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Possible New Species

Does this idea have merit?

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Well-Known Member
So, I recently saw the Gargoyles TV shows old ad, and it got me thinking..

I could make that! And keep it balanced!

Some ideas I had:
  • One of two breeds would bear remarkably high Force potential - after a certain age
  • With age their skill grows
  • However, their skill sets would be entirely limited - Non Elemental, Little Illusions
  • But countering this is a loss of movement - after true adulthood, they would be slower than the stereotypical senior (thus non physically capable)
  • Basically would be a massive target, and little else, in battle
  • During night they would reach a hibernating stage where their movement is limited on an even larger scale
The others:
  • Would bear practically zero Force talent, but higher physical prowess
  • With age their strength, speed, etc, would grow, with a loss of even more Force ability
  • At adulthood, mentalism becomes their greatest weakness - to the extent an acolyte could manipulate them with concentration (non counter able with accessories), as well they lose almost all Force power
  • During the day their physical capabilities are cut in half
As a whole however:
  • They can glide - no true unassisted flight due to heavy weight
  • Bear intensely sharp claws
  • Are physically intimidating
  • Each entity has a single point in their life where they are able to make a hybrid species, through a bite that infects the bitten person with a high concentration of a toxin that alters the persons genes
This is hardly even a work in progress, more so an idea I came up with in about six seconds. All ideas to alter are welcome.
[member="Fos Misao"]

I'm not going to give you a detailed breakdown, but basically remember three things:
  • Weaknesses must be properly balanced against strengths. I count psychological weaknesses as very small compared to physical.
  • I don't like the idea of a species having two such radically different sub-sets. How would this come about? Either bring them together or make them separate species.
  • Be very clear on what your intent for these are. I can and have denied species because the intent was 'it sounded cool'.

I'm not saying points 1 and 3 necessarily apply here, but keep them clearly in mind.

Overall I'm encouraged by the idea of a gargoyle species, and playing with night and daytime roles, so I'm hoping you get the balance right.
[member="Valiens Nantaris"] [member="Fos Misao"]

I find the prospect of a possible Vampiric-Gargoyle esque race really appealing. But as my overlord boss said up above theres some things to remember when designing this or any race:
  • As my boss said it's critical you balance weaknesses against strengths. If I could give you some codex advice don't count psychological weaknesses among them, they might be fun to RP out but we don't really count them much when compared to strengths. Think of them like this: If I was fighting this species in a fight, what weaknesses would come into play or impair them? Get one strength down and then a weakness, one strength and a weakness, by matching each strength with something equally and opposite in weaknesses you'll easily get over this hump.
  • Intent. Making a race just because the idea sounded appealing or you saw it on a TV show and thought they looked cool are really not the best ways to go. I can tell you from experience we get a lot of ideas right off the bat from seeing things we like. For example after seeing Captain America Civil War I was tempted on using the Winter Soldier as an FC and idea for a new character, but after thinking on it awhile I realized I couldn't handle a new character. I was far too busy and also my muse about that idea died completely, it was a spur of the moment idea. Make sure before you ask the community here if this is something you want. Also ask yourself if this is something you will continue to focus on in your story. That is important that you know you will continue to follow through with this and it isn't a spur of the moment idea because for a week or two it'll sound good, and then it'll just end up as another approved codex application collecting dust not being used. This'll save you loads of time if it is a spur of the moment, and it'll also save your muse too.
  • For this species I'd suggest avoiding the radically different sub-species aspect. If you really want to I'd suggest taking the approach of one species, two different cultures of peoples. That way you can have one society that's different in its values, beliefs, but still shares all the same biological abilities as the other one. Characters will get to have different flavors coming from each group. Just my suggestion and as my slaver, benevolent dictator boss said you could always make them two similar yet different species if you wanted.
All in all its important that you remember the idea in its core is for you. I would take the results of this poll with a grain of salt and do not use it to gauge the validity of whether or not you should make the race. If you lose interest or if you believe down the road its a flash in the pan type of idea, don't do it. Not even if this poll showed a unanimous yes. Your making this for yourself first and the community to share in your idea, your not making it solely for the people to enjoy, that will make this feel like a chore if you are.


Well-Known Member
[member="Valiens Nantaris"] [member="Darth Prazutis"]

Dual subs could be done. Maybe one was Force bred, the other a creation or something.

Thanks for the input Overlord and Underling


Well-Known Member
Decided on the dual path, this is what i got so far. No history cause i hit writers block on that, but ill get to it.

Any advice? [member="Valiens Nantaris"]




  • | First: Pinterest |
  • | Second: Imgur |
  • | Third:Tumblr |

Name: Draigon

Designation: Sentient

Homeworld: Tera Lush

Language: Galactic Basic, Dragosh

Average height of adults: 2.31 Meters

Skin color: Color Spectrum | Rarest: Albino

Hair color: Brown, Black, Red, Yellow, etc

Breathes: Type 2

  • Force Ability Growth: With each year of their life passing, their power grows heavily. While in the beginning their power is meager, by adulthood their power is extravagant - even the weakest are note worthy.
  • Eidetic Memories: The memory of each is near perfect, dating back to mere moments after creation.
  • Gliding: With the innate wing set found upon the species, they are capable of gliding for long distances.
  • Bite: For each being, one time in their life they may bite another, infecting them with a venom that will incapacitate the other. When they awake, generally months - to years - later, they find their genetics have changed, to be a perfect hybrid between they and the beings own genetics. The Hybrids as well may indeed possess the Bite, but not always.
  • Moonlight: When in contact with moonlight they're mobility is cut in half - depending on contact amount, age, and the like, this can be a detrimental problem.
  • Mobility: With age, just as their power grows, their mobility lessens. At youth they move just as any other, but by early adulthood are reduced in strength and speed to less than average, and by stereotypical senior status, can not move at all.
  • Mentalist Abilities: Unless one dedicates their life to the art, and defenses against such, their mental prowess is so minor that an acolyte can control them with concentration.
  • Sith Lightning: The emotionally fueled power of the darker ilk is more than able to damage the being, with the barest of connection. Generally this power knocks a being unconscious with prolonged encounter, but for the Draigon it is deadly for longer than seconds. A single second of contact knocks them unconscious, leaving temporary muscle damage. Longer grows worth with each moment.
  • Technologically Retarded: You will never see the average Draigon piloting a ship, building computers, handling technology or the like. After extensive tutoring, this can be countered to certain degrees.
  • Oxygen: Like a human that has a certain requirement for oxygen to nitrogen ratios, these guys cannot have a higher concentration of oxygen than 8%. Once past that, they begin to be sick, after 19% prolonged exposure is absolutely deadly.
Distinctions: Odd pallor to whichever color of the skin, horns, wings, digitgrade legs

Average Lifespan:
  • Purebred: 1,230 years (Adulthood reached at 35, senior at 500)
  • Hybrid: An added 200 years to their own prime genetics
  • Purebred
  • Hybrid
Estimated Population:
  • Purebred: 10,000
  • Hybrid: 3,000,000+
Diet: Omniverous (Greens, fruit, meat)

Communication: Basic, Dragosh

Culture: Surprisingly, despite their homeland, their Culture is one that tends to be of solitude. You may occasionally find them within range of their own, but regularly they decide to avoid their own kind, and even occasionally all others. Its believed this might be due to their knowledge of their weaknesses.

Despite their seclusive natures, they as a general ideal, tend to be the 'sages' or 'wisemen/women'. The Purebloods tend to spend a great deal of their life's learning all they can. It isn't sure why this is, but believed possibly due to their progenitor's creation - in other words its believed the Force wills it to be so.

Considering their position on seclusion, the next bit is a true oddity: if they come upon a woman of their kind, she is treated as a goddess. Again, unbeknownst as to why they do so, it is an encompassing trait, from woman to woman as well. Hence when the Bite is delivered from man to woman, it is basically the greatest binding bond imaginable; in many ways it is even more sacred then marriage for their kind.

Technology level: Pre-Gunpowder Earth Equivalent, in other words they have tools for building, masonry, as well as artistic items, but no weapon beyond that age

General behavior: As said in culture, the species tend to be calm, wanting more so to learn than to do battle. That being said though, threats are handled with extreme prejudice. Whether that be toward their own, friends, or their belongings.

They act hungry when hungry, bored when bored; as in no outstanding behaviorism than those mentioned.


Notable Player-Characters: na

Intent: To create a unique species, one that has balance, unlike the majority of those I have previously made, that truly equalizes it. Basically, I want to make a species that can be enjoyable to write as a comrade, yet bad ass enough that people wouldn't have issues facing it. (Looking at you Andolith submission..)
[member="Fos Misao"]
I'm not here to pre-judge things. That's what submitting things is for.

Others are welcome to comment though.

The one piece of advice I have is...don't make your intent snarky. That's never good.

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