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Out of Darkness (Iella E'ron)

Talon Vosra


The Coruscant sky was various hues as the planet's sun broke the horizon. Talon stood on the open air landing pad and let the suns rays wash over him. It was warm and refreshing and made him feel alive. He stood a few moments more with his emerald eyes closed and face turned to catch the rays, but he had come to this planet for a reason and he had better make a decision quickly about what he should do. The Sith knight was no longer, but, as to what he was, he couldn't say for a certainty. He was a Sith knight and he had killed Republic troops as well attempted to kill Jedi. It had been a miracle that saved Jorn Mair from Talon's blade and now looking back he was glad it did.

The only thing he could think of to do was find the one of the Jedi from Korriban and turn himself in. Would they let him live? He didn't know. Would he accept his fate? Yes he would.

Talon had traded his Darklight armor for a pair of dark grey cargo pants and a blue short sleeve shirt and black jacket. His black hair which once rested on his shoulders was now cut shorter and his black gauntlets were gone. His lightsabers sat on his belt one on each side but he would rather not think about them for a while. What would his father say to know after four years his son had finally arrived on Coruscant? Talon turned up his jacket collar and began his slow walk toward the Jedi Temple. He made no effort to hide his presence and he ignored the two pick pockets that found his pockets empty.

He stopped to look at the Temple in the distance and closed his eye stretching out in the force for a familiar presence, but for him it was still too far to tell for sure. The place felt like a bustle of life and hope, and he would have to wait and see. Talon kept walking through the streets taking a shuttle here and there to get closer. Soon he'd be near the steps and his fate.

@Iella E'ron
@[member="Talon Vosra"]

The events of the past few weeks is weighting heavy on her mind. So much blood shed across the galaxy, all due to the eternal conflict between light and dark. She is exhausted and in need of meditation. And that is saying something for her. However, her technique is personal and so she is alone in one of the more private rooms for meditation. Iella removes her outer robes only standing in her under shirt and trousers. She walks to the centre of the platform and ignites her white bladed saber.

Immediately she begins the first movements of her personal Alchaka technique. Her feet moving slowly around the floor as she moves the blade as if in slow motion. All of her body is in unison with the movement. Her eyes are open but not focused on anything, the force pulsing through the very pores of her skin sending a shimmering white light dancing across her skin. Her feet and blade begin to rotate around her faster, with each passing moment, her strikes and blocks become rapid.

Her mind clears and she feels the connection of the White Dragon, the blade pulsing with the beat of her heart, louder and louder as she moves until she and her blade become a blur. With her mind empty of all images of the battles and removal of all the emotions they bring, she opens her mind to the force. She sense peace ... at least for some time, but not forever, the Sith will regroup in some way maybe not as the Empire but they will be back. But the galaxy can take stock and learn from the wars .. in order to see mistakes and problems that occured in these dark times. The Republic is not with fault in this, they too made mistakes and they will be addressed. But for now, she will enjoy the moments of peace.

Iella let the force wash over her, then her mind sensed a coming of presence. One she had met in the battle of Korriban. Her brow knitted as she sensed the presence searching .. here on Coruscant. She extinguished her blade and dressed again. She did not waste time .. and left for the steps of the Jedi Temple to await his arrival.

Talon Vosra

@[member="Iella E`ron"]

His walk was steady and deliberate his Emerald eyes focused on the as each step drew him closer to his fate.

The anticipation began to build in his chest as he strode along. As he drew close he could feel it like a pillar of light in a dark place. It felt almost like it called to him. Minutes later or ,perhaps hours, he couldn't say, he looked up and before him stood the Jedi temple. He was hesitation itself as he stared at the first step as if not knowing whether it was real or an illusion. Could he go through with it? Did he dare? He didn't have any choice any longer. He could feel the force pull him and rather than try and control the force he gave in. His foot lifted as if by it's own choice and set down firmly on the ancient step. Others bustled up and down with business of one kind or another. Some looked at him as if wondering what he was doing. Padawans looked at him and scurried away likely sensing the conflict within him or perhaps just sensing an uneasiness. He closed his eyes briefly and took another step and stood on the stairs looking down at his simple black soft soled boots.

He had arrived...
@[member="Talon Vosra"]

Iella's boot hit the marble of the upper platform of the main stair leading up to the Temple. The presence in the force now palpable to her and near. It was easy to detect as it grew closer. She nodded her head to some of the Padawans and other Jedi entering the Temple but did not speak. Her mind had a single focus on the presence and she stopped directly at the top most step. Her eyes looked around but the force pointed her in the direction of a man stand on the step near her and she recognised him immediately .. the Sith from the battle over Korriban. For the moment, she considered him with his head bowed low and he seemed to be waiting.

She approached with caution, looking around to see if any Jedi was in danger around the man, but no. Finally, she stood within range of him, her saber ready to be taken up if required, but a whisper on the force told her he was here for another reason.

"What are you seeking?", she simply asked. "You are a long way from home".

Talon Vosra

@[member="Iella E`ron"]

Talon didn't look up. The guilt he felt began to drift from him into the force and his heart sank as she called Sith space his home.

His eyes could only reach her boots as he began to speak.
"Home? I hope your wrong." He said thinking of his aging father, "I am here for justice. I...I am here to turn myself in."

Talon stole a glance at the Jedi to confirm what he already felt. It was the Jedi woman from that day over Korriban. Somehow the force had told him it would be her. He lifted his lightsabers and held them out with one hand to help show he had no thoughts of fighting. He had made his choice to face justice and he was going to face it with what little honor he could claim.
@[member="Talon Vosra"]

Her eyes would have shown the emotions and thoughts in her mind, that she would not hide. Iella looked down at the sabers in his hands as he presented them to her, this could just as easily be a trick as it is a show on honour. He is the man she fought over Korriban not so long ago, the wounds of the Sith still very raw and continue to fester deep within those that escaped justice for the Empires continual atrocities. All under the banner of democracy as they professed, as did the Republic. A juxtaposition of the highest order, politic knows no democracy, it is only a system by which they .. the corrupt operate and connive .. to fulfill their own ideals. The only real difference is that the Republic do not oppress.

Iella's body aches from physical battles .. three in a row .. but it also aches from the deaths so needlessly taken both of innocents and soldiers on both sides and Jedi and Sith. She lets out a long sigh as she faces the man. She searched through the force, sent her swirling threads around him delving into his aura and beyond, she made no attempt to hide her search for knowledge, if he truly stood here, in search of justice to be brought upon him, then he would submit ...

Her eyes opened to him now, looking deep into his face her blue eyes piercing his emerald green eyes .. he is telling truth.

She took off her cream cloak and layed it across both her arms. "Forgive me it I do not allow your blades to touch my skin, please lay them on this cloak". she asked.

Talon Vosra

@[member="Iella E`ron"]

He didn't resist as the Jedi searched for the truth but he could not help but feel disgust as the memories of the life he had lived rose to the surface. His head sank back to a deep study of the marble steps. This was what he deserved. The mistrust and righteous indignation she had towards the Sith were all well deserved, and he knew it better than most. If his eye's had been rivers at that moment perhaps he would have wept, but instead he just waited.

The Jedi held out her cloak not wanting to touch his Sabers and beckoned him to lay them upon it. He visibly winced at her words, they bit deep. He could feel her genuineness her openness, and he knew the request had struck his conscience with out intent. She didn't try and hurt him though she could have, and in honesty he couldn't blame her. The Durindfire gem in his main saber was stolen from a enclave of force users when he and other apprentices raided their home. The other blade contained a rare Vexxtal crystal that would likely have to be locked away or destroyed and had been left for him on his ship after becoming a Sith knight. Talon set the sabers down and felt their weight leave both his hand and his heart. The force stirred in him but for what he couldn't say for certain. All he knew was that he was following through on what he had set out to do when he left his hiding place on Rhen Var. He let his arm drop.

"What now?" he tried to say but he voice was barely a whisper. He honestly expected to die soon and he thought he deserved no less.
@[member="Talon Vosra"]

"You look me in the eyes and present you name", she said softly. "I am Iella E`ron, Master of the Jedi Order", she introduced herself. Iella folded the cloak over his blades and secured them there. "Your blades will be stored in the volt and the fate of them will be determined by the High Council. For now, I will place you under 'house arrest', you are not to leave your quarters without firstly informing me. You are not permitted to speak to anyone in this time. However, you have permission to enter the meditation gardens only", she began as she started up the stairs and back to the main entrance to the Grand Hall.

"As soon as I can arrange I will call the High Council to sit and you will come before them. There we will determine the next course of action to begin your redemption". She turned to look at him now. She wanted to see his reaction to her words.

Talon Vosra

@[member="Iella E`ron"]

Redemption?! Talon couldn't believe the word had left the Jedi's lips. How could she say it so calmly. Talon's mouth hung open slightly as he struggled for words. As he had approached he had been sure his death would be nearly instant and had he been in front of a Sith he would already be dead. He looked down with wide eyes and back up in amazement at the Jedi's calm matter of fact manner. He had earned no less than death! Could she be toying with him? Was this a final cosmic joke from the force?

He couldn't believe it. Yet deep in his heart something stirred and it begged for her words to be true.

"Redemption?" He whispered even as his heart leapt for her to say it was so.

He looked her into he piercing blue eyes as his own were still wide with wonder.

"Talon...Talon Vosra," he said at last a little more firmly, "and I will obey you insturctions." He retuned his face to the ground still wide eyed and open mouthed. This must have been a dream, he must be dreaming.
@[member="Talon Vosra"]

His reactions to her words were of little surprise to her. It was clear, that upon his arrival here, he had expected to be put to death. Which only confirmed her purpose to fight as best she could against the evils of the Sith, they simply had no empathy for anything bar themselves, profess to love, but know nothing of the emotion and have no mercy. The last point Iella despises in them, they show no mercy .. but when confronted by death it is the first thing they ask for and expect it from others. She admired Talon for no requesting mercy even though he will receive it.

Iella gave a weak smile as he confirmed his understanding of the restrictions placed upon him. But it would not be as simple as that, he would have to go before the Council and face what would be handed down.

As they crossed the threshold into the Temple and the Grand Hall, the temperature dropped to a more comfortable level. The cool of the marble refreshing to the mind and body, coupled with the ever present light side of the force. The very walls of this Temple pulsed with it sending a calming wash over all that entered here. Before she would speak, however, she let the force seep into her very skin filling her with a sense of power and calmness, a connection not one to be ignored and it filled her mind with serenity. She realised now that this moment is Talon's first time to step inside these hallowed walls. She had to wonder what he would be sensing now, what emotions are running through him at the sight of the place, and the palpable force presence ... the Lightside.

She stopped now and let him take in the Temple. This moment one of many she hoped .. if he was to be successful in completing what the Council would require of him.

"Yes, redemption. If you are willing ... I will help you find a way to walk from the darkness", she said now. "But your 'trail' is not over yet, you still have to face the Council. However, the Jedi do not execute, that you can be sure of".

Talon Vosra

@[member="Iella E`ron"]

He could feel it as they drew closer. The beacon he had felt since dropping from hyperspace. As they stepped in Talon could feel the cool air but more than that he could feel the Lightside of the force. He gasped and rocked back slightly as if struck by a wave. It was purity itself, he could not have fathomed it before. The force here was clean and do to his sensitivity it was like a torrent had washed over him.

As he took it in he became aware that amongst the purity, the calm, and the tranquility there was a taint...him.

The Jedi spoke again of redemption and leaving the darkness. He didn't know what the Council would say and he didn't know the alternative to execution but he did know he wanted to try.

"Jedi E'ron," Talon said not sure how or even if he should adress her, "Regardless of what is done with me at my trial I am grateful for this chance."

He still couldn't look at her after the Acerbatis but he did want redemption and if he was allowed he would prove it.
@[member="Talon Vosra"]

Iella turned and continued along the center of the Grand Hall, she could sense in Talon a genuine wanting for redemption, which was the first step completed. A smile formed on her face as she walked further into the Temple. "Wait here", she said finally. Iella walked over to a control panel on the wall near the turbolifts and hit the communications button. She summon a droid from the Temples security unit, she did not have to wait long before one turned up. "Take these sabers to the vault and place them in a strong box, send me the access code to my quarters I alone will know of the code", she instructed the droid. She laid the cloak containing the saber in the arms of the droid as she watch the droid depart.

She turned back to Talon, mixed emotions running through the man was easy enough to see let alone sense and she decided to made his mind rest at ease at least for a little while. "Come you must be hungry, we shall go eat". She indicated for him to follow her as she moved deeper into the Temple to the dinning hall.

Talon Vosra

@[member="Iella E`ron"]

"Wait, please." Talon said before the droid could leave, "My ship other of my possesions on it. You'll want that as well."

Talon had made up his mind, he had to be all in or not at all. He looked the Jedi in the eye not out of defiance but to emphasize the seriousness what he was about to divulge.

"On my ship beneath the deck plating is a beskar box. Inside is a Sith artifact. You must take it but for the sake of those in the temple please do not open the box." He paused for a breath "Also I have the rest of my former gear and Xi my Melk."

Talon had given the Jedi everything now and he could face his trial knowing he didn't try to hold on to his former life. Talon was glad he had made this choice and he already felt a small weight lifted from his shoulders.

Finally the offer of food registered and he wondered when he had eaten last. Whatever the Jedi decided he was prepared to follow her lead and keep his word to obey her direction.
@[member="Talon Vosra"]

Iella nodded to Talon as he spoke of more things that needed attention. To the droid, she spoke. "Make sure the ship is brought to the Temple yards and locked down. Have the Melk brought to his quarters make sure it is secured, we can't have it escape and running about the Temple", she smiled a little.

They entered the dinning hall, the place busy as usual with small groups of Jedi positioned at tables around the main seating area, Padawans and Knights all taking time out from their various business around the Temple. However, Iella lead Talon to a more private area as quickly as possible, toward the back of the main room, a smaller screened off area for those wishing to not be disturbed. She could not run the risk of him being recognised at this point. Not that it matter to much, but the less drama the better.

She choose a table near the vast window that offered a view of Coruscant, with it's many tall structures and in the distance the ever moving skylanes. She sat and offered him a seat but the motion of her hand. A service droid took no time to arrive at the table ready to take orders. Iella ordered a light salad and bread and some water.

"The menu is extensive, it caters to all tastes and offers more to those that require a certain diet depending on their race requirements .. please order what you wish", she said. She waited for Talon to place his order before she would speak again. She had many questions for him now, but the dinning hall was not the place for them.

Talon Vosra

@[member="Iella E`ron"]

Talon had begun to feel as if things would be better that is until he walked into the dining hall. Quickly he looked down and fought the urge to conceal his presence. He held his breath as they walked quickly to a secluded private area. He could feel familiar presences. He rarely forgot the events of Metalorn. Then Manaan and Korriban were still fresh in his mind.

Talon thought hard when he was finally away from potential stares about just how he could ever be trusted by these people if they remembered him.

Talon's pondering ended as Jedi E'ron began speaking of the menu.

"Oh," He said as he looked at the droid, "Mineral rich water and a fish course please."

He looked at the Jedi and then down to the table. "I'm a Zelosian. Water is essential and fish is rich in nitrogen."

Pressed his hands flat on the table in front of him. He did't know what else to say. A mere few weeks ago he had fought these people and now he sat surrounded by them. It was alot to take in.
@[member="Talon Vosra"]

Iella sensed his unease, not only being here with her now, but within the Jedi Temple. A place until not so recently he would have not given a second thought to destroying. Coupled with the ever present light side of the force, an uneasy state would be an understatement. The droid moved away to get their order and Iella leaned in closer over the table.

"Why now?", she simply asked, "What has happened to you that has made you make the decision to come here", she held a more serious look to her face. Before he could answer however, the droid returned with their order of water and placed the bottles of ice cold water in front of them. Iella leaned back in her chair to allow the droid to work. But she did not take her eyes of Talon.

She had maintained that wrap around him, the force swirling within his aura and she continued to search his emotions. Iella wanted no lies from him or it would mean the worse. imprisonment.

Talon Vosra

@[member="Iella E`ron"]
Talon continued with his eyes on his hands. It was hard to explain. He was young when he first met the Sith Drannok Lussk and joined the empire. Back then he could only think about becoming powerful surpassing others. He felt that end always justified the means and his natural impulsiveness often led him to lean toward his emotions rather than reason. During the Dark harvest he had watched the Sith troopers running into battle against powers they could never have competed with alone. He had joined the Imperial Commando's as an Anti-force user instructor and stayed. Talon had refused a commission and worked his up to commander from corporal, and that was when things had begun to change.

"When you met me, I was a commander for the Imperial Commandos, one of the empires special forces. I joined to teach troops how to kill force users more effectively. I was offered a commission as a Commander and to be base commander on Metalorn. I refused. I knew the troops and that they would see me as an outsider so I assumed the rank of corporal and followed orders explicitly." He paused to shake his head before continuing, "The troopers were not the power hungry people their masters were, and in time I saw myself more as a soldier than a...a Sith. Many times we fought pirates and uprisings, I was present on Bastion when the Sith retook it from a rebel group. After every engagement I had to take the effects of the troops I lost to their next of kin. Mothers, fathers, sisters, wives, children all different all normal citizens who would have given up the empire for their Trooper to have been home. When we fought on the Acerbatis I had ordered my people to evacuate and needed a distraction."

Talon could not help but wanting to shed tears and took a moment to compose himself.

"The Troopers who survived I sent home and I went to hide on Rhen Var." Talon looked up to see if she had any reaction to the name of the planet, "I thought a lot about My father who was a student here, and what you said about not letting me go. I knew if I didn't come to face justice I would be no different than the Sith lords who had sent my men and I to fight for their petty power displays."
@[member="Talon Vosra"]

She had heard of Rhen Var of course, although she had not been there. A place of light and many facilities of the Jedi. It was a curious thing that he chose to go there, some past history maybe? And his father a Jedi?

"It is my duty to do what I did on that ship .. or at least try", she smiled remember he had escaped her with a cunning move. "You speak of your father, that he was a student on Rhen Var, a Jedi was he?", she asked. "It is also quite clear to me .. that you hold compassion in your heart something unlikely for a ... true Sith", she pondered now.

She also wondered over the words, petty power displays, something she too has not stomach for. If one was to sit and analyse the wars between the Republic and Sith, one would not find much difference, Ossus and Dac were a strike against the Sith to unbalance the Empire .. which in effect .. he had done. Korriban however, was not necessary, the Sith Empire was done. But as her duty dictated Iella had gone to fight. The difference between the Empire and the Republic is that the Republic do live in freedom, they have no fear of subjugation or worse. The Republic has many faults but they are at least fighting for true freedom from evils .. not just the Sith.

Talon Vosra

@[member="Iella E`ron"]

"My father was not a full Jedi." Talon said thinking back, "He was in the agricorps here on Coruscant."

Talon took a drink of his water and allowed it to cool his drying throat.

"And your right about not being a True Sith." He shook his head "I never had a master for more than a few months. Most of what I learned was from personal study and of course I was a soldier a tool not a 'Lord'."

Talon's disdain for the power hungry warmongering of the Sith was genuine and when he thought of the subjugation of worlds like Kalee his disdain grew. The Sith had lied to him. The only reason the Sith allowed Citizens their lives were so they could rule them. Talon looked away and began taking small bites of his food. He wondered again what would be done with him and what would happen when he started seeing former enemies.
@[member="Talon Vosra"]

She raised her eye brow at his comment about not having a master for more then a month. That ... might be his saving grace, for if he had he might not be sitting opposite her now. This may have saved him for complete corruption and allow his true self to remain and to be found once more.

She nodded her head as she listened to him speaking, taking some food to eat and playing with a leaf. "It seems to me that you are truthful with you words and your thoughts, I am not saying the road to redemption is easy but you have more then taken the first steps. Your heart has changed as has your mind. The Jedi path is not easy and also wrought with many dangers, we too have to be vigilant against corrupts, not only in others but ourselves as well", she said as she looked up from her play with the leaf.

"Over our time, we will have plenty to talk about, but first things first, let us finish our food and I shall show you the meditation gardens where you can go and ... self reflect. And then to your quarters, you will find your .. .. .. Melk? waiting for you".

Iella finished her salad and waited for Talon.

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