Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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As the master of shadows, Cyril was inclined to know about what went on within the enclave on Yutan. Knowing what was going on in his own halls were just as important as understanding conflicts within the ranks of his enemies. He was a security measure; one of the foremost lines of defense against treachery. Naught a rumor passed without Cyril hearing of it.

Which was why he was so confused as to what he was looking at. Someone had painted the head of a Krayt Dragon over one of the murals within his favorite sparring hall. He had to give credit where it was due: the painting was good, but the defacing of the mural was disheartening. He did not know of any students with a particularly artsy way to them. Perhaps it was one of the new initiates?

Huffing, Cyril walked down the length of the sparring chamber. His crimson cloak followed after him and his fingers trailed along the divets of the many works of art carved into the granite. He needed a new tactic.

"I need a student's mind for this," he grumbled, reaching for his datapad as he came to the end of the chamber. A simple message was sent out over the local net stating that he needed assistance from one of the initiates.

forced to wait, Cyril began to pace back and forth. The mystery of the Krayt painting further confounded him with every step.

Carith Vastili

Carith was sitting in the archives today. Since he recently finished classes, he has constantly found himself with nothing to do. The past few weeks he's found himself in the archives studying up on old Jedi history, Republic wars, and secrets of the Force that he was allowed to access to. Unfortunately... today he found himself bored. Waiting for a Master to choose him as an apprentice was starting make him anxious. It is said that those not chosen after some time eventually get sent to the Service Corps. While no one knew how long that time period was, it was starting to worry him. Did I do something wrong that made me unworthy to be chosen? He didn't like this worryness that was overcoming him so he turned back to the computer screen to distract him. He pulled up the holonet when he saw something that caught his attention. Hmm... it appears that one of the masters needs help with something. I guess it can give me something to do and perhaps gain some favor and speed up my process of being chosen.

Carith began to head to the direction of [member="Cyril Grayson"] 's location. He stepped into the sparring chamber and immediately noticed the man pacing back and forth in front of a mural. He approached the master and opened his mouth, "Er... you called for help master?"
Had he been paying attention, Cyril might have felt the worry stirring in the youth. As things were, he was far too focused on the mural and the possible identity of its defacer to notice. He only stirred from his reverie when he heard an unfamiliar voice speaking. Turning on his heel, the Jedi Master drew back his cowl and examined the student.

He was just a boy really, likely not much older than Talaya. The perfect age then. Cyril cracked a thin smile. "I did, thank you for responding," he bowed his head forward in a show of respect. "You see this?" he gestured toward the mural, "Someone's painted a Krayt Dragon over this mural, and I have no idea who it was."

Shaking his head, he turned his blue-eyed gaze back on the student. "I don't know the students as well as I should. Would you happen to know anyone who may have done this?"

He paused.

"Oh, my manners. I am Jedi Master Cyril Grayson -- who might you be?"

[member="Carith Vastili"]

Carith Vastili

Carith noticed that his entrance was a surprise to the master. He had obviously been focused on the mural and didn't sense Carith's entrance. He bowed to the master as was custom in the Jedi Order and spoke. "Pleased to meet you Master Grayson. I am Padawan Carith Vastili. I was starting to drift off studying in the archives, so I'm glad that there's something else I can do to help and occupy my time."

He examined the man in front of him. He had only heard of Master Grayson and read his name in the archives, but had never actually seen him. In fact though, Carith couldn't actually recall much info about the master in general. He stood at about the same height as Carith and bore very traditional Jedi robes. If anything, the man looked impressive.

Carith thought on the masters question "Hmm... I'm definitely not well known amongst the students but..." Carith thought for a bit. He only really only a few good friends amongst his peers. He had always been focused on learning what he could and truly craved to learn as much as he could. Many of his peers though didn't have such a strong desire and often times butted heads with Carith because of this. Thus, Carith has surrounded himself with people like him who cared and avoided the others, but Carith did kind of recognize the picture. "there's this one group of students... I think they all listen to and follow a Padawan named Fenn Reynolds. He's a year older than me and was just recently chosen to study under a Jedi Knight, but I'm not sure whom. I recall him and his friends having a fascination with Darth Krayt, the founder of the One Sith. He took his name obviously based off the Krayt Dragons of Tatooine. They spent months studying him, but I'm not sure why. In fact, I generally choose to avoid that group due to their reckless nature of the Force and actions. It may or may not be one of them, but it's a start"

[member="Cyril Grayson"]

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