Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Pulsating with Glee [SDE Exclusive PIE Contract with Ession Reform]

Other Space Kaiden

Better than other-other space Kaiden
Morning light carved through the shades of the Archlord's office, illuminating the dense contract on the table. Xander Corbal was back in the Ession to sign a new deal that would see his company producing a new line of exclusive vessels for the Reform. In their last dealings, Xander had only agreed to make old designs partially exclusive to the Ession.

In this new contract, however, the Ession would gain the exclusive rights to buy the Pulsed Ion Engine technology from Stargo Defense and would also bind them into an agreement that dictated they buy their fleet systems from SDE alone. It was a nice deal that would add another contract to the young businessman's belt and assure SDE would have continued military contracts.

With a slight grin of self-satisfaction, Xander sipped at his cup of caf and waited for the Archlord to arrive.

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The benefits were entirely mutual. Signing with multiple companies would put Ession in a position not unlike that of the old Confederacy, where credits ruled rather than the people. The Archlord was staunchly against such a situation, and Stargo had proven itself to be reliable.

The possibility of a monopoly was there, but Graxin was confident in his capacity to avoid such. Even before Stargo had brought the contract to his desk, he had demanded a set fair price. So long as nothing happened to Stargo or the shipyards it used, the price would remain the same, and Stargo would have an eternal market to sell to.

It was the very definition of a relationship with mutual gain. Symbiotic was a good word for it.

Pressing business had kept him away, but Graxin had allowed Corbal entry beforehand. There was security in place to keep Xander from any snooping, though Graxin highly doubted he would try.

He arrived wearing standard Jedi robes, albeit a darker shade than usual.

"I trust you didn't run anyone over on the way here Xander?" The Archlord snickered as he settled into his chair.

@Xander Corbal


Other Space Kaiden

Better than other-other space Kaiden
[member="Graxin Rade"]

Xander returned the snicker, placing his caf on the desk and crossing his legs. He was more formally dressed this time around, he had even taken to wearing a pair jet black pants and collard two piece suit; almost like looking at his father through a time machine. "I travel in style, Graxin" Xander replied with a grin, "I don't run over people as much as I just step on them with my walker"

As he extended his hand out toward the Archlord, a question popped into his mind. "I hope that all the technology the last contract provided is making a good impression thus far"

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The Archlord extended his hand to take Xander's. He offered a wide and all too legitimate smile. He liked the young businessman, even if Corbal could be a bit opportunistic about things. That was, after all, the very nature of business. So long as the results ended up in the Reformation's shipyards, Graxin didn't much care what he did.

"Quite well actually. Your tech keeps us well supplied." Graxin replied. He gave the businessman's hand a good squeezed, and let it go.

"This contract then. Full exclusivity if your top ships to the Reformatiom so long as we restrict our buyers. I am okay with this, so long as prices are set at a moderate level. I won't tolerate you abusing the monopoly Xander." He paused for a moment. "But you have my trust on this. Your kit is reliable, and I very much hate dealing with the stuck up sorts. What more can you offer the Reformation if we accept this exclusivity?"

@Xander Corbal

Other Space Kaiden

Better than other-other space Kaiden
[member="Graxin Rade"]

Xander was quiet for a moment, abnormally quiet. It was as if a light bulb had suddenly sparked in his head and the resulting light had blinded him into a stupor. "Well" Xander began, stroking the bottom of his chin, "there is a little something I could use your governments assistance with"

the youngman let a slight pause come over the room before he continued. "​My company has been secretly preparing for a lawsuit, one against the Systems Authority. When Genesis Rotsu was doing business with my father, contracts were put into place that guaranteed the safety of Stargo Enterprise assets in CIS space. As it turns out, Drukenwell has seen better days and we have yet to receive reimbursement for this. Atop of that, my directors have advised me to also pursue a claim against them that they put my father in unnecessary dangers leading to his death."

​"In preparation for his, we plan on storming their shipyard and taking possession of their flagship "The Serenity". In reality, the price of the ship would cover all damages and we aim to work a contract in which the ship acts as damages paid for loss. Stargo Defense Enterprises maintains a wealth of droid forces, but to have legitimate Jedi backing would further our position over them." Xander trailed off for a moment, trying to judge Graxin's reaction.

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The Serenity. A durasteel god if there ever was one. To have that Titan of a ship in the Reformation's arsenal would make a statement that only the destruction of a world could amount to. The Ession Reformation needed the Serenity, and it's Archlord saw an opportunity.

"We will help recover the Serenity." He paused to level his gaze with Xander's. "In exchange, want to field the ship once repairs are done. It will be one of our flagships--Stargo will be allowed build its headquarters on Ession if you so desire."

The Archlord offered Xander his best smile. "Everyone wins."

@Xander Corbal


Other Space Kaiden

Better than other-other space Kaiden
[member="Graxin Rade"]

Xander scratched his chin for a moment. The Serenity was a powerful ship, one that net the company a lot of money on the open market. If he was going to give up the ship that easy, it'd have to be made worth his while.

"A regional Headquarters on Ession would be a great way to really kick off our business outside of the outer rim. That's a little bit of a short sale for a beauty such as The Serenity. I think I have another solution. Since you want to sign this contract that binds you to our services anyway, how about we take possession of the ship as payment. We then gift the ship to you in return for your covering the construction expenses to upgrade Essions shipyards into proper SDE standards. The price about evens out and we both win. I get my new headquarters and we both get new shipyards"

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Graxin nodded immediately. Control of one the galaxy's great titans was too tempting. It was like asking a child he wanted a toy, and then offering an even bigger toy in exchange for one of the child's older toys. It was a deal that simply could not be passed up.

The Master leaned forward. "You have a deal my friend. I will mobilize a small force--if things go awry, we will have another solution."

He offered a small smirk, but have no indication as to what that solution was. Xander would see soon enough.

@Xander Corbal

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