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Private Pressing Issues

The Offices of the Grand Vizier​

It wasn't the final design, for certain. It would take a lot of work and a lot of determination. But it would come together, that she was just certain of.

For now, a temporary space with all the amenities and necessities. There were few comforts afford at the Citadel, until she had the architects draw up a new suite suite of rooms, made to her specification. Fine woods, crisp lines, touches of natural beauty everywhere. On the wall, a large steel dresser, wall to wall and floor to ceiling. There were fine ledgers, books of poetry, holodramas from her youth. There was a collection of small globes, each no bigger than could fit inside her thinly-skinned hands, one for every member of the Imperial Family of planets. Some artisan had gone to fine trouble to capture details of the surface of each planet viewed from orbit. They were quite special to her.

Her desk, however, was another artisanal effort. Made of Ebus wood, it was lofty and large, somewhere she could feel the authority vested in her, somewhere she could command from. The warden of offices and suites outside were still temporary in nature and not yet suited to her purpose.

She would designate a residence for herself, somewhere she could enjoy nature, breathing fresh air, not the bitter could have Carlac where the wrong frosty could turn a man to ice.

She looked down at the schedule, the first few items already crossed off. This next one would be enjoyable. The new Press Secretary was going to be appraised. The OIT had been very select about him. She hoped he would prove them right.

She caught herself in the small mirror on top of the desk and smiled. She was sensible and tidy, a little glamorous perhaps. Her hair, bundled up neatly today was thinner than it once was but she made no attempt to hide her aging face. Some minor cosmetic adjustments here and there but every imperial woman made such choices, credits allowing.

Her voice, a commanding alto with a hint of crisp and articulate authority, akin to a school ma'am, croaked through the cold air.

"You may send him in when ready."

She stood from behind the desk, appearing as welcoming as she could and walked towards the door.

'Welcome to Carlac!' She said with glee.

Prard'ras'ath Prard'ras'ath
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Press Secretary to the Office of the Grand Vizier
Tag: Shannic Wulf Shannic Wulf

Prard'ras'ath stepped forward towards the Grand Vizier as he was invited in "Thank you, Grand Vizier, it is an honor to meet you." he made a quick but stately bow of his head before looking at her again "I am Prard'ras'ath, as I'm sure you already know, though if it is more coinvent you are welcome to call me Drasa." he did not extend the courtesy of his Core Name with most people, though she was of course not most people.

The Chiss hybrid stood with poise, his actions were well rehearsed motions, all in an attempt to make a great first impression "You have a wonderful office, Grand Vizier, almost befitting your station." a little flattery never went astray - except when it did. And almost always with Sith.
He was handsome, she thought. Not the first assessment she supposed she'd make but a pleasant one, nonetheless. However, this was business. He was flattering, no doubt. She didn't mind a little flattery-as long as it allowed a proper understanding of their relationship going forward.

"Well; Drasa it is!" She smiled warmly, extending an arm towards a set of chairs aside from her desk, arranged as a makeshift area for refreshments and more relaxed talks, away from the severity of the desk.

"This office is temporary." She looked at Drasa as she sat, leaning forward and offering various caffs and teas.

"I mean the physical office, of course. I hope to occupy the Office for some time, as long as the Emperor will allow me to serve."

She was light hearted and keeping things cordial. She hoped to foster a good working relationship with the new Secretary.

"Carlac is an interesting place to be posted, no doubt. Are you used to the cold?"

Prard'ras'ath Prard'ras'ath
Press Secretary to the Office of the Grand Vizier
Shannic Wulf Shannic Wulf

He'd follow her to the chairs and wait for her to take a seat before he took one himself "Thank you very much." he replied to her as he took her offer and picked up a tea that he held with both hands to ensure that he'd not make a fool of himself by letting it slip from his grasp. At the mention of her hopes to outlive the temporary physical office he gave her a conservative smile "Yes, well, I am sure he has picked the best person for the job."

"The cold? Hmm, I'd say that I am well equipped to handle some comparatively chilly weather - in Human terms that is. Though I much prefer mild climes myself." he took a sip of the tea and let the silence hang for a moment "I'd travel to the surface of Hoth though if that is what you'd need of me." she didn't seem like the type to order him to the Force forsaken ice ball that was Hoth. Despite this he'd not give any opportunity for his motivation to preform his duties.
She paused, allowing for a moment of almost uncomfortable silence to sit on the room, the gentle hum of whirring servos and technical consoles built within the desk the only sound from within the room.

‘How much of you is Human, might I ask? There is evidently Chiss blood coursing through your body. Was it your mother? Or your father?’

She stopped her own tea delicately, a lifetime of avoiding the unfortunate scold that can so readily occur when drinking tea too fast. She hadn’t meant to stumble into such a conversation topic but it was too convenient a chance to pass up. There would be eyebrows raised. She wanted to lift the veil as quickly as possible on the matter.

Prard'ras'ath Prard'ras'ath
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Press Secretary to the Office of the Grand Vizier
Tags: Shannic Wulf Shannic Wulf

Drasa looked a tad taken aback by the question "My apologies, I think I may have caused a misunderstanding. My father is Sephi and my mother is Chiss. I am, at least to my knowledge, in no part Human." after a few seconds he added carefully "Will this be a barrier to the position?" he had known anti-alien sentiments had run through Imperial society for centuries if not thousands of years. Though he had hoped that it would not be as severe near the top of the society "If my personnel records incorrectly claim Human ancestry I will make sure they are corrected."
Shannic balked at her own misunderstanding.

"Forgive me. I had not intended anything by my own foolishness! If I can be frank, I am in need of a great deal of rest!"

She laughed heartily, offering a small biscuit to the Secretary. The fear of anti-alien sentiment within the Imperial remnant was rife. There had been harsh laws, purges even undertaken by former entities that claimed Imperial dominion. She was certain that her administration would undertake nothing as obvious and as blatant as that. There was delicacy required.

"You were the finest candidate for the position. Your capabilities are in no doubt!"

She sipped a little, the heat beginning to subside.

"Where were you born?"

She maintained at all the times the tone of somebody trying to ensure her guest fell at ease, comfortable and casual. The thing about power is that the more it is spoken of, it is diminished. Real power lies in the unspoken, the accepted. The Known.

Prard'ras'ath Prard'ras'ath
Press Secretary to the Office of the Grand Vizier
Tags: Shannic Wulf Shannic Wulf

Prard'ras'ath gave the Grand Vizier an apologetic smile and nod of his head "No offense taken, Grand Vizier, a simple miscommunication."

"The orbital station over Dromund Kaas." he replied simply "The particulars are not well known to me. We were very..." Drasa mulled over his next word to describe his upbringing "Nomadic." he smiled "I've seen a great deal of starports and stations. Less so planetary surfaces though I cannot say I dislike the prospect of comparatively unlimited surface area."

Then the hybrid made a conversational gesture "Have you spent much time in space, Grand Vizier?"
Shannic nodded graciously at Drasa's response, appreciating the nuance in his self-description. His nomadic upbringing across starports and stations spoke volumes about his adaptability and resilience, qualities she valued highly in her administration.

"Dromund Kaas,"
she echoed, her voice carrying a note of intrigue. "A place of deep history and formidable presence. Your experiences there must have shaped you in unique ways."

She allowed a moment of silence to settle, her eyes reflecting genuine interest as she absorbed his words. The vastness of space, the transient nature of starports, and the contrast with planetary surfaces—these were themes that resonated with her own thoughts on the nature of power and place.

"I have spent some time in space," she began, her tone contemplative. "Not as much as you, perhaps, but enough to understand the allure and the challenge it presents. The vastness can be both liberating and daunting, a reminder of our smallness in the grand scheme of the galaxy. Yet, it is also a testament to our capacity for exploration and resilience."

Shannic leaned forward slightly, her posture inviting a more intimate exchange. "Space teaches us to adapt, to find stability amidst the constant flux. Much like our roles here, wouldn't you agree? We navigate the ever-changing tides of political landscapes, seeking to maintain order and purpose."

She took a delicate sip of her tea, her eyes never leaving Drasa's face. "Your nomadic upbringing, your experiences across starports and stations, they have undoubtedly equipped you with a unique perspective. One that I believe will be invaluable in your new position."

Offering him a warm smile, she continued, "Tell me, Drasa, how do you find the balance between the vast, often impersonal nature of space, and the intimate, personal connections that we must forge to lead effectively? How do you ground yourself in the midst of such vastness?"

Her question delved beyond simple curiosity; it sought to uncover his core philosophies and how he balanced the grand with the personal. By understanding this, Shannic aimed to gauge the depth of his wisdom and the strength of his character, crucial qualities for someone in his esteemed position.
Press Secretary to the Office of the Grand Vizier
Tags: Shannic Wulf Shannic Wulf

Drasa nodded slowly as he enjoyed the refreshments that were offered to him. He didn't seem to want to interrupt the Grand Vizier as she spoke.

At her thought provoking question the hybrid mulled over his response for a few seconds then said "I suppose ideals are the great unifier between here and there. Even though the area and people can be different the same banner still flies in one station to the next within Imperial space." Drasa made a conversational gesture as he continued "While I do admittedly struggle to see the direction connects there are undeniable patterns in the behaviors of individuals. So while we may give one message to the planetary factory worker and another to the crew of a Star Destroyer, our underlying message will be the same; the Empire will prevail. Or something to that effect."

"I hope my answer was satisfactory." Drasa offered

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