Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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As she had begun to have more contact with the Jedi of the Silver Sanctum, the Padawan thought it would be a good idea to take a tour of the Voss Academy just to see how they trained and communed. She had heard...stories that had piqued her interest.

During her tour, she took some time to spar with some of the Silvers there. With her unique brand of Niman, she had been able to edge out the few opponents she had faced so far in saber combat. She then decided to mix it up with some polearm weapons, messing around with a trident. She had experience with staff and spear, but handling the three-pronged trident was a little bit different. While she got the hang of the trident, she practiced alone, flitting about dishing out slices and thrusts at imaginary threats.

She was in near constant rotation, making evasive maneuvers at the same time she lashed out with the trident, minimizing her exposure while also attempting to best position herself to exploit openings. It was a style she had developed during her years of fighting against the Sith, as she encountered several opponents who could handily neutralize a lightsaber. Better to dodge than to make an attempt to block and leave yourself open for a nasty surprise like a particle bolt. To become as slippery as the wind.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Arisa Yune"]

Matsu heard a sound while she was in the temple, they had been working on several of the projects and she had some new ideas for what the jedi under her who worked with her on different expansive projects would be able to do. First thing was first they were upgrading and working on new pieces of equipment to augment lightsabers and provide new parts for them. Specifically in the power flow and ways to not waste energy but recycle it with more energy at a higher level. The gincho cell was the first step to get them more power and the lens they were working on should focus the blade sharper to cut better. She was moving through the hall into the area when she saw one of the new members she had never seen before. "Hello padawan."
She felt a new set of eyes upon her, then paused in her practice as she was greeted by another Jedi. Though she had no direct interaction with this particular Silver, she knew of the leader of Sasori by reputation. The massive conglomerate did a lot of business with the Republic and KSU, and was also a benefactor of the fledgling Republic Order.

She planted the butt of her trident next to her left foot as she stood straight before her senior, then bent over slightly in a respectful bow.

"Greetings, Master Ike."

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Arisa Yune"]

Looking at the girl whiole she stood there and clasped her hands behind her back. She looked at the trident with a raised eyebrow at it but she had seen others use such a weapon. It gave the jedi master a few ideas of what they would be able to make before she walked into the room. "Greetings padawan Yune. I hope everything has been going well for you." She was moving to look over the different things they had in the order here and it was very different from the republic or the academy. It provided them plenty of things to try and work with.
"It's been going great so far," she said, loosening up a bit after greeting were exchanged.

Unlike the enclave on Yutan, the Voss Academy was much more lively, populated by Jedi undertaking their own training or just going on with their lives. There was a real community here, something she had missed since being forced to flee Coruscant more than a decade before.

"Practicing with some weapons. The dojo has a quite an extensive collection."

She wasn't tied down to her lightsaber like many Jedi were, so she was willing to try out new things to see what worked best for her.

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Arisa Yune"]

Matsu bowed her head to that just having the traditional weapons you might face in the order could be very limiting. A lightsaber was great but not everyone had one. Some used blsters, spears, swords or some of the more exotic things that could be a danger. "Well we hve been trying to expand the ideas of the jedi. Not everyone they face is going to use an energy weapon or a lightsaber. It is better to teach them when they are young how to identify and face against other weapons, armor or in some cases species themselves." Matsu was looking around and she moved over standing there a moment to show the different weapons. "Our weaponmasters compared to some of the other orders are much more working on creating an armory."
"A Jedi is much more than their lightsaber," she agreed. Arisa didn't even have a lightsaber of her own. The one she did use was just a spare she had collected a Sith she had slain long ago. She had long made modifications to the hilt, like a crystal change, but it had never truly felt like her own weapon.

Yes, your collection is all quite impressive. I'm growing quite fond of this trident."

Feeling more comfortable in the presence of Matsu, she gave the trident a playful twirl, then flicked a switch to cause the trio of prongs to expand and collapse. In an
opened state, visible sparks of electricity could be seen along the prongs. The vibro-head could punch through armor, or deflect a lightsaber.

"So what brings you here today, Master?"

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Arisa Yune"]

"I am usually around, it is for a chance that will be able to help out the padawans where I can. Though I am also working on seeing what is needed and what we should be able to do improve upon. I know a number of ranger's want to develop some more defenses since everyone just walks in and magics past the ships and stations in orbit." Matsu shrugged and looking at the trident with a small look on her face when she was focusing her senses on the area around her should and would be needed to let them do whatever is needed when she picked up one of the smaller disc blades.
"Well, if you're looking to help, then this Padawan would certainly benefit from your assistance."

She hadn't come to Voss Academy to play with weapons, but learn from their best to become a better Jedi. If she had been stronger, then maybe thing could have turned out differently. She hated leaving Suravi alone with the Republic, but she felt like she couldn't be much help against the Dark Siders of the Sith and the Mandalorians until she completed her training.

"I've been doing alright on my own, but one really can't tell into they face off against a real opponent."

Arisa wasn't anything special in comparison to some of the more gifted Padawan here, who, in incredible feats had been able to best more seasoned masters with overwhelming surges of power. She had skill in the
Force, but mostly relied on her wits to seize the day. It would be no different here, potentially against one of the most recognizable Jedi of the Silver Order.

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Arisa Yune"]

Matsu looked at her and if there was a chance that they would be able to work on it. Working around the temple itself and in some of the areas before she moved around. "I think we could do some things then. While I have a number of things to next with some of the new robes we have been making it does get tiring so some of the other new products or areas." She moved bringing it up on a display as the hardlight projectors in the room appeared. "The Voss temple itself has become a fairly nice and impressive place where you are able to work on things. We have been setting up a number of the equipment used to develop in our other labs across silver jedi space."
"I don't know how much help I could be with your projects, but I do know my way around a workshop."

During her time at the
Courscanti temple, she had received a proper education from her Jedi caretakers, rivaling courses offered by the best institutions in the galaxy. There were few things that the Jedi valued more than knowledge. With knowledge came a greater understanding of the world around them, and that understanding could, in turn, be used to better resolve conflicts throughout the galaxy. That was her interest in learning, anyway. Her focus had been with machinery and technology, in the hopes of pursuing revitalization projects on her native Plexis.

"So, then would you mind a sparring session with me? Since we're on the topic of projects, there's one I had been wanting to test."

She collapsed the prongs of the trident one last time, then sent it flying back its rack with a wave of her hand. From behind her, she summoned a thin case she had brought with her to the dojo, containing what was going to be her new lightsaber, still very much a work in progress.

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Arisa Yune"]

SHe was looking at her and a few ideas until she gave a nod of her head speaking. "We can." Matsu stood there and she moved her hand taking a lightsaber from her robe while she was looking to see what the padawan was doing. With all of the movement she was letting her mind go to a calm place. The internal meditation that was used when she wanted to work with the others like Claire. Some of her others ones while she watched Arisa prepared allowing her saber to raise up unactivated when she kicked her geta off to the side. The force going through her body focused and mind detached from all of it. "Whenever you are ready."

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