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Approved Tech QQ-C4-M1114 Brass Knuckles

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Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
Intent: A personal weapon for Alec Rekali and whoever else wants one
Development Thread: No
Manufacturer: Iron Crown Enterprises
Model: QQ-C4-M1114
Affiliation: Open market
Modularity: No
Production: Mass-produced
Material: Bronzium, insulation, plas-bonded ostrine (contact points)
Classification: Brass knuckles
Size: One-handed
Length: Normal for brass knuckles
Weight: Normal for brass knuckles
Special Features: Plas-bonded ostrine contact surfaces
Description: Plas-bonded ostrine contact surfaces, insulated from the bronzium main body and thus the wearer's hand, permit a flash-freezing effect on contact with target. The flash-freezing effect is directly proportional to the force of contact and its degree of insulation, with an upper limit achievable by a full-force punch from a combat-trained adult humanoid. The upper limit generally involves major freezing damage for several inches around the point of impact. With full-force repeated blows, it is entirely possible to freeze part of a limb solid through and through, but repeated blows may cause unbearable cold for the knuckles' wearer and even freeze the knuckles to exposed skin. Grazing impacts can cause frostbite.

Primary Source: None
[member="Alec Rekali"]

I really, really like this simple submission. Sweet brass-knuckle design with a that allows you to slow movement in an opponent, though freezing areas may take quite a while.

Pending approval.
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