Oukaze Ryuu
Cog Boy

Name: Oukaze Ryuu
Species: Human/Cyborg
Age: 26
Sex: Male
Height: 5'11 ft.
Weight: 189 lb.
Eyes: Blue/Hazel
Hair: Black
Skin: Pale
Force Senestive: No
+ Highly Augmented, almost all appendages (Sans the Head) can be easily replaced and or repaired.
+ Master crafted Cybernetics, has a collection of varied Cybernetics all with degrees of effectiveness and their own unique abilities.
+ Creative and obsessive, there's almost no problem he won't fix through cybernetics or robotics.
- Tactically inclined but strategically bankrupt, while he can focus on singular issues and quickly address them (If not just correct and fix them) this will subject him to limited and slow response to multiple threats and issues. In some cases he might even ignore pressing issues to simply finish the current issue.
- Do Robots dream of Electric Sleep? His brain is half synthetic, while his heart is completely cybernetic, if the parts of his body that remained flesh and blood can be called as such, Oukaze has determined that his path forward will be through Technology. While this allows him to excel at this craft, he will neglect other studies and at times, completely other fields of study to better improve himself. A rather limited world view.
- I can fix that! While his obsessive behavior would provide him with the hyper focus needed to greatly make any project Oukaze invests in a done deal. He can often never really finish. He will constantly see mistakes and errors that many would not see and many more would simply ignore and just go with the current model. Not Oukaze.
Heavily augmented, as to allow himself the best chance to succeed in his work. His more common augments are a third arm appendage and two leg appendages that can break off to allow his repulser lifts built into his thighs to keep him afloat.
Less than a half of his face remains regular human flesh, as such, he often covers this side up with his own specialized mask or helmet suited for mechanical work or programming.
Covers himself with robes, it allows him to absorb any fluids and protects him from any fire damage or electrical discharge.
Oukaze never learned to embrace his weakness, as a child he felt cast away for flaws and turned down because of his inabilities. He tried to figure out ways to overcome his weakness, and his studies brought him to robotics and cybernetics. Oukaze learned quickly how to use terminals and rig up datapads to help with both hacking and covering up his tracks. Never far from danger, his figured out his best customers were those who did not abide to the law or to its enforcers.
From speeder hacking to holo-vid erasing, Oukaze gained substantial amounts of credits and notoriety. He figured that it best to maintain an image for anyone that sought him out, a young man with near omniscient abilities. Floating Holo-Records and Scanners followed him where ever he went, and often such machines took the form of floating metal human skulls. This had the desired effect, and Oukaze suffered very little of people attempting to challenge him or short him from any deals.
As more credits continued to flow into his other projects, Oukaze took this time to focus on his body and slowly replaced his body with cybernetics. But as he went deeper and deeper into criminal circles, he found himself surrounded by many enemies and even fewer allies. The information Oukaze often found himself possessing would always put him in the cross hairs of many gangsters and criminal lords, even if such information bored Oukaze, he soon learned that he needed a different source of credits.
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