Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Pirates and Vagabonds

Viera stood on the bridge of her flag ship, She had called on the Dragons's Maw, and her favorite Bounty hunter, who she was trying to get placed in the Imperial Knights. She wondered if perhaps even the emperor wanted in, she had place the call out for anyone with skill enough. She got several responses. She had approved only select ones. A raid on the pirate gang, referred to as Lok's Gang, they were rumored to be in this sector, and had plagued their supply ships. Viera just hoped that this wasn't too much of a response, She sighed as she watched the screen, She was the runner of this show, and she hoped that the Dragon's Maw and those working with them had a plan. She only knew that most of the forces were in a heavily fortified base full of stolen goods. She smiled as waited for a response. She hoped that old man knew what he was doing with this hit. She didn't like this hands on approach to stopping pirates. " General report in, Everything is in place. "
"This is Tiamat Command, Roger that. We're green to go. Waiting for your signal to release the decoy craft." It was a classic game of bait and switch. Pirates by nature were greedy, the decoy ship was going to send out a distress beacon they couldn't ignore. Just to spice it up, the manifest would read that it was carrying goods from the Emperor's personal stock. No pirate in their right mind could pass it up.

The droid piloted ship was a sitting duck waiting to be plucked. But under the cases of sub quality wine was enough knockout gas to put an entire base to sleep. As soon as the pirates boarded her, and began to unload the cargo they would trigger the trap and get knocked out. The Dragon Maw swoops in and using the pirates own ship head back to their base after the pirates were in custody.

Once inside the enemy base, they could launch a two pronged assault, with the Imperial navy providing gun support and preventing them from fleeing like rats from a sinking ship. The plan was good and solid and all it needed was a green light.

"Command Control, I repeat Tiamat Command requesting permission to proceed."
She heard the radio come in and smirked. She was glad that the Dragon Maw was in command of this operation and she only hoped that it worked as well as the plan she had approved. " Tiamat Command, This is Command Control Permission proceed is granted repeat, permission to go ahead is granted. " She looked out into space knowing somewhere some pirates were about to have a rude awakening. She couldn't wait and of course her trusted squad was at control so she was a ease, This was going to be an interesting operation, She looked over the computer monitors showing the vitals of every member of this mission, She was not going to let this go bad.. on her word, two more strike forces were ready to intervene, of course that probably wasn't needed but it never hurt to be ready. They needed to take out this group quick and quiet. Whe knew what other operations they might have.
The first phase went off without a hitch, as he suspected the pirates greed overcame their natural caution. Latching on to the external hull of the enemy ship with hi-mag gloves and boots, he and his team of Dragons quickly boarded and subdued the unconscious pirates. Once they had securely transferred the prisoners on board their shuttle craft, they engaged the pirates autopilot to take them back to the lair.

Once the 'pirate ship' had entered the enemy lair, Alexander suddenly engaged its weapons systems and fired on the docking control before they realized what was happening, preventing the pirates from closing the outer blast doors and signalling the waiting Remnant forces to begin their attack.
Viera was only too happy to give the word as the shuttles blurred into the shuttle doors, There were hundreds of stormtroopers in the waiting and she figured 100 had landed.. So she gave the rest orders to halt, She figured that should be enough for now, It didn't make sense to put all your eggs in one basket. She watched the vitals as they engaged the pirates in the hanger, hoping that this all went well, after all everything was better with little to none casualties. The pirates wouldn't know what hit them.
Fingers of light danced around Alexander as he lead the charge down the hall to the main control room of the station. Blaster bolts zinged mere inches away but he did not flinch. The sight of several black armored figures closing down on them was enough to break the courage of the rabble and they began to surrender. In moments it was all over, "Command control, this is Tiamat Command over. Bridge is secure. Enemy has surrendered."
"Tiamat Command, this is Command Control, You have orders to check for nearby bases and take over them as well, as secure any resources possible. " Viera looked over the reports coming in. It was a clean mission but it wasn't over yet, with this station taken over if they acted quickly enough they could take the rest. She just hoped that they didn't get word out in time. The pirates would pay... all of them had earned a death sentence. She would protect those who needed it, and those that preyed on her citizens would come upon the harsh realization they they had to pay with death. She of course was curious if perhaps kessel still took prisoners....
"Slice into their database and find out all you can. Take the prisoners away, and secure the cargo, I want everything inventoried and ready to be shipped over to HQ." Walking over to the wetbar, he pour himself some liquor and drained it before lighting up his cigar and puffing it again. He would need to speak with the Supreme Moff.

He had an idea to make good use of the pirates. After all why waste precious resources of the Remnant when they would help augment their income instead. If given permission, he would have the pirates relocate to another section of space in return for their lives and 40% of whatever cargo they loot from the other factions. This would tie up the other factions resources and earn them a neat little profit in the process.
Viera smiled as she looked over the reports as they came in, She also smirked as she saw two other bases... she just hoped that Alexander had it in him. " Tiamat Control, This is Command Control, we leave it to your judgement to take out the remaining bases. The shuttles and men are yours to control. " She was excited to see her plan come to fruit. She just had to wait longer to see all the pirates be taken out. They were really a sizable operation. With any luck though they were just as badly prepared at the other two. The supplies however were being inventoried and were everything that the Imperial Remnant needed and more . It was just a matter of collecting them all. She typed in a command and gave the second strike force to Alexander and made sure he was alerted to his new command. she wanted to she him operate.

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