Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Pride and Wrath, Together At Last


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Nyx rubbed her wrists once he released her from bondage, glaring at the red skin where the restraints used to be.
Then he dropped the bomb while staring into her eyes.
She was a slave, now. She was now the property of [member="Lord Mythos"]. Chit.
In her time with the Hutts, she had enslaved plenty of young girls like herself, and now she understood that look of terror in their eyes when she broke the news, for she now had that same look in her icy blue eyes.
She numbly followed Mythos, no longer attempting to escape. She could do nothing but comply with orders, while her mind attempted to wrap itself around this new development.
Nyx sat in the transport, looking at the ground. Her hands were folded neatly in her lap, her black hair falling over her face. Kath, Cal, Solan, Joshua, none of them would see her again. She would just be arm candy (or worse, she thought with a shudder) for a Sith until she stopped being pretty. After that, who knew what would happen to her.
"What do you want out of me as a slave?" She asked quietly, trying to figure out the rest of her life.
Mythos looked through the transparisteel glass of the transport down to the slowly growing planet of Atrisia, his home an where he was king and sovereign. His axe stood next to him ominously via the telekinetic power of the darkside. His eyes traced the datapad in his lap, procedures protocols and system management documents. He sighed disparagingly, he hated paperwork and he hated protocol even more.

When she finally spoke Mythos calmly looked to her eyes with serenity and authority. "First to get you a bath and some new clean clothes" He said turning his eyes back to the datapad concluding his signatures and permissions. The transport made it's dock shorty after and Mythos stood from where he sat and gesture the young lady to follow. "Then to turn you from being confused with a street rat to being mistaken for one of my nobles." He smiled, offering his hand as the Jar'Kai flanked them on both sides and they were lead to the underground bathhouses of the old kings.

On their way Mythos asked a simple question. "gold and white, or blue and black?"


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Nyx took his hand, her collar chafing her neck as she followed him, his guards flanking them. The palace was certainly impressive, there wasn't a doubt about that. More authoritative than the one on Kesh, less gardens. But she supposed that it reflected the nature of the owner, as did Solan's palace.
He wanted to turn her into a noble? She thought of the regal women she used to pick the pockets of as a child; back then, she had fantasized about owning the extravagant dresses and outfits they had. Shame it had to happen under these circumstances.
When he asked the question, she thought for a moment. Considering her black hair, blue eyes, and heavily tattooed body, gold and white simply didn't fit.
"Black." She said quietly, pawing at her collar. She was familiar with them, having stuck plenty of them on Force Users.
So she knew there was no way she was getting it off without [member="Lord Mythos"]'s permission.
She was at his mercy.
"Black it is" Mythos said, the handmaidens who followed closely nodded and parted as they descended down the stone steps to the hot springs beneath the capital. With each step the comfortable steam of the springs clouded the air around them rising the temperature.

He stopped abruptly and turned to face her, his hands parted her black hair slowly as his fingers gently reached for the back of her neck, with slight switch the collar was back in his hands yet he did not move or flinch, just held his gaze with hers. "I hope i don't regret this" he said with a sly smile while holding up the collar in his right hand then gestured her to move forward in front of him so she would enter the pool first.

The black dress Mythos had commissioned was now neatly folded and placed in a dry metal table next to his own ceremonial robes.Flanking her were his handmaidens prepared for her disrobing and cleansing. "I think the lady can bathe herself, leave us"

They bowed and left the pair in the springs, Mythos disrobe casually and swept in to the pool letting the heated spring water wash down all of his tensed muscles. "The water is fine" he said with a sly smile.


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Nyx grunted as he took off the collar, rubbing at her sore neck. She felt her connection to the Force flow back into her, and managed a portion of a smile.
She wasn't stupid enough to attack [member="Lord Mythos"]; he could easily kill her in an instant. Instead, she simply slipped out of her medical attire, and waded into the water.
Growing up in the slums of Coruscant, her and the other orphans could only dream of pleasures like this. She let out a small moan as the water made contact with her tattooed skin. In her life, luxuries like bathing were rare, so she was determined to enjoy it while she could. She rubbed water into her tense muscles, and sighed as the stress left them. In the light of the living hell her life was these days, this wasn't so bad.
When he entered the water as well, and made a comment on the quality of the bathhouse, she ignored him and focused on getting the dirt and grime off of her body. The ink underneath her skin was more noticeable than before, showing off the artistry of the tattoos.
Satisfied, Nyx leaned against the side of the bathhouse, and caught her new master's attention.
"Why are you doing this? Slaves aren't normally given luxuries like this, you know."
When she smiled even partially Mythos returned it tenfold, her beauty was not lost on him in the slightest and it took serious effort to keep his eyes from wandering too far into her figure. He gazed at her for a long time, the yellow lines of his pupils shinning when he caught a glimpse of the colorful artistry of her tattoos. Her question was expected, it was not the first time nor the last time where Mythos showed kindness and luxury to those that at some point were his enemies. "Those who serve me do so willingly, it is my wish that those who surround me do so by their own will, as such i never worry about daggers in the shadows, if anything my enemies should"

When he spoke his eyes drifted to her, he had to force himself to look away. "truth be told you are the only slave in this palace" He spoke hoping the change of subject would distract her from his wandering eyes, yet he could not keep his thoughts to himself as obvious as they were. "and i would be hard pressed to find someone as beautiful too"

The grime and water of the springs brought out new life in her that seemed hidden until now. Mythos nodded to himself and took a deathstick me by ZP tobacco industries custom for him. Honey dew smoke blew from his lips into the water mixing with the steam from the pool as he gave himself those rare moments of relaxation.


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She could feel his eyes on her. It wasn't unusual, honestly; someone with her reputation and body tended to garner a lot of attention, welcome or not. She pretended to not notice where his eyes were roaming, and stared at her reflection in the water. At least he was rather straightforward about it.
Nyx hated dancing around things, and preferred cold, hard truth to sugary word games.
After a small grin at his comment about how beautiful she was, Nyx slipped out of the water and over to the neatly folded dress. She picked it up examining it. It seemed good enough, though she still preferred her glistaweb jacket.
She slipped it over her head, adjusting it.
She glanced back at [member="Lord Mythos"], an eyebrow raised.
"What do you think? Befitting for a slave girl?"
Mythos smiled in approval of the handmaidens choice in outfit, they were also a bit modernized thanks to Serena and had taken a liking to outsider fashion as of late. He said nothing but instead rose from the waters and wrapped himself around the red and black cloth and robes, wrapping both his lightsabers in their fabric and stepping towards the lady slowly and calmly. "Empires have fallen to beauty such as yours, black fits you..." He said nonchalantly as he passed beside her glancing over his shoulder and turned his eye to her as it shimmered like a red jewel. "But i assure you red will fit you much better."

As if in premonition he back of his cloak came in full view to her revealing the insignia of the One Sith in all it's majesty, his guards flanked the door and though she did not know it, one of those was a very displeased Martha, who learning of her King's shenanigans had turned a warring eye on the young lady with a sour and malicious intent... She did not trust her, she would not let her eye off the young lady and as soon as she could she would give Mythos an earful of what exactly she thought about this new addition to the palace. Even the king of Atrisia bowed his head when Martha was riled up about something, Mythos doubted even he could control her, she did not think he noticed but when she left for the training session deep in the night to release any frustrations Mythos awoke feeling the force bang on his head with the violent movements. She was growing stronger...



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In her quarters that night, Nyx was hatching a plan.
Her room, like the rest of the palace, was well furnished with antique and fancy furniture and items; most of which were wood.
She took hold of one of the bedposts, and heaved with Force-assisted strength to rip it off. She set to sharpening the wood on the floor, getting several splinters before ending up with a small stabbing spear.
Satisfied with her impromptu weapon, Nyx took up position by the door.
She waited for hours, adrenaline flowing through her, making her heart pound. One thing was for sure; the first person to open that door was going to get a sharp chunk of bedpost to the face.
[member="Lord Mythos"]
While Nyx awaited someone or something to barge into her room nothing would, however if she thought she was alone she was mistaken. Her room had been outfitted with holocamaras in every corner, Martha watched her schemes with unsurprising interest. Recorded and documented she made her way to the tallest spire to her King's bedroom in the morning and barged in throwing the piece of video in his bed.

"You brought a savage, into the palace."

Groggily he pushed the pillows out of his face and opened his eyes slowly. "Good morning" He said groaning, he slept well yet he could not help but to notice that his 'guest' had confused his hospitality and kindness with weakness. Anger got him out of bed pretty quickly.
"I really don't know what is so good about it"

When he put the videochip in the main projector he saw exactly what she meant, his slave had made short work of a bedpost and made herself a wooden spike preparing to impale anyone who entered and if she had not been watched by Martha, who by the looks of it hadn't slept at all, there would have been casualties. "I'll handle it"
"Oh, like you handled it last night? tell me, what your next plan? take her to the beauty salons and have the tai massages come to give her a session?"
Mythos hid a cringe as he was getting dressed and bombarded with truth bombs at the same time. "I said" He turned to Mrth flashing her an impatient yet cold smile. "I'l handle it"
A few seconds later Mythos was marching his way to her quarters, Martha intensely angry that she was told to stay, he was armed with nothing more than his two lightsabers and dressed in the white cloak of the emperors. Once he arrived at the outside of the door he narrowed his eyes and took one step forward. His signature in the darkside could be felt through the other room and his presence would be felt even if he did not speak. When he did speak it was like a thunderous boom that could have been heard through the entire castle and the power of the force shout bashed the wooden door open. He said only one word. It was a thunderclap of the force. "Kneel"



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She could sense his approach, and he was not happy.
Dammit, she should've guessed he'd find out. She pressed herself against the wall, breathing deeply as she awaited his approach.
There was a moment of silence, then she was blasted back.
She hit her bed with an audible grunt, still clutching her weapon.
Nyx had fought many in her day. She had faced crime lords, Mandalorians, Wookies, and was the adopted daughter of a Sith Lady. She had faced the tortures of Darth Mordred, and had killed a krayt dragon with her blade.
If he thought subduing her was going to be that easy, he was sorely mistaken.
With a scream of rage, Nyx gathered all of her Force energy into her hands, glaring at [member="Lord Mythos"], then unleashed it at the Sith, wreaking havoc on her new room. Without waiting to see the result, she lunged at him with the wooden chunk.
Had she complied, Mythos would have definitely been inclined to mercy and even possible understanding much to the dismay of Martha. Yet what he got was the rage and fury of his slave, her thought that his sign of caring was weakness, if she wanted to test his patience she had succeeded. Mythos lifted his right hand as she avalanched on him and he wrapped a noose of the force around her neck then tugged the force to squeeze the life out of her.
"I spare your life" He began, pacing forward to his captured slave, amber eyes of yellow fury glowing intensely and digging into her own. "I bring your to my palace and adorn you the finest silks." His anger built even greater as his words left his lips,fighting the urge to snap her neck. "I shower you in life that no slave in the galaxy could even dream about and you spit in my face"

Extending his arm he used the force to slam her on the very bed she had destroyed, pity, it was an antique. Metal bars that held the chandelier moved as snakes towards her extremities, ankles and wrists, the very silks of the bed now formed a noose to tie her and bind her, his concentration on the excessive telekinesis left him still and statue looking...

Mythos hated torture.... but punishment was necessary in every case.



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Nyx choked as the invisble noose tightened, dropping her weapon as she grabbed at her throat.
Next, she was slammed onto the bed, still choking, and quickly restrained once more.
Definitely not the most ideal situation she had ever been in.
Wracking her mind for a response, Nyx choked out the most complicated insult her mind could think of while being deprived of oxygen:
"Golo. . .nochta. . .mootoe. . .ne linga. . .sochak. . ."
She'd picked it up from a Rhodian ex of hers, and though she had no idea what it meant, it sounded pretty nasty.
Her eyes bored into his, filled with nothing but the outmost hatred and resentment for [member="Lord Mythos"].
Her vision began to grow black as she went longer without oxygen, the noose still tight around her neck.
Perhaps attacking had been a mistake, but she'd gladly do it again.
Once the force had secured her bonds of metal and silks he let go of the noose around her neck. Turning back to the door for a second he extended his arm to bring the force collar back into his hands quickly. He lifted the device with the force and clamped it on her neck within seconds. Now it was the part where Mythos came at a crossroads with his own morality. He needed to show his authority and deliver a punishment that would not soon be forgotten, yet he hated torture and would never stoop as low as inflicting pain on a helpless being.

There were rumors of an old but relevant method of punishment for Atrisian nobles that was very humane yet he had never looked into it, it seemed odd and unusual so he never payed it much heed yet now it might provide an escape for his own personal, moral predicament. He came closer to her, his right hand enmeshing into her hair giving her sharp dominant tug. "You will learn one way" His eyes gazed from her eyes to her bare feet then back up to her eyes again. "Or another."

He knew who in the palace knew o these of ways, the handmaidens descendants of nobles, bearers of tradition. "Bring the handmaidens here, with the cutrmican"

The book encased the old ways... not even he was sure what to expect.


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Nyx gasped to get as much oxygen in her lungs as possible once the noose was released.
She had karked up, and she knew it, now. She should've waited, bided her time, but she had been rash as usual, and now she was going to pay for it, dearly.
She knew what kind of horrible things Sith did to those who disobeyed them, and she shuddered at the mere thought of the agonizing tortures that were about to be inflicted on her.
Nyx squeaked as he tugged on her hair, and she quickly averted her eyes from his intense gaze.
Handmaidens? Her mind immediately went to the thought that perhaps she would be pleasured to death, but dismissed that thought. Perhaps one day, but not quite today.
She still panted for breath, eyes roaming the room, vainly searching for any means of escape, yet knowing it was futile.
She could only wait for whatever hell [member="Lord Mythos"] would inflict on her.
Mythos awaited the handmaidens as they rushed into the room and bowed to him one by one. They brought with them a peculiar box with intricate designs and handwoven silks in it's sides. Mythos tilted his head as the strange looking box was placed beside her bed and the three handmaidens took their places, one beside her feet and the other two at their sides. Mythos began getting even more confused, their calm demeanor did not look like bringers of punishments and more like masseuses.

Mythos shrugged and sat in the corner of the room sparking a death stick and curiously looking at the proceedings. The box contained a small pack of shiny oil that he had never seen before. One hand maiden sat beside him at all times, she was the head of the lower class of maidens in the palace. "What is that oil? Acid?" Mythos asked, seeming extremely worried that such was the case.
The woman shook her head."No my Tenno, it is skiaratis, it makes the nervous system incredibly sensitive to the touch"

Mythos was beginning to understand, out the box also came two large white feathers that the handmaidens exchanged with each other after the youngest handmaiden would finish lathering the sikaratis on the feet of his bound guest. "Oh... i see where this is going"
"Yes my Tenno, in the olden times punishment was needed for nobles that would not cause permanent harm or leave markings, so the curtmican was invented"

Mythos smiled and nodded, remembering the slight giggle the girl had given back at the star destroyer. This would be interesting... indeed very interesting.



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Nyx glared at the women that entered, carrying a box. She listened to their explanation with interest.
Sensitive? What, to make whatever they were going to do hurt more? Well, she had suffered under Darth Mordred, who had broken Nyx's mind and body. Whatever they did to her, surely it couldn't compare.
Then they took out the feathers, and it all clicked for her. Her face paled, and Nyx stared at the feather with dread.
She had always been ticklish, and it had always been something her close friends ridiculed her for. But she had never expected it to come into play in a situation like this!
The woman tried to inch away in her restraints, gritting her teeth as she prepared herself for the horror coming her way.
[member="Lord Mythos"]
Before the handmaidens began their work they paused, instruments in hand as they finished lathering the oil upon his slave. Mythos scratched his head in confusion about how or what exactly was going to happen. "Tenno..." The maiden said nudging him, apparently they could not begin without the command of the King. He looked from side to side as if surprised and stammered. "You may proceed"

Upon his commands the maidens begain their work. Slowly at first they began passing the the feathers upon her body and studying the sensitive spots according to her reactions, then adjusting their strokes and movements accordingly. Mythos shrugged and crossed his legs at the spectacle, he was sure in some parts of the galaxy such torment was very costly.

Yet the slave was in for a merciless time with the delicate hands of the handmaidens attacking every inch of her sensitive spots.One Maiden was dedicated exclusively to her feet and seemed very into her job. Her delicate hands seemed to dance in rhythmical patterns, Mythos' eyes followed them almost hypnotized.



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This was hell.
She was sensitive at the best of times, but with the added oil, the sensation was simply overwhelming. At first, she had managed to keep quiet, squeezing her eyes tightly, grinding her teeth together and clenching every muscle in her body. But that didn't last long.
The giggles were quiet at first. Slight twitching of her mouth, an occasional noise. But then the laughter was echoing throughout the room, and tears leaked out of her eyes as she inwardly screamed.
The sensations overwhelmed everything, every thought, every emotion, leaving her only with what they were doing to her. It wasn't quite on the level of Mordred's tortures, but it came very close.
Her mind was blank, only capable of reeling with the bombardment of sensation.
Star systems away, on the planet of Tattooine, in a cave in the desert, a certain Miraluka was laughing to herself. Her apprentice and proxy had reacted well to her slight possession, allowing her to slowly corrupt the human girl. But then this [member="Lord Mythos"] came into the picture. He apparently wasn't a master of mentalism, or he would have detected her presence in the girl's mind. For now, she was content to simply wait, and see what the Sith's plans for Nyx were. Darth Mordred smiled to herself.
This was certainly entertaining, to be sure.
Nyx finally screamed:
"Please! Enough! I submit, I submit!"
"You said that before, then you tried to kill me with a wooden spike" Mythos said with an amused smile. As the girl kicked and screamed at the merciless onslaught on her body, Mythos took the punishment as nothing more than than casual and mild even if to the girl strapped down it was nothing of the sort. "Tenno, the oil also keeps the subject in a state of adrenaline, the subject cannot go unconscious as they would should the oil not be lathered."

Mythos nodded and smiled to her. "Marvelous! That means we can take our time here" He was not intending for this little session to end anytime soon, knowing nothing about Mordred of her possession of his slaves' mind he nodded to his hand maidens. "Continue"

The handmaiden beside her feet gave a large smile to her sisters as she turned back and with one hand held her feet in place while she mercilessly stroked and tormented her defenseless soles. The other two handmaidens had also picked up the pace, Mythos noticed that with each passing moment the torment became more and more intense and her reactions accordingly. Mythos wondered how long she would be able to withstand, she had already been broken she already begged for release, but what else would Nyx do should the torment continue? He was about to find out.

"Please Mother maiden, join your sisters, i believe your expertise would help greatly."
"As you wish Tenno"

The more mature lady slowly made her way to the squirming defenseless slave and began her work, well sharpened nails struck at every significant point. Nyx would find this maiden much more adept and expert at this particular method of punishment than either of her sisters, daft teasing lines drawn in her sensitive body through her inked skin with meticulous attention to detail, absolutely no spot was left untouched.


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