Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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OS Map Shape

I keep thinking we need to work more towards thickening up our shape, unless we want to make a repeat of the pubs to ourselves. What is the goal so far? It seems that its to reach out in single lines to do planets. Ie, until we thicken them up, going after Panatha etc, may have been a waste!

So my first step in mind? Take Ragoon VI. This will thicken the base section of the OS. Making it at least like a real base. From there Roxuli, to thicken the issues to the North. Afterwards, Dorin, which would get rid of the cat head shape in the cloud.

Once we Dom these, the basic shape will be by far more sustainable during future invasions.

Who would help me Don these?
Is there anyway I can get a tag when we go live with a dom, as I'd like to be helping you guys out more where I can.

I don't know if anyone else would like that feature too, if so I would volunteer to run a list to tag people if you like?
Razor Shot said:
going after Panatha etc, may have been a waste!

Quick! Don't let [member="Darth Vornskr"] see that!

Jokes aside I have always been in favor of thickening the north-western part of the map. It's little less than 1/4th of the map that is pretty much just free for the taking. I don't much care in the slightest for tactical advantages of planets because in the end these are never played to or even used. We hold Kuat, yet how often do we use Kuat and their shipyards? We own Prakith and the vong breeding grounds there, yet how often do we use those?

How often are threads set on any other planet than (for example) Coruscant? The "tactical advantage" that any planet is supposed to bring is nullified by our own neglect to use said "advantage." That is not to mention that this advantage as a whole is neglectable to the opposition as well. They don't care which shipyards are used, they only care that we have something that can oppose them.

Because of this I am a very strong believer in just expanding the current cloud while leaving room for others to grow* irregardless of the importance of which planet it is that we take and what "resources" it has.

Near-blank Wookiepedia page? Come up with your own story, environment and general setting. There is nothing to prevent expansion on throw-away-mention planets and making it something a bit more your own. What I am trying to say is that moving for planets such as Gannaria, Rhigar and Walalla would make just as much of a difference as if we went for Zeltros, Denon and Roche.

* - I am not afraid to admit this. I prefer to see it as a co-operation rather than a competition.

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