, and we do have to go inactive for things from time-to-time. But I think everyone here should be committed to writing as regularly as they are able to. I don't see much of a point in playing or being a member of a community on standby. By standby, I mean registering an account and holding off to make sure it's successful before you decide to jump in and say "hey, I was here since day one!"

Solution: If you want to be an integral part of this community, you should be personally committed to it's success. You should advertise. You should write. You should play. You should do your own work, and yes... you should reap the rewards. Don't make SWRP your back burner community that's a last resort for if you have nowhere else to go. Because when that time comes, we may not be alive for you to run to. SWRP is just like any other Roleplaying community. The people that write on it actively (on an IC level, as well as having fun) are the people that keep it alive and attract new members. With that being said, I continue to my next topic...
meh, keep things simple. Dont get anal. Dont turn TGC into "he who shall not be named"If you are thinking long term here Art. Become a tyrant. But a chilled out tyrant. Else expect a fizzle pop.

This is a role playing community. Not a Justin Timberlake fan site. We write stories here. If I wanted to go and play post games all day and never write a single IC story, I'd honestly go join a discussion forum that is 1000 times more active than any role playing site online. You're not only wasting my time, you're wasting your own time. The majority of people are legitimately here to write story line and have an enjoyable experience. If the only thing you're going to contribute is OOC, why bother being here? However.... I'm also not talking about the trash stories that circle around TGC that their staff force them to write to boost post count. You know, the ones that no one reads and that eventually get lost in the shuffle and completely forgotten by even the ones that were involved in them. I've always had the motto quality over quantity, but that's just my personal prerogative.

Solution: Make a commitment to write IC as well as have fun OOC. We all get bored with it and lose our muse, but you can always reach out for new ideas via messenger or even on the discussion forums. I'm here to have fun, IC and OOC. But the bottom line is, if I want to post OOC all month and never once write an IC post, I'll go to the Justin Timberlake fan page.

I hate this. I hate it when I have written years of history and story line and someone treats it like it never happened because they want to play in their own little la-la land. Guess what? It happened. It's documented. I burned that planet to a smoldering cinder that you're frolicking on like it's Endor.

Solution: Encourage people respectfully to do a little bit of searching and reading before they start story lines. If someone, for example, decides to play on Alderaan.... simply remind them that it's an asteroid belt now and they might get more attention from the community if they looked into (on OUR WIKI and OUR TIMELINE) another planet. Their are tens of thousands of documented planets in the EU, and trillions possible to be created by the fandom here on this site. Ask yourself how you would feel if someone completely ignored everything you had done throughout your history here. Integrate their story lines with yours as much as possible. If you happen to be in the vicinity of, as an example, a planet that the Horde burned to ashes in a recent battle... that would probably be well known to the entire Galaxy and I'm sure your character would have some feeling about it, good or bad. I compare Star Wars planets to Cities on Earth.... How would you personally be effected if, for example, Paris was suddenly a smoldering crater after a devastating war? Or Washington DC was now under water? Obviously for some it would have an effect of pure joy. For others, sheer horror. Own it. Write it.
Don't get bitchy...Respect other people's work/characters....No OOC ranks(huzzah!)...keep it simple. Sounds good enough to me. I don't have much more to add honestly.

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