Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Pathways to Knighthood

Location: Coruscant, Jedi Temple
Attire: Jedi Outfit
Equipment: Lightsaber Pike
Tag: Aveline Cuiléin Aveline Cuiléin

It had been a while since Kat had last seen Aveline, she had hoped the Padawan was doing well. She knew that the Padawan was working towards becoming a Jedi Knight and it seemed a good opportunity for the two of them to catch up and sort out training to help Aveline to becoming a Knight. She knew how eager she had been when training to get to the level of being a Jedi Knight, and she was aiming to achieve Jedi Master status as well, given her dedication to Force Healing and her skills in combat, she felt like she was getting there.

Her fingers combed through her hair and inhales deeply, it was early morning and she needed the hot caf that was in her hand. It was perfect to help wake her up and prepare her for a long day.

Adjusting her Jedi robes and the doctor jacket she had on, Kat had selected a training room where there were some weapons on display and matted floors for intense combat if Aveline wanted to work on her fighting techniques.

Sipping her caf, Kat waited for Aveline to arrive.

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