Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Please Do Not Feed the Trees

“I’ll give each of you one of these, if you promise to leave me and my stuff alone for the whole time we’re here,” Ishani said, raising her voice slightly to be heard over the rumble of the shuttle as it breached the atmosphere.

The two acolytes sitting across the aisle from her each glanced at the small rectangular black box Ishani held in her hand. “And just what is in the box?”

“Alchemized perfume samples.” At their snickering reaction, she pursed her lips, but stubbornly forged on with the pitch. “Five different ones, each with its own effects. One of them can increase your ability to use the Force, another can make you more persuasive, and—”

“That’s nothing a good amulet can’t do,” one of them interrupted. “Or just, y’know. Using the Force.”

“Really Sibwarra, you’ve got to stop doing this on every trip,” the other said, smirking. “Nobody wants your bottled pheromones."

Ishani bit her tongue. She wanted to snap back that it was definitely more than fething pheromones, and she hadn’t been doing this on “every trip”, just the last couple ones. She hadn’t made anything worthwhile before then. While everyone else and their mother was forging weapons and armor and cool gadgets, she had tried to combine her hobby with the alchemy curriculum. She had tried to do something different. But doing something different didn't mean she earned any favors.

While the two acolytes ignored her and went back to chattering amongst themselves, Ishani put her sample box away and sank down in her seat, putting a pair of sunglasses on in an effort to hide her eyes and look cool simultaneously. But since they were still inside, it probably just made her look like an idiot. She snatched the shades off and threw them back in her bag, fidgeting impatiently. The shuttle had no windows to look out of, so she couldn’t tell whether they were close to landing or not—

The shuttle came to a jarring stop. Yelps and groans sounded from the passengers as they were jostled. Ishani’s ears popped as the door was thrown open, abruptly changing the cabin pressure. At the front of the cabin, she saw the figure of Darth Neferu (or “Ms. Nef” as some of the more daring acolytes called her, though never within the Sith Lady’s earshot) rising from her chair and raising a hand to silence them.

“Everybody out,” she commanded. “Now.”

Dozens of safety harness buckles clicked. Bags were grabbed and footsteps echoed down the aisles as the students scrambled out of the cramped shuttle. Clutching her bag to her chest, Ishani hesitated, waiting for an opening so that she could enter and ride the current, but nobody stopped to let her in. She wound up being the last person out.

At last she stood on soft grass instead of a durasteel walkway, squinting against the brightness of the noon sun. To prevent anyone from planning ahead, none of the acolytes had been told what planet they were being dropped off on, only that it was remote and dangerous. Ishani had heard rumors that it had been used as a testing ground for Sith experiments decades earlier, and the woods were now populated by mutant monsters. Knowing the Sith, it was probably true, and some of them were about to die a very unpleasant death. Herself probably included, given her track record.

She fished around for her sunglasses now that she actually needed them, but of course they had mysteriously disappeared amid the junk at the bottom of her bag. Neferu was already addressing the group, running through the usual objective ("Survive.") and rules ("Do whatever is necessary."). Dressed in full body armor and glaring at them, the Sith Lady made it clear with every syllable she uttered how much contempt she had for every single one of them. The only people in the galaxy she loathed more were her superiors, the ones responsible for putting her in this position. They had forced her to babysit a bunch of disgusting, pathetic teenagers and obnoxious, hormone-addled young adults when she could be out on a battlefield somewhere slaughtering vermin and bathing in the Dark Side. Personally, Ishani thought Darth Neferu was kind of mean, but not quite as bad as some of the camp counselors she'd dealt with at summer camp as a child.

“The last time you were tested, one of you killed her peer,” she sneered. “I’m sure you know what happened to her. The Worm Emperor’s children are few in number. Despite the traditions of the Sith affording that only the strongest may survive, we can’t afford to have our students openly murdering each other during training. Make no mistake, we will be watching all of you. If anyone raises their hand against a fellow acolyte, they will die.” But everything else, be it stealing, threatening, extortion, manipulation, cheating, or sacrificing your fellow acolytes to the hungry gods of nature and/or the Dark, was free game. Ishani hadn't had to deal with much more than thieves pilfering the contents of her pack, but she had... heard things. Bad things. Things which she actively sought to avoid with her offers of alchemized gifts, dreading such possibilities more than anything else she might encounter in the wilderness.

Neferu gestured toward a pile of food, medicine, water purifiers, inflatable tents, waterproof bedding, and various other gadgets laid out on a tarp. “This time, you have been provided with a limited number of items. First come, first serve. Dismissed.”

Ishani was nearly trampled in the ensuing stampede. She hung back, not wanting to get hurt, but she knew that if she didn’t, there would be nothing left. Sucking in a deep breath as though she were about to dive underwater, she rushed forward, reaching out with one hand until her fingers closed around the edge of a plastic bag. She grabbed it—but someone else pulled it in the opposite direction. The bag tore open, spilling its contents onto the ground. Just as well, since Ishani lost her footing and fell over. She fumbled around in the dirt, her fingers closing around what felt like a bottle of some kind, and snatched her hand away just before a boot landed where her hand had been. Scrambling backwards, she put considerable distance between herself and the orgy of greed and desperation.

She found her feet again and stood up, looking down at the bottle in her hand. Energy pills. She nearly killed herself putting her hand into a pile of supplies, and all she got for it was a bottle of energy pills. She already had energy pills, packed away in her bag. So did most of the other acolytes, probably—which meant they were pretty much useless even as a trade item.

Annoyed, she would have thrown the bottle in disgust—had it not shattered in her palm first. She shrieked, jerking her hand back and letting the jagged shards and pills fall to the ground. It wasn’t as if she had closed her fist around it and squeezed. The bottle had cracked spontaneously, as though crushed by an invisible force. Her Force, she knew, but unintentionally.

She wiped frantically at her sweating palms, afraid tiny pieces would embed themselves there, only to whirl around startled as she heard the engines of the shuttle fire up. Neferu and the crew were leaving. Everyone else was gone. Ishani was alone.

The boy hadn't said much at all during their journey to Force-knew where.
At the very back of the transport he had found his place beside much of the supplies, and bunkered down in the seat he'd unearthed there with his buckle on and a slim tome open upon his lap. To any who might have observed him there, though few strayed their eyes so far back in truth, he'd appear particularly interested in just three of the pages, at varying stages throughout the book itself, one near the front, one just a couple from the end, and another lost near the center.
Toward the end of their journey he pulled out a couple of small items from his satchel and set about working on whatever project had crossed his mind. Etching tools were the first to be brought forth, those and a small slither of crystal which reeked of unnatural properties. Synthetic, most likely. That was his specialty after all. He'd never been one for melding kyber into his work.
He barely even noticed as the shuttle jerked into a landing position, it wasn't until they were balked at that he seriously started to consider moving. Project was replaced to his pack, tome too, and tools, and then he rose up upon unbuckling and shouldered what he'd brought. From there he followed the rest off the ship, his mind humming with its usual symphony yet also accompanied by the marching song Grundark Grundark had graced he and Noelle Varanin Noelle Varanin with while they hunted Sithspawn together.
It seemed oddly fitting.
Out into the bright day, his eyes took a moment or so to adjust. Survival. It was always survival. Thesh had more experience in such than most his age though, especially when it came to odd planets on the edge of the Galaxy, filled with unknown entities and threats. He'd lasted Force-knew how long in total isolation upon one such world, which was far removed from the throws of natural order. Time had dragged out and simultaneously slowed while he had been lost there, decades had passed in the known Galaxy while for him mere months were all he'd lived through.
But months alone, forced into a true survival-of-the-fittest scenario, brought with it many tricks.
As the items were presented to the group, Thesh was one of the few who didn't even try to take anything from the pile. In fact he didn't stick around to see the ensuing bloodbath at all, he turned away from it and ventured off into the forest around the landing point. The only sign he had that they were now alone was the sound of the shuttle taking off once more. They weren't really given a purpose here, there was no hidden task outside of surviving however long it took for the shuttle to return.
And that suited him just fine.
For all his haste to disperse from that main area, he didn't go very far from it. He hung around in the shadows of the trees, and observed as the rest of the students dispersed too. There was no rush, not for him at least. He wouldn't be faffing around with inflatable tents and the like, he'd never been afforded such a luxury on such excursions before now. He'd make do without.
But he couldn't help but be curious about the others. So he watched, and tried to gauge them from a distance. With any luck he'd find some source of inspiration during his time here, or maybe a creature he could subject to his whims. If nothing else he could take the time to work further on his project, once he'd set up a bushcraft base of course.
Eyes drifted to the sky. He still had a little time before he'd find himself pressed.
Ishani started out by clambering her way down a rocky slope leading further into the woods. After getting her feet caught, scraping her hands raw, and very nearly spraining her ankle in her rush to reach the bottom, she looked to her left and saw… a much less trying route down that she could have taken, if she had only bothered to look around before she leaped. Er, climbed.

Grumbling to herself, she tried to get her bearings. Just from a quick survey of the area, she thought they might be near a valley. Valleys usually meant water, and Ishani was eventually going to need water once her supply ran out. Problem was, everybody needed water, and that meant fighting and other more diabolical means of sabotaging the competition, like poisoning the water supply and giving everybody else magical dysentery. Rainwater could work, but it wasn’t raining and Ishani didn’t have any fancy doohickeys that could draw moisture from the atmosphere. It occurred to her that she could try and use the Force, so she stopped, held up her hands, and tried to feel the water molecules in the air... but gave up after several minutes with no signs of progress.

A blur of white out of the corner of her eye drew her attention. At first she thought it was just a really big cloud of dandelion-like fluff blown on the wind, but then she saw that it had little black eyes attached to a fuzzy white head.

Is that thing real? That… is the cutest thing I’ve ever seen. Her eyes were glued to it, following the creature as it floated past her. Wow... watch it try to rip my face off… but at least it’ll look adorable doing it... hey, is that a ginger standing over there in the bushes?

Her stream of thought was interrupted by the sound of footsteps approaching from the other direction. She whirled around.


Naan coughed. A Zabrak kid about two years younger than her, Naan was technically her alchemy lab partner. They had a nice arrangement; he did anything which required refinement, while she did all the research and planning and tried not to break any of the bottles and beakers with her misfiring Force connection.

“Hey, Isi,” he greeted. “Uh, I have a favor I need to ask you.”

She could tell right away by his tone that something was off, but her response was one of concern rather than fear. Whenever they wound up on the same shuttle, he had neither helped nor hindered her—in fact, he usually stayed away, so this was definitely irregular. “Okay. What do you need?”

“Could you give me some of your stuff?”

“Uh… why?”

“I ran into Dinah and Bendik, and they took everything I had. I need some of yours.”

“But I don’t have enough...”

“Just give me your bag—” He winced, softening his tone. “Please don’t make this difficult.”

Oh. Oh. She was always slow to realize what was happening, picking up on the warning signs too late. Far worse, though, was the fact that he didn’t look the slightest bit remorseful or ashamed. In fact, Naan was smiling. A nervous, slippery smile. Ishani’s eyes narrowed to slits. Without a word, she unshouldered her pack and beat him over the head with it.

“Ow! Isi, stop it!”

She only hit him once, and that on pure impulse. Mostly because she was afraid she might damage the contents. Nor did she didn’t really want to hurt him, but she didn’t know how else to deal with this betrayal. “I thought we were friends,” she spat.

“If we are friends, then why won’t you give me your—”

That’s not how it works!" Even as the words came out of her mouth, she was eating them. What did she know about how friendships worked?

She felt a ripple in the air as he called her bag to him, yanking it from her grasp, then turned and ran away from her. Furious, she started to stretch towards him, intent on venting her wrath… when it occurred to her that, in her current state and with her poor control over the Force, there was a very real possibility she might kill him if she tried. Then she’d be up chit creek without a paddle, in addition to no longer having any supplies.

She deflated, watching him run, his Force-enhanced speed turning him into a blur, knowing she couldn’t catch him. Or maybe she could, if she got creative, but thinking outside the box was the furthest thing from her mind right now. She was angry, bitter, and embarrassed that she had even allowed this to happen in the first place.

What was she supposed to do now? Just keep going? Nobody was going to help her. The other acolytes wouldn’t even give her the time of day. Judging by what had just occurred, they had every reason to avoid her. She was an idiot. It was a miracle she had lasted this long. Besides, wasn’t survival all about being independent and self-sufficient?

It took a little while, but she gradually stopped wallowing in misery and self-degradation. Her palms smarted from friction where the leather straps had slid from her fingers in places she had scraped her skin on sharp rocks earlier. While she enjoyed nature, she was not a survivalist. All of her brief experiences and knowledge had been dependent on the use of tools and technology. So her best bet… was finding someone else who still had these manufactured luxuries, and taking theirs. Doing unto others what had been done to her. She didn’t like it, but if it had to be done…

Looking around the woods, she remembered seeing somebody nearby. Not someone she knew. A stranger… were they even still around? She tugged on the Force, waiting for a response. If they were, they may have witnessed that whole little scene with Naan. Maybe she could play to their sympathies. Or maybe not. At least now she didn't have anything to lose.

There was a tug back. She started toward it, not sure what to expect, until that same figure in the distance became visible once more.


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His thoughts were interrupted by the sound of two conflicting voices. One male, the other female. At first there was a quiet tenderness to the words, that made it all but impossible to truly make out what was being said. He wasn't intentionally eavesdropping after all, the voices just happened to drift toward him. And yet soon enough their problem became his problem as they grew harsher and he turned his attention toward them.
Peering through the trees he watched as the girl struck the boy with the bag, and the topic of friendship arose. She sounded genuinely hurt. He sounded conflicted. Almost as though he hadn't initially intended for this to happen. Perhaps he was being coerced. Perhaps she had simply misjudged the level of their friendship. It wasn't his place to say.
He merely watched as the boy ran off with the bag, and whatever contents had lain within it. The thought crossed his mind to stop him, to reclaim that which had been stolen, but he didn't much want a target upon his back. He wasn't here to make friends, he was here to get through the trial they had been presented with. He'd always done well enough on his own during such things, why should that change now?
As a result, with one last glance at the moping girl, he turned and began to head away. That was until she spoke.
Her words were directed at him. He just knew it. He could feel her presence in the Force, tugging curiously. With a slight sigh he shook his head and, against his better judgement, turned back toward her and headed through the trees into the clearing she stood within.
"He make off with everything?" he inquired, tilting his head to the left as he regarded her properly for the first time. Thesh wasn't so foolish as to let his guard down, he knew how Sith were and if she was here then she was Sith. But he wouldn't be rude either, wouldn't simply ignore her. That wasn't his way.
The boy in the bushes actually came over to her—she nearly ran into him on her way to his location. “Oh, hey—” she blurted, stumbling slightly.

He spoke. It was clear that he had seen and heard everything. Even though it would work to her advantage, she still felt her cheeks burning.

Since he was taller than her (like most people) she tilted her head back slightly to look him in the face, shading her eyes from the sun with one hand. He was actually a rather nice-looking fellow, with a nose as straight as the tip of a sundial and full, sensualist lips. The moment she took notice of his chiseled features, she lost the ability to look him in the eye, too intimidated. The most she could manage was watching his mouth, which was easier on her neck, at least.

“Yeah. He took all my stuff,” she grumbled. “I hope he gets blood poisoning and dies.”

Actually, had he taken everything? Raising an eyebrow, she reached into her pockets and pulled out… a bunch of extra perfume samples she had forgotten she had. Hooray, the day is saved. What was she going to use perfume for in the jungle, bait to lure some wild animal to come and eat her?

“I don’t… um,” she fumbled, already losing her nerve as she stared down at the little glass vials in her palm. “I don’t know what to do without any supplies. So… do you… have anything to—anything that you could spare? Or, um, I could… trade you for these.” She held out her open hand and stood there for several seconds, staring at his chin, before she remembered to explain what these were.

“It’s alchemized perfume samples.” She held up a vial, reading the label. “This one can be used against spirits, Netherworld entities, that sort of thing. They can’t possess you if you wear it—it repels them. And, uh… this one will enhance your connection to the Force, but only a little bit. I haven’t quite perfected it yet. There are a couple others…” She trailed off. What was she doing, rambling about her perfumes? Nobody else cared, why would he?

Falling silent, she waited for some kind of response from him to her awkward, stammering spiel. She expected he would tell her to get lost. Or worse. Hopefully not worse.

As the girl almost ran right into him, Thesh forced himself to a stop though his pace had been slow already; he peered down at her, given how close they were and the fact that it necessitated a tipping of the head for her to look at him, and similarly inspected her features. Ethereal in truth, if he did not know what she was he'd be hard pressed to presume as much. Alas, he did know. No trickery here, not today.
But then she hadn't run into the callous sort of Sith. He'd never been one for crushing others underfoot to ensure his own victory.
"No," he said, all the same, when she inquired as to whether he had anything extra. "Nothing to spare, but..." He pondered for a moment, as she brought out her bargaining chips. One eyebrow rose in curiosity, in response to such. A hint of intrigue flashed within his eyes. "But enough to share, perhaps. Provided you don't mind the company of a stranger, that is."
He shrugged, because truthfully whatever she decided had little effect on him, and then once again turned his attention to the vials.
"Don't cease your explanation on my behalf. Intriguing, I'm curious... What of the others?"
As someone who loved nothing more than to dabble in his own experiments, he knew wholeheartedly how it was she must have felt in that moment. Uncertain, insecure, sure of the fact that he'd have no interest in what she was invested in. Yet that was far from the truth. Most Sith looked at their projects as unnecessary and time wasting. Unless it could assist them in some great manner, such as a Sith blade or some great power-bestowing amulet they wanted little to do with it.
But Thesh knew better than to presume any project too small or unsuspecting.
Uhhhh… okay,” she mumbled, perhaps making the decision far too quickly and without much forethought. As far as she was concerned, she didn’t have much of a choice. “I mean, I don’t mind, I guess. Er, where are you headed?” She wasn’t sure if he was as hapless as she was, or if he had everything all planned out. He certainly didn’t seem nervous. Maybe a little bit guarded, but that was to be expected.

She started to walk again, thinking he would follow, when he asked about the vials. That took her by surprise, that he would express an interest in it—enough that she dared another glance his way, wondering if he was just humoring her. Well, why not? Might as well pass the time with conversation.

There’s one called Infinity that provides an energy boost,” she said. “It functions sort of like caffeine, keeping you awake. It’ll keep the people around you up, too, provided they’re within range of the projection or the sillage—projection is how big the radius of the cloud of scent on you is, and sillage is where other people can smell you even after you’ve left the room. It lingers.”

Popping off the sealed cap, she sprayed it once on her wrist. The nozzle was teeny tiny, and the spritz didn’t spray very far, but the air around her began to smell vaguely of mint, caf, and something vaguely floral. “Perky,” she said, feeling a little lighter. Not quite happy or buoyant, but more energetic. “I should’ve named it ‘Perky’ instead. But I guess ‘Infinity’ is more marketable, and clearly, I am a supreme businesswoman.

Picking up the last vial, she pulled the cap off that one too… only to remember that it contained alchemized pheromones. She immediately put it back on, eyes wide. Nope, don’t want to spray that one. “This, um… it makes you more likeable. Works kind of like a Zeltron or a Falleen’s physiology, though it’s got some extra stuff in it, too.” She sighed. “It’s the most popular one I’ve made. People seem to think it’s some kind of love potion, even though that’s not quite how it works...

She didn't seem so certain but given what had just transpired he figured that made sense.
As she questioned his plans he lifted a hand to gesture through the trees and upward, and if one peeked that way just right they'd see the crest of a hill not too far away. "There," he said, with another of his shrugs, "It'll provide a vantage point and it's better defensible than ground level."
Most would want to remain in the cover of the trees. Heck, when he'd first been lost to the wilderness he'd tried such himself. But other creatures also prowled the shadowy underbrush of the forest. And there you couldn't see them coming. No. The hill was ideal.
He began to lead her in that direction, reaching out with the Force to try and ensure that they weren't being watched or followed by sentient or non-sentient alike. Every now and then his gaze would stray to the girl, listening to what she had to say, truly giving her his attention, though he did also have to keep an eye on which way they were headed.
As her perky substance lingered in the air he nodded a couple of times, the scent was reinvigorating. He felt a slight spring to his step, as though some of the energy he'd been lacking following their lackluster journey here had returned anew. "Supreme," he attested with a nod, as she moved on to the next vial.
An amused smile played over his lips as she fumbled over the final one. "People are always in such a rush to gain the attention of the one," he offered with a shrug, "Even if there's little substance behind it. It makes sense, though it's decidedly drab... Even if such a thing did exist, a potion to make it so, I imagine the lack of any true connection would still strain it."
He didn't rightly care though. Thesh had never had time or interest in that side of life, he was married to his studies so to speak. Even so he was glad she hadn't sprayed it.
"How long have you been developing these? They're fascinating. I can see some true potential there..."
Huh,” she muttered, gazing out in the direction he had pointed to. “That does look like a very nice hill. Very… hilly.

She just appreciated the fact that there were trees and grass and water in this place. She hated deserts, yet the Sith Academy was on Korriban, an entire planet of nothing but desert. A hot, arid ball of sand. Coarse, rough, irritating sand…

A grin crossed her face when he echoed “Supreme”, only for her to quickly cover her mouth with her fingers. She made it look like she was scratching her nose, but it was obvious she was self-conscious about her smile and trying to hide it. Phew, that perfume was a kick in the pants. She wanted to do cartwheels and dance around wildly, but the presence of her companion prevented her from doing so. Speaking of which: “I didn’t catch your name. I’m Ishani Sibwarra.

That short little speech about pheromones almost made her feel bad for making the stuff. “Well, let’s put it this way. It’s like playing roulette. The results are unpredictable.” She held up the vial. “I could’ve sprayed it, and it could’ve been completely ineffective. No change whatsoever. Or it could’ve had only a slight change—then it’s just conducive to friendship, I guess. The lovey-dovey stuff only happens around twenty-five to thirty percent of the time, so…

Eager to get off this uncomfortable topic, she tucked the vials back into her pocket. “Not very long. I only got started… less than a year ago.” That sounded like bragging. “I was already making regular perfumes without any magic in them,” she quickly added. “I mean, the Force. Not magic.” She felt like she’d been talking about herself for too long already. “Are you into alchemy? What do you like to do?

While he replied, she heard a sudden sharp noise. It was an animalistic cry from somewhere up ahead of them, like a squeal or a squawk of pain.

Maybe those alchemized stimulants she was breathing in had emboldened her, or maybe she just didn’t like how it had sounded, because she wasted no time in heading toward the source of the noise, regardless of whether Thesh followed her. "I'm gonna go check it out." Leaves crunched under her feet as she walked, her pace at least somewhat cautious, toward a clearing. It wasn’t long before she spotted a large plant. It looked like a flower, the bud still closed… except the “bud” was wriggling and making noise as if something was caught inside.

She gave the plant’s “petals” a few tentative yanks with her fingers, but it wouldn’t budge. Reaching out with the Force, she jerked it violently open. Out popped the same fluffy white creature she had encountered earlier. It was alive and yelling still, but laid there motionless on the ground. She saw what looked like yellowish blood leaking from a wound in its neck. Wincing, she reached for it—only to jerk her hand away. “Hey, don’t shock me!” she exclaimed, shaking out her stinging fingers. “I’m trying to help you, you fluffy little bastard...

"Very hilly indeed," came his amused response, with a nod to accompany it. The pair walked through the underbrush thankfully relatively undisturbed. No doubt those who had seen to it that she be accosted for her belongings had thought it best not to stick around in the immediate vicinity. Thesh thought that was a damn shame, but he wouldn't be seeking out issues just yet. They'd get theirs soon enough.
"Ishani," he said, allowing the name to become familiar upon his tongue. It took him a moment or so more before he realized he needed to give his own name back. "I'm Arcturus. Though most know me as Thesh." He was trying his best to adjust to the new name he'd given himself, but more often than not he'd simply fall back on that which he knew. Thesh was who had been for the longest time, and before that he didn't even really know his name. Still, Arcturus was his own given name. Best he get used to it.
"Remarkable for just a year of work. Yeah, I dabble... Nothing specific, not yet at least. I've made blades and pendants and golems..." And sand, but who wanted to hear about sand? He shrugged his shoulders. He'd been doing this for quite some time but it had never really been his focus. That would change. He'd make sure it changed.
That noise drew his attention from present conversation, and as she hastily moved toward it he joined her, picking up his pace in order to keep up with her. He found her stood before some carnivorous plant, a ball of cotton-looking fluff upon the ground between her and it.
Electrifying, it would seem, for it shocked the girl.
"Careful, if that plant was trying to eat it then it might try to eat you too... What is it?"
Arcturus Thesh. That’s catchy, although… isn’t Thesh a letter of the alphabet?” She expected he got asked that question every time he introduced himself, which was probably annoying. She didn't want to annoy him.

Skip ahead to the incident with the fluffy thing. “I think I killed the plant,” Ishani muttered, still crouched before the creature. “Or at least, I ripped its mouth off.” Although just to be safe, she reached out with the Force, yanked it out of the ground, roots and all, and flung it away… or tried to. Now all of a sudden the Force wasn’t working for her. “Great. Phooey,” she muttered. “Guess I’ll just have to get fluffy here out of the way…

Her hands hovered skittishly over the screeching cottonball, trying to pick it up but afraid of being zapped again. “Wish I had rubber gloves or something that could absorb electricity. You don’t have anything like that, do you Mr. Alchemist?” she asked Thesh. “Or… could you calm it down with the Force? I’m bad at this.

It never occurred to her to question why she was bothering to try and help an injured animal, especially one that had succumbed to a natural predator. Well, maybe she did give the matter some thought.

I dunno what it is, but it’s cute so I’m gonna save it.

No sooner had the words left her mouth, she heard a twig snap under a boot heel behind her.

"It is," was all he said on the matter of his name, for what else could he say that was not a lie? He didn't dwell on it any more than that, though. It didn't matter. Hopefully she'd feel the same way.
When she began to fuss over the creature he simply stood and observed. The plant she claimed was destroyed, though when she tried to ensure the deed was well and truly done she faltered. Force troubles? Curious. This wasn't the first individual he'd come across that couldn't always harness it, though Alina Tremiru Alina Tremiru couldn't at all. Ish he knew could. Just not right that second, apparently.
Thesh turned to observe girl and fluff ball.
He reached out slowly at her request, and channeled the Force through to his hands as he picked up the small creature. Static was released upon contact, but he drew upon the lessons of Arthos Vynea Arthos Vynea and absorbed it into a new manifestation of the Force, releasing it in the form of a pull through the Force to completely uproot the devilish plant and send it into the woods and out of sight. With any luck that would kill it.
"Easy now, little thing," he said, with a soothing tone to boot, he'd never been particularly good at dealing with creatures though Mel had definitely helped here or there. She'd always been good with them. The snapping of a twig had him turn around to face the noise, and the creature once again zapped in its own surprise at both sound and action.
He released it, not having fallen upon the usage of Tutaminis this time in his distraction, but caught it through the Force before it could land upon the ground. It hovered there between he and Ishani Dinn Ishani Dinn though he tried to keep it closer to her so that she could tend to it as she wished, and narrowed his eyes into the darkness of the trees from whence the snapping had come.
"Who's there?" he asked, and instinctively he reached for his sith blade...
Thesh was easily able to get rid of the plant, then absorbed the puffball’s energy and said something kinda cute to it. “I’m sorry,” Ishani apologized for no reason, then followed it up with a half-hearted dirty joke in an awkward attempt at diffusing the tension. Tension that only she felt, insecure as she was about her haywire Force connection. “I got that Force… Force impotence. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t, and there’s no pill I can take to fix the problem, heh…Ugh, Ish, that sounded so forced...

Luckily (er, unluckily) they were interrupted by the arrival of strangers. Ishani gasped as Thesh nearly dropped the puffball, then caught it in midair. Her hands were cupped just beneath it; now she turned her attention to examining the wound in its neck. A small puncture wound, not very deep, thankfully, but for such a tiny creature it might be serious. She wished she had a medkit. Thesh probably had one, but right now he was dealing with… Naan, Bendik, and Dinah.

Oh great,” she muttered sarcastically, rising to her feet with the puffball in her hands. “Here come the three stooges.

“Somebody’s still mad about getting robbed,” Dinah replied. She was a Dathomirian, bald-headed, gray-skinned, covered in tribal markings, very scary looking. Bendik, conversely, was a blond human from a noble family, smooth and unmarked all over, his hands soft and unworked. Naan was trailing along between them, looking sheepish. None of them were carrying bags, having stashed them away somewhere hidden while they went hunting, but all of them were armed with either knives and daggers, or in the case of the rich kid Bendik, a holdout blaster he had bribed onto this trip.

“I was right,” Bendik said, speaking in a posh Serennian accent that bordered on snobbish. “She led us right to the next one. How do you do… goodness, I can’t even remember your name. But what is it that kooky little butterfly girl calls you? Mr. Sandman?”

“Give us everything you’ve got, and no one gets hurt,” Dinah interrupted, cutting straight to the chase. Already, though, either Naan or Bendik or possibly both were yanking telekinetically on anything attached to Thesh, be it the blade in his hand or his other belongings.

"I'm sure it's an easy fix," he assured her, with an easy smile, though obviously he was unable to linger on the subject for too much longer. With the puffball above the girl's hands, he released his hold of the Force and it settled down gently enough that it didn't feel the need to spark her. Without the creature to worry about Thesh stood completely upright as the trio came upon them, eyes narrowing toward them.
Without thinking, without a word, he put himself between them and Ishani Dinn Ishani Dinn and brought his knife from its place upon his belt. It bounced up and down lazily within his grasp. Of all the things he'd brought with him it was the only really moveable object, the satchel was firmly upon him and his lightsaber was magnetized in place.
No the only thing they could get from him was that blade.
In fact he was rather banking on it.
"I have nothing to give the likes of you" he informed them rather bluntly, though there was a calmness to his tone. He didn't seem to care that the numbers were against him. "And you're not going to hurt me."
Confidence blossomed within him, and as the knife bounced up once more he watched as it was torn from the air toward the blonde boy. The Force swelled around Thesh in that moment, and rather kindly he helped it along with a push of his own, directing it toward them. His dagger turned toward the end at his urging, pointy end now facing the trio and headed straight for whichever one of them had done the pulling to begin with.
He didn't make any move to try and stop it, or to stop them from attempting to snatch it. He just observed.
Hooray, I’m useless, Ishani thought glumly as the encounter escalated. She’d received the bare minimum of combat training, receiving poor marks in everything but archery—she’d packed an energy bow with her in her pack, but that was gone now, out of her reach. Her eyes darted from person to person as they geared up for a throwdown. Mostly she watched Thesh, wondering idly if his surge of confidence was natural or the result of Infinity lingering subtly in the air. Feeling energetic did tend to translate into confidence and bravado.

When he let go of the blade, however, she didn’t know what to think. “You can’t kill anyone!” she exclaimed, afraid of what hot tempers among the Sith did to their common sense and reason. The blade floated precariously into Naan’s hands; he narrowly caught it in a fumbling grasp, blood trickling from his cut palms.

“Quite right,” Bendik said, raising his blaster. A stun bolt arced toward Thesh and Ishani.

Ishani gasped and reached out to the energy, willing it to stop before it hit either one of them. It stopped… and then ricocheted like a firecracker. She yelped, clutching the fluffball to her chest and stumbling backwards, thinking Thesh probably could have handled that better.

The trio were caught off guard. “What the feth—?” Dinah could be heard saying, as they all alternated between trying to contain the wild energy and simply trying to avoid being hit by it. Eventually, Bendik managed to dissipate it with a wave of his hand, his expression tightened with aristocratic annoyance. Clearly, he had thought this would be easy.

It was Dinah who struck next, closing the distance between herself and Thesh in a stag’s bound, her dagger flashing as she slashed at him. Ishani blinked in shock at the viciousness behind it, but didn’t bother to repeat her obvious “we’re not supposed to kill anyone” warning. Mostly because Bendik was coming for her. Naan, still clutching Thesh’s dagger, was standing by, bleeding quite a lot.

“Hello, Miss Sibwarra,” Bendik said, smirking coldly. “What’s that you’ve got there?”

An injured animal,” she replied truthfully, her tone filled with bitterness and loathing. There was a personal edge to this confrontation. Bendik knew she hated him, and he was taking advantage of it, distracting her.

“How very kind of you. Unless you’ve gotten so desperate you were planning on making a meal out of wild game.”

Wild game,” she mocked, mimicking his accent. “Why don’t you leave us alone?

He clucked his tongue. “And here I thought you used to have a crush on me. What was the excuse you made for that? You were playing around with pheromones and alchemy, and got a few wires crossed?”

Yes,” she snapped. “That was until I realized what a disgusting pig you are.

“Disgusting? Hardly—” Before he could finish, she had kicked him. Grunting a little, he retaliated by punching her in the face, knocking her to the ground. The fluffball in her grasp squawked as she struggled to get up, dizzy, blood streaming from her nose, Bendik looming over her through blurry vision. “And I think, Miss Sibwarra, the only pig here is you.”

To his credit, he managed to get the whole sentence out before he was blasted halfway across the clearing, launched by a tidal wave of Force energy emanating from Ishani’s outstretched hand. She was still lying on the ground, tasting blood in the back of her throat as she pulled herself into a sitting position and tried to get her bearings.

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Thesh allowed Naan just a few moments with his stolen prize clutched within that bloody hand.
Then, when the girl launched herself his way, her own knife in her hand, he loosed just a slight tug of the Force and his dagger rematerialized in his grip. Blood was such a wonderful catalyst, it was moments such as these which made him appreciate it all the more than he otherwise might. The connection he had to his blade because of such could transcend the very fabric of time and space. It wanted nothing more than to be in his grasp.
So it was.
He sidestepped the girl and began to circle as Ishani Dinn Ishani Dinn dealt with the rich boy. His concern spiked as she was punched square in the face, but he had his own problems in that moment to tend with. With any luck she could handle herself. Oh feth he hoped she could handle herself. Her hold of the Force again proved itself rather flippant and uncontrolled, as Bendik was thrown back and Ish too felt some of that blast. The rest of them were knocked by it though Thesh and Dinah did a better job of remaining on their feet.
Mostly because they were planted firmly in the earth, as each stalked the other. He outstretched his senses, keeping an eye on Naan and his bleeding hand. No doubt he'd try and make a move at one of them soon enough.
The wave of Force did leave a brief opening in concentration though, and after it struck them he pushed forward and lashed out with his blade toward Dinah. He aimed for her arm, close to the hand, in hopes that she'd drop her weapon. He didn't really want to fight them, certainly didn't want to run the risk of killing anyone.
Or being killed.
"This is foolish," he said, whether or not his strike landed, "Let's stop this before it goes too far..."
Naan blinked at his now empty fist, blood oozing out from between his clenched fingers. He looked down at the ground, and all around, before he finally saw the flash of the blade in Thesh’s grasp. This was almost immediately followed by the shockwave of Ishani’s willy-nilly telekinetic blast throwing him onto his back several feet away from where he’d been standing, knocking the air from his lungs.

Dinah didn’t move away from Thesh’s jab. She leaned into it. The blade missed her wrist, slicing deep into her upper arm, drawing a jagged line of blood as she made a grab for the boy’s throat with her empty hand, the one with the blade down low. He spoke just as her fingers gripped skin, her knife attempting to embed itself in his side, taking advantage of his reluctance to harm her. It would be a non-lethal wound, but it would hurt very, very badly—provided he didn’t move too much and cause her to miss her mark. And if he did, well, technically he had drawn first blood. They made allowances for killing in self-defense.

Something lashed through the forest like a bolt of lightning out of a clear blue sky. Dinah’s lips pulled back in a snarl, expecting to deal with another one of Ishani’s hiccups—only for her body to go rigid and collapse like a ragdoll, stunned by a bolt from Bendik’s blaster.

It wasn’t Bendik who had fired—the Serennian boy appeared to have been knocked unconscious by Ishani’s telekinetic push. Naan was holding the blaster, with a look on his face that indicated he had probably been trying to hit Thesh, but was now forced to roll with the consequences of his bad aim.

“Okay,” he said, still holding the gun pointed at Thesh. Or at least, in Thesh’s general direction. “Okay, this… it’s over now, right?”

Ishani blinked. She had been sitting on the ground, her nose gushing blood like a broken faucet, watching Thesh and Dinah fight and growing frustrated almost to the point of tears when her attempts at summoning the Force again all fizzled out. Now that Dinah was out of the picture, she called out to Thesh in the muffled, nasally tones of one who is pinching their nose between their fingers to quell the blood flow. “Are you okay?

He didn't move in time.
If he'd been paying a little more attention he might have, but he was distracted after his own strike landed - admittedly not where intended - he wanted to make sure that Ishani Dinn Ishani Dinn was okay, and that decision cost him. The knife stuck in his side but thankfully there wasn't too much of importance there, not that a short blade could get to. Still it hurt like nobody's business, caused him to cry out.
Before he could fully react beyond that Dinah was thrown backwards, and Thesh tore his gaze away to find Naan stood there with the stun blaster in hand. When the boy spoke he allowed a small amount of relief to wash over himself, and then lifted his free hand to grasp at the wound.
"Yeah, it's over," he grunted, stepping back away from their would be foes and toward Ish. He returned his blade to its sheath and then offered that same hand down to get her back up on her feet. He didn't release the wound, maintaining pressure upon it. "I'll... I'll be fine... Let's get out of here."
He hoped that Naan would simply let them go. Further fighting would be foolish, though right now he did technically have the upper hand. Didn't seem like he wanted to push his luck though.
"You okay, Ish?"
You’re bleeding!” Ishani exclaimed upon spotting the wound in Thesh’s side—rather a funny thing for a person with a bloody nose to say. Like the pot calling the kettle black. “Thesh! Bleeding is not ‘fine’!

With his blaster trained on them both, Naan stood there awkwardly as Ishani hurried over to where Thesh stood. “My nose might be broken,” she replied, carefully lowering her hand from her face. “But you got stabbed.

Her first thought was to slap one of her healing concoctions on both their wounds, but then she remembered that all of her gear had been stolen by the same degenerates who did this. She swore. “Naan!

“Huh?” Naan said. He wasn’t even sure why he was still standing there.

Where did you put my stuff?

Her stuff? Oh yeah, the stuff. “You’re in no position to be asking that question,” Naan said, starting to back away.

The fether now had everyone’s stuff. This situation had worked out completely in his favor. Ishani couldn’t think of anything bad enough to call him. She clenched her hands into fists, only to wince as she heard the fluffball squawk. Opening her hand, she peered down at the creature. It was still alive and kicking, only a little crippled by its wound, perhaps just enough to where it couldn’t float away.

Following Thesh as he headed in the opposite direction, she found that she no longer cared about Naan or her stolen things. “Does it hurt?” she asked. She had heard him cry out in pain, and his expression looked strained even now. “I could, uh… I could try something. Unless you have a medkit, or…” She was back to feeling useless again; fussing over Thesh and his boo-boo at least gave her something to do.

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"Oh," he said, as though the thought hadn't occurred to him before now. There was a slightly faraway look in his eye. "Yeah..."
When she reached his side, and revealed her bloody nose, his gaze seemed to sharpen and concern rose within his expression. The other two on the floor had not moved yet, but he could sense that they were alive. Just... stunned? Dazed? Quite frankly he didn't care.
"We'll get your things back," he breathed, watching from the corner of his eye as the other boy scurried away with his prizes, thankfully Thesh still had his pack slung in place, though he didn't know how much in it would be of use right now.
Thesh managed to walk a little way away from the site of conflict before he slumped against a tree and slid down to a seated position. The bag was removed from his back at the same time, and he dropped it lightly at his side. "Help yourself" he told her, closing his eyes and leaning his head back against the bark of the tree. There were a few first aid things in there, if one was to rummage through the two books, some project pieces, and other items.
"How's your nose?" he asked, peeking open just one eye to snatch a glance at her.

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