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Orsolya Saris


Orsolya Saris (Orh-Soul-Yah Sahr-Es) was born of a Human mother and a Themian father on the former's homeworld of Themis. The Saris family was a well-respected aristocratic house on Themis, but Orsolya's birth brought double scandal upon the family; She was both born out of wedlock and had been born with a severe birth defect, missing both arms as a newborn. While her father, the youngest son of the Saris family and a wealthy banker, was able to finance his daughter's treatments to get her prosthetic limbs, her mother, an offworlder merchant, was forced to give up custody of Orsolya to her father's family in order to continue these surgeries and care as she could not afford it on her own. So, Orsolya was 'thrown to the wolves' metaphorically, claimed by her father as a trueborn child despite her rocky heritage. It was dramatic for sure, and one that brought mild upset to the rest of her extended family.

Growing on Themis wasn't idyllic, but it wasn't terrible either. Orsolya received the best education money could buy and then some, infinitely curious about robotics and biology and how they interacted to create the prosthetics she direly needed. Upon exiting the world of education, Orsolya managed to get a hefty sum of credits out of her father and proceeded to leave the Themian homeworld in search of freedom. Unfortunately, 'freedom' often leads to deviant things, and the once-naive girl wound up on more than one criminal crews, smuggling and thieving (Though, she always reasoned, from those who definitely deserved it).

Throughout her life on Themis and her subsequent adventures through the galaxy, Orsolya has become accustomed to both the technology of her arm prosthetics and even got new cybernetics installed in her eyes, enhancing her eyesight and allowing her to have a digital monitor up ensuring her arms are working at top efficiency. This self-taught mechanical skill is very helpful when it comes to her own tech, which she has had for a lifetime, and is also applied to other techs such as her blaster or even vehicles and external computers. A novice splicer, she has begun to pick up on hacking and 'speaking computer' during her criminal hours, using her prosthetics to her advantage.

(Still a WIP)

Full Name: Orsolya Kedana Saris
Age: 24
Species: Half-Human, Half Themian
Homeworld: Themis
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Relationship Status: Single
Education: Educated

Aliases: Lya, Gearhead
Occupation: Freelancer
Skin Color: Brown
Eye Color: Synthetic Grey
Hair Color: Brown

Face Claim: Ashley Moore
Voice Claim: Ashley Moore
Aesthetic Board: X
Physical Abnormalities: Prosthetic Arms & Eyes
Psychological Abnormalities: N/A

Favourite Weapon(s): 'Hand-Tasers'
Favourite Item: Deck of Pazaak Cards

Known Force Abilities: Non-FS/FU

Armor: None (Robes)

Ship: None Owned

Orsolya is woefully unprepared for the trouble living on the wrong side of the law brings, but improvises with class. (WIP)

Vice: Boastful

Orsolya is often hard to shut up about her achievements, especially concerning her modifications to her gear and prosthetics. Not knowing when to stop, she can chatter for hours about what she's done to her arm or blaster and often needs a forceful hand to remind her that not many care.

Virtue: Affable

Orsolya is a high-spirited person who is very easy to talk to, projecting a friendly face despite her often illegal activities that can deflect guilt; How could someone so kind be knee-deep in the underworld?

Vice: Cowardice

Despite marketing herself often as a bit of a combat role, in many large-scale fighting scenarios, Orsolya will definitely chicken out. She would much rather sit behind in the ship and 'hold down the fort' than be dragged along on some life-threatening crusade.

Virtue: Committing

When Orsolya makes you a promise, she will fulfil it 110%. Her honour is a very big part of her personality, and she can get nasty when faced with having to break oaths she made to people or factions.

Vice: Discourteous

Being raised in a house of nobility did nothing to imprint any sort of manners on Orsolya. She might recall the pleasantries and proper words, but she just doesn't find them very practical when getting a point across.

Virtue: Creative

A skilled tinkerer (especially when it comes to her prosthetics), Orsolya is a good problem solver when it comes to technology and can use her creative mind to fix almost anything within her grasp, finding solutions others might not.

Vice: Inpatient

Orsolya wanted it yesterday. Whatever 'it' is varies from situation to situation of course, but she is not one to wait patiently when it comes to things she wants. Especially if it relates to her precious prosthetic limbs.

Virtue: Empathy

While others might be the better criminal, Orsolya is the better person; a bit of a 'Robin Hood' figure, she tries to give back where she can, and feels other's emotions as if they were her own.

Vice: 'Prosthesis Pride'

Orsolya was born with congenital amputation; meaning she was born without arms. She had robotic replacements at a very early age, but it has affected her psyche quite deeply and she is sensitive when it comes to her prosthetics. It's not uncommon for her to be irrationally defensive concerning them and often disregards legitimate medical advice in favour of her own knowledge.

Virtue: Persistence

Overcoming hurdles is Orsolya's ordained speciality; when confronted with impossible odds, she has a knack for tipping the scales.


"The Ace of Wands, like all Aces, is indicative of new beginnings, both to those it represents and those around them. It denotes a very powerful spirit, who desires success in all areas and has the intellect and creativity to achieve it. No matter how much is stacked up against them, those under the Ace of Wands are always able to persevere with incredible results. However, with all this raw drive comes danger; their seemingly boundless energy can stagnate and vent with destructive results if not channelled."

Represented by the Ace of Wands in the minor arcana deck's Wands suite, the application of this tarot card to Orsolya defines her core personality of being an extremely headstrong and motivated individual. It also calls to her creative intelligence, interpreted as her talent with her own prosthetics and various technologies. Strongly representing new beginnings, it refers to Orsolya's ability to reinvent and adapt with the use of her wits, and she can create her own 'new beginning' whenever needed. But with all boons comes the flip side, and all her fire and spirit can become bored with idleness.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In efficitur luctus imperdiet. Quisque ultrices, justo nec facilisis accumsan, ipsum erat ultrices sapien, non lacinia urna orci euismod turpis. In in purus feugiat nunc scelerisque dapibus. Integer imperdiet gravida ligula, id tempor elit finibus a. Proin vehicula rutrum nibh, ac interdum mi placerat nec. Nulla nec vehicula tellus, eu varius orci. Cras hendrerit lacus at est blandit gravida. Donec et dolor ut eros laoreet luctus. Phasellus nec augue nisi. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Vivamus vel dictum quam. Fusce sodales malesuada dui, ac luctus purus tincidunt sed. Fusce at gravida diam. Quisque at sodales nunc, ut sollicitudin nunc. Maecenas semper feugiat arcu. Cras eget orci commodo, faucibus quam vel, gravida tellus. Nulla velit nulla, dignissim ut accumsan quis, imperdiet vitae orci. Nullam scelerisque hendrerit accumsan. Proin nec eros vitae nulla bibendum venenatis. Aliquam fringilla facilisis ex ac accumsan. Sed ullamcorper sapien eu varius interdum.

Player Characters

'Placeholder' | Placeholder

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In efficitur luctus imperdiet. Quisque ultrices, justo nec facilisis accumsan, ipsum erat ultrices sapien, non lacinia urna orci euismod turpis. In in purus feugiat nunc scelerisque dapibus. Integer imperdiet gravida ligula, id tempor elit finibus a. Proin vehicula rutrum nibh, ac interdum mi placerat nec. Nulla nec vehicula tellus, eu varius orci. Cras hendrerit lacus at est blandit gravida. Donec et dolor ut eros laoreet luctus. Phasellus nec augue nisi. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Vivamus vel dictum quam. Fusce sodales malesuada dui, ac luctus purus tincidunt sed. Fusce at gravida diam. Quisque at sodales nunc, ut sollicitudin nunc. Maecenas semper feugiat arcu. Cras eget orci commodo, faucibus quam vel, gravida tellus. Nulla velit nulla, dignissim ut accumsan quis, imperdiet vitae orci. Nullam scelerisque hendrerit accumsan. Proin nec eros vitae nulla bibendum venenatis. Aliquam fringilla facilisis ex ac accumsan. Sed ullamcorper sapien eu varius interdum.

[ ~ ]

'Placeholder' | Placeholder

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In efficitur luctus imperdiet. Quisque ultrices, justo nec facilisis accumsan, ipsum erat ultrices sapien, non lacinia urna orci euismod turpis. In in purus feugiat nunc scelerisque dapibus. Integer imperdiet gravida ligula, id tempor elit finibus a. Proin vehicula rutrum nibh, ac interdum mi placerat nec. Nulla nec vehicula tellus, eu varius orci. Cras hendrerit lacus at est blandit gravida. Donec et dolor ut eros laoreet luctus. Phasellus nec augue nisi. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Vivamus vel dictum quam. Fusce sodales malesuada dui, ac luctus purus tincidunt sed. Fusce at gravida diam. Quisque at sodales nunc, ut sollicitudin nunc. Maecenas semper feugiat arcu. Cras eget orci commodo, faucibus quam vel, gravida tellus. Nulla velit nulla, dignissim ut accumsan quis, imperdiet vitae orci. Nullam scelerisque hendrerit accumsan. Proin nec eros vitae nulla bibendum venenatis. Aliquam fringilla facilisis ex ac accumsan. Sed ullamcorper sapien eu varius interdum.

[ ~ ]

'Placeholder' | Placeholder

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In efficitur luctus imperdiet. Quisque ultrices, justo nec facilisis accumsan, ipsum erat ultrices sapien, non lacinia urna orci euismod turpis. In in purus feugiat nunc scelerisque dapibus. Integer imperdiet gravida ligula, id tempor elit finibus a. Proin vehicula rutrum nibh, ac interdum mi placerat nec. Nulla nec vehicula tellus, eu varius orci. Cras hendrerit lacus at est blandit gravida. Donec et dolor ut eros laoreet luctus. Phasellus nec augue nisi. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Vivamus vel dictum quam. Fusce sodales malesuada dui, ac luctus purus tincidunt sed. Fusce at gravida diam. Quisque at sodales nunc, ut sollicitudin nunc. Maecenas semper feugiat arcu. Cras eget orci commodo, faucibus quam vel, gravida tellus. Nulla velit nulla, dignissim ut accumsan quis, imperdiet vitae orci. Nullam scelerisque hendrerit accumsan. Proin nec eros vitae nulla bibendum venenatis. Aliquam fringilla facilisis ex ac accumsan. Sed ullamcorper sapien eu varius interdum.

[ ~ ]

Non-Player Characters

'Placeholder' | Placeholder

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In efficitur luctus imperdiet. Quisque ultrices, justo nec facilisis accumsan, ipsum erat ultrices sapien, non lacinia urna orci euismod turpis. In in purus feugiat nunc scelerisque dapibus. Integer imperdiet gravida ligula, id tempor elit finibus a. Proin vehicula rutrum nibh, ac interdum mi placerat nec. Nulla nec vehicula tellus, eu varius orci. Cras hendrerit lacus at est blandit gravida. Donec et dolor ut eros laoreet luctus. Phasellus nec augue nisi. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Vivamus vel dictum quam. Fusce sodales malesuada dui, ac luctus purus tincidunt sed. Fusce at gravida diam. Quisque at sodales nunc, ut sollicitudin nunc. Maecenas semper feugiat arcu. Cras eget orci commodo, faucibus quam vel, gravida tellus. Nulla velit nulla, dignissim ut accumsan quis, imperdiet vitae orci. Nullam scelerisque hendrerit accumsan. Proin nec eros vitae nulla bibendum venenatis. Aliquam fringilla facilisis ex ac accumsan. Sed ullamcorper sapien eu varius interdum.

[ ~ ]

'Placeholder' | Placeholder

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In efficitur luctus imperdiet. Quisque ultrices, justo nec facilisis accumsan, ipsum erat ultrices sapien, non lacinia urna orci euismod turpis. In in purus feugiat nunc scelerisque dapibus. Integer imperdiet gravida ligula, id tempor elit finibus a. Proin vehicula rutrum nibh, ac interdum mi placerat nec. Nulla nec vehicula tellus, eu varius orci. Cras hendrerit lacus at est blandit gravida. Donec et dolor ut eros laoreet luctus. Phasellus nec augue nisi. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Vivamus vel dictum quam. Fusce sodales malesuada dui, ac luctus purus tincidunt sed. Fusce at gravida diam. Quisque at sodales nunc, ut sollicitudin nunc. Maecenas semper feugiat arcu. Cras eget orci commodo, faucibus quam vel, gravida tellus. Nulla velit nulla, dignissim ut accumsan quis, imperdiet vitae orci. Nullam scelerisque hendrerit accumsan. Proin nec eros vitae nulla bibendum venenatis. Aliquam fringilla facilisis ex ac accumsan. Sed ullamcorper sapien eu varius interdum.

[ ~ ]

'Placeholder' | Placeholder

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In efficitur luctus imperdiet. Quisque ultrices, justo nec facilisis accumsan, ipsum erat ultrices sapien, non lacinia urna orci euismod turpis. In in purus feugiat nunc scelerisque dapibus. Integer imperdiet gravida ligula, id tempor elit finibus a. Proin vehicula rutrum nibh, ac interdum mi placerat nec. Nulla nec vehicula tellus, eu varius orci. Cras hendrerit lacus at est blandit gravida. Donec et dolor ut eros laoreet luctus. Phasellus nec augue nisi. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Vivamus vel dictum quam. Fusce sodales malesuada dui, ac luctus purus tincidunt sed. Fusce at gravida diam. Quisque at sodales nunc, ut sollicitudin nunc. Maecenas semper feugiat arcu. Cras eget orci commodo, faucibus quam vel, gravida tellus. Nulla velit nulla, dignissim ut accumsan quis, imperdiet vitae orci. Nullam scelerisque hendrerit accumsan. Proin nec eros vitae nulla bibendum venenatis. Aliquam fringilla facilisis ex ac accumsan. Sed ullamcorper sapien eu varius interdum.

[ ~ ]

to be added // XXX
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