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Pietra (Camellia Swift)

Ayumi Pallopides

Heir to the Emperor, Former Senator of Denon
[member="Camellia Swift"]

A sword to go with the shield, why not... Ayumi was thinking about it while she looked over the design and it meant another reactor and power source on the ships but that was not always a bad thing as she was moving. Seeing the idea of it firing off a shot before enjoying all of it. Perhaps they might be able to get it more protective and work with other things so it could really protect the ship but she wasn't sure. It was all up to Camellia if they would be abel to use it and if her design would be able to fit it. "So how have you been?"
[member="Ayumi Pallopides"]

"I've been doing well. Far too busy for my liking, but well all the same. Its nice to see you over once again Ayumi, is there something you need this time?" Truth be told Ayumi Pallopides had been coming around a lot quite frequently lately as part of the massive project that was the construction of the systems for the Inexpugnable Tactical Command Ship that Rendili Stardrive was building for the Silver Jedi Order. Originally it was going to be a station that Rendili was helping just build the reactor for, but since the reactor was finished and the elite starfighter class had been designed the shipwright was now fully involved in the production of a massive starship as well. Camellia was more than excited for it too.

Ayumi Pallopides

Heir to the Emperor, Former Senator of Denon
[member="Camellia Swift"]

Ayumi was looking at Camellia and now well now she could say it... she really liked coming here and at this point it was possible this was just finding reasons to be here. "With you Lady Swift there is always something I need." She left it hang but had her datapad ready to show off the information and designs." The Silver jedi eggheads were looking at things and came across some tech they wanted to try and put into the ship to possibly... counter should the Silver jedi get into a scrap with the One Sith. Their non involvement policy has been in effect but one can never be to careful and much like a lightsaber it is always safe to have something you can use. This cannon might serve a purpose in defending the Silver Jedi from their ships."
[member="Ayumi Pallopides"]

Well that was certainly a rather lengthy and enticing explanation. Rendili Stardrive's CEO was quite eager to hear what it was the Silver Jedi Order wanted installed on their special command ship to match the power of the One Sith's own monstrous weapons. The Sith's more menacing warships like the Darkblade were quite powerful and were armed with long range hypervelocity guns. Camellia wondered what it was that Ayumi was referring to when she was handed a datapad with the design supposedly on it for her to glance at. And while looking at it, Cam had to say she approved whole heartedly, albeit she was a tad worried about being able to put the design into practice. "A Solar Ionization Gun then? Personally I don't think we've ever installed such a device before, however, we can always go through references and databases to check things out. And if need be we could always get to work and try to reproduce it ourselves as best we can too."

Ayumi Pallopides

Heir to the Emperor, Former Senator of Denon
[member="Camellia Swift"]

"Well then lets try it, if it works it works and if it fails we go back to the drawing bard. As it stands it is always fun to do something first." Now she was enjoying it and the eagerness of the CEO to try things out well that was lighting a fire under her to want to do the same. While her technicians could try and implement it for testing, general testing they could do any number of things or what they were best at... seeing the sights and enjoying long sessions and drinking copious amounts of wine. "The designs we found are all there, your technician's are better suited then ours who know how to build equipment for jedi and rangers. I'll leave this is your capable hands."
[member="Ayumi Pallopides"]

It was going to be a chore, that was for sure. However, as a business woman and the CEO of one of the leading shipyards in the galaxy, one of the founding shipwrights no less, Camellia wasn't as much of a fan of doing a project that would be a hit and miss. After all that was lost profits and resources and time if the whole design failed. Still, at least they had a lot of the data on hand already it seemed. The Silver Jedi appeared to have done a lot of the baseline research already on existing records of the weapon from history. So in other words Rendili Stardrive just needed to double check if the data here really would work as it said it would, and then produce it, as well as consider a way to install the weapon on the command ship. "Right I'll call someone up and have them take it down to the technicians. We'll have to wait a few days while they go over it. We can probably reconvene once they tell me if a prototype is possible and we can get started on one, sound good?"

Ayumi Pallopides

Heir to the Emperor, Former Senator of Denon
[member="Camellia Swift"]

"Sounds great" Ayumi smiled to that and the idea of waiting a few days to take in both more sights and some of the local food.... Wasn't there a new diner that had opened on the surface? She was thinking about all of it while moving about and taking a position. "I'll get my usual room I guess and put it on expense, with the vine silk from Shri-tal and some of the other things we have been discovering well there have been a great amount of credits influxing to us. I am happy to announce we struck a aurodium vain that is just as valuable to the silk and coffee."
[member="Ayumi Pallopides"]

Well that was certainly some wonderful news, for Shri-Tal that is. Camellia understood the other woman's excitedness though, after all if Rendili were to somehow find something else to make itself more valuable and add to its wealth and market then Camellia knew she would be immensely happy as well. Still, even though it wasn't her world, Cam felt glad nonetheless since it seemed that Ayumi was quite pleased by such good fortune. The thought of going out to have some food together though sounded nice, but first there was some business to do quick. Nodding to Ayumi, Rendili Stardrive's CEO would download the files on the datapad regarding the Solar Ionization Cannon that the Silver Jedi had acquired and compiled, and then proceeded to access the comms and open the line to engineering. "Sorry to bother you on such short notice, however, if you can send a staff member to my office I'll be leaving a set of data files with my staff here for the weapons department to look into. It might be a project I want you all working on very soon."

Getting an affirmative response, Camellia would turn off her comm and smile as she turned back to Ayumi. "Well let's go eat shall we?" It would only be three days before a new call would come to the office calling for Rendili Stardrive's CEO and the Silver Jedi's representative to come check on the progress made.

Ayumi Pallopides

Heir to the Emperor, Former Senator of Denon
[member="Camellia Swift"]

Ayumi gave a nod of her head to that and making sure all the files were sent for it to be checked. She was getting ready for some food and looking at Cam while she stretched popping her shoulders and neck. Then she was off hoping she came with her using her time there to now really go for it and she knew the way back to her ship from the office and to the ships to head out. Getting someplace nice to go to was all the rage after all as she spoke. "Oh I am looking forward to this? So anything new and exciting happen to you?"
[member="Ayumi Pallopides"]

Nothing interesting had happened to Camellia at all sadly. All her time was tied up in the Noblesse and Will of the Force project designs. Nearly all of Rendili Stardrive was busy trying to meet the production tables for both of the highly advanced warships. The Noblesse itself was difficult as a result of the massive railgun system it was running for its linear accelerator cannon. Meanwhile the Will of the Force was a headache with its compilation of advanced and sophisticated systems and sheer size alone, not to mention its massively overhauled design to bring it to the forefront as the most powerful starship in the galaxy for the present time. Still, it was all exciting prospects and Camellia was eager to share all the news about the progress of construction and how they would revolutionize the battlefield.

After the night ended though, business would be quiet on the front of the Silver Jedi's project, at least for three days when a call came back to Camellia's office and she called Ayumi in turn, giving the other woman the update that the engineers had some news for them and they needed to come in and check it out.

Ayumi Pallopides

Heir to the Emperor, Former Senator of Denon
[member="Camellia Swift"]

her enjoyed those three days of rest and on the third when the call arrived that they were ready she rose up getting dressed and into a new outfit. Her normal bodysuit changed for a semi cloak, the hood and collar there but the arms weren't as it went sleeveless down to her legs, opened in the front to display the fashion from Mayferria they avoided a little of. It was great for using to ascend into the floating temples over the cities with the anti grav pads. She stood there holding the datapad and getting the visor from Sasori on to overlook everything. Her notes and designs getting shifted through with a flick of her eyes as she spoke. "Oh this looks great, I enjoy it more everytime."
[member="Ayumi Pallopides"]

Well Camellia was certainly happy that Ayumi was enjoying it. Rendili Stardrive's CEO had gotten a call earlier in order to be more prepared herself for when things needed to be done. The results that came in showed that a design was indeed possible and that they could already begin working on the prototype and final designs and in fact already were after they checked into her office for permission. The problem was in order to build the Solar Ionization cannons for something as massive as the Inexpugnable they were constructing would take a bit to build obviously. "Well you'll enjoy it even more once they finish the small prototype as a proof of concept model. The Will of the Force will have a much bigger cannon but we'll make sure we can effectively make the technology."

Ayumi Pallopides

Heir to the Emperor, Former Senator of Denon
[member="Camellia Swift"]

That made sense. "That will be good, given what I have seen the sith use we'll need something that can protect and hammer into them. This ship might not have the speed to match some of theirs but it does have the firepower to protect and we'll be able to see them coming with the monitoring stations." She was looking for ways to use what they had right now to turn this beast into their advantage and there were plenty of ideas she could think of. A small grin on her face though as everyone loved seeing a large cannon blow things up. "Now lets get ready to shoot things."
[member="Ayumi Pallopides"]

That was true enough, this ship would definitely be slow, but at the very least it would be immensely well protected and powerful. Plus everything else Ayumi touched base on too was correct. Nothing would escape the ship's sight that was certain. Not to mention with the Nightshadow coating it would escape its enemy's sight though. "Right, I'll have the engineering teams organizing the Solar Ionization Cannon's construction and we'll prioritize its production with everything going on. It shouldn't us too much terribly longer."

And that would be true, as they would only have a wait a while longer before being called back to an observation deck of a shuttle just a ways out from the main shipyards, a bare cannon housing with its own power generator set up ahead of them in space waiting to be remotely activated on a target set up a short distance away. Just waiting for the order to be given.

Ayumi Pallopides

Heir to the Emperor, Former Senator of Denon
[member="Camellia Swift"]

Ayumi liked the sound of it all while she was moving to look at the assembled platform. She rubbed her hands together as she spoke. "Oh pretty, what would you suggest is the most effective range on these? I know some guns could fire for near infinite distance but it wouldn't really be that effective past a certain point. Never worked with cannons like this on the Watts when we designed it." She was thinking about it and the long range turbolasers had been one of the more important things they wants to have on it and so many designs with that cortosis reactor.
[member="Ayumi Pallopides"]

"Well physical rounds like mass drivers, ballistic shells such as flak, and warheads so long as they don't detonate, could in theory travel forever yes. However, energy based weapons can burn out once they exhaust their energy. In this capacity I believe the Solar Ionization cannon does indeed have a definite range, but depending on the power output we can allocate to it the range itself is yet to be determined. We're looking at either a very hefty close ranged monstrosity that will blow away what it hits with prejudice, or a pinpoint long range damaging weapon though it would still maintain punch. Whatever design the Silver Jedi would prefer we will run with, but maybe you'd like to watch the weapon in practice itself first." As she said all this the weapon platform assembled before them was already powering up to take out the test target, a small and decommissioned freighter that sadly was just too bothersome to repair and who would find perfect use now as a scrap target. Camellia herself was considering the long range component to be her preferred idea, but it depended on the full weapon layout in the end that might determine the power allocated to the cannons themselves.

In either case, the Rendili woman quietly watched as a yellow buildup appeared at the end of the weapon's barrel as it glowed brightly preparing its shot.

Ayumi Pallopides

Heir to the Emperor, Former Senator of Denon
[member="Camellia Swift"]

Ayumi nodded to wanting to see the weapon first, the information was well helpful. She knew sending a shot off in the dark to some world would do little but never know when you had a shot. There could be worse ways to target an enemy then aiming and firing something that can hit them after some time. "Yes lets see it in practice first. Then we'll plot and plan the needed ranges from there. Never know might have a change of mind somewhere down the road before it is finished."
[member="Ayumi Pallopides"]

Nodding, Camellia gave the signal to the technicians near the control board for them to align the weapon on target with its minimal correctional thrusters and prepare to fire. The weapon itself was fully charged and ready to fire now, the unfortunate freighter bearing the privilege of being the target of the prototype design of the weapon soon to be installed on the Will of the Force sitting patiently in its sights. "Hopefully the calibrations won't take much time or resources if alterations are required. . . .fire when ready then." The bright glow from the weapon seemed to dissipate for a moment, vanishing from sight for a brief second before a bursting beam of energy exploded forth from the solar ionization gun and traveled to the target, slamming into the defunct freighter and blasting it to a number of pitiful pieces.

An engineer would be quick to comment on how the firing trajectory was three degrees off center. "That's not a bad correction to calculate. What do you think of the weapon though Ayumi?"

Ayumi Pallopides

Heir to the Emperor, Former Senator of Denon
[member="Camellia Swift"]

Ayumi was turning her datapad around while she detached it and looked over the information. Everything reading and three degrees while she knew it didn't sound like much could become big. She was recalling and using the logic her teachers had given for taking your time and making sure you were on the right path in the desert and forest. A few degrees off after several miles could add up and in space they could fire in some case several dozen miles. It made her want to look at it and take it carefully. "The readouts are good but being off center can be dangerous with greater distance. Work to correct it or compensate with the initial data then we'll fire again."
[member="Ayumi Pallopides"]

Of course they didn't intend to leave it with the slight deterioration of the accuracy. Though Camellia supposed it would be easier to determine the correct calibrations on the smaller gun before they built the larger variant to put on the actual Command Ship. Still, there would have to be at least some tests down on the actual weapon for the Inexpugnable as well. So while they could fine tune it more now, they would have to recheck everything again later when the Will of the Force was finished too. "Alright we will. We'll have to run the same tests anyway when the ship itself is completed. The accuracy of this smaller scale cannon will not effect the actual weapon later on. However, these tests will help us be more accurate the first time we test the bigger variant of the solar ionization cannon when the command ship is completed so doing more now won't hurt. Rest assured we wouldn't have the actual ship go without testing though once its finished."

With that said, the technicians would work to realign the cannon while an engineering team went out in suits to remove some panels and work on calibrating the weapons components to correct the error. They had time anyway while a new junker was brought out and put into position as a new target. By the time the weapon had been adjusted the target was in place and ready for destruction, and the solar ionization cannon was willing to oblige as it charged once more. . . .and then obliterated the target once more. "We had a .001 degree error that time. I believe that is much better."

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