Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Pain: Beginning, Middle & End [PM to join]



The AEG-77 "Vigo" Cargo vessel travelled smoothly through hyperspace and the droid crew did a perfect job maintaining the ship is Pristine condition. In the Armory of the ship Kezeroth could be found cleaning and maintaining his various displays of weapons and armors. The ship was somewhat silent besides the consistent hum of parts working and functioning. The chiss [member="Cen Tessek"] was also aboard somewhere on the ship, Kezeorth did not mind some exploration of his vessel as long as nothing was broken in the process.

The destination Kezeroth kept hidden from his chiss apprentice in order to make the session successful and have full effect. Walking out of the armory and sitting himself at a table in the main lobby Kezeroth rested his feet on a table and leaned back some. It would be while till they were going to reach Hoth.

"Heh.." Kezeroth chuckled slightly as he thought about all the other apprentices reactions to the planets climate conditions. With a groan the Gen'dai yelled " Cen!" he yelled and squinted to look around the lobby of the vessel.
There was a brief, visceral shatter that echoed deep from within the vessel, followed shortly by hollow silence. Following the expansively developed nightmares that plagued his dreams and troubled his waking moments, Cen found himself increasingly jumpy, and as he had gathered in a half-conscious state of a dreary, hypnotic trance before a large, glass cabinet, storing trophies of Kezeroth's various adventures of yore, he began dancing back and forth between awareness and this fever nightmare. As his sight faded into black, only to jolt back into the light with every gracing second, he physically felt the pull of some expanse, haunting him beyond the thin curtain of reality. His eyes slipped shut and so the vision came.

The Monolith stood before him in a carnal form, thrusted into the whirling skies, filled with sunsets and dancing clouds as days and nights flew by in mere seconds. The time slipped away like this as Cen could only observe, with the days and nights flashing in between light and darkness and clouds snaked across the sky only to be reflected by the below, a glass landscape which composed the earth. This created an odd spectacle of a mirrored world composed of whirling spells of reality and time as all were sucked away into the unknown.

A crack had shattered this perfection however, for a mound of dirt had sprouted and cracked the horizon like an infection, leaving only a filthy triangular crevice, lined with the dark red blood of the Earth, dripping ever so softly from the ragged edges of broken glass. Positioned atop the intrusive hill of soil was the black Monolith, a titanic obelisk of midnight that formed a holy void, situated between reflected heaven and earth. Cen stood unconscious, letting the winds of years flown by whip his body about before the dark pillar. There was no more Cen -- for there was no self before the Monolith -- there was only a beginning, middle, and end.

Kezeroth the Beholder said:
"Heh.." Kezeroth chuckled slightly as he thought about all the other apprentices reactions to the planets climate conditions. With a groan the Gen'dai yelled "Cen!" he yelled and squinted to look around the lobby of the vessel.
It was completely reflexive, so completely quick and efficient that Cen may have found pride in it should the situation been different, but nonetheless, the punch shot out and punctured the trophy case's wall of glass before him. Startled, Cen winced as the glass caved away with a thunderous shatter, and burning pain stretching up along his arm would be only the initial taste of what was to come on behalf of his master. However, this was not the sole thing that had disturbed him; in the midst of his fear he had forgotten his strange vision that had appeared not moments ago, yet that odd sense of unease remained, hanging stagnant in the air. He turned to leave and join Kezeroth, only offering the shattered pane the briefest of glances, noting only the triangular fashion of the break, with his dark red blood, dripping ever so softly from the ragged edges of broken glass.

As he stormed into the room, Cen was careful to keep his hand stealthily concealed behind him, the thin trails of blood eagerly running down his forearm, across his wrist, and soaking up into the posterior layer of his black jacket. "I'm here, Master Kezeroth!" he dutifully exclaimed, offering a cheesy, curt bow as he attempted to play off the obvious damages done. "Are we almost there?"

[member="Kezeroth the Beholder"]
Vibrations traveled throughout the Gen'dais body as the ship moved oh so slightly. In the background he could hear a noise, But he was not listening hard enough to identify what it was specifically. Writing off the odd noise as another crew droid falling over Kezeorth laughed to himself lightly. If you had ever seen a droid fall over you would understand the humor that came from the awkward action. Watching [member="Cen Tessek"] walk in the lobby of the poodoo Kezeroth frowned as he heard "I'm here, Master Kezeroth!" from the chiss. It sounded odd to his ears for some reason but that was the name and title of the giant. " Its either Master or Kezeroth... Dont combine the two it sounds.... Ehh. Got it?" He responded as he rolled his eyes and shook it his. " But to answer your question we should be arriving...." He paused as he glanced at a spot of red on the floor. Raising a brow the Gen'dai leaned forward slightly to inspect it. Blood.

Leaning back again the Gen'dai stared at [member="Cen Tessek"] hard, his jaw growing stern as he thought it through. Finally opening his mouth as if he were going to speak he paused and shook his head annoyed. " Take a seat and tell me about your self." For now what ever happen or broke was fine, the punishment would come later when they arrived on Hoth. " You Share some then i will do the same..." Kezeroth stared at his apprentice blankly as if he suspected something happened.
As the Gen'Dai inspected the splotch of blood on the floor, Cen felt his heart stop dead. When the Gen'Dai gave him an almost physically overbearing stare, Cen wished his heart would literally stop dead. When the Gen'Dai chose to avoid the issue, and instead continue in conversation, Cen knew that he was as good as dead.

Kezeroth the Beholder said:
"Take a seat and tell me about yourself." For now what ever happen or broke was fine, the punishment would come later when they arrived on Hoth. " You share some, then I will do the same..."
Naturally, there was a brief stutter of hesitation when Cen opened his mouth to speak. He was all too familiar with Sith politics, witnessing the turmoil firsthand and barely survived the explosive aftermath. If he were to give away information dear to him, he could easily give his master an easy ounce of leverage over him, which could then serve as a tool for manipulation and control. On the other side, this man was also putting a lot of effort into helping Cen see to the end of his current journey, and for that he merited some level of reverence and trust by default. He was not yet sure how to completely differentiate between the Dark Jedi and their Sith cousins, for he did not yet understand what traits they chose to share, but deep within the hallways of his heart, nary a whisper echoed through the hallowed corridors of his soul, begging him to comply to partial honesty.

"Well," he began, clasping a hand against his breast, coated by the thick layer of black synthleather that composed his jacket, "I grew up as a moisture farm slave with my family. " He expanded his uninjured hand, exposing the underside of his palm to the visible eye whilst his injured arm remained concealed behind his back. ("Even if he already noticed the blood, if I can keep him following this subject, chances are my expand my life expectancy by that much," he concluded in an aside.) His hand was covered in rubbery skin, with webbed callouses and waxy scar tissue. "I worked the moisture vaporators since I was a kid, the sun often heated them up and I was never given gloves," he continued his a more solemn tone, drawing a hand up to the thick scar that trailed from his pale, opaque eye well into his hairline. "And that wasn't the most dangerous part about the job, either. The natives were... extreme."

As the more bright memories of young adulthood began to flood the empty pits of wallowing self-deprecation, soon the leeching sense of regret tainted and befouled the waters. So, through his recollections of happier memories, his tone served only to grow grimmer in regards, "I love my family very much. My father died when we were sold into slavery, but I still had my mother, two brothers, and sister. My sister passed away many years ago for complex reasons but I had a son soon after. I named him after my dad, Gald Tessek. He's a bubbly little thing that loves adventure; he wanted to come along but... I chose to leave him at home with his grandmother and uncles; this Galaxy is not a place for children, certainly." With that he closed his side of the conversation for now. He had certainly skipped over many details, such as the origins of his blade and Gald's mother in particular, but that was not a story to be shared now.

"So what about you, Master?"

[member="Kezeroth the Beholder"]
Listening to [member="Cen Tessek"] and watching him was odd. His story was slightly similar to his own but only in regards to slavery and death. Why was it that everyone other apprentice he chose to train was like this, Similar traits and histories? Kezeorth began to ponder what the Force was trying to tell him through the multiple occasions this exact moment at occurred in his life. As the chiss moved on with his story explaining tatooine and all Kezeroth couldn't help but smile. Later when the natives were mentioned that smile grew knowing how most natives could be he thought is amusing to hear about Sand people once more.

But as the story moved away from growing up and into family Kezeroth quickly changed expressions as he could feel them emotion from Cen. His presence changed into something the Gen'dai himself had been through for hundreds of years. Regret and sadness. But these emotions were not mimicked by Kezeroth himself but rather changed into a anger on his part. Slavery was a word he had grown to hate and some of the Gen'dais most gruesome acts were on slavers that reminded him of his past.

And then their was the telling of his loved ones that were still living, where as Kezeroth had only one and his relationship with him was rather odd.
I named him after my dad, Gald Tessek. He's a bubbly little thing that loves adventure; he wanted to come along but... I chose to leave him at home with his grandmother and uncles; this Galaxy is not a place for children, certainly." It was the last part that caught his attention making him realize that an individual was strongest when fighting with a purpose and Cen's family was that purpose. And though Kezeroth had little Biological family members he loved his past apprentices or most of them. All of his friends were his new family, this was his realization.

"So what about you, Master?" Kezeroth nodded and responded with a very truthful saying " You dont know what you have intill its gone. The Galaxy is for the strong truly!" he looked away for couple seconds to ready his story and retelling it yet again.

" But as for me, I guess ill tell you an equal amount of information. 2509 years ago a young a Gen'dai was introduced into the Universe. I prefer the word born over created but when it comes down to facts I was in fact created in a lab." He looked up thinking what Era in history he lived first. " The end of the Inter Sith Wars, Ah such a lovely time.." Jeered in sarcasm. " With no Gen'dai influences I quickly grew attached to those who raised me. The Scientist. They were my fathers and mothers, Teaching me the basics of like and guiding me for a short time. Due to physiology I watched some of them die from natural causes." He smiled some. " They used to tell me. Kezeroth, We will one day die but you will live on. Dont fret we will be with you in here." His expression changed into some bitterness as he pointed at were a heart would be on his chest.

" Childhood poodoo, If you dont understand you will in time. Hmm where did i leave off from? Ah of course.." He paused in hesitation, he always hated this part of his history due to how it affected him in the process. Before even opening his mouth to speak a volatile presence could be felt. Hate, Anger, Rage, Agony, Despair and utter darkness. " Some passed away due to natural causes and others in time were murdered. A group of defeated Sith broke in on one timeless day and slaughtered everyone. I was too young to understand it all but there was one action I did understand well." Gazing at [member="Cen Tessek"] with a faint red eyes due to the emotions running through him but not being fully expressed, Kezeroth paused and for a brief second attempted to make a slight connection with the Chiss in order to see what he was seeing in his mind.

If the Connection was made Cen would briefly see a Room filled with Fire and those in it choking to death due to a strong invisible hand the gripped their throats. This was what Kezeroth saw in his mind and on that timeless day. " The Sith... destroyed my everything one I knew... And after they were done. They turned to me and.." His sharp teeth gnashed and some loose objects rattled as Kezeroths rage peaked at a minimum. Suddenly the Ships Computer sounded interrupting the story to signal that the arrival to the Destination was imitate. Within Seconds the Ship Rumbled and dropped out of Hyperspace.

Ship view ports revealing a white and Blue Planet snowy in nature. It was clear now that it was none other than Hoth. Calming down the Gen'dai got up and lumbered to the Cockpit, but before leaving the room he turned around and said. " Were here. You'll hear more later.... If your survive.." He muttered the last parted and quickly took piloting controls Ascending down to the planet. Landing rather gracfully on a icy cliff side, the ship rested down with the landing gear connecting with snow and rock. Getting up and walking to the back of the ship Kezeroth waited at the back of the ship by a large ramp and its control panel. " Your training starts now!" he yelled in a slightly serious tone and press a large green button on the control panel.

Within seconds the gears began to turn and the large ramp fell to the snowy ground below. Frigid winds howled as he opened and its icy touch wisp-ed about the ships interiors.
Cen, over the short span of his life, has felt rarely the animalistic power of raw emotion. Yet, as the word Sith spilled from the mouth of his master, the taste of copper flooded his mouth and the heat of fire erupted in his stomach. His blood boiled and bubbled in frothing madness at the mention of the Sith and as the Gen'Dai's story drew on, it took all of Cen's willpower to restrain his demeanor. The regrets of his memories were soon overwhelmed by the sheer guilt of concealing so much of his own history whilst his Master, whom he had considered a brute, was now exposing his own tender story with his pupil.

Then came the Connection, the visage of pure death, of a room aflame as its occupants fell, gasping and grasping at their throats as they were asphyxiated by the unseen hands of phantoms. It was a grisly vision, one saw not as a brief glimpse into the life of Kezeroth but of a ghastly prophecy akin to the Monolith. "What Monolith?" interrupted Cen within his mind, the vacant air of cavernous, forgotten thought releasing a pungent frustration within himself. His exploration of what this Monolith could be, however, was swiftly halted by the massive rumble of the vessel departing hyperspace. They swiftly approached a great world before them, swirling in shifting marble colors of vibrant blues and pale white. "Csilla?" thought a shocked Cen, whose heart briefly rose to his throat in an emotional lump of fear and wistfulness.

Kezeroth the Beholder said:
"We're here. You'll hear more later... If your survive..."
Yet, as his master, Kezeroth, entered the cockpit and directed them down atop a great glacial cliff, Cen had turned to gaze out the portside windows pensively, only to bear witness to a roaming pack of tauntauns. "Hoth..." realized Cen in a dismal mixture of disappointment and relief. As the ship touched down, his master roved to the loading ramp, and patiently awaited Cen's arrival. As he approached, with heavy footfalls of a childlike selfishness, akin to a mope, the giant called out as he activated the descending platform, exposing Cen to a vast fog of sleet and whirling snow devils that danced across the infinite tundra plain.

Kezeroth the Beholder said:
"Your training starts now!"
Once the site of the famed Battle of Hoth, it was now little more than a forgotten husk of ice and snow, populated by hostile fauna. Even within the heated bowels of the ship he felt the touch of the cold, beneath his new insulation jumpsuit. As he stood behind his master he continued his prepackaging for winterized survival, strapping various bands over the suit, complete with a network of webbed harnesses from which several packs dangled. His scarf rose up snugly over his muzzle, muffling his voice as he called out to his master, "What will I be doing exactly, Master?" He snapped on a pair of orange goggles, fitted beneath a form-fitting winterized skullcap, making him look almost humorously nemoidian. As he slipped up his hood and began a self-pat down for missing supplies he asked again, with a voice now little more than a rumbling murmor, nearly unintelligible through the folds of clothing, "Want me to go out and hunt some Hoth hogs or something?"

[member="Kezeroth the Beholder"]
Kezeroth ignored his apprentices question for a time and activated another control console. " Prepare the med bay." he ordered a nearby droid and watched him turn around and take himself to the medbay. Lights turned on and the Medical droids stood patiently waiting ready and prepared. All of Kezeroths apprentices had this trial in common. Trial of endurance, it seperated the weak from the strong. Demanded the individual to get closer to instinct and not rely on solely the mind. As [member="Cen Tessek"] got dressed and ready the gen'dai couldn't help but looked him as if he were dumb. All the equipment he thought he needed to survive the icy tundra was but a mere illusion in his mind he only needed to realize it.

" HA! Suit yourself..." He smiled sinisterly. " Step outside and we will begin the Trial... and I will explain it all." he said and stretched his arm out toward the cold snowy ground. He had to wait for Cen to leave the ship in order to continue with the plans. The training was going to be nothing positive is the process.
[member="Kezeroth the Beholder"]

Kezeroth the Beholder said:
"Prepare the med bay."
Well if that was not just the most positive omen Cen had ever heard, he did not know what was. Upon the writhing mass of snow he watched the various rocks and glacial ice protrude in a toothy fashion, splayed out like the flat maw of winter hoarfrost that beckoned one to step within its grasp and become consequently devoured by the blizzard. The temperatures here were known to vary between -25° to -60° Celsius with the ever looming potential to worsen drastically.

As he snapped the rest of his belts together, leaving him a large, vaguely humanoid-shaped amalgamation of insulated protection, he waddled about with the range of motion of a obese gingerbread man. "Amuh eh," he cried, muffled by the choking scarf his stumpy arms now desperately clawed at, desperate to stave off impending asphyxiation. As he skinned the layer of cloth away with the tremendous, sweaty sound of unpeeling tape, he sighed exhaustively, then provided a small solute to solidify his status as A-Ok.

Kezeroth the Beholder said:
"HA! Suit yourself..." He smiled sinisterly. "Step outside and we will begin the Trial... and I will explain it all."

Naturally, the invitation for disaster eluded Cen, too overwhelmed by the prospect of training and the fact he realized his master may have just uttered a pun. Regardless, Kezeroth motioned for Cen's swift departure, and depart Cen did, toddling down the exit ramp like a constipated penguin, only to halt as his boots reached the snow and stare up expectantly at his master. "Alright! So what do I get to do?" His stubby arms swatted about across his bloated form with vigorous determination. "I just gotta' find my sabre and then I'll be good to go!"
Cen was young, strong and very very naive! As [member="Cen Tessek"] walked off the Ramp Kezeroths smile could not be contained. " You wont need your Lightsaber..." Kezeroth paused and walked off the ramp, thinking about the door he focused on the shape of the buttons and suddenly the Ramp began to close leaving Kezeroth and Cen outside in the cold. " In fact you wont need all those clothes either. You want to learn about the darkside, well... Before that happens you must learn pain and focus. Hoth does this better than nothing else!" He remained smiling and clasped his hands together tightly. A sort of warm began to manifest between his grasp and when Kezeroth realesed his clasped grip his right hand burned with fire. His right hand was literally set a flame but did not burn!

" Your task is this, You will survive for a whole day on Hoth using the your pain and the Force to keep you alive. If you fail and grow too tried I will leave you to die or take you back on the to the ship to be placed in a bacta tank to heal. Once healed you will start over in till the task is complete. All depends on my mood honestly." he chuckled again and stared at the Chiss's fluffy Attire. Raising his flaming right hand he pointed a finger at Cens feet and snaped. As he did a small hot flame left his hand and fell in toward the Chiss's mass of clothing.

" You'll have to forgive me, It takes the majority too long to strip down. This will ensure the process goes faster."
[member="Kezeroth the Beholder"]

Have you ever donned exactly nine-point-five (0.5 is what Cen refers to as Genetic Protection) layers of clothing only to be lit on fire? Of course you haven't, but the irony stands akin to showering for three days straight in holy water only to paddle up the sewers of Hell directly after. If Cen had any ounce of willpower left amongst his being not yet solely dedicated to dancing free from the burning mass of apparel he likely would have flung himself at his master and attempted to strangle him, then likely crawled inside his corpse like Luke to the tauntaun for the sake of survival. However, destiny and life never sought to ease the sluggish progress of Cen's day-to-day experience, and in mere moments he was forced to tango himself into the nude amidst the swirling snow that spanned the glacial cliff, save for the smoldering pair of boxer briefs, showered in pink hearts that shone through the scorch marks, and a single, black glove.

It was within these boxer briefs he found his lightsabre, wedged tightly between his bare skin and the elastic band of his briefs that fastened them to his waist. For the brief moment of realization which struck him, he was utterly distracted away from the fact he was butt-naked in a blizzard. "Whew, there it is! Good thing this little guy didn't go off!" He laughed cheerfully, yet the ruse of his humor was stapled by the tone as icy as the wind. His smile remained plastered to a wooden expression as his head swiveled about in a hauntingly robotic fashion, like a ventriloquist puppet, to eye Kezeroth with a hollow, dead stare. "By the way, Master; what the utter Hell?"

He had long since excused Kezeroth's behavior as a mental disability but now he had crossed the line, handicapped or not. In the past pains of Cen, through the giant lizards, muuns, and explosions, this situation had such a deep wrong to it, being shuffled naked out into the freezing wilderness, that he felt shaken down into his core. For, perhaps in the first time in his life, Cen felt completely and utterly disturbed. "So, let me get this straight, Master. You're going to make me survive out here, using the pain generously granted by the frostbite nipping my little Cen and the Force, of which either I have had ABSOLUTELY little to no experience of prior? Yeah, nope... You know what? I have absolutely zero qualms with this; I am perfectly okay with this. I am at peace and happy with your decision. "

"Gah! Stop your crying and suck it up! If you cannot endure then you will be weak like the Sith. My Methods are not without purpose, Cen! You Desire to become stronger... Such a dream and goal will not last longer without endurance. I will motive you if you need it... Now focus on pain and shield your body or will you accept hypothermia that will take place soon?" Kezeroth was not playing around now. Hoths Atmosphere was harsh and intense and though in his armor the Gen'dai himself could feel the cold nipping at his flesh underneath. Soon Night would approach and both Master and Apprentice would be forced to focus together or freeze.

[member="Cen Tessek"]
Cen had expected the worst, like rancors, fire, explosions, pain, torture, more grenades, and all around the most evil techniques possible to imbue his spirit with the powers of the dark side. What he did not expect was hypothermia. He knew little of the procedures of meditation, to train upon pain and powered to shield or expel, and now, at the moment of its heightened requirement, he felt unhinged frustration press against his ribs, thrust into his gullet, and swell in bulbous form, threatening to burst forth in fiery vocalizations of his anger. The pain of the hoarfrost was unlike anything he had felt, the burning of hot metal, flame, beatings, and blaster bolts only sunk into the shadow of winter, whose bite acted as a torturous, paralytic poison, blanketing his body first in numbness only to pierce his nerves with smoldering hot hooks, tugging forth a greater response to the suffering. It would be mere moments until he would succumb to frostbite and hours until death.

The sun was gently sinking beyond the pale horizon, nipped with black outcrops of stony mountains beneath their jackets of ice and snow. He had said it himself, the cold which was fatal during the day would only serve certain death come nightfall, and if he was to survive even to the point of darkness he would either need to steal the ship or meditate, as per the master's orders. As fighting the freezing cold with his emotion was a more realistic venture than besting the Gen'Dai, Cen sighed in defeated and fought to freeze his poise in a stern matter against the violent shivers.

The incandescent sun of Hoth was still slowly sinking, casting jagged shadows of the mountain's span upon the pair. Karr Dalmos had outright refused to teach Cen the techniques of meditation, largely in part to the "No Force" policy of his training. But, upon Cen's young adulthood inclination to peep, he was granted the opportunity to study Karr in the midst of their practice.

Cen struggled to memorize their stance of his first mentor's composure, seen only years and years ago, but recalled the motion in which the hands were locked. It was an odd movement, in which rather than interlocking the fingers, weaved across the webs of their counterparts, they simply lay over top of each other. His right hand firmly clasped the back of the other, fingers against the knuckles, and lay beneath, both outstretched in a lax sense of calm, firmly held against his abdomen with ginger care. He remembered to close his eyes and to straighten his spine, a movement which only served to bring bites of pain to the small of his back, which had grown stiff in the chilly air.

He winced, suddenly more aware of the small interactions of the world across his body; there was a numbness that swallowed his feet; a sharp, needling pain across the glass wounds that dug into his arm; the way the cold dark washed over his body, prickling it with goosebumps and patches of frost; and there was that distinct sense, that cord of vibration that sunk deep into his gut. It was as if his hands, in midst of their meditative stance, had subconsciously grasped a twine that stretched deep across the plains of ice into the unknown and had become aware of the gentle strumming one man played in the distance. It was disturbing, disconcerting and a wave of unease swept over him, pulling him away from the focus of pain.

His eyes squinted shut further, a dull ache erupting as the pressure for darkness laid harsher upon the muscles of his eyes, straining them. Then came the wisp, a lone white trail of smoke against the dark backdrop of his eyelids, so prominent and corporeal that Cen felt as if he had squinted his eyelids to the point of peeling his vision away from existence, to stare eternally into the black so vividly his sight pierced through the curtains or reality into a universe beyond his own. Then the tendril of paleness snaked beyond his sight, spreading out through the heavens of his vision in a fog, and light cast down beyond it. Clouds. It was reflected by the floor of his prophetic vision, which was cast in glass and crystal, and in the lightened distance, cloudy yet pierced by spears of sunlight, he saw the Monolith once again.

Cen, conjured into a state of hypnosis by whatever unholy force compelled him to bear witness to the Monolith, had found himself in this trance, inadvertently shielding himself in the Force, but not through the pain his master had wished. There was a warning nurtured in the picturesque infection of the vast pillar of midnight, one so drawing, a vortex of consciousness, it compelled his body to instinctive protection through the Force, but as Cen's brief expansion into the Ways of Pain impaled his feeble trust with spikes of fright, he fled from the vision, the warning, entirely, and exploded into a gasping state of consciousness. He was scared of what the vision heralded, if it was neither Force nor divine, but a simple harbinger of Hell, of punishment, the field of Purgatory made manifest in nightmares to haunt him with the presence of doubt, of regret. He collapsed to his shaking knees, hyperventilating to imbibe his parched lungs with the desperately missed air. "I... I can't... How am I supposed to call upon this pain?"

[member="Kezeroth the Beholder"]
"I... I can't... How am I supposed to call upon this pain?"
Was a good question but there was no answer for it. Cen denied his instinct to survive due to his past leanings and teachings. The possibility that this could take longer than expects finally hit Kezeroth in a rather profound way. " You deny your instinct of survival, embrace the cold. Respect what it can do to your body and mind. Feel its chills as it slowly attempts to take you, But do not let it take you. Linger between life and death where the pain thrives most. Focus on your already know what to do." he snarled and began to walk around Cen examining him. " Forget what you know, Embrace what you feel." he uttered as he shortly remembered his time doing this to himself. He forced himself to survive way longer than Cen only due to his species of Gen'dai but never the less.
Kezeroths hands sparked slightly as he thought about "motivating" the chiss below him. " You have plenty of reasons to continue living. Your Son, your family. If you die here what will happen to them?" Kezeroth smiled extended his hand at Cen, Lightning briefly streaming from his finger tips toward the Chiss's body.
[member="Cen Tessek"]​
Cen cried out as the lightning raced across his body, collapsing him into a smoking heap, buried into the snow. “I… I can’t do it.” The regret, the pain, it swallowed him into the sunken depths of its breadth, sinking him beneath its black surface and devoid of all light, he was shrouded in darkness and would linger, broken, floating among its currents. The monolith, and within its recesses, death, would leave him frozen upon the treacherous landscapes of Hoth. “I can’t let go, I can’t embrace it! I don’t know how to release myself.” The frost, it bit at his ear, eating away greedily. “I can’t…” His balance into pain shifted, life to death, as darkness began to overwhelm him. What feeling was this, from whence his confidence had led him, he now found himself in humility, drowning in the roar of snow.

“Nothing, they’re out of my life now. Nothing will happen to them, regardless if I live or die.”

[member="Kezeroth the Beholder"]

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