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Private Punching Through Doubt


Location: Gym
Objective: Practice hand to hand combat
Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

Deep within the confines of a gym, alone padawan trained alone on a punching bag in the middle of the buidling. He had come an hour early to put some extra practice in before the lesson began with Master Kahlil. Now and then he'd push himself to do such a thing, doing so would truly get him closer to the perfect version of what he wanted to be. If that meant putting in hard work, he'd be more than happy to do so. Not only did he want to make a good impression on his new master, but do himself a favor by improving his ethic towards training as a whole.

Drops of sweat fell from his hair when he repeatedly kicked the hung up bag, hitting it with aggression and force which made it go backward from each shot. He kept going at the bag with a multitude of fists, a grunt escaping his lips from each fist that made contact. Before even starting he took his time to do a set of exercises, like jogging, press-ups, planks, and standard stretches to make sure he was ready for the training ahead.

Being prepared was more important than anything, even for a Jedi.
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Kahlil let out a loud yawn as he wandered into the room. Sleepy to the point of grogginess, the Master looked more disheveled than ever. Hell, he even brought his morning coffee with him. The proud '#1 Dad" mug Valery had helped Vera pick out was brought to his lips as he took another, long drink of the dirty bean juice in a hopes it would help him wake up. It would, eventually. His sleepy gaze focused in on Silas, watching the boy hammer away at the punching bag with mild interest.

Right, he was here to train him. In unarmed combat. Inwardly the Jedi Master grimaced. He knew how to fight. All Zambrano children did. Being Epicanthix, a culture of warriors, it was expected. Especially from the children of the God King. He'd just been terrible at it as a boy. Scrawny and weak from the constant corruption of the Dark Side, with his growth stunted, he'd been an easy target for his siblings to beat up on. That, and they didn't hold back, as if they'd known he wasn't the real one.

Perhaps they did.

He let out a sigh, setting down his mug before stretching some. Just a little.

"Mornin' Silas."

Silas Westgard Silas Westgard
Silas raised his guard up and planted another flurry of hard punches into the soft opponent, whose only reply was to swing back at him idly without judgement. He was about to take a step back and crash another powerful kick into its side when a voice spoke up behind him, stopping him entirely and making him turn around.

Stood in front of him was Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble with a mug only a farther could love, probably filled with enough coffee to jump anyone off the walls. Respectfully, he put two hands behind his back and stood straight a little more as a way of showing he had his undivided attention. Silas shot his blue eyes towards the masters face, drops of sweat sometimes dripping to the mat from his soaked hair.

"Morning Master Kahlil, late night I presume?"



"Sort of. Vera had a nightmare of me falling into an abyss with a monster, so I spent the night helping her calm down so she could sleep again." Well, if it was a nightmare, not that Kahlil would say that aloud. Valery Noble Valery Noble and him were both blessed by the Force, and the dyad they had might have made Vera something truly unique if she had a connection. Vera was quick to fall asleep. Kahlil had stayed awake looking into everything he could to make sure his daughter was at least safe, if it turned out it was the beginnings of a vision.

"But, I think I'll be fine once the coffee kicks in. You do a lot of street fighting before coming to the Jedi?"

Silas Westgard Silas Westgard
"I'm sorry to hear that. I myself used to have nightmares, but on a more persistent level. It still shows itself now and then, but my mind has been eased thanks to the help of Master Noble" he said back to Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble with a slight frown. If it wasn't for Valery Noble Valery Noble taking him back to his home world to finally put his parents to rest he'd still be in that same every day loop. He was just thankful it seemed like a one off for little Vera. Silas didn't want anyone to go through the sleepless nights like he did.

"Yes... but it wasn't my choice" he said in a softer tone up to Kahlil, face expressionless and untelling. His mouth was hesitant to open and tell the Jedi at first, unsure of what he'd think. Yet, Silas knew Kahlil was a good man by now, he wouldn't judge him.

"When my parents were killed, the gangsters who murdered them took me as a tool for their business. Even though they treated me like dirt, they taught me how to fight the hard way. Punishment was waiting for us if we did anything wrong, and it was always worse than the last" Silas took a glance down to his arms which had scattered scars big and small. Not all of them were from the training itself, but mostly from what he faced on planets like Coruscant and Denon.

There was more to the story, but it wasn't right to tell him now. In due time he'd tell him and his wife the truth, as well as the dark secret which had been plaguing his soul since Teta.


"It's difficult, being thrown into a life like that without any hope to escape. But you did." Scars were a painful thing. They brought with them memories of the past, of the event that brought the marks. But for some, for Kahlil and Silas, they were reminders of the hardships they overcame. Or, at least, Kahlil wanted it to be that for the boy. The Jedi took another, longer sip of his Caf before setting the mug farther away with a wave of his hand. Laziness true to a tired father.

"Street fighting though teaches you a lot that classic martial arts won't. They show a lot in movies about how epic some fighting styles are, and that's true. But a lot of places you end up going to won't teach you how to survive. Breaking boards and hitting dummies doesn't teach you how not to get stabbed in a place you'll bleed out in a knife fight." In a way, learning how to fight on the street put Silas in a better place than most. He knew the danger, and wouldn't freeze when faced with it. Hadn't thus far.

Kahlil moved away from the counter, out in the middle of the training room. "It can be refined, what you learned. I'm still going to put an emphases on not harming your enemies with your hands, though. It leaves too much to chance, and cybernetics are a real worry. Your lightsaber will often be your best tool, and the Force will always be your ally. If you can't use either, defend yourself and find a way to flee. That's what I'm going to teach you."

Silas Westgard Silas Westgard
"You're right Master, I did in the end" he said back to him in a lowered tone, head lowering slightly from some of the memories flooding back. He had gone through oblivion and back to get to here, a long road of pain and horror that didn't just scar his body but the very soul that always told him to keep going. Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble set the mug down lazily using the force, too tired to even walk to the table and put it down himself. Sleep seemed to be a key sacrifice when you became a father.

Silas nodded and kept quiet while he spoke, nodding every now and then to agree to what he was saying. Kahlil was right in presuming he had a head start due to his experience. Silas himself knew he was standard at best, and the refining of what he already knew was going to be a big help in going up a level.

"I understand what you mean. Rather than offence, you are teaching me ways of defending myself when I'm disarmed, like a last resort of defence"
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"You'll see it's kind've a theme of mine. Personal opinion and such, I suppose. A Jedi's goal in any fight should be to defend and disarm. Never to strike, never to kill." There was an underlying seriousness to his tone. Memories of the wars waged under the banner of Jedi when war wasn't necessary still brought his ire. But time had tempered him. "It's an ideal, but I know it's not reality. Not always. To protect life, sometimes life must be taken." His smile returned as he motioned for Silas to step across from him.

"But this isn't a philosophical lesson, is it? Do you understand the concept of using someone's strength against them?"

Silas Westgard Silas Westgard
"You’re a Jedi who defends himself instead of being the aggressor, only killing when needs be. I’d say your style is pretty clear master” he replied back, seemingly in thought as to why Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble was so different compared to the rest. It wasn’t a bad thing by any means, nor was it considered weak. When used properly, the style was very effective against aggressive opponents.

Silas briefly nodded and stepped in front of his master, light blue eyes glaring up to the towering figure above him with intrigue “Not entirely Master, but I presume it’s used for someone who is way stronger than I am?” He asked back, his hands moving from behind him to hang loosely at his side. If Master Kahlil was going to do a demonstration he needed to be ready.


"Pretty much. A lot of people you're going to fight are likely going to be stronger." Ah, yeah. There was no use pretending Silas wasn't going to end up in battle. Even as young as he was, with the Maw, and him being a Jedi.. Kahlil's smile faded for a moment as he rubbed the back of his neck. Mulled a couple things over before lifting his hands. "Moving involves a lot of balance. Throwing punches pushes that sense of balance. All it takes is the right bit of pressure to tip and you'll send someone on their back. Lots of similarities with Soresu, ironically enough. Let the others over exert themselves, then take advantage of it."

Kahlil motioned for Silas to stand in front of him. A couple quick drills, really. Showing him various tricks to offset another person in their strikes. Slowly at first, so Silas could understand it. Then faster. Real, after Kahlil was certain the Padawan understood the basics. Swapping between attacker and defender to better show Silas just what needed to happen. It was a simple fighting style, but a lot was about recognizing when it would work. Some punches weren't enough, and trying to use an opponents strength by throwing them over a shoulder would just leave someone helpless against them.

The drills would continue for a couple hours. It wouldn't be enough for Silas to suddenly master the skills, but that wasn't the point. The basics, the avenue for self training in it. The knowledge to use in real world situations. That's what Kahlil was aiming for. When Kahlil felt they reached the point they could do no more he pushed himself up from his back, chuckling. Despite the difference in size, all it took was the right kind of trip to send even giants to their backs.

"Alright. Lunch?"

Silas Westgard Silas Westgard
Silas seemed to look down at his own body when he mentioned the fact people were going to be more stronger than him. For a kid his age he an excellent athletic build, mainly from the help of constant training and the fact he was already physically fit before joining the order. He'd be a fool to disagree with Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble most of his enemies would be stronger, after all he was still only a kid.

The padawan took a mental note of what his Master said and stood at arms length away, their lesson of disarming finally beginning. Both would take it in turns to attack and defend, with Silas and Kahlil being on their backs. The weight difference was quite substantial, and it showed when he slung him safely over his shoulder like nothing. Kahlil on the other hand was quite heavy as you'd imagine, but when he began to understand momentum and timings his weight started to become slightly easier to handle.

It was impossible to know everything in one go, it was going to take practice and time to fully get to grips what Master Kahlil had taught today. One day, it would come to him naturally to do such a thing when his hands were the only thing keeping him alive.

With a nicely timed trip from behind his legs, he watched the giant topple to his back and chuckle up to him. For a few hours they had both been sending each other to the mat. Thanks to Kahlil being gentle, it didn't hurt in the slightest, but it certainly was exhausting after long periods of time "Sure, I'd say we've done enough" he said with a slight smirk as he lowered a hand down to his master to help him up to his feet.

Walking beside Kahlil, Silas ran a hand through his own soaked hair and glared up to him "What you thinking of having Master? Believe or not soup is calling to me right now"
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"Soup. Soup is good." Kahlil nodded, flashing Silas a grin once he was on his own two feet. He stretched out a little, mostly to pop a kink in his back. Soup. He didn't know a lot of soup places save for.. The Master nodded again to his own thought process before motioning for Silas to follow with him. They didn't stay in the temple. Hell, they didn't stay on the upper layers of Coruscant. Kahlil found them a shuttle to head to the lower levels.

Just before they stepped on board though he glanced to the Padawan.

"You have your lightsaber, yes?"

Silas Westgard Silas Westgard
Silas smiled to his agreement and did some stretches of his own to wind down. Silas had almost been training for three hours, so a much earned lunch was on the cards to stop his stomach from rumbling. The padawan nodded to his motion and began following Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble out of the temple. Although, his suspicions began to grow when they began to go down to the lower levels of Coruscant together.

He looked to Master Kahlil with a raised brow as they walked to the shuttle, his lightsaber tucked away in the pocket of the training shorts he wore.

"Yes Master, but can I ask why we are going to the lower levels to have soup?" he asked with a tilt of his head while stepping in and sitting opposite of Kahlil.


"That's where I know a good soup place." Kahlil pretty calmly relaxed in his seat, arms crossed over his chest. Eyes closed. The shuttle ride wasn't going to be long, but he was still kinda sleepy. Enough that a quick nap might not've been off the table had Silas not been with him. Even eyes closed he kept his focus on the Padawan. "I've taught you a little on how to defend yourself without a lightsaber, but remember. Don't ever loose it. It's a tool, a symbol of who we are. But in the hands of those who don't know how to use it, well, there's few things more dangerous."
"Hm, I trust it to be a good choice master," Silas said back calmly, his arms also folding as he stared at the napping Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble in his seat. The way he discussed a lightsaber showed how passionate and close he was to the force. He understood what he said entirely, a lightsaber was not only a symbol but a part of his soul too. In other words, it was the most important thing he'd ever have as a Jedi.

"Without a lightsaber, we can never truly be Jedi. That's why we need it to protect ourselves and free others from plight" he said with a stern tone, his head turning to the window while they began their descent into the lower levels.

"I've been into the lower levels of coruscant by myself before. It's safe to say I didn't miss it..."


"A lightsaber doesn't make a Jedi. Don't ever think like that." Silas's stern tone was immediately met with Kahlil's own. The Master had sat right up, leaned forward in his seat, hands casually resting on his knees as he did so. "Who you are makes you a Jedi. Not a lightsaber. Not a robe. At the end of the day a Lightsaber is just a tool. If it needed to be, it can replaced. You can't. Your morals can't. Don't ever speak like that again."

Then he relaxed. Let out a breath, rubbed the back of his head. Smiled apologetically. "Ah, yeah. That's fair. But, we'll often have to go where we don't want to."
Silas was taken back by Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble and his stern response. Not only had he gone against the key values but insulted Master Kahlil in the process "I'm sorry Master, I wasn't thinking straight" he said back to him apologetically. It was the first time Kahlil had been like that, but it was needed to put him back in line and learn the true values of a Jedi.

The padawan kept his unsure stare on him the whole time, only loosening up when he smiled at him "You're right Master, if we want to make a difference we need to be prepared to go anywhere"

He gave Kahlil a slight smile before looking back to the window, a hand slowly going up and down his scarred arm in reminiscence of the memories he had down here. There wasn't a single happy one to be found...


"Don't apologize. Never apologize, not for something like that. It's not your fault to think like that. It falls squarely on the shoulders of your teachers." Him, most of all. If Silas was going to pin everything on being a symbol instead of a person, well. That wasn't good for any Jedi. Well, maybe it was for some, but Kahlil had no intention of letting Silas forget he was a person first.

A child, first.

"Mmhmm. Asides, soups the best." They'd touch on that more, later. Maybe. Kahlil wasn't really sure what to say about it all. His opinion? No Jedi should be allowed anywhere near combat at Silas's age. War was too taxing. But he knew all too well how dangerous someone with the Force could be. And to try and deny them would only lead to them heading out anyway, in his experience.

He'd do it himself.

The shuttle landed on the lower portions. The lowest, really, before they'd end up on the levels infested with Sithspawn still. With the war pulling attention from the core and to Chiss Space, there wasn't much of a choice. Contain until they could be dealt with later. For the people down here, the threat of a Sithspawn breaking through was a daily fear. Kahlil patrolled where he could, when he could.

It's how he knew the soup place. Walking through the streets Kahlil was all smiles and waves. People recognized him. Most were surprised to see him again after so long. Some were just happy he hadn't died in the war like others. Soon enough, they were at the soup vendor. Literally just a vendor though. An older woman with a cart that had a portable heater and the delicious scent of at least three different soups cooking away.

He smiled brighter, holding up two fingers. Didn't say anything. The woman nodded, gathering up a couple bowls before pouring one full of a rich looking broth and handing it to Kahlil. Then she paused. Stared at Silas. The way she did was almost unnerving, like she was staring into his very soul. Then gave him a different soup. Thicker, chunkier. Chowder, by the looks, and handed it over.

Kahlil just nodded his thanks before motioning for Silas to join him at a nearby table. "Feel free to dig in. Shouldn't be too hot."
The more he spoke to Kahlil the more he became to realise how strict yet wise the man truly was. Valery Noble Valery Noble and Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble were fair with their teachings and weren't afraid to call their students out if they did something that was out of line. It was the sign of tough love, a method that cared deeply for the person yet didn't hold back on attitude checks.

"Yea, I can't think of anything else better. Especially when it's made from scratch and straight from the pot" He said to his Master with a nod of agreement. It would have been a shame to find the soup bad after coming all this way, for his sake he begged it was magnificent. The soups the Jedi made weren't the best, after all, they were made for building a better body and not for the taste.

The ship finally arrived at the lower levels of the planet, sections that were more than familiar in his young life. Only a year ago he was doing drug runs and other kinds of shady business he dared not think about. If it wasn't for the remote bomb attached to his foot every time he went out Silas wouldn't have hesitated to escape. Even if he did, the boy had nowhere else to go other than sleep on the streets.

They both stepped foot off the shuttle and walked through the messy streets the lower levels had to offer. To his surprise, the people were waving and smiling at his master like an old friend. If he had truly been down here a lot, there was a chance they had been close or seen each other at some point. Although, his face didn't ring any bells when he first met him and he was normally good at remembering faces.

"I feel sorry for the people who live down here. They probably don't get an opportunity to progress at all" he said openly, curious to see if he could recognise anyone in the crowd before they stopped next to a soup stand. The soup smelled delicious from where he was standing, and when he got closer the soup itself looked quite different from what his smell was telling him.

Glaring up he looked at the vendor and stared back, matching her judgemental gaze for a few seconds before she finally handed him the soup. Did she recognise him? for all he knew it was probably for a reason he didn't know. Silas looked back to the vendor as he walked over to Kahlil, following his motion to sit down with him.

"That vendor gave me a strange look, I wonder if she has seen me before" the boy theorised, not hesitating to place a spoonful of the hot soup into his mouth.


"Naw, I doubt it. She's fairly new to these parts. But she was just getting a read on you. Figuring out which of her soups would be the best for you." Kahlil chuckled, taking another spoonful of his own soup to his lips before closing his eyes. Perfect, as always. He sighed happily, enjoying the flavor before glancing again to Silas. Watching him, closer than before. "Tell me more about where you grew up."

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