Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Planet Categorization/Descriptions of IC Changes to Canon Worlds

Placeholder 0123

I'll keep it short.

Since I have joined Chaos, I've made more than one blunder assuming a planet was the same as it was in its canon state.

As writers, we develop worlds, destroy them, war over them, etc. The issue therein being that it is often hard for writers to recall the state of those worlds, and it causes issues.

So, I think it would be a good idea to have the writers that own/have effected particular worlds to post changes to those planets. That way the changes are archived, and easily viewable for everyone on the board.

I am willing to do this myself if people will tell me the changes to their worlds and such, and if there is something like this already and it has gone entirely over my head, please let me know.
[member="Graxin Rade"]

This is what the Lore Forum is for.

Lore Creation

The Lore Creation forum is an area where one can codify and cannonise IC and OOC events on the board into the general Codex structure.

In here you will be able to list and have approved pivotal events in the SWRP universe.

As this area is open to a bit more subjective biases than other areas, keeping a neutral and as objective a tone as possible is recommended. Submitters attempting to submit unsupported or biased entries will see their submission denied. Repeated transgressions may see a Codex ban.


Currently the Lore Creation Forum is only accepting submissions of internal Faction related material and background fluff for player created species and planets.

For factions this includes, but is not limited to:
  • OOC and IC changes of power and challenges.
  • IC events within the faction.
  • Dominions carried out by the faction.
  • Notable development threads and tech submissions.
  • Other 'historical' developments which should be recorded in the site's lore.
For Fluff this includes, but is not limited to:
  • Historical events before or during the board's time-frame. This includes timelines, genealogies, chronicles or ruler lists.
  • Cultural, artistic or religious information.
  • Profiles of important character who are either dead or not given an NPC submission of their own.
  • Journals, prose or other IC material.
  • Anything which relates to the background, description or elucidation of existing species or planet submissions.
You must be the original writer of the species or planet sub to post a Lore Submission about it!
The only exception to this is when the original creator posts in the submission to allow it.
This is an exception to the usual rules about posting in other people's submissions and only one post will be allowed.
These rules will be strongly enforced.

Only this small band of submissions are being allowed because we are unsure as to whether this concept will work. If it proves successful the scope of submissions will be broadened.

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