Gareth Yalthik
Active Member
Gareth Yalthik
Total Threads: 0 | Completed Threads: 0
Training Received
Total: 0 | Complete: 0
Any training your character has received, please link here, listing abilities learned below each thread.
Training Given
Total: 0 | Complete: 0
Any training your character has given to others. Link threads here, and list what was taught below each thread link, as above.
Total: 0 | Complete: 0
Not Required: Any spars with fellow Jedi or duels with adversaries can be linked here.
Total: 0 | Complete: 0
Not required: Dominions can only be completed on behalf of a major faction. Invasions can only be completed on behalf of a major faction, whether you are a member or acting as an ally. Please link any dominions or invasions you have participated in, here.
Faction Threads
Total: 0 | Complete: 0
Any other Faction thread that is not a Dominion or Invasion, including ‘Jedi Academy’ faction threads. Please link such threads here.
Development Threads
Total: 0 | Complete: 0
Please link any development threads (threads purposed to develop something for the Factory or Codex) here.
Miscellaneous/Character Development Threads
Total: 0 | Complete: 0
If it doesn't fit somewhere else, or it’s genuinely just Character Development, please link it here.