Orick T'ane

Orick T'ane
Techno Union, mostly
190lbs (Standard Weight)
Dark Brown.
Human tanned
Just regularly sensitive
- Brash and bold, Orick is likely to do something stupid when given the chance, even if it's against his better judgement
-Orick has a problem with authority, he tends to frown at figures of authority and to snub rules in general
-Blunt, sometimes considered rude because of it.
+ Highly skilled commando
+ Expert shot
+ Trained pilot
Orick favors light loose shirts, primarily in greens or browns. he also prefers tight fitting heavy duty pants, he has been known to have them re-enforced for a bit of damage resistance. He will always be seen wearing his pistol belt unless other he's specifically told not to. He wears an old pair of well worn spacer's boots, almost always, even with dress clothing. Orick has an old Republic commando tattoo in his left shoulder with the word 'MOONRUNNERS' tattooed around it.
Orick was born on Corellia to spacer parents, he spent most of his early life with his aunt. He never knew exactly what it was that his parents did, but he knew that they died in space. He was never told how his parents died, it was decided that he would be better off not knowing the details. He dreamed of leaving Corellia every day of his life, his parents were spacers, and all he ever wanted to do was go into space. He enlisted in the Republic marines as the age of 17, faking his paperwork to let him enlist a year earlier than allowed.
He spent the first half of his term as a marine and then was picked to train as a republic commando. He spent the remaining time as a commando with the vaunted Moonrunners unit, and battled pirates and Sith alike in the process. Once his term was up he left the military for the freedom of the private sector, and quickly found that the freedom came at the expense of professionalism. He signed on to work with a private mercenary company and spent another three years fighting pirates and raiders. It was here that Orick learned how little mercenaries cared about their people. After a botched pirate raid, where he lost most of the people in his unit, he was released by the company.
Wandering the galaxy wasn't in his cards, during one late night in a small cantina on Nar Shaddaa, he ran into a freighter captain that was desperate for credits to pay off a loan. the captain sold the ship to Orick for almost all of the credits that he had to his name, but Orick realized that what he lost in money he gained in the freedom he desperately sought. Now a freighter captain, and part time smuggler, Orick lived the life he had always wanted, free from the rules that had bogged down his life.
He spent the next few years delivering cargo to all corners of the galaxy and just enjoying life. It was at Manaan that everything changed. The galaxy was in chaos from the disappearance of almost half of it's citizens and Orick was trying to help an old friend by delivering cargo to embattled rebels when he was caught in a invasion by Republic forces. With little choice, Orick offered his assistance to the Republic. He ended up signing a retainer for the Republic, delivering cargo to worlds that needed it. Not long after that his thirst for action came calling and he found himself doing more than just cargo runs. Orick eventually signed back on with the Republic, feeling that his time was being wasted by just smuggling. After bouncing around between different branches, he finally found a spot where he could excel.
For the second time in his life, Orick left the Republic, this time to go back to his roots as a pure smuggler and mercenary. He felt too constricted with his life in the Repblic. With the freedom to do anything he wanted to again, he decided to open a small business on Nar Shaddaa, Ship-Fil-A. The idea was to use it as a front for smuggling, but he found that he has enjoyed working on ships in his spare time, and with his association with the Techno Union his business has picked up.
Orick has recently begun working with the techno Union, contracted to combat piracy through their space lanes. Together with his wife [member="Anastasia Rade"], they have begun working on cleaning up the space lanes not just for the Union but for everyone.
Vulcan Blaster Rifle w/Disruptor, Heavy blaster pistol (hip), Trench Knife (small of back), Sword ,Bodyglove, Armoweave, Arbiter Combat Helmet Dart Launcher (6 Darts)
Cybernetic Body Enhancement, Shield small holocam and a data pad.
Not known Equipment :Mandalorian Armor
The Aimless Ranger
The Fortune