Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Operation: Black Hawk Down (The Bothan Spynet, Otherwise PM)

Strask sat in the cockpit of his Lethisk-class that Isley had given him after the ordeal of whatever the heck had happened. He sighed, and pressed the comm in his ear. "All agents who can hear me, Operation Black Hawk Down is go. Repeat, Black Hawk Down is go." Turning to the pair of technicians behind him, he ordered an update.
"Agent Hunter is in the briefing room. All else, arriving." He nodded, and turned out to look at Void Station. Once the home of an information broker, it now housed an empty palace. And that palace was equipped with droids and an agent acting as an enemy for this mission. He smiled. Knol would be quite the opponent to take down. He was glad he didn't have to try. However, he was equipped with stun weapons, as his normal equipment would be too deadly. This mission should be fun, and safe.
Ok, this is it. @[member="Hunter Cain"] is stuck in Void Station, and it's up to us to pull him out. In your way are security droids, and a player-made-npc because the player quit, and has let me use him as one. Anyone may use a X-57, but only two can be here, so if you take one, you may have someone in the backseat.
Also, you have each been given an ion pistol, a stun blaster, and a stun baton. No live weapons unless something goes wrong
@[member="Ahra Marcon"] @James Mathison
Hunter sat in a chair, locked inside the briefing room on Void station. They were on a training mission. The objective was to extract an agent from behind enemy lines. Hunter, was the agent to be extracted.

He had his XCALQ computer built into an arm bracer on his left forearm, a toolkit and a blaster (set only to stun, for training purposes) in a shoulder holster under his jacket.

He heard Strask's order in his ear-bud. "This is Hunter, received. Going dark"
He took the earpiece out and dropped it on the floor and crushed it under his foot. The point of this training exercise was ti mimic an extraction, so communication was not guaranteed. Hunter like to train to realism so having a comm would have been cheating.

The mission was a go. It was time for Hunter to find a what out of the locked room.
@[member="Strask Ak'lya"]
"Acknowledged and understood. Marcon going in." Ahra brought the Comet to one of the station's external docking ports and shut everything down. Scan that, I dare you. He drew an ion blaster - stupid exercises - and rolled through jumped from his airlock into the station. He hit the ground from the sudden change of gravity, but rolled and came up with the blaster at the ready. Nothing. He lowered it and cautiously stepped into the hallway. He stood alone in the corridor.

He slipped into another room and smiled at the sight of a computer console. Before long, his datapad was downloading information on the station - including possible places for Hunter to be held. The computer was probably bringing droids this way already, but he didn't care. He had what he needed.

Now, to find @[member="Hunter Cain"].
Strask took the headpiece out as @[member="Hunter Cain"] said going dark. He still heard the feedback, and it hurt, but it wasn't debilitating. Placing it back in, he heard @[member="Ahra Marcon"]'s acknowledgement, although barely. Just the last bit. And as he downloaded, a troop of droids would clank along the hall, armed with stun blasters. Strask nodded to the agents in the ship, who set an alarm to go off as soon as the man left the room. It would call the droids to that area. And Ahra would be overwhelmed without support. Hunter was still being tracked, the XCALQ on his arm following him, as that was needed as much as the agent. As soon as another agent got here, they could begin.
James had borrowed one of the X-57's @[member="Strask Ak'lya"] offered for this mission and docked in the hangar bay, disembarked from the cockpit and slid down the side onto the deck. Moving to the door, James pulled up his hood, masking his visage. He opened the door and slipped into the inner station corridors. He moved quickly and quietly aided by the Force. He ran past a doorway and to anyone inside the door, they would have seen the man in the white cloak and hood disappear before their eyes as he utilized his Force Stealth ability.

Clicking his comm twice he signaled to his allies of his arrival on station.

Not three feet behind the invisible man, a small black and grey tabby pranced along looking accustomed to this line of work.

Strask sent a click back to @[member="James Mathison "]as acknowledgement. Smiling, he switched channels. "Knol, head to the briefing room. Keep it shut." The lock there was a basic one, no fancy electronic system, just a key. And that key was in another room. @[member="Hunter Cain"] was going to have to pick the lock, or bust the door. The latter would take long enough for the enemy to know what he was doing.

Switching channels again, he contacted @[member="Ahra Marcon"]. "How's it coming?" The smile on his face faded as the display on his datapad gave him the man's exact location. He was being careless. Void Station was a good choice for this. Meaning that it was empty. And derelict. The systems were old enough to be easy enough to hack, but still foreign enough to be difficult. Turning to the Hawkeye, he said, "As soon as the alarm goes up, I want you to spend at least a minute taking it down." She nodded.
Hunter moved to the door and inspected the lock. It was low tech, mechanical. Requiring a metal key, or a lock pick. Fortunately, Hunter had the latter in his tool kit on his belt. He withdrew the two slender picks and gently began manipulating the tumblers of the lock. Normally, it would only take Hunter a few seconds to accomplish this, but he was taking his time because he knew that most likely opening the door would trigger an alarm. Triggering the alarm would most likely be unavoidable, but hopefully the rescue team would be getting into position rapidly.

Hunter felt the tumblers fall and the handle turned. He returned his lock picks back to his tool kit and drew his stun pistol. Slowly he opened the door and peeked out. There was nothing in the corridor, and no audible alarm sounded. Though, Hunter was sure that he had triggered a silent alarm.

Hunter moved with a purpose. His steps were controlled as to not make noise. If he remembered the schematics he had memorized correctly, The control room was one left, two rights, one more left then a right down the corridors. Once there, Hunter could hack in and gain communication, and possibly override automated defenses. He just had to get there first.
@[member="Strask Ak'lya"]

@James Mathison @[member="Ahra Marcon"]
A door slid open, and no one walked in, but a shadow now appeared from the darkness, James walked into view of a few sentry droids, before they could process the image before them, he reached out and knives flew from his wrists, severing their servos. Four droids went silent, and James moved into the room. It was a security service room. With a few monitors overlooking the facility. He could see a number of droids, and a few guards, but not his target, Spectre.

[member="Hunter Cain"]
"Shadow, you've got incoming. Two droids down the hall." As the Spymaster spoke, the slicer behind him ordered the droids into action. "Wait a second... what's that?" Something was in the base. Not Knol, not an agent, and not droids. "Shadow, we may have trouble. Someone's on the way, and we don't know who they are. Continue the mission, but keep both eyes open." [member="Hunter Cain"] would need to be contacted, but Strask find.t have a means to do so. The computer wasn't accessible for that. Switching channels again, he realized the same orders to Knol.
This was going to be interesting.
[member="James Mathison "]
Hunter moved through the maze of the station in the direction of the security room. He didn't run into any resistance, until he made it to the last turn.
When he peeked around the corner, he saw two droids walking away from him in the direction of the security room. The good news was that they were walking away from him, but if they entered the security room, that would complicate things. [member="Strask Ak'lya"]

James Mathison
"Understood Red, on the move."

James activated Force Cloak and slipped into the shadows of the room. He drew a vibrio dagger and waited. As the door opened a security droid popped into view, James strange forth, blade severing the servo at the base of its head unit, pulling the other in with the Force, he repeated the motion as he had the first.

He left the security room, still concealed with the Force and made his way down the hall until it ended at a T. Noticing his ally, Spectre, he dissolved into view.


[member="Hunter Cain"]

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