Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Pablo G. Purrgil

Pablo G. Purrgil

Height1.7 Meters (Ball Form)
Weight270 kg
Force SensitiveNot Force Sensitive


Given the shifting qualities of being an Ugor, there variability in his form is neigh-limitless and as fluid as water. A major constant however is the green coloration of his body. To aid in maintaining a more humanoid appearance for extended periods of time Pablo will wear a bulky old evo suit that makes him look like either an astronaut or deep sea diver.




Like most Ugor, Pablo holds a certain level of reverence for garbage and waste. However, not to the same degree as many others. Same goes for having a general disdain for squibs like any self respecting Ugor. But more so Pablo has a personal grudge towards cyborgs more than anything. Although very loyal to his friends and crew and will almost always put himself on the line for them.


“Be water my friend”- Pablo is amorphic, he has no set shape that he assumes and can be as fluid as water. Forming additional limbs/appendages and sensory organs to increase his abilities however he needs. So long as he has the biomass to use, the sky’s the limit for him. Only added from the decentralized nervous system he has.

Durability - Being without form, Pablo is virtually immune to various forms of physical damage. For example getting cut and stabbed with a vibro blade for him feels more like getting violently tickled.


Fire - Flames are particularly detrimental to his well being. Even blaster shots could prove life threatening is sustained in large enough numbers in a short amount of time.

Food! - Like many Ugors, Pablo required large amounts of food to sustain himself. Fortunately this is offset by the ability to consume garbage. Even waste that was toxic to most others.

“Unsightly” - A bit more of a subjective issue, but Ugor generally have a reputation of being obnoxious.



(TLDR without context: Pablo grew up and became a mechanic, ate some spicy garbage and now hates cyborgs)

At a very young age when Pablo was just a little “puddleling” he was separated from wider Ugor society. His earliest memories was growing up inside of a large ship’s trash compactor. Which is surprisingly hospitable to him. He had all the food he could ever need and never had to worry about being crushed to death.

Eventually however, he would explore more of the ship as he grew and matured. Sneaking around to look for more delicious food. One day he was caught while raiding the food supplies of a ship. Which is when he learned that he was on a merchant vessel, and was nearly killed via space ejection until the captain saw some value in having someone with Pablo’s abilities on their ship.

Seemingly overnight Pablo was transformed from an invasive pest to a crewmember as he leveraged his unique body to become a rather gifted mechanic for the ship. Able to contract and squeeze his body into all of the hard to reach areas of the vessel to provide maintenance.

Unfortunately, tragedy struck when Pablo and the rest of the crew were captured by Iskalloni, who sought to enslave them as workers back on a colony. Much to his captors dismay however, they couldn’t overcome Pablo’s unique protozoan physiology. Even trying to utilize nanotech to enslave the goop man.

But Pablo, loyal to the crew for shaping him into the man he grew into. Tried to strike a deal with the Iskalloni, wanting the cyborgs to free his friends in exchange he could put himself to work dealing with their particularly “spicy” garbage. Which they agreed to, and he got to work as something of a glorified sanitational engineer for the brutal cyborg slavers. Who were rather impressed by his ability to seemingly effortlessly handle their waste that normally killed anyone who needed to deal with it.

However, Pablo’s Iskalloni captors never made good on their promise, and repurposed the enslaved crew to some other dangerous work that didn’t involve waste management. The news of them crossing him like this set the ugor mechanic into a rage when news finally reached him that his crew had still perished. Unleashing his amorphic-might against those who sought to make him their slave. The destruction he brought to the Iskalloni colony had set them back about a dozen years to make them regret their betrayal before finally escaping. Using his body to squeeze into one of their ships and taking it for himself.

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