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Approved NPC Order of the Flame

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Intent: To add a bit of flavor to Alderaan's military forces
Image Source: Here | Here
Unit Name: Order of the Flame
Affiliation: The Royal House of Alderaan | Specifically the Monarchy of Alderaan
Classification: Heavy Infantry | Heavy Cavalry | Starfighter Squadrons

Availability: Rare
Deployment: Limited
  • Well-Equipped: The Knights of the Flame are well equipped, each with their own suit of Phrik-plated Power Armor and numerous weapons that they meticulously maintain.
  • Cut-Above: Courage and skill are highly present among the Knights of the Flame, natural character traits further amplified by training and indoctrination. They are known for having a difficult training process, possessing natural talents related to battle, and indoctrinated to be nearly fearless in combat.
  • Force-Dead: The Knights of the Flame are all Force-Dead women, completely void within the Force granting them an immunity to it comparable to that of Yuuzhan Vong and their biots.
  • Honor Bound: The Knights are chivalrous by nature, and thus prideful and arrogant. Where a retreat might be tactically sound, Knights are prone to charge forward or hold their ground anyway. Furthermore, they are unable to participate in acts they consider dishonorable such as riding down a broken enemy, using traps or ambushes, and the like.
  • Force-Dead: The Knights of the Flame are Force-Dead and thus completely void within the Force. While a great benefit, it does have the normal associated downfalls in that they cannot be aided by the Force either. Additionally they are not immune to Force Lightning or its variations, and can be indirectly affected by the Force.
  • Small Fighting Force: The Knights of the Flame normally operate either independently or in small groups of four and twelve depending on their level of experience.
  • Melancholy: Many Knights of the Flame suffer from a general melancholy and depression due to their genetic mutation.
During the One Sith’s occupation of Alderaan many people were vong-formed and the landscape was altered by vongspawn and world-shapers. Some of the people became hideous, mindless monstrosities that had to be put down; others were implanted with Slave Seeds and all attempts to save them were made. Because of the massive vongforming done to the planet, and remnants of the Yuuzhan Vong and their creations that survived on the planet, a tiny fraction of the native population developed a genetic disorder due to infection, cross-breeding, or other phenomena that caused them to be born Force-Dead, a phenomena found to more prevalent in females than males on Alderaan. Those with the mutation also normally suffer from depression and melancholy, though not always and many learn or are taught to cope with the mental side affect.

Following the One Sith's occupation there were many orphans, thousands upon thousands. As they matured and grew older, many of them found a home within the Knightly Orders of Alderaan. The leadership of the Knightly Orders quickly became aware of the genetic mutation that caused children to be Force-Dead and the number of those children that were involved with the Knightly Orders continued to increase a change was implemented to provide these rare individuals with skills more benefiting their rare gift if they choose. Rather than placing them in the existing Orders, a new one was founded under the Knight Council that would be dedicated to combating Yuuzhan Vong and Dark Siders that posted a threat to Alderaan and its people. As females were far more commonly afflicted with the Force-Dead mutation, the Order was founded as female only.

Combat Doctrine
The Knights of the Flame are trained primarily in small unit and individual tactics for combating Force Users and Yuuzhan Vong creatures, using disorient and overwhelm styles in combat. They are equipped to fight Force Users primarily, using their Force Dead qualities, fire, and tried and true methods to disorient and disable Force users. Ssi-ruvi Ion Paddle Beamers, Sonic and Hard sound weapons, flamethrowers, anti-force user grenades, and Firemane bolters form their primary ranged weaponry while in melee they make use of vibro-weapons and Electrostaves to close in and fight Lightsaber wielding opponents. Lightfoils are common among the nobles in the Tapani sector are also fairly common with the Knights as a side arm, used much like ancient knights wielded arming swords.

They are taught skills such as intelligence gathering and establishing rebel cells to assist in the defense should Alderaan ever be occupied again, a far cry from the otherwise noble professions they normally deal in. The standard practices with mounted and starfighter combat are fairly common place, however Knights of the Flame do not train or study in battlefield command, tactics, and strategy as their mission normally requires them to act alone.

The Knights of the Flame are few in number, so few in fact that their entire Order numbers less than some of the standing forces at individual strongholds. Because of this, they have a very trimmed down hierarchy of command rather than the numerous positions maintained by the other Knightly Orders. The three recognized Tribunes maintain the Order, answering to the Monarchy and the Knight's Council. Though none of them officially sit on the Council or hold a place among the Knight-Commanders, one of the Tribunes will act as an adviser at all times.

Beneath the three Tribune there are numerous Praetorians, individuals who prefer to operate alone in their quests and their hunts. Most sisters of the Order of the Flame become Praetorians after several years. The small number of Knights requires them to travel alone or in pairs if they are expected to complete their mandate, and so other than a small hand-full that prefer to train the upcoming generations as Centurions, they eventually bear this mantle.

Before the sisters ascend in rank however, they are deployed in small squads with a single Centurion leading them. These small groups consist of between four and twelve Force-Dead knights.


Well-Known Member
[member="Draco Vereen"]

Draco Vereen said:
  • Those aren't available to you by Affiliation. Have you got permission to use them?

Draco Vereen said:
Those with the mutation also normally suffer from depression and melancholy, though not always and many learn or are taught to cope with the mental side affect.
  • You've got a very powerful unit here, with PC-level equipment and the Force-dead perks, so please add that to the Weaknesses.
Here is Confirmation

Edited that weakness in. I didn't really consider that a weakness viable to combat, but I can see the desire to put it in the list

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