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Post "Smugglebug" Vizla

Name: Post Vizla, AKA "Smugglebug"
Loyalties: Prea Victoriss
Role: First love interest and best friend
Development Threads:
Age: 31
Species: Human
Force-Sensitive: Average Joe.
Appearance: Post stands at an average 6'2" and weighs about 119 pounds. Post has dark brown hair, purple eyes and white skin with freckles. His attire consists of an Imperial outfit he stole once while in Imperial custody and used to get out of it. Needless to say, the Imperials were angry.
Personality: Post is a man with a heart of gold, people tend to think he literally has a golden heart he is so nice to some of them, but normally it'd be impossible to live with a golden heart, though the thought is still expressed. Post tends to avoid any and all fights he can, but will stick by Prea if she gets into any fights herself. Post's fight avoidance stems from an incident involving a gunfight and carbonite. Post is a good man... for a smuggler. Post tends to help others with their problems nowadays, and that shows his kindness very well.
Weapon of Choice: A single T-16
Wealth: 4,000 credits
Combat Function: He usually tries to talk things out rather than get into combat, but he generally uses his gun if his words aren't enough.
Skills: He was trained by a mercenary group, but left after a few years for Nar Shadaa
Notable Possessions: a YT-1300 that was recently named "The Lucky Coin"
Other Notes: Post was frozen in carbonite from the Rebel-Imperial war till a year ago.
Also, the thread I have linked to Post is just waiting on other posters to continue it, since I thought the arena had more than enough posters in it and... I'm now wondering if a public thread would be a good first dev thread for a single NPC at all.
Ok, either way, I am still wondering if i could use Post alone in some threads, but no duels, dominions, or invasions, like Faction threads for example.

Well, I'll ask in the correct place now that my wait is over for the moment
Prea Victoriss said:
Well, I'll ask in the correct place now that my wait is over for the moment
Do not make comments like this again, alright? We're volunteers here, not employees and Codex is a a resource not a right. If you do not have the patience for our pace then do not use it; otherwise keep your mind on something else whilst you're waiting for your submission to be reviewed.

This is your only warning.


Alright after reviewing the submission I'm going to ask that you expand a bit more on the personality. So far all you've written is that they're a genuinely nice person, what else about them? How do they act in social situations, what faults do they have? If you're stuck I always suggest the writer looks at themselves or a family member for traits.

I'm going to need you to add factory and/or canon links for the weapon and starship. Although most people know what a YT-1300 is it's standard practice attach links to such things for reference.

Seeing as they were frozen during the Galactic Civil War I'm going to ask that you expand on their history a bit. I expect at least two paragraphs. What were they doing? How were they involved? What lead to them being frozen in time? The more details you give the more likely I am at approving this. Also please be aware that your NPC should not have been friends or acquaintances with any of the major canon characters like Han Solo or Luke Skywalker. They didn't fight Darth Vader to allow the Rebels to escape Hoth and never made a backdoor deal with Jabba the Hutt. Keep it simple and avoid messing with the holy ground.

@Mention me when you've made those edits.

[member="Prea Victoriss"]
Anja Aj'Rou said:
Do not make comments like this again, alright? We're volunteers here, not employees and Codex is a a resource not a right. If you do not have the patience for our pace then do not use it; otherwise keep your mind on something else whilst you're waiting for your submission to be reviewed. This is your only warning.
I know, I had a question in the wrong place, and i guess I worded that horridly wrong. Also, I'll work on the other stuff while I wait for Darth Anarchis's rank transfer, and seeing how it is being done by memory and a massive revamp to get current, I can wait for that pretty long. Also, I do normally have the patience, but when it gets late, I start getting a bit tired and my feet ache from standing on a hard floor.

~Prea's writer

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