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Picking up the Princess

Mishel Kryze


New Coronet
Blastfield Shipyards
"Did they call it Blastfield before or after the Sith?"

Mishel asked curiously and looked over at [member="Shia Kryze"], "what do you mean don't be rude?" She looked back at what laid out in front of her. "Oh c'mon! How many times has this place become Brokellia? I mean real-" the Tygaran pushed her lips to the side. "Fine, office is this way. The old man said it'd be ready, and for the record, we're gonna be the first two to set foot on'er."

The Princess Leia.

Yeah, she was a real beauty that one.

Coren and Mishel couldn't think of a better name that and it had a nice pyronium armor which meant bantha all to Mishel but Coren was happy about it. A hand to her back pocket as she gestured forward, taking careful measure to avoid getting hit by a speeder. The Tygaran grabbed her personal holo, [member="Coren Starchaser"] would hopefully be on the other end. "Alright, I'm here to pick up our ship which hangar is it supposed to be in and do I need to sign anything at the office?" Other than the disclaimer that these two should not be allowed to own any spacefaring vessel.
Shia shook her head slightly.

"Stop musing on really tasteless jokes and hurry up, I want to see your new pyronium-clad toy. What does she make past lightspeed?"

She did know what that meant, and the tall Mandalorian was practically bouncing on her tip-toes for a sight of the ship.

The last time she'd looked this carefree, beaches and some really bad attempts at surfing had been involved, she practically skipped round the front of the moving speeder with agile grace, earning herself a yell of disapproval from the driver.

"Hey old man!" She called to the comm. Coren didn't know what to make of her, and/or didn't like her. She was vaguely determined to keep him off-balance, Coren being all of - oh, maybe five years older than her. "Tell her to hurry up!"

[member="Mishel Noren"]
Working on a few, and looking at the Defender Corvette, making another small blockade runner to get things started with the more Coalition focused way that Alliance in Exile was handling things. Running blockades, dropping Jedi and material past a blockade, and setting up some smaller cells outside of the old Alliance worlds. The man looked at his astromech who tweeted that a message was coming in.

“Put her through.” He grinned, hands on the terminal that was spinning the image of the Defender.

He saw the holo of Mishel and nodded. “Hey kid. So, you’re good to pick up, check in with the hangar droid. So they know she’s being taken out today. Hangar 32.”

[member="Shia Kryze"]
[member="Mishel Noren"]

Mishel Kryze

"Alright, thanks." Mishel closed out the transmission with Coren.

"She makes a brilliant show of colors, that's what and I have no idea but I am thinking that we're going to find out." The Sentinel led the Mandalorian to the office where Mishel first tapped on the glass, but the droid didn't seem to notice. So she pressed on the button that was labeled, 'press here for service.' Still nothing, then she pressed it again, and again. Finally, the droid turned around and as it turned Mishel could feel the droid's irritation. "Sorry, uh, I just.. um..." she coughed, cleared her throat. "So I uh, I'm here to pick up the Princess Leia, custom YT-2400."

The droid slowly rolled forward on its tracks, "name."

"Oh, uh, I'm uh Mishel."


"Mish-... oh. Uh, Mishel Zanteres."

"Thank you Miss Zanters, your ship is waiting for pickup at hangar forty-nine-b." The droid printed out a small metal chip from the rickety printer behind it and then handed the chip over. "This will let you into the ship, and this." He printed out another metal chip, "will activate the ship and allow you to register her with CorSec, which is required, before you take off. Thank you for using Corellian Engineering Corporation, we hope you enjoy your ship."

Then the droid slowly rolled away.

Mishel looked at the two chips and then looked at Shia. "... What?"

[member="Shia Kryze"]
Shia looked expectantly at Mishel, then bounced on the balls of her feet again.

"Don't you feel the slightest bit excited about getting a new ship? A ship is home, Mishel. Every nut and bolt, every rivet and broken karking fuel line you have to replace every five minutes."

A pause, another bounce.

"Okay, so my homes were a bit old - and the Huntress doesn't count, she's a military experimental model not a real home. A freighter, or converted old military vessels. Something people - anyone - from one to tens of thousands - have lived in for years, decades, heck, millennia."

Another pause, this time without the bounce.

"Zanteres?" She asked quietly, but curiously.

[member="Mishel Noren"]

Mishel Kryze


A pause.

"This is like, ship number three - and see, I leave those at home with mom or somewhere." She blinked a moment, or two and then absent mindedly turned away from Shia. "Take that back, I get them fixed up by the Wretched Hive then I take them home to mom." She coupled the two chips and rolled them one on top of the other within the palm of her hand. "Registry's over here?" Mishel wasn't entirely sure, but she got what the Rattataki was saying. "I just, well, I've never really had a home - not in a while at least."

Bright flourescent lights guided her to the row of kiosks, another droid stood watch with an actual Human CorSec officer not too far away. Mishel followed the kiosk's prompts, "but that, that sounds like there's a lot of history there." She said with interest, "gonna have to give me the entire spiel once I finish this..." Fight with a lightsaber, check, make lightsabers, check - eavesdrop on fellow Ren within their Bastion, check and check. Finish this registration? Nope.

[member="Shia Kryze"]
"Uh. I think we need to go that way - isn't that the CorSec logo? They all look the same when they're shooting at you."

Which wasn't true, besides, she'd never shot at CorSec that she knew of - but that was the CorSec logo over there, plain as day above a stand of... what even are those things?

"My family have ah, uh... interesting history. We fought on both sides of the..." Shia squints. "Kark knows. The Mandalorian Civil War when the Galactic Empire took over, anyway. They even say some super-great aunt dated a Jedi. But we don't talk about her much, because the angry Mandalorians get angry."

Which is an entirely technical term for the long term breach in Mandalorian culture, of course.

"Anyway, we became nomads during the Plague Years - never settling down. We only came back to Mandalore because we thought Ra or Munroe might _might_ be better than the others. Nope. I mean, we recognise Yasha because I like Yasha, but we still plan not to live on Mandalore. So yeah - a ship is home, as much as a vheh'yaim is - uh - that's a sort of semi-portable tent we traditionally live in, because cities are for losers. Which... isn't a totally popular opinion, I accept."

She nudged Mishel and pointed to an empty booth.

"Quick, before that Ithorian gets in front of you."

[member="Mishel Noren"]

Mishel Kryze


"Okay, okay I should've moved faster," MIshel lamented as she looked over at the Ithorian. Her stomach grumbled in the process, "and once we get this done, I'm starved. We need to grab some grub, wonder if they've got a Wingers around here." She could definitely go for ten or twenty Nuna wings right at the moment. The Jedi chuckled at Shia's mention of CorSec looking all the same when they're shooting at you. So it the question begged to be asked, "speaking from experience?"

"Ah so what you're saying is, dating other force users is a family habit?" Mishel followed this up with a wink as she got another kiosk and finished up the registration. "Angry Mandalorians get angry, now there's a sentence." The woman went quiet for a moment and waited as the papers to show proof of her registration were both printed and uploaded to a special holocard. "Awesome, registration complete - c'mon, let's go get something to eat."

She listened to Shia speak about the Kryze clan and their views on the current Mandalorian rule/law/culture/leadership in general. "I see, well now that all makes sense." Mostly, she didn't know Yasha from manners or Ra, or Munroe. Although she had heared about them both just from whatever she had read through the holonet. "A vheh- what now? Oh... okay." It occured to Mishel that she was going to have to learn Mandoa at some point rather than make Shia translate everything. "Yeaaah, I mean cities have their pros and cons, sure."

"Now I kinda want to go take a look at the Princess..." Her stomach growled in protest, "or maybe after we eat?"

[member="Shia Kryze"]
"I don't want to think about what you're like when your hungry, so how about we grab some nerf burgers? Or nerf nuggets, if you're that way inclined."

It wasn't that Shia had low food standards, but she was also kind of hungry and there was a burger stall dedicated to serving starving spacers right there.

"Vheh'yaim - it's a... more than a tent, less than a fixed abode. It used to be almost all Mandalorians lived in one, now it's just stick in the muds, traditionalists and people with a taste for the outdoors. Or..." She shuddered. "People on holiday, thinking it's getting back in touch with their roots."

Shia paused for just a moment to consider her words on the other subject, no sense in offending someone, but still...

"Most Mandalorians are angry about something, these days. Just like most people are angry with them. There's a lot of baggage. It... just gets in the way, so I'm kind of done with it for now. So... burgers, or whatever. Then lets look at your new home."

[member="Mishel Noren"]​

Mishel Kryze

"Nuna wings, with the dip." Mishel said with a pointed finger and then started to walk toward the hangar where the Princess Leia was kept. Shia kept talking, mostly about vheh'yaim, which was fine sense it seemed to have cultural significance. Although the Tygaran was starting to think the Mandalorians were quite serious about everything. At least that was the gist of the what she was getting, "so like shove as many people into a hut?" She questioned paued in the middle of the walkway and turned to look at Shia with a raised brow. A humourous expression on her face before she turned to focus on the path. "Well, I think the hangar isn't too far and then we can go find grub."


"That's one way of putting it," she remarked and gestured off, "okay so the hangar I think is over- here..." Pyronium hulls weren't hard to find and as she looked in nope not this hangar. Mishel walked a little bit further checking hangars on the left and right before heading up to the next level. And there, there right in front of her the Princess Leia and also right there, a Selonian. "Oh uh, hi I'm here to pick up the Princess Leia."

The Selonian nodded and gestured toward the ship while adding, "and I'm flying her. She used to belong to an old buddy of mine and I said I'd look after it."


"I don't... that's-"

Mishel pushed her lips to the side and then her stomach grumbled, "sure fine, whatever names Mishel."

"Zalav Senmonte, call me Lav." He then turned to the rather large Rattataki behind the Human. Lav's basic was pretty on point, even if there was a silent accent, "and you are?

[member="Shia Kryze"]
“Shia Kryze, and I’m not shoving a load of people into a hut.”

Shia paused, considering how that sounded.

“With one T, and that was a response to Mishel’s scandalous attack on Mandalorian cultural traditions before we got here.”

It had to be said, Shia was pretty serious about Mandalorian culture. But not that serious, her voice held a light tone.

“Which if she keeps up, she won’t get to find out about all the fun traditions. Anyway, pleased to meet you Lav. We don’t mean to be a pain, but Mish here is about to implode into a neutron star of hunger, and that’d be bad for all of us nearby. She probably gets grumpy.”

[member="Mishel Kryze"]

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