Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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NAME: Ozzik *Last Name: Redacted*
NICKNAMES: "Oz", "4K", and "Zeke"
FACTION: First Order
RANK: Lieutenant
ASSIGNMENT: FIST, 3rd Batallion, K (Krayt) Company, 2nd Platoon
AGE: 22
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 185cm
WEIGHT: 90kg
EYES: Green
HAIR: Blond
SKIN: Caucasian


(+) Physically Strong: Years of training led to a physically fit body

(+) Leadership: Became an officer for a reason
(+) Loyal: Loyal to the First Order and his comrades
(+) Marksmanship: Another result of the training instilled from years of training
(+) Tactical: Was chosen as an officer due to his ability to lead as well as think outside of the box when it comes to dealing with different situations
(-) Dubious: While decisive in his decisions, Ozzik will internally, never externally, doubt if it was the correct one
(-) Idealist: Perhaps this was brainwashed, perhaps this is personal, but Ozzik is very loyal and very idealistic for the First Order cause.

Ozzik stands at a slightly above average height and a slightly above average weight. The weight is not from body fat though, but lean muscle, due to his training in the Stormtrooper Corps from the age of 8. Ozzik's body has an athletic build and a mesomorphic frame. His posture is straight and perfect, another result of training from a young age. His blond hair short and usually spiked and his face is either clean shaven or contains stubble.


Ozzik *Last Name Redacted* was born on the First Order's capital planet of Dosuun in the city of Avalonia, the heart of the Order. His mother stayed at home to care for him while his father worked as an executive for a prominent First Order bank. This situation put his family in a very good spot financially, but these good times didn't last long. At the age of 7, an economic crisis hit the bank his father worked for resulting in not only the loss of his father's job, but their savings too. His family quickly ended up in the homeless shelters in the Order, a stark contrast to their previous life. Struggling to make ends meet like the other members of the homeless shelters, his father and mother fell into a state of depression. They realized though, there was one difference between their family and the others in the homeless shelters... they had an extremely healthy son, as they were only newly homeless and sacrificed for him portions of their food due to their love for their son. It is well known within the First Order, that giving up young healthy boys to serve in the Stormtrooper Corps was not only honorable, but also resulted in compensation for the given up boy's family. Worried for the well-being of not only themselves, but their son, the couple accepted the only logical decision left. Ozzik's father negotiated with a recruitment officer for the enlistment of his son into the First Order Stormtrooper Corps. Ozzik would be given up to the Corps, his father given an entry level government position, and the ban of the parents to see their son until he honorably retires from the Corps. Ozzik is unaware of this final term to the contract and still believes he will never see his parents again, a belief that makes him resentful towards them even though he wasn't old enough to remember them.

The day after he entered First Order custody, he lost his family name and his possessions. He was given a designation, FT-4000, but allowed to keep his first name for his comrades to use, as well as the fact that forcing a child to forget their name would cost too much time and effort to do. For the first four years of training, Ozzik went through general studies with the rest of his peers. He was taught First
Order history, necessary mathematics skills, engineering skills, and beginning marksmanship. At the age of 12, the First Order organized the young boys into pseudo squads and platoons, "officers" being chosen based off a combination of physical benchmarks, education test scores, and veterancy. Though Ozzik did well in both physical and mental aspects, he was not chosen as an officer for the psuedo squads/platoon because many of his peers were raised from birth while he was raised from the age of 7. The First Order trainers didn't hold much stock in the first choice of officers though, because leadership and personality could not be tested, thus the first officers were moreso placeholders than official choices.

Placed into a squad of 8, more formal military training began amongst the recruits. Each day began early with rigorous physical and conditioning training. The recruits started using live fire weapons, a choice that forces trust amongst the boys. The new training regime also brought with it the training of using the First Order's vehicles, ships, and explosives, a prospect that many of the young cadets were excited for. Ozzik also exceeded these areas as well. Training was going well and Ozzik enjoyed his purpose within the First Order, but there was one singular problem: the squad's sergeant was an incompetent bully. This issue plagued the squad through the year of training. He would constantly order them to do extra PT, would ban an unhealthy amount of breaks, and constantly made fun of each squad member. All 7 other members of the squad despised him, but the order of command required they follow him.

At the 13-14 age group, war games began. Arranged as a game, each squad would be ranked and placed into a league. Squads' wins and performances would raise them higher in the standings verse other squads and losses lowered them. The First Order, taking advantage of young boys' competitive drive, would use it to train the boys into men and the officers into leaders. They would wear body suits that would mimic the pain of real life injuries as accurately as possible. Finally, each battle would be different to accustom the cadets into many types of battles. The first season started poorly for Ozzik's squad. While not the worst squad in the bunch, they resulted well below average. The blame in Ozzik's eyes solely rested on their bully squad leader. The squad's morale was low, no one could follow the ass into battle, and they were ready to give up. Ozzik was determined to change that. A pivotal for morale wargame was coming up. The loser of the match would be assigned "maid duty" for the next two weeks, but the squad was facing one of the highest ranked squads in the league. The scenario was aboard an abandoned space station, the objective to restore power and control the station to turn on the opposing team's theoretical fleet in space. After the scenario began, both 8 man squads found themselves in a firefight in the hanger. After 10-15 minutes of back and forth firefighting, their squad leader attempted to make a heroic push without the squad and got himself "killed". Ozzik knew what he had to do. In the absence of their squad leader, he attempted to take command of the group. Using their mutual hate of their leader, he united them, and made a plan. Assigning the group into two teams, he commanded the group to move up a nearby ramp by taking turn suppressing the enemy and moving towards the ramp. Once up the ramp, he commanded the squad to destroy the door the enemy squad entered through, trapping them inside the hanger. Their only options being to run through an empty hanger towards another door and be picked off for being in the open, or to destroy Ozzik's squad head on, but they were disadvantaged due to elevation. Using this advantaged position and their stormtrooper armor vacuum, he commanded the team of three to jump outside of the hanger into empty space and use their harpoon attachment to climb to the next level of the station and secure the power room and sequentially the command room. Due to the rest of the squad's elevated position, they were able to hold the opposing squad in one position while this was done despite their greater numbers. The enemy squad realizing they were going to lose made a last ditch effort to run across the empty hanger resulting in 80% causalities and a decisive win for Ozzik's squad.

This turn of events did not go unnoticed by the First Order. After a briefing with each individual squad member, the First Order distinguished Ozzik as the new squad leader and the expulsion of their old. While Ozzik's squad could not finish into a tournament seed for the season due to their poor start, they won their remaining war games under his leadership. In the second season, Ozzik's squad made a commanding start and a strong finish. The squad qualified for the second season's tournament and placed second overall, losing only in a war game that went down to the last man. The next season changed into platoon vs platoon, and as a top scoring squad leader, Ozzik was placed as a lieutenant in charge of a platoon during the merge. These wargames gave Ozzik experience in seeing the bigger picture, commanding 32 men instead of 8. No platoon wargame season has seen an undefeated platoon due to relative competency of officers after the first two seasons, and that streak still didn't even in Ozzik's cadet class. But Ozzik's platoon was again amongst one of the top platoons in the league, being in the top 5 out of over 40 other platoons in his cadet class. A 3rd place finish scored Ozzik the opportunity to act as captain of a company in the final season of wargame training, which pitted company vs company. In command of now 128 cadets, Ozzik led his company to his long desired first place finish with an impressive and rare three losses, two being the record. All officers with a winning wargame record, which included Ozzik, were offered commissions into the First Order Stormtrooper Corps. The remaining officers graduated as NCOs or regular stormtroopers on a case by case basis. Instead of transferring to a division like his enlisted companions, Ozzik went to Officers School, a 3 year program designed to teach leadership, to personally improve the individual physically, mentally, and emotionally, and to gain advanced training in the areas of marksmanship, vehicles, and other battlefield combat topics. After graduating with honors, Ozzik was finally transferred to his first unit, FIST. Now in command of the second platoon of Krayt Company, he awaits his first assignment and baptism by fire.


Stormtrooper Armor with Command Pauldron
F-11D Blaster Rifle with detachable stock
2x SE-4CC Blaster Pistols without scopes
X-11E Sonic Rifle
Knuckle Plate Virboblade
Mission specific FO gear






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