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Plazma - Tech Solutions

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Canon Link: N/A
Development Thread: N/A
Primary Source: N/A

Corporation Name: Plazma Technology Solutions
Headquarters: Varonat.
Locations: Edgefields-on-Varonat, Varonat, and Cloud City, Bespin.

  • Prototype weapons and armour

  • Experimental power and shield technology.
Tier: Tier 2

Plazma is an independent, civilian company in name only. In reality, they have been a front since their inception. Plazma is a state-owned business, run by researchers from the First Order Security Bureau. Plazma does not concern itself with manufacturing, but instead employs a cadre of scientists and engineers for the research and development of new weapons. The reason Plazma is known publicly as a private business is so access to resources and contributors outside First Order territory can remain open. This ability to collaborate between factions allows for tremendous technological leaps, and prototype technology is quickly acquired by the Security Bureau and, if viable, is manufactured en mass for future use.

Plazma doesn’t have any manufacturing infrastructure of its own, and thus can only make a few of each prototype. It is up to the boffins of the First Order to take the tech, and simplify it to a level where it can be mass produced.

Plazma fell into the hands of Madelyn Lowe following her blistering ascent to the position of Governor of Varonat, following the Alliance invasion of the system. Her subsequent rise in influence and increased association with the Security Bureau on the planet gave her the political clout needed for an acquisition of this nature. After that it was simply a matter of diverting a few resources to fund the purchase, and Plazma was hers.

Madelyn aims to expand their operations, and increase her influence in the Ison corridor through economic means, by taking control of FOSB resources, funding technology, and gradually absorbing more and more Government assets. For Madelyn, Plazma is step one in undermining the power of the other Governors, particularly that of the world of Bespin.


  • N/A

Parent Corporation: N/A, First Order affiliate.

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