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Dark Empire

The Dark Empire is a reconstituted Imperial successor state based on the principals of Palpatine's late-era Galactic Empire (Dark Empire). It's sole focus is the destruction and re-creation of the galaxy far far away.

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Overview | The Imperials

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Dark Empire
The Imperials


The “Dark Empire” is a term used to both identify all aspects of Darth Solipsis’ rising galactic power, as well as to highlight the Imperial Core that serves as the uniting backbone of the organization. One of the crucial downfalls of the erstwhile ‘Brotherhood of the Maw’ was the fragmented collective of rival entities tenuously united by a thread connected by Darth Solipsis himself. Upon his death, the segmented factions began jockeying for increased status and power at the expense of unity to a common cause, which inevitably doomed the brotherhood to a brutal and crushing death. As both a spiritual successor to the Brotherhood of the Maw, and a corrupted offshoot to The Empire, the Dark Empire aims to strengthen the weaknesses present in both preceding entities.

After drawing Ignacious Korvan to his cause, Solipsis succeeded in bringing a sizable Imperial Remnant into the fold of the rising Dark Empire; with the purpose of serving as the core through which the hierarchy of the greater empire would be established. With the New Sith Order positioned at the head of the hierarchy, and Solipsis in turn as the undisputed head of said Order, the Sith’ari decided to uplift his newfound servant as the Imperial Despot - commander and chief of Imperial armed forces, second in authority to Solipsis himself. In so doing, the hierarchy of the Empire would be set - with the New Sith Order at the head, the Imperial forces under Korvan as the backbone, and the disparate and scattered warbands of the maw at the bottom. There would be no room for challenging the position of one warband versus the other, or the position of one petty lord over the other. Should a breach in compliance occur, the wrath of the Dark Voice would thunder upon them; with the long arm of the Dark Empire (as the Imperial Core has come to be known) being his instrument with which to enforce his will.

Externally, the Imperial elements within the Dark Empire are widely considered to be the ‘face’ of the Dark Empire - an errant Imperial Remnant seeking to reform the glory that once was the Empire. This benefits the greater Dark Empire however, as this places these ‘Imperial Remnants’ as a useful facade to mask the machinations behind the scenes. Where a military operation is under way, most would be focused on the movements of these Imperial elements as opposed to the more elusive actions of their Dark Side masters...


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  • High Command
    • Grand Admiral
  • Command
    • Fleet Admiral
    • Admiral
    • Vice Admiral
    • Rear Admiral
    • Commodore
  • Officers
    • Captain
    • Commander
    • Lt. Commander
    • Lieutenant
    • Lt. Junior Grade
    • Ensign
  • Enlisted
    • Cmmd. Flight Sgt.
    • Master Flight Sgt.
    • Flight Sergeant
    • Flight Corporal
    • Crewman
    • Recruit
  • High Command
    • Lord General
  • Command
    • Command General
    • General
    • Lt. General
    • Major General
    • Brig. General
  • Officers
    • Colonel
    • Lt. Colonel
    • Major
    • Captain
    • 1st Lieutenant
    • 2nd Lieutenant
  • Enlisted
    • Commander
    • Master Sergeant
    • Sergeant
    • Corporal
    • Private
    • Recruit
  • High Command
    • Director
    • Bureau Chief
  • Command
    • Station Chief
  • Officer
    • Special Agent
  • Enlisted
    • Agent
    • Asset
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The Empire that was, was arguably the dominant naval power of the galaxy at the height of its influence. With Star Destroyers serving as the core of the fleet’s doctrine, the Empire was able to project its power far and wide - even to the most distant of frontiers. In the transitional years between the Empire’s collapse and the Dark Empire’s ascendancy, the Imperial Remnants that remained would slowly dwindle. Whatever ships survived to remain in use, only remained so due to the steadfast efforts of what few Imperial engineers remained within each fleet. Despite such efforts, the once powerful remnants of the Imperial Fleet would find themselves slowly but steadily deteriorated by a decay of both materials and resolve. Some remnants of the old Empire would dissolve entirely - usually upon the death of their patron or commanding officer, which would result in the abandonment of material and supplies at far-flung outposts; only to be salvaged by pirates or other renegades. Others would themselves resort to piracy, using their military-grade tech to carve out petty fiefdoms in the void, only to grant passage to waylaid merchants if they possessed enough credits to slake their greed. A distinct minority of those Imperials that remained, such as Ignacious Korvan, would consolidate what vestiges of power they could, and form it into a true Remnant of old - taking on the unenviable, and in some ways impossible task of bringing a semblance of order amongst the disorder.

Despite the ever oppressing influence of the lawless frontier, pockets of Order would remain within the borders of the old Empire; where former Imperial refugees could piece together a life of relative peace amidst the chaos. It was within these pockets that what few battlefleets that remained could maintain reasonable repair and readiness, and in some cases sustain needed retrofitting to keep pace with the technological advancements of the galaxy at large. Even still, the remnants remained divided - with warlords insisting that their way of proceeding was the right way to do so. All of that would change with the ascendancy of the Dark Empire.


With a renewed sense of purpose, as well as the support of the New Sith Order, the then-newly minted Imperial Despot Ignacious Korvan would marshall the power at his disposal, and launch a vicious campaign of consolidation against what Imperial Warlords remained in defiance of his rule - his vision. While stories abound of glorious space battles between titanic Imperial battle fleets, the truth remains very much underwhelming.
While some space sorties of moderate scale occurred, most of the defining actions would occur behind the scenes - via covert operations that resulted in the ‘untimely demise’ of key rivals while preserving the valuable starships and material desperately needed for the rising power. One after the other, the scattered remnants of the late Empire would fall under the sway of the Imperial Despot, with a spare few holdouts retreating into the arms of what rivals remained amongst the other great powers of the galaxy. With renewed supplies and material, the Dark Empire would embark upon the next phase of its renewed purpose - engaging in expanded hit and run tactics to further expand its cache of material, as well as to pursue thus unknown ends in the service of its dark masters. The Dark Empire waxes ascendant, a reincarnation of an erstwhile naval power - ready to stake its claim once again...

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