Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Picking up the pieces

I am a son of the Mountain.
Hyperspace just outside of Mandalore~2100
It was always a sobering feeling returning to one's planet. Most especially after said planet had gone through all manner of hell and discord. As hyperspace was replaced with the static image of real space Zaz's eyes fell on Mandalore. A planet abused by war and scarred by havoc it was very much a reflection of the people that hailed from it.

Letting out a soft exhale Zaz called back out to @Alice Tal'verda. "We're here!"

Halting their Kom'rk fighter just short of the planet Zaz allowed the ship to drift in space as he turned from the controls. Taking his buy'ce into his hand he held it idly by his side as he made his way to the rear section of the fighter. Their mission today was a fairly standard one, and not one that required a great deal of people. Since remaining inconspicuous made more sense for this trip he opted only to bring Alice and one additional soldier along for the visit to their homeworld.

"We're going to head planet side soon, once we do I'd like us to check out the northern lands. All of Tal'Verda's outposts, bases, and even Kurs'taylir need to be surveyed to see what we can scrounge for Concord Dawn." There was an unsettling feeling about scavenging the remains of your own planet, one that Zaz decided to ignore for the time being.

[member="Mirdala Betna"] [member="Tandar Dest"]
Tandar never seen Mandalore before but there was always a first time for everything. He felt the ship exit hyperspace, Tandar moved to the viewport "what a backwater." Tandar wasn't impressed this was where his people called home it, to him it seemed they held onto old glories. " Hey zaz is this the planet you were wanting to loot from." tandar said flatly.

Tandar didn't wait for a response as he started to strap his armor on. Black was the armor but he wasn't fighting for any justice he just liked the look of others blood on it. Zaz made his way to the back where tandar was and began speaking "We're going to head planet side soon, once we do I'd like us to check out the northern lands. All of Tal'Verda's outposts, bases, and even Kurs'taylir need to be surveyed to see what we can scrounge for Concord Dawn." Tandar held his doubts in about the mission, negativity wasn't needed right now. "Lets just not die today eh burc'ya."

[member="Zaz Tal'Verda"] [member="Mirdala Betna"]
[member="Zaz Tal'Verda"] | [member="Tandar Dest"]

Mirdala looked out into the sight beyond the viewport of the cockpit. A world that was once a rich home for her people. Mandalore, homeworld to all of the clans and her culture. Here it stood now, burned by the fires and magma of a cataclysmic volcanic eruption, artificially set off like a bomb. The very site made her blood boil and her heart heavy with anger and sorrow. She looked to her armor, now repainted entirely black, save for two silvery jaig eyes. Black, the poetic color for vengeance to her people. Such was chosen as she swore to avenge the lived taken by the burning of Mandalore and the near destruction of her people's history. She did not even know if her own clan survived. The Besk’galaar glided slowly in the blackness of space. She took notice of another Kom'rk class fighter. Her heart kept some, holding out that it may have been one of her clan.

She flew cautiously toward it, hailing it communications. She breathed softly before speaking her message to the other ship. “I am Mirdala of Clan Betna. Who are you?” She asked, more out of hopefulness than demanding. She was looking for any sign that the rest got out. She wanted to be absolutely sure of it, even if it came by the words of another Mandalorian. She waited in silence until the other gauntlet fighter responded.
I am a son of the Mountain.
Zaz took care not to pay Tandar's comment any mind what so ever. The Mandalorian, while a full member of his own clan, had not seen Mandalore in his lifetime. A pain cut through Zaz as he considered the generations of Mandalorians to come that would never be able to see their homeland outside a state of destruction. Pulled from his thoughts by the beeping of the ship's main console Zaz turned back to the cockpit, a brow raised at the sound. Before he could see to the repeating beep his eyes took notice of a starfighter, drifting in space adjacent to their own ship.

While the fighter was of a matching class to their own he could not necessarily be sure that it was a Mandalorian. There was no telling how many scavengers and smugglers had sacked the planet in it's time of chaos. His hands moved over the ship's console, activating their communications and allowing him to hear the signal received from the mysterious ship.

Her introduction was quick and hinted with a curiosity Zaz could understand coming from another Mandalorian. Switching from Galactic Basic to Mandalorian the man gave his reply. "Su cuy'gar vod. Ni am Zaz, kov'nyn be Tal'verda aliit. Vi're olar ton de laam adat tion'ad was payt Nor'be. Cuyir gar dak?"

Speaking into the comm system to respond to her Zaz was not completely sold on her identity. Once again he called back to the holding area of the ship. "Tandar. Get up here." He ordered, his tone showing no hint of amusement, only a sense of caution.

[member="Mirdala Betna"] [member="Tandar Dest"]

*Mandoa: "Hello Sister. I am Zaz, head of Clan Tal'verda. We're here to pick up anyone who was left behind. Are you ok?"
Tandar hadn't finished putting his armor on before he heard a call from Zaz "Tandar. Get up here.". He picked up his gun and made his way to the cockpit. Tandar looked out the cockpit's view to see a kom'rk fighter "Well you don't see that every day do you. So boss what's going on?"

[member="Zaz Tal'Verda"] @Mirdala Betna
[member="Zaz Tal'Verda"] | [member="Tandar Dest"]

Mirdala was relieved to hear Mando'a being spoken to her in reply to her communications. Other survivors from the Burning. Her heart was filled with sorrow some more when the man replied of being a different clan. Yet, it felt good to be talking to another of her people. She pressed the communication button on her comm channel again.

"Ni cuyir echoy'la. Solus. Tarja ashi be ner aliit.” She said, with a hint of sadness in her voice,"Ni kapr cuyir kyr'yc Betna.”

She paused a moment before speaking again, switching to Basic.“I plan on landing on the surface. Find anything salvageable​. Would not mind company, Tal’Verda.” How she spoke was some what blocky, but it was understandable to someone who spoke either language. She really did not mind having company with her, especially in the these days where her people were crippled so violently. That, and she had not been much in the company of her people after Mandalore had been burned. It would be good for her to socialize after everything.

Translation: I am lost. Alone. Looking for others of my clan. I may be the last Betna.
I am a son of the Mountain.
Once his native tongue was spoken through the woman Zaz allowed himself a moment of relax. Though it was short lived when he heard that the woman may be the last of her clan.

Her entire family may be dead. The man mused, the aspect of such a thing frightening even in theory. Though he would not allow such to show through him, not at a time like this. She spoke of them journeying to the surface together, an offer that Zaz hoped to receive. "Sounds good to me. I'll transmit our landing coordinates. We're landing in the north, not far from Kurs'taylir, you can follow us in."

His words marked the end of the conversation. Turning back to Tandar to answer his question he pulled his buy'ce into his hand as he did. "No, you don't. I didn't honestly expect any other Mando'ade to be here. Most are rallied to Dxun under "Mandalore." Zaz practically spit the words from his mouth, obviously finding some heavy amount of discomfort in the current Mandalore. But he did not expand on the matter, he merely pulled his helmet over his head before clasping a hand on Tandar's shoulder. "Stay close to me vod...I would not see you come to harm on a milk run."

While Tandar was only slightly younger than Zaz the man was still seen in his eyes as a younger brother, and so he would protect him as such. "Now, get ready to go."

Returning to the cockpit Zaz began his descent down to the planet's surface, setting his navicomputer for the most northern pieces of the world, separated from most of the clans.

[member="Mirdala Betna"] [member="Tandar Dest"]
[member="Zaz Tal'Verda"]

With the notification of where the Talverda fighter was flying to, she matched his coordinates. Her own fighter cruised at a safe distance beside her companion's. She set the ship into autopilot, knowing it would be a few moments before she even needed to start caring about landing on the surface.

She moved to the living quarters of the ship. There, her pet anooba, Kad’ika, awaited his mistress. The canine poked its head up and panted, tongue lolling out goofily. She reached down and petted his forehead. She made her way to the edge of her bed, sitting on it. She pulled out an item from a nearby shelf. A holo emitter. She pressed a button on it. A hologram burst forth, showing a still frame photograph of sorts. It was a picture of an older Mandalorian man with a younger her clenched in a playful headlock, jumping slightly out of frame was an anooba pup. Everyone seemed happy. All of that was gone now.

The autopilot systems soon notified her of how close the ship was getting to planetary descent. She returned to the cockpit, and resumed control. With a quick comm, she sent a message. "Tal’Verda. Descending protocols engaged. See you planetside.” With that, she slowly moved her ship into Mandalore’s atmosphere, taking precautions not to burn up on entry. The closer she got to the ground, she pressed the landing protocols. The wings of the ship tilted up, and landing gear protruded from the bottom.
I am a son of the Mountain.
As Zaz's Kom'rk fighter touched down on the planet's surface he turned towards Tandar, crossing his arms over his chest as he spoke. "We don't know what we are dealing with here. Keep an eye on her, if she tries anything put a blaster bolt between her eyes. I prefer it doesn't come to that but now isn't the time for being foolish." He stated, clasping a hand on the Mandalorian's shoulder as he did.

Making his way to the ship's exit Zaz watched as the loading ramp slowly lowered down to the ground, creating a path to the planet's surface. As soon as he stepped forward he saw a cloud of ash and dirt flow around him. The planet's air was just barely breathable at this point, leaving little to be desired in keeping one's helmet off. As he strode down the ramp his eyes took to the scene before him. The icy north had been covered in a blanket of ash and snow, both of which seemed hostile to visitors.

"Betna." He called out over his comm device, linking to the same signal he used in the ship. "Your scanners will read the planet's atmosphere as breathable. I recommend keeping your buy'ce on."

While waiting for the woman he continued to scan their landing area. Surrounded by a forest of dead trees and mountains of ash-covered snow, they were well hidden from anything else that could be searching the area.

[member="Mirdala Betna"] [member="Tandar Dest"]
Tandar Picked up his Z-6 rotary blaster cannon as Zaz turned to him. Zaz seemed worried about this random but tandar didn't feel the same way. "Don't worry Zaz I won't miss if she tries anything." He really would too just cause your part of the clans didn't mean you could be trusted.

Tandar followed Zaz off the ship to see a gross black and white mix on the land. "Well you weren't kidding when you said a volcano went off."
Soon the other ship came in for a landing, He readied his weapon no risk on a milk run he thought.

[member="Zaz Tal'Verda"] [member="Mirdala Betna"]
[member="Tandar Dest"] | [member="Zaz Tal'Verda"]

"Understood." She said in response to the man's note of the environment. She kept her helmet on as she went to the aft end of her ship. She kept her anooba in place on the ship as she went astride on her Lancer-class speeder bike. The repulsor systems kicked up snow and volcanic Ash. She almost found it poetic that there was a contrast between the effects of fire and ice. Even more so, it brought a sense of despair. Clan Betna had created a homestead on a world with a cool, almost arctic world like this. Surrounded by trees and foliage.

She drove the speeder faster, until she gazed upon the other Gauntlet starfighter. She slowed down and turned it to the side. She carefully stepped off of her bike. She was what she deemed a respectable distance away. She pointed to herself for anyone that may have been looking toward her way. “Betna!” She said out loudly as to identify herself. She was not unarmed, however. In these unsure times, it was hard to say who would be firing on you. On her back was a folded up energy bow, and on her hip was a handaxe made out of precious beskar. She stood waiting by her speeder, being watchful of the other's next moves.
I am a son of the Mountain.
The harsh environment that had become the norm on Mandalore was playing havoc with Zaz's HUD. Most of his sensors were reacting to the cloud of ash that was forming before him. Rather than deal with the faulty systems he ran a hand over his helmet's activation switch, deactivating the HUD. "This place is a wasteland..." He muttered underneath his breath.

Tandar's comment caused Zaz to scoff before turning back to the man. "Basically the entire planet is like this. The North isn't as affected on the ground but this cloud of soot is basically everywhere."

Through the cloud of ash Zaz heard a voice call out to him, identifying herself as the same woman he had spoken to in the planet's atmosphere. "We see you. The area's clear!" He called back to her. Once he could see the woman clearly his eyes took to the weapons she was armed with.

Not heavily armed at all... He mused, drawing his arms across his chest as she approached them. Zaz outstretched his hand to the woman, gesturing to Tandar with his head as he did. "Name's Zaz. That clown back there is Tandar. You're from Clan Betna, right?"

[member="Mirdala Betna"] [member="Tandar Dest"]

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