Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Project of the day

Tatooine, Mos Eisley, Jawamart Junk Lot
Makkik and Merikk stood in the large lot behind the Jawamart junk shop, inspecting the speeder Jeff Solaris left behind to be modified. It wouldn't be to hard to alter it the way that was needed, but it definiatly would take some time. And some programming. hence why Merikk was there. After they fully inspected the speeder, makkik stepped back, and made a mental list of what they were going to need to do. They'd need to install an infrared signal projector, and an infrared receiver. They'd need to install a robotic intelligence unit- they'd just salvage an old droid brain. What else, what else... The Jawa moved up to the speeder again, walking around it a few times in circles. If they were going to build a self-driving speeder... the speeder needed to know where to go. They could have a chip that documented roads and pathways- No... there's no way they could document the roads on every single speeder ever... He'd have to cross that bridge when he came to it. First thing first, they had to get the casing off!
Which, of course, was easier said then done. Makkik frowned under his cowl, before fiddling around in his robes for his tools... A moemnt later, he pulled out a large hydrospanner, half as long as he was, and got to work. Halfd of the bolts were rusted tight, but the advanced torque of the hydrospanner easily loosened them enoug h to twist out with his hands. Meanwhile, Merikk sat by and watched, sipping a huge cup of cofee. Makkik piled the rusty bolts next to him while he moved all around the speeder, disconecting anything that held the plastasteel casing onto the speeder. Soon, the small Jawa was dragging the heavycasing away from the vehicles to get at it better... Exposed wiures hung from the chasis at all angles, the various bits of machinery exposed to the twin suns of Tatooine without their casing. The Jawa smiled, and began to inspect the speeder closer, now that he coudl see everything. The speeder was in fine condition, other then some bumps and dents from being crashed a few dozen times... They didn't need to alter it... much... in order to acomplish their goal. nontheless, there was a disturbing lack of cookie dispensers.
Makkik put a furry finger to his cowled face for a moment, before turning towards his brother, who was casually sipping the massive, but half-empty, cup of coffee. <<"Start working on the brain! I've got to make the sensors!">> Merikk took another long sip from his mug, before nodding, and placing it on the ground. A moment later, the Jawa was collecting parts from the massive piles of various mchinery and technology bits that rose around them in mounds. The junk lot was a glorious place for a Jawa. Meanwhile, Makkik took to the great piles himself. Several small sheds sat around the lot, shielding the smaller parts from the dangerous suns of Tatooine. He started there. <<"Infrared projectors... infrared projectors...> Makkik stepped in to one of the small sheds, and began to root around the piles of small parts that covered the low benches that were inside. He aught to have some around here somewhere, they were one of the most important parts of optical sensors... After a few moments, the Jawa found several grouped together among the piles, then several more. After a few more minutes of searching, Makkik had found plenty for what he needed... The Jawa smiled joyfully under his hood as he carried the armfull of infrared projectors back to the speeder.
While Merikk worked off to the sidelines, modifying a simple droid brain, Makkik began to install the Infrared projectors all over the speeder, connecting them to the power supply by an array of wires. He made sure to mark where he put them, so he could drill holes in the casing to allow the beam to project outwards. He made sure to put them around every corner and side of the speeder, so that they could project in all angles, placing them under the front axis, along the back, down the sides, and everywhere in between. The infrared sensors certaintly looked out of place, fairly new looking and shiny among the rust of the damaged speeder. Still, though, they would do their job perfectly fine! Once they were connected, with wires crisscrossing eachother all over the chasis to link them to the speeder's power supply, Makkik stood back with another smile, admiring his handiwork. Now what... now what... infrared recievers! The Jawa jibbered again in Jawaese, before turning back to the shed where he'd found the projectors. There was bound to be some droid eyes around here somewhere!
The Jawa rummaged around the vast piles of various knock knacks and do dads that sat all over the short work benches inside one of his storage sheds, searching for some droid optical sensors... He wouldn't need complete eyes, of course, but most droid eyes could see in infrared- that's what he needed. He rummaged through a pile taller then he was, frowning and swearing to himself in Jawaese. <<"No... cofee cup.... rubber ducky.... droid fingers... thermal detonator.... sabaac cards.... droid eyes!" Makkik smiled, finally uncovering a good sized pile of optical sensors, meant for droid use. He remembered how these got here... he was planning on making a droid with a dozen eyes all over his body, so he coudl see all over the place... he never got around to doing it. But hey, at least it saved him the trouble of searching all over the lot for more eyes! They were all in one place! The Jawa smiled as he began to pick up the optical sensors, before running back to the speeder.
By the time Makkik got back to the speeder with the pile of droid eyes, Merikk walked over, handing him the small case that was the modified droid brain. <<"All finished. Programed how you asked.">> Meirkk bbeamed a side smile, and snatched the brain out of his brother's hands, dropping the eyes in the process. The Jawa held up the brain at all angles, looking over it's casing from every which way. Perfect! After a moment, he'd set down the droid unit, and started picking up the optical sensors. <<"Can you fix these to? They need to see infrared- but just that... We don't want the speeder to be able to see everything! Can you do that?">> Merikk nodded, and started picking up the sensors, while Makkik turned his attention back on the droid brain. Now to install that!
Makkik walked over to teh speeder with the droid brain, while his brother began to fiddle with the optical sensors with his fine instruments. Makkik looked around the speeder with a wide smile under his hood, looking for a good place to connect the brain. It wouldn't be hard to have the brain control the speeder, it would operate just like a droid if Merikk programmed it right. But where to put it... where to put it... After a few moments of deciding, Makkik moved to the back of the speeder- just past the engine- and began to connect it there. It was probably the safest part of the speeder for the brain, plus it would be close enough tot he power generator that if the wires got damaged somehow it would be more likely to recieve power. The Jawa crouched down, whistling as he began to install the brain into the back. After thirty minutes or so of work, some light welding, and alot of wiring, the brain was installed.
By the time he'd finished installing the brain, Merikk had finished modifying the optical sensors, and was drinking a brand new cup of steaming coffee over at his bench. Now to install the sensors! Makkik beamed a wide smile as he began to gather the mmodified sensors, placing them at eeach side of the speeder. One at the left side, one at the right, one at the back, and two at the front. If Merikk made them correctly- and Makkik knew he did- they'd see and process the infrared signals that bounce off anything that might be in the speeder's way, from the projectors, and send the information to the droid brain. Then, if all went well, the droid brain would make the speeder steer away from whatever was dangerous. If everything went right... Makkik continued to hum as he connected the sensors into place, atatching wires to their backs that hung loosley around the chasis, and connected to the power source. They were almost done, now!
The casing. The casing was next... Makkik quickly began to drag the large plastisteel casing pieces over to the speeder, still whistling. Within another half hour of welding, he'd reattached the casing snugly in place. The wires, though, sitll hung loosley from under the casing. He'd forgotten to attach them to the chasis! And so he did. The Jawa crawled under the speeder with a frown, and began to attach the looose wires where they neede dot be. Making sure they were ready to siphon power to the various mechnisms of the speeder. Soon,, that was finished as well, and the Jawa crawled out from underneath it. Now what... The holes! He had to make the holes in the casing! Makkik quickly produced a small battery-operated drilling mechnism, and began to search for the spots where he'd marked for tiny holes to be made uiin the speeder. Three projectors, and a sensor on the left side. Check. Three projectors, and a sensor, on the right side. Check. One projector and a sensor on the back. Check. Five projectors, and two sensors, on the front. Check. After finishing the dirlling Makkik smiled, stepping back from the vehicle. It looked like a completed speeder now... But something was missing. Hmmm...
He knew what it was! Makkik began humming again, and quickly began to search the massive mounds of various spare parts that rose above his junk shop, taking up the majority of the lot behind it. He needed a fuel tank! And b efore long, he'd found one. A very very small one, prehaps a gallon, but that's all he needed. And soon, he was under the speeder again, attaching the tank to the bottom, and welding it into place. He left the side of the tank partially exposed so it could be filled, of course. After that, the Jawa managed to find a long flexible piping tube, which he attached to the back end of the tank, and led up to the dashboard of the speeder. It didn't take long to rig a nozzle and a button on the dashboard either...

Afterwards, the Jawa smiled. He'd finished! If it worked, of course... provided it worked. Now he'd just have to wait for [member="Jeff Solaris"] to come test it out...

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