Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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ORC Home Fleet

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[*]Total Length: 4300m
[*]Notable Characters: Hala Jast, Any ORC members that need it.
[*]Ports of Call: Exocron, Kal-Shebbol
  • Strengths:
    Home Defense Operations
  • Anti Starfighter ops
  • Anti Capitol Vessel Ops

  • Expeditionary warfare outside of Borders
  • Weak to swarms of Corvettes.
  • Slow movement


The ORC Home fleet is the same composition as Hala's own personal Defense Fleet. Fielded at the request of [member="Bryce Bantam"], it is a well balanced fleet that can operate fairly well within ORC space. Notably you'd see it parked near the Kathol sector or doing patrols on the borders of their neighbors, to keep them aware ORC dosn't like intruders.

This fleet excels at heavy Capitol ship combat and anti Starfighter ops. They'd have a bit of trouble handling sustained damage away from Jast Shipyards and repair facilities as well as stopping mass attacks by faster moving corvettes.


Well-Known Member
[member="Hala Jast"]

NPC Task Force Fleet template:
Total Length: [The total length, in meters, of your Task Force's Lead Ship and Composition. This must be 1700-2000 meters. For example, an 850-meter Lead Ship with one 450-meter light carrier and three 200-meter corvettes will have a total length of 1900 meters. List total lengths for all configurations described under Composition.]

You're over the maximum allowed meterage. Fix this, and we'll get onto the meat of the sub.
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