Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Discussion Poll Feedback

So it's been a while since I posted these 2 polls:
The one for non-Mandalorian writers
The one for non-MU Mandalorian writers
They're still open if you want to respond but this is to address the responses which I can think of a response for.

Firstly, to the one Mandalorian writer who replied to the non-MU poll:

Hit me up and I can sort you out with some thread(s) if you want.

Now in the other poll, 5 people said they would consider writing a Mandalorian character and while some were held back by personal reasons, I felt I could at least attempt to address some of the issues.

Question: If you would write a Mandalorian, what is holding you back?
Response 1: Legends lore, IC culture, language barrier, no Force Powers, Clan conflicts, planet obsession, Beskar is a crutch meta, etc.

I can't do a lot about Legends lore or IC culture so fair but there is nothing to say you can't have a Force sensitive Mandalorian (though they aren't looked upon favourably by some clans/individuals) and we have a Force User subfaction in the MU called the Beskar Brotherhood. Clan conflicts are definitely present but I wouldn't say they're a huge part of writing a Mandalorian. There aren't many clans that have rivalries that I can think of. The most notable division among clans is the fracture of House Vizsla which has probably 4 different splinters, one under the MU, one under Deathwatch, one under the CIS and I don't know of any but there could be independent Vizslas too. This is arguably the most complex House/Clan on the site but for the most part I don't think there is much clan conflict that I have noticed.

As for planet obsession... What's a bit of healthy patriotism between friends? Yeah, I'm not sure what to suggest with that one but about Beskar being crutch meta, yeah it can be but if you wanted to write a character who doesn't have Beskar or whose armour isn't fully Beskar then that's not uncommon nowadays, especially since Beskar is pretty rare. There are writers who use other metals, an alloy of somekind I think, maybe Durasteel...? Someone with more knowledge on this than me can pitch in. For language barrier, I'm not entirely sure what you're getting at but if this is about people writing speech in Mando'a using a translator then yeah I'm not keen on that myself, I usually do a < > either side of speech and say "they said in Mando'a". I'm not keen on Mando'a being used outside of a few words/a common phrase.

I know I haven't answered you entirely there but hopefully that's given you some new insight?

Response 2: Probably the complexity of Mando allegiances and history on the board. I've tried Mando characters and haven't gotten off the ground because of this.

As I said above, from my knowledge House Vizsla is the most complex group of Mandalorians on the site in my opinion but aside from that there are 4 main Mandalorian factions/groups that I'm aware of: The Mandalorian Union, the Enclave (under the CIS), Deathwatch and House Vizsla of Roon (under the CIS) then there are independent Mandalorians who don't fall under any of these. If you don't like the complexity, steer clear of Vizsla. No one can do anything to change the complexity since Mandalorians will always be splintered as everyone has different goals and ideals so if this is still an issue for you then

All I can do is try and explain it but I understand not everyone is happy with complex allegiances but honestly I don't think every Mandalorian writer is even aware of all of the allegiances because it's just not relevant for some.

To conclude to these people and any others who share similar thoughts and anyone who is considering writing a Mandalorian character but doesn't know where to start or is intimidated by the lore or for whatever other reason then my inbox is always open if you want help guiding through the lore or creation of a character. I am a very easily confused person and I've managed to keep up with site & canon lore for the most part. I'm not so sure about the old major Mandalorian faction and what happened with them because it was before my time but everything recent and current relations I'm knowledgeable on.

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