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Phantom of the Past

Tyberius Fel

Rightful Galactic Emperor
A shiver rippled through the consciousness of Aelius Varangian. His mind's eye jolted awake, but his perception was cloudy, fogged. Murmurs intermingled with the dull hiss of... thawing? Blood, hot and boiling once more flowed throughout his veins. Experimently, he flexed his fingers. His muscles had been sleeping long, the Imperial Sovereign Protector knew, for they hardly obeyed his commands. Voices became clearer and clearer, yet still all he knew was a blur of darkness, even when he felt the sensation of his eyelids flicerking open and shut. The hissing grew to a deafening roar now, expanded within his mind, morphed into the scream of artillery blaster fire piercing the damp air of Kashyyyk, smoke intermingling with the stench of curdled blood on the air. Fire. It consumed the great trees as the wookies wept, their elders kneeling to the ground and dusting their matted fur with ash. In the center of it all, the Imperial banner of Black and White was unfurled, standing like a triumphant sentinel amidst the shattered corpses of the fallen...

That day, Aelius showed no remorse -- for neither his enemies slaughtered nor his fallen comrades. The former were traitors who deserved to be purged for hindering the progress and peace the New Order would bring and the latter gave their lives so that future generations could know prosperity and unity. Aelius could think of no greater honor.

"Who the kark are you?" The voice tore through the dense daze of memories, springing Aelius back to the presence. Ignoring how every muscle in his body ached, Aelius turned his head to the voice yet the Sovereign Protector still saw darkness. With a startling realization, it occurred to him -- he was blinded by hibernation sickness. Where are the physicians? The rough voice echoed again, but from a slightly different duration as if he was speaking to someone else. "I told you bloody idiot not to press anything! Intact! Worth intact! Now we have some carbonite scattered dimwit to deal with!" Even blinded, Aelius recognized the distinctive sound, the rough yank of pulling blaster from bantha leather. The midichlorians in his body snapped to life in defense for their host and on pure reflex, he swung his fist into what he perceived to be the center of mass. Aided by the force, his fist rended through flesh and bone. A familiar death-throed gurgle confirmed to Aelius that he had correctly found purchase, but that would be the least of his concerns.

His senses were still hazy, but he detected shuffling.. shuffling and the hum of a vibro generator! A cold breeze of air informed Aelius of his nakedness and with that, the realization that even a glancing blow from a vibroblade could liquify tissue and organs as easily as a lightsaber through warm butter. A tingle rippled throughout his body, one that urged him to move -- and move he did. Heat briefly soaked his head and then a sizzle of molten metal. I barely avoided a blaster shot. Within the turmoil, the raw thrill of battle flowed through Aelius. To a man once so hardened and dead to combat like Aelius, this was oddly.. exciting!

Footsteps rapidly closed in. The hum of a vibro generator -- his potential death -- whirled above his head as he narrowly ducked. In a single primal motion, Aelius extended his palms and shot out a burst of raw force. He heard the man- no female, telling by the tone of voice, be carried off her feet and then both a loud crash and the gruesome rattle of broken bones as she presumably impacted into a wall.

"'Aht de hell is 'dis!?"

"Boss didn't say we had to fight these magic forcers!"

The rapid shuffle of fleeing feet carried throughout the room. His vision returned to Aelius somewhat, making out two dark blurs that rapidly headed for a exit. Even in a muddled state of mind, the Sovereign Protector knew that Palpatine would not tolerate petty saboteurs knowing the location of a secret base. Adrenaline and raw thrill streaming through him like a broken fount, the Sovereign Protector gripped the two intruders with the force. Before they could even had a opportunity to beg for their lives, Aelius shut both of his fists. Sickeningly, bones snapped like kindle. Lowering his arms, the corpses fell with dull thumps.

They didn't sound like rebels. Stubborn fools had a both respectable and annoying habit of fighting to the death. Aelius could respect giving one's life for a cause but never one as unworthy as the rebellion. Common crooks? As the adrenaline faded away, he recognized the heavy heaving of his chest and a odd stench of cooked meat. With a small hint of surprise, Aelius realized it was his own flesh seared by a gazing blaster shot. He shrugged it off. It is not the first time.

The Imperial Sovereign Protector staggered about for several hours as his vision gradually returned. Around him was the assorted corpses of what appeared to be common spacers. Rodians and Humans. How did they discover this base? It would take a thousand years to find it by pure chance! Red lights flickered, casting a grim shade to Aelius as he surveyed the base. He went from carbonite block to carbonite block. His comrades, his battle brothers - all in various states of partial unfreeze or often broken into chunks, presumably by the careless scavengers.. and all dead. Aelius paused only a moment to mourn, to swear to return with Imperial Medical Services to ensure each and everyone received a proper funeral and their family pensions.

Aelius managed to retrieve his armor, forcepike, blasters, vibroblades and other equipment from a secure safebox, standing untouched with the exception of a few black blaster marks, likely failed attempts to break in, midst the ransacked base. Fully equipped, he navigated the twisting corridors until he came upon a ship. Presumably one that previously belonged to the brigands.

Entering the ship, the Sovereign Protector was surprised to see that the whole craft was absolutely state of the art. Devices he thought to be prototypes casually installed and scattered about. Oddly enough, however, the ship seemed to be in a state of casual disrepair, going completely contrary to it's advanced features. More puzzled than ever, Aelius nevertheless consulted the ship A.I for instructions on how to operate the craft. After a hour of tinkering, the recently awakened Sovereign Protector charted a course and set the craft into hyperspace.

I shall be at your service again, my Emperor.

Introduction post for Aelius. Comments welcomed.


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