Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Work In Progress Sith Shocktroopers [Character Contest]


  • Intent: To codify a new army for the Factodex Contest of 2023
  • Image Credit: TBD
  • Role: Elite Special Forces Unit/Militarized Security Force
  • Permissions: [Please link any Marketplace purchase or similar approvals to use other Writers' content as part of this submission.]
  • Links: [ Provide links to any relevant threads, characters, companies, locations, etc here. Canon or otherwise. Especially obscure references, or events important to the submission.]
  • Unit Name: Sith Shocktroopers
  • Affiliation: TBD
  • Classification: Elite Special Forces Unit/Militarized Security Force
  • Description: TBD
  • Specialized Troopers | Final Dawn Sith Troopers are designed to be a Specialized class of Infantry for the Final Dawn, capable of performing multiple roles such as garrisoning worlds, engaging in offensive ground actions against enemy ground forces and boarding actions within enemy warships in space. They are the primary Infantry Unit of the Final Dawn and as such are often the spearhead of any ground offensive form the Final Dawn Army.
  • Ruthless and Relentless | The Final Dawn Sith Troopers are Ruthless in their pursuit to serve the Final Dawn and the New Sith Order often being as brutal and destructive as their counterparts within the Marauder Tribes and other subgroups within the Maw. They will stop at nothing until their objectives have been completed and will lay waste to anything and anyone who stands in their way, for the glory of the Final Dawn and the New Sith Order
  • Fanatic Loyalty | As is the norm within the Final Dawn, all Sith Troopers have been indoctrinated to be fanatically loyal to the Final Dawn with any sense of individuality removed from them. They have no free-will of their own and have been subject to flash-training and loyalty conditioning as part of the indoctrination process to ensure their total devotion to the Final Dawn and the cause of the New Sith Order above anything else including themselves.
  • Unconventional Warfare |
  • Fanaticism |
  • Force Users |
[ Include a description of the unit's history here. How they were formed and by whom, past noteworthy battles, moral affecting defeats, where they are stationed if applicable, etc. ]

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