Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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(image credit on the bottom of the image)

NAME: Prisma Akino

FACTION: The Order of the Sunstar.

RANK: Lightseeker.


AGE: 18

SEX: Female

HEIGHT: 5’7/173 cm

WEIGHT: 130lb/58kg

EYES: Gold.

HAIR: Auburn.

SKIN: Transparent blue that reflects and refracts light, almost like a tinted window.


Prisma wears bright, sun-coloured robes typical of the sunstar order. On the back of these robes, she has painted on the symbol of the order. She has three tattoos - two on her face which are celestial symbols from Divinarie culture, and the third is a tattoo on her back which represents a pair of wings. You usually cannot see this tattoo, as it is covered by her clothes. Prisma styles her hair in the same style as Leia does in the medal ceremony in 'A New Hope'.


Character strengths:

Calm under pressure

  • Prisma has a remarkable ability to keep a level head during dangerous situations. She is easily able to put her emotions aside and calmly and rationally think of the best solution. When she does this, however, she can be cold towards those around her, preferring to focus her mental energy on the problem at hand rather than comforting others.
The doors of perception
  • Prisma has a keen eye for detail and often notices things others don't. She is rarely surprised and is always alert, scanning the world around her for things she can learn or danger she can avoid.
Code of ethics
  • Prisma is a deeply religious individual. Having been raised within the temple of radiance, she seeks always to better herself and follow the teachings of the temple. As a result, she has developed a set of noble behaviours based on the templar code - she is merciful, brave, honourable, and honest.

Physical strengths:

Seven times dismembered

  • Prisma was born an Icarri, a species known for being near impossible to kill. Due to their unique biology, an Icarri can survive dismemberment and can only be killed by having their brains sliced in half. This leaves Prisma incredibly strong and resilient against most physical attacks.
Wrath of the twin suns
  • Trained in the temple of radiance ever since she was a child, Prisma has mastered the use of her two lightsabers, which were gifted to her by her moms. She uses Jar-Kai/Form VI mostly, but she is also able to connect her sabers together to form a double bladed lightsaber which she wields using a version of form II, Makashi.
Sun catcher
  • Ever since she was young, Prisma has been especially good at redirecting force lightning. She discovered this when practicing with another aspirant, who accidentally unleashed force lighting. Prisma caught it and safely redirected it out the window. Ever since, she has become well known for her skill in this area.

Character weaknesses:

In the shadow of the sun

  • Though she would never admit it, Prisma struggles to overcome her dark side tendencies. She often feels tempted by the thought of limitless power and often has to fight against the urge to fight dishonourably in combat.
Confidence is silent, insecurity is loud
  • Prisma will often act like she is better than those who have only just joined the order. This is her attempt to cover up her insecurities about whether or not she is good enough to be a part of the order.
Desperate to impress
  • Prisma is someone who feels she needs the approval of others. She is always trying to gain the approval of those around her, and could be easily manipulated by those in positions of power within the order.

Physical weaknesses:

As clear as day

  • Prisma's reflective skin tone and her bright, sun coloured clothes mean that it is impossible for her to be stealthy in any way, shape or form.
Blood in the water
  • As an Icarri, Prisma does not have blood or veins. This unique biology of her's has led to her developing severe hemophobia and she cannot stand the sight of blood. Should she see blood, she will begin to shake uncontrollably, struggle to breathe, have palpitations, and often enter a full blown panic attack.


Prisma was abandoned on Lotho Minor as a baby. She was found by two female, divinarie dawn knights when her reflective, prism-like skin caught their eyes. Mesmerised, the two knights, who happened to be a couple, chose to adopt her and name her after her skin, calling her Prisma. They took her back to the temple of radiance and raised her as a daughter. Spending her time training and studying, Prisma was able to became a lightseeker. However, an ambitious individual, Prisma is now looking to join a constellation and become a starlight squire.

SHIP: None

EQUIPMENT: Two twin lightsabers that can connect to form a double bladed saber.

KILLS: None.


ROLE-PLAYS: None yet.

PETS: She owns a kowakian monkey lizard named Yuki. She had to bargain with his former owner, an abusive circus master, in order to save him. Yuki has been devoted to Prisma ever since, and she has cared for him ever since she was ten.

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