Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Peace the Warlike, Healing to the Broken

Nelwan nodded, a few tears began to form at the corners of her eyes, "Of course dad died with honor. We always knew he would. Thank you." The young, and new leader gave a frail smile, "You have helped save us today. He would thank you. He would want you to know that he appreciates you--all that you have done. He loved his people more than anything. More than life itself."


James watched the stars streak by in thin lines of beauty. He hadn't said a word since they left. He had already drank down an entire bottle of ale and finished half a bottle of wine. Halfway through this third bottle, Urqua he was for a rare moment, thoroughly intoxicated. His eyes glazed over as he stared at the viewport.

"I lied," he said at last. "I lied, we were never on a supply run. Dargquin sent an S.O.S. for help. His people were being slaughtered like cattle. Jedi did nothing, it was 'out of their fething jurisdiction.' We were going to contact mercenaries and help move them to the fortress, fortify with them and get out so they had a fething chance," he turned his head looking at Kay, "I lied to you. It was all a lie. We had to do something," he coughed a ragged cough before fishing out a new cigarette and filling his lungs with smoke. "Ye have every right to be mad at me. I'm sorry."

[member="Lady Kay"]


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
She bowed her head to Nelwan. "Thank you. I will come by again and visit, if that's alright. And should you need anything, just send word and I'll get it for you."

A couple of hours later she was drinking her tea while [member="James Justice"] was drowning out his emotions in his many drinks. The room just reeked of alcohol. Kay listened to him as he relayed his apology. She cupped her mug in her hands and just shook her head a little. "You didn't have to lie to me. I would have come. Haven't you heard? I am the great slave liberator. This kind of thing is what I do, whether or not it's in my jurisdiction. That's why I have bounties on my head. So next time...try to stick to the truth. You'll probably find that I'll help out anyways."
James shook his head, spewing a wreath of smoke around. Anger boiled inside him, and right now, drowning in alcohol, he was in no mood to stop it. He shot her a look, "Forgive me if I hold a different opinion."

He sighed and relented. He knew he wasn't really angry at her. He was furious at himself. He should have been better. He should have been a better gun man. A better wingman. A better fighter. His pain bled into the room like tangible feeling in the Force, making the air tingle and ache on the skin.

James buried his hand in his pocket and retrieved a healthy fist full of the higher denominator chips. The spacer pressed them in her hand, "Thar. Its enough to buy ye pretty much anything ye want. Ship, I dun't care. I'm sorry."

He was drunk and sorrowful, a bad combination, one that made his mind as muddled as a Weqquay on spice.

[member="Lady Kay"]


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay looked at the chips and then just placed them on the side next to him. "I'm not someone that can be bought, you know. I don't need your money. That wasn't what I came for. You asked for help, and so I helped. And that's that."

She got up and stood next to one of the viewports, sipping her tea. What was he mad at her for? He's the one that lied. Was he mad because she didn't react in the way that he thought?

"When there comes a time that I need help, then I would hope that you would come if I called. That's how you can repay me."

[member="James Justice"]

The Dark figure walked through the ruined town. Bodies from the battle were still strewn out. Over the few days since the battle the carion had begun to scavenge on the bodies, picking the flesh off parts of their bones. These were the common signs of James Justice. He claimed to come in peace, he claimed to come for aid, but all he was is the biggest warmongers that existed. Everywhere he went, there was a wake of death and destruction. Like a charlatan, the spacer came clothed in peace and harmony, only bringing heartache and death.

The figure moved from one end to the other, taking in his death, taking in all the crimes that the devil of a vile creature had brought. Their one red eye recorded it all. Every bit of the sins of James Justice. All of this criminal had to be taken in for the punishment in store for him--the coming storm the coming punishment.

The figure stopped where the Drunken Angel had landed and taken off. It noticed a second set of steps, and tilted its head curiously. This figure, the Persecutor, was able to take in every detail and store it with out error to recall later. These foot prints were distinct form any other. The figure's metalic legs bent, the sound of its servos softly filling the silence. The red eye began analyzing them, reverse calculating the other person. The Persecutor was never wrong. It would find out who this other cohort was in a matter of hours--at most.

((This is OOC James Justice))
[member="Lady Kay"]

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