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Ozmeri Gitanati

Princess Ozmeri Gitana'ti


NAME: Ozmeri Gitana'ti
FACTION: Independant
RANK: Adept
AGE: 19
GENDER: Female
WEIGHT: 125lbs
EYES: Aquamarine
HAIR: Brown
SKIN: Creamy beige with a healthy dose of freckles


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :

Well versed in music, astrology, star maps, history, moderate ability to use a foil. Knows over 15 different languages and has studied ancient artifacts and art throughout her childhood.

Does not know any melee combat other than using a foil. Has no streetwise experience. Has lived within the palace all of her life and has never spoken to any 'commoners' outside of her station.




Prior to Sith Occupation.

"You were born to privilege, and with that... comes certain obligations..."
~Queen A'dira Valni Amargon.

Princess Ozmeri Gitana'ti is the eldest daughter of King Denid Amargon Gitana'ti of Velmor and Queen A'dira Valni Gitana'ti. She is a rather high-strung child, having spent the bulk of her life at the palace. Named after a Queen who had led Velmor towards representation in the Galactic Republic prior to the outbreak of the virus, there is much expectation for the young princess to fulfill the proper role.

Due to Velmor's relative isolation, not much has changed in the benevolent monarchy after the Gulag Plague. Reminiscent of the Tetan model, was established and ruled the world from the planetary capital of Den Velmor. The Velmorian society that developed placed a high value of the fine arts. The Velmorian economy is mainly attributed to velmstone, local foodstuffs, and precious stone and metals. As the colonists expanded to establish small villages and farms away from Den Velmor, the Velmoc retreated to the Tol Velmoc mountains.

Ozmeri herself, has long dreamed of seeing just what lies beyond her planet, and has been often seen perched in her private balcony observing the heavens through her telescope. Adventurous in spirit, she longs to experience the galaxy much in the manner that her namesake did as an Ambassador long ago.

However this was hindered when Velmor came under the jurisdiction of the Sith Empire. Her father, much to her chagrin, bowed his head and allowed the Sith Empire to envelop Velmor into their midst. She spent the last several years fighting against them in a small Rebellion, only to culminate in her capture and subsequent imprisonment with the Sith, under Darth Isolda's personal guard, holding much interest in the young woman. It wasn't long before the true reason behind her intrigue came to light.


Upon her Return to Velmor

With Velmor now freed from under Sith rule, the princess seemingly came to light anew from imprisonment, returning to her world to rule along with her father. Within months, the King of Velmor's health declined, leaving the heir apparent Princess to rule in his stead. She is now aiding in political agenda the Mandalorians, in what appeared to be in thanks for freeing Velmor from the Sith.



Had two profiles : Original and New one without the extra baggage.



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