Cryax Bane
Red-eyed Snake
Hey guys,
We have a new campaign kicking off with our new soon-to-be allies the Paecian Empire to take back Teth which was all but destroyed in our Dominion of it (thanks Dredge!)
Post here to sign up and be a part of the thread. Kindly list which objective you'd like to be put on.
Here is the description of the campaign from [member="Darth Metus"].
"Ladies and gentlemen, it is my pleasure to announce the beginning of a new campaign! We have currently been in talks with the Red Ravens (our closest neighbor on the map) about the possibility of allying; and thus far these talks have born fruit. In order to further strengthen the relations between our two factions, the Empire will be initiating a joint venture to assist the Ravens in reclaiming a world terrorized by the Rakghoul Plague.
That's right folks, we're going to Teth.
The Plan of Attack is as follows:
Imperial and Raven forces will be targeting the capital city, Peroon, over the course of this operation. An orbital bombardment will herald the arrival of the combined forces, and will target the circumference of the city. This will allow our forces to operate on two fronts: defending the perimeter of the city and advancing inward to clear out the Rakghoul.
Objective A: Defending the Perimeter
After the bombardment, forces will be dispersed in order to assist a Cadre of labor droids. Their mission is to erect a wall around the city in order to prevent the Rakghoul horde from returning; thereby turning the ruined city into a staging point for future operations. Individuals who choose this objective will primarily be staving off the Horde whilst assisting with the construction of the wall, via telekinetics or otherwise."
Objective B: Clearing out the City
Whilst the wall is being constructed around the city, the main force will advance within the capital. Bombing runs will handle the majority of the threat, but the central complex is the main target. The goal here is to exterminate the Rakghoul within the central complex and the salvage whatever remnants the Galactic Empire left behind.
Saddle up folks, it's going to be one helluva fight. And don't let the Rakghoul touch you."
We have a new campaign kicking off with our new soon-to-be allies the Paecian Empire to take back Teth which was all but destroyed in our Dominion of it (thanks Dredge!)
Post here to sign up and be a part of the thread. Kindly list which objective you'd like to be put on.
Here is the description of the campaign from [member="Darth Metus"].
"Ladies and gentlemen, it is my pleasure to announce the beginning of a new campaign! We have currently been in talks with the Red Ravens (our closest neighbor on the map) about the possibility of allying; and thus far these talks have born fruit. In order to further strengthen the relations between our two factions, the Empire will be initiating a joint venture to assist the Ravens in reclaiming a world terrorized by the Rakghoul Plague.
That's right folks, we're going to Teth.
The Plan of Attack is as follows:
Imperial and Raven forces will be targeting the capital city, Peroon, over the course of this operation. An orbital bombardment will herald the arrival of the combined forces, and will target the circumference of the city. This will allow our forces to operate on two fronts: defending the perimeter of the city and advancing inward to clear out the Rakghoul.
Objective A: Defending the Perimeter
After the bombardment, forces will be dispersed in order to assist a Cadre of labor droids. Their mission is to erect a wall around the city in order to prevent the Rakghoul horde from returning; thereby turning the ruined city into a staging point for future operations. Individuals who choose this objective will primarily be staving off the Horde whilst assisting with the construction of the wall, via telekinetics or otherwise."
Objective B: Clearing out the City
Whilst the wall is being constructed around the city, the main force will advance within the capital. Bombing runs will handle the majority of the threat, but the central complex is the main target. The goal here is to exterminate the Rakghoul within the central complex and the salvage whatever remnants the Galactic Empire left behind.
Saddle up folks, it's going to be one helluva fight. And don't let the Rakghoul touch you."