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Approved Species Plaguetrooper

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Darth Perennial


  • Intent: To submit an offshoot variety of Sithspawn that will form the basis of Perennial's legion.
  • Image Credit: Star Wars: Commander
  • Canon: Project Blackwing
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Links: N/A
  • Name: Plaguetrooper
  • Designation: Semi-Sentient
  • Origins: Florn
  • Average Lifespan: 5-10 Years (Decomposition Becomes Unmanageable)
  • Estimated Population: Semi-Unique
  • Description: Very similar in appearance to Blackwing infected the Blackroot offshoot is a modified virus only transmittable by injection and with somewhat altered physiological parameters. They are 'programmed' not to react with violence to Sith and their minions although these artificial impulse controls are not always completely effective. Plaguetroopers are faster yet weaker than typical infected and more capable with blasters as well as other basic war machinery.
  • Breathes: Types I-III
  • Average Height of Adults: Humanoid
  • Average Length of Adults: Humanoid
  • Skin Color: Greyish Green
  • Hair Color: Black/Grey
  • Distinctions: Plaguetroopers are extraordinarily resilient to physical trauma at the cost of accelerated decomposition and spontaneous mutations. They lack most of the self awareness that a typical humanoid might possess but still comprehend base animal drives and how to follow simple orders.
  • Races:
    • Mutant - Most who undergo 'treatment' do so with mixed results. Plaguetrooper Mutants are good for cannon fodder and very little else.
    • Scion - Some exposed to the modified virus manage to hold on to a greater modicum of cognitive function. Plaguetrooper Scions are stronger, smarter, and often better equipped.
    • Behemoth - In a few rare cases subjects suffer an extreme adverse reaction which causes spontaneous and uncontrollable muscle growth as well as floods the emotional brain centers with rage. Plaguetrooper Behemoths are half-ogres and not to be underestimated in a test of physical strength.
  • Force Sensitivity: Non-Sensitive
  • Diet: Carnivore/Cannibalistic
  • Communication: Groans
  • Technology Level: Basic Manipulation
  • Religion/Beliefs: None
  • General Behavior: A lot of mindless shuffling around that could very charitably be called 'patrol' or 'sentry duty'. When not required the mutants will commonly dig their own graves due to a mild sunlight aversion only emerging at night. Scion culture is barely more advanced and very primal, territorial plaguetroopers will often lash out at other infected they perceive as weaker. Behemoths are kept locked away during transport and to be avoided at all costs in their natural environment for their rage is totally indiscriminate even sometimes overwhelming their Sith indoctrination.
  • Sir Groan Sir - Trained not to turn on the Sith Legions or their masters. Mostly.
  • The Fast Kind - Unlike Blackwing infected plaguetroopers retain much of their motor control.
  • Remedial Marksmanship - Doesn't require time to learn how to use a blaster.
  • They Drive Now? They Drive Now! - Able to operate basic speeders and tanks. Not very good at it. Still too dumb to fly a spaceship.
  • Dazed and Confused - Only able to follow very simple instructions. Easily outwitted.
  • Weak Zombie Punch - Does not have the Blackwing strain's mega strength.
  • Can't Make Babies - Noninfectious bite. Only way to make more is in a Sith lab.
  • Rapid Decomposition - Not so very immortal. The Blackroot strain accelerates normal decay until after a few years a plaguetrooper is no longer useful.
In exchange for cult recognition and slave fodder the Blackroot virus is product of an agreement between the corrupted neti Uro Saa and Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex . Perennial is a recluse and one of the Sith Brotherhood only insofar as he does not care to oppose them. He is uninterested in conventional power but rather sees the mastery and corruption of nature as his ultimate purpose. To that end Project Blackroot is both an attempt to satisfy his obligations to the Empire and further his greater understanding of the mortal cycle.

Most who undergo the treatment will suffer some kind of spontaneous mutation or necrosis but there are less common reactions that serve their own purpose as elite troops or enhanced berserkers. The virus is on average more 'intelligent' than common Blackwing in that newly infected are able to fire blasters and even operate vehicles albeit poorly. However in other ways its original formula has been stunted. It is only transmittable by a medical procedure and the infected's mega strength as well as longevity are acutely impacted.
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Zak Dymo

Darth Perennial

I'll be doing this review for you. I like the zombie aspect of this submission overall, there are just a few points that I think will help to clarify this.

1. Permissions and Links
  • Permissions: /
  • Links: /

I'll need a narrative response here. If this is meant to be N/A, please so state.

2. Elaboration on Strengths.
  • Sir Groan Sir
  • The Fast Kind
  • Remedial Marksmanship
  • They Drive Now? They Drive Now!

These seem like the names of tropes. Can you elaborate just what you mean by this? What should "Sir Groan Sir" mean to your reader? How does it contribute to the overall strength of this species?

Similarly, "The Fast Kind". Does this refer to cognitive ability or locomotive movement?

I presume "They Drive Now" suggests that this species is able to operate vehicles. Just how complex of a vehicle? A land speeder? Air speeder? Starfighter?

3. Elaboration on Weaknesses

Similar to my comments, above, regarding strengths. I'll specifically note that Plaguetrooper Behemoth's are noted for their physical strength, yet "Weak Zombie Punch" is stated here. Could you elaborate on how that factors into the weakness of this species?

Those are my thoughts and I look forward to yours in reply. Please tag me when you've completed any edits.
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