Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Operation Grey Dawn: Spynet Training Mission

In fact, Lord Ajihad was not late. He had arrived just slightly after the rest of them, but was not yet making his presence known. After collecting a whole load of gear from the Umbra's he had made his way to the meeting area. He was now testing the Prototype Nightshrike armor's invisibility function, to determine it's usefulness for the mission. He silently crept towards [member="Ahra Martrey"] , approaching him from the right side. He wanted to see how close he could get before the man realized he was there.

[member="Khloe Sparrow"]
Phade smiled at Khloe as she sat next to him. He wished greatly to get to know more agents, both for reasons of having an intel network and to know who would have his back in situations. Khloe seemed to take this very seriously, it made Phade wish he had worn some stealth gear, but he'd have to make money for that to happen. Truth be told, while he had been slicing and flying for a while, he'd never made much money.

He looked to the door, he knew that the other agent took this sort of thing fairly seriously as well, though he seems to not be hurrying to get to their transport.

[member="Khloe Sparrow"] [member="Ahra Martrey"] [member="lord ajihad"]
Ahra watched the pair board and nodded at Sparrow's praise as she passed, keeping one eye on the door for the last agent. He started mentally going over the mission, checking through all the station's preparations to make sure everything was ready for the exercise. As long as the droids follow their programming, we should be- hang on, that's odd. His internal sensors warned of a slight disturbance about fifteen feet off to his right - light wavelengths were getting messed up, and it seemed to be moving closer. Interesting. I wonder if Q is testing some of their equipment... wait. That's not Spynet tech. The cloak was still out of human perception, so he appeared to ignore it; however, he was now actively scanning the signature. Now, let's see who you are. Scanning... Oh, that's very clever. He turned to look toward the left entrance as if looking for Ajihad and let a smile play across his face. Nicely done. Now let's see how committed you are. When Ajihad was about five feet off, he looked around one last time, shrugged, and started up the boarding ramp. He stood at the top, cast a seemingly anxious glance at the entrance to the hanger bay, and started to close the ramp. Let's see if you can run in that cloak.

[member="Lord Ajihad"] [member="Phade"] [member="Khloe Sparrow"]
He was rapidly approaching [member="Ahra Martrey"] , when the man suddenly boarded the ship. The assassin frowned at the inconvenience, realizing the possibility that the spy had indeed seen him. Whether or not he had been discovered, he still needed to get on board the transport ship. He leapt onto the rapidly closing ramp, just before it sealed shut.

Deactivating the suit's stealth function, he gave an inquisitive look to the Principal Agent. "So, what gave me away?"

[member="Phade"] [member="Khloe Sparrow"]
Ahra was leaning on the bulkhead, arms crossed and a smile across his face. "Nothing that could be fixed. Any cloaking tech can be seen if you know what to look for." He pushed off the wall. "Though I will say, that was pretty good. If your supplier's still in business, I might be interested." He began leading the agent to the lounge, where the other two were already. "How long were you there? Did you catch the briefing on the ship?"

[member="Lord Ajihad"] [member="Khloe Sparrow"] [member="Phade"]
He dismissed the question with a wave of his hand. "Yeah, I heard what you had to say about the ship. Though, my armor was developed by Abrion. It's my understanding they are a major sponsor of the Spynet. I'm sure if you had any recommendations on the armor, [member="Raziel"] would be pleased to hear them, as would I."

[member="Ahra Martrey"] [member="Phade"] [member="Khloe Sparrow"]
Phade would raise his eyebrow at the flippant way [member="Lord Ajihad"] replied to [member="Ahra Martrey"]. It wasn't that Phade was a follower, but they were here on Martrey's ship, on a training mission supervised by Martrey against droids who were likely at least partially controlled by Martrey. This was a person who Phade would have to rely on to watch his back, and the more he was seeing, the less likely he was sure he'd be able to.

'Mae do with what you have, anything else doesn't exist.' Phade said to himself, it had the feeling of a mantra, so he decided to save it and work on it so it could become something like a personal mantra. He looked over to Martrey and shrugged.

"Looks like we're all here. Let's get this show on the road."

[member="khloe sparrow"]
Agent Sparrow looked up from her slicing practice again and instead of busying herself with various coding permutations she began to analyze her colleagues. Lorrdians were especially good at reading facial features and emotions for intent so she went around the room and mentally catalogued them. First there was Agent Phade who sat the nearest to Khloe. He was handsome but also nondescript, wouldn't standout too much in a crowd... the perfect spy she thought since he would be more likely to blend in.

Then there was Agent Ajihad. He was a little more of a wildcard. Not that he wasn't a good agent, she thought. It was just that he would may different techniques from Phade like enhanced equipment or even vocal intimidation.

Their superior agent was a tougher nut to crack. His face gave nothing away, absolutely nothing. He was very objective and situational - that she could see. But she had this feeling he would factor into their training exercise in a larger capacity. Like a puppet master he wouldn't just be observing them silently. He would be watching and pulling the strings.

[member="Phade"] [member="Lord Ajihad"] [member="Ahra Martrey"]
"Noted," Ahra told Ajihad as they entered the lounge where Sparrow and Phade were waiting. "All right everyone, we're leaving momentarily. If you need to do anything else before we leave, speak up now." After a few moments of silence, he continued. "Refresher is down that corridor on the right." He hit a button on the room's table and the holo from before appeared. "In case you have any more analysis to do. The journey will take an hour and a half or so, but the last twenty minutes we'll be doing some final planning. From now until then, however, the time is yours." He paused, considering what they might need. "There's a dormitory across from the 'fresher - feel free to make use of it if you're tired, we want you at peak for this. Food is down that corridor and a left, then a right." He took a moment to see how the agents were holding up. Phade seemed eager - good for now, but it might lead to overextention or full-on aggression once the mission began. I'll have to watch out for that. Sparrow was looking at him funny - trying to read him as well, if he was any judge. Let's see how well that works out for you, he thought with an internal smile. Ajihad... truth be told, he was having a hard time reading Ajihad. He'd have to keep an eye on him on the journey, try to get a fuller understanding of the man.

He turned and walked to the cockpit, strapping into the pilot's chair. "Umbra control, this is Avathar aboard the Varjo, requesting permission for takeoff."
"Permission granted, Avathar. Good luck out there."
"I'm not the one who needs it today, control, but thanks." He pulled the ship out of the hanger and swung around. Showtime, he thought as the stars streaked towards him and the ship entered hyperspace.

[member="Khloe Sparrow"] [member="Lord Ajihad"] [member="Phade"]
A little over an hour later

"This is Avathar," Ahra announced through the ship's intercom. "Meet in the lounge in five minutes for pre-mission briefing." Ahra strode out of the cockpit and into the lounge, bringing up a slightly more detailed copy of the holo. When the agents had assembled, he began.
"Not too much new here, but a few final notes. Again, this is a training mission, and your opponents will be using stun bolts, but that doesn't mean you're invincible. I will know if you've been hit, and if it's bad, you're going to be disabled. Be advised I can enforce this if you attempt to continue after you're severely 'injured' or 'dead'.
"Remember, you can work together or split up as you see fit. A lone wolf can slip past security more easily, but there is most definitely safety in numbers, especially if a firefight breaks out.
"If anyone has a HUD, stay here for a minute after we're done. I'll link it with the ship's systems to give you an idea of the station's layout and possibly enemy locations. Note that this will not be 100% accurate, so be wary of how much you trust it.
"Any final questions? We exit hyperspace in," he checked his chrono, "ten minutes and dock in thirteen, assuming all goes well."

[member="Khloe Sparrow"] [member="Phade"] [member="Lord Ajihad"]

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