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Prospecting the Rimma VI - Trident


Disney's Princess
Prospecting the Rimma VI - Trident
An Adventure: Now Open (2)

Dry Arid World, Vehement III
Just outside Omega Space


Karen Roberts of Fondor was out prospecting for work again. Her surprising journey along the Rimma Trade Route had taken her far, far out from her normally comfortable Omega space and into regions now colonial. Regions unclaimed and worlds uncharted. Vehement Three was one of these such unclaimed colonial establishments. A large red planet with two smaller polar ice caps, north and south; and a dry arid expanse in between. It was mostly snowy vistas, red rocky plains, and endless rows of dry river canyons. The atmosphere was breathable but gritty and dry. No picnic world here. Just a red dusty wonderland, rich in mineral resources and heavenly lore, just waiting to be explored.

The Veloth, a towering purple-skinned group of intelligent near-humans, held a few large encampments here. Many having presided here for centuries amongst the cool watery canyons and dry agricultural basins. Indeed, even underground and deep inside the mountains it appeared the Veloth peoples had quite a few modern constructions and tunnel networks. Fabulously hard workers these monstrously large people were. Wealthy in seeds and wise in shadow hunting. They had subtle firepower, nimble little starfighters, and even some elite droid warmongers too. An exotic mix for an exotic people. However, their numbers were far too small to actually control much of the territory outside their city limits. Even their small Hyperdrives could barely ferry them from one sister moon to the next. It was a big planet for a big people. Yet, their technology never seemed to match their imaginations for travel or conquest. So no. The Veloth people and their towering frames didn't get out much. They preferred to stay inside their canyon settlements and garden or tinker through the years. Even when the summer was hot and winter was cool. Nothing changed these hardy giants. Not even the arrival of a Star Destroyer.

The Triumph had arrived in low orbit only two days ago. She was a Star Destroyer of the Omega Fleet. Guns and armor and a crew of thousands. All shipped out on an salvage mission to reclaim a lost sister. The Star Destroyer Privilege. This sister vessel had been lost around this sector during the Bando Gora Raids of Prymere. For six years nothing had been heard from her, nor her black box recovered. Yet rumors from a Veloth Starpilot amongst the Rimma Trading posts had begun to stir. Rumors of a massive lost ship which now rested amongst the sacred mountains of the Veloth peoples. The Privilege might actually have survived.

That meant only one thing for the adventurers of the Rimma Trade Route. It was time to find Omega Pyre's lost ship and make a little money...



Base Camp 3 - Shadowguard Encampment
SGT Firefight Operation Rally Point


Base Camp Three was only four tents and several crates wide. If not for the radio pylon and the prefab radar dish sitting out on the ridge line, Karen might have missed it entirely. As she landed her XwR down with the other land speeders Roberts saw little in the way of lively company. Maybe only a dozen or so Shadowguard troopers moving about the camp. Their usual black armor was replaced with desert recon robes and scout rifles. So strange to see them forgo the pomp and circumstance of their lofty station. And yet? It was also so very interesting to watch the seasons change with the winds of time. Even the Omega Pyre was starting to show her age. Even her Force-Sensitive Special Forces were growing up.

"...Lock her up R2. It's getting gusty up here. Mind the mountains dear."

~/ weep woop. ~ The droid replied with a nod.

Karen dismounted her fighter and was approached by a SG Sniper. He didn't have much a face with that Recon Hood on. Just shades and green optics for eyes,

"We flagged your IFF on reentry. Interesting landing spot. You with Bravo Team?"

"Negative Corporal. I'm with the SPT. The salvage protection team. Just looking for the Rally Point."

"Ah. I don't think the Commander has given us a Rally Point for you mercenaries yet. Just sit tight while the Stripes work it out. We'll call it in. About ten minutes, maybe."

"Fair enough. I'll refit while you figure it out. ...Though. There should be more fighters on there way. I'm not expecting a crowd, but still? This is were they told us to gather for the firefight."

"Yeah yeah. We'll be here. Just mind the camp. Our unit executes scrappers on sight. ...Final warning."

"Save it soldier. I've got my skit on lock down. This boat is hard and tight. You boys just mind the locals. We'll be out of your hair by sundown. ...Hopefully."

The SG Sniper just shrugged and returned to his duties. He was Elite, so it didn't bother to worry about a few mercs. The rest of the SG left Karen to await the arrival of more wanderers like herself. Free money to be made if you had a ship and a gun. Just show up and get paid. Easy money.

Just the way she liked it.


*ooc: colonial mercenary combat op. open to 2.
[member="Karen Roberts"]

Serena had been correct in her advice. Serana had to get out and see the galaxy as she stood there on the ship and going that far out from her home she might have gotten some looks but there was word of places to explore. Whole new worlds she could soar over with her wings spread and feel the flows of the force as she was running out of the ship. The men here working as bounty hunters and scavengers looking for a fabled lost ship and Serana after kicking one of them in the groin which landed him in the infirmary and a new singing career... Had allowed her to come with them while she stood there holding the small training saber on her hips. Her satchel of supplies a welcome thing and now one was really able to lift her wings to steal the bags of get them off her. Which was a plus while she stretched her wings finally getting out of the ship and heading towards one of the mountain ranges.


Disney's Princess
Karen and the SG Sniper stepped up to the ridgeline and stared off into the distance. They couldn't help but notice the newest arrival floating closer on pink wings,

"Is that..."

"...A fracking space brony?"


They finished each other sentences and eyed each other with wonder.



"Son of a..."


They shook their heads with disdain and awe. A mother fething pink space pony. ...Yep. That just happened.


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