Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Operate

Their thoughts were unspoken but of a similar vein as the Verpine couldn't quite fathom the concept of flesh purity either. Why not upgrade? Clinging to flesh and blood that would degrade over time was the absolute in witless arrogance. If one had the means and the need to become stronger, why wouldn't they?

Not that Zazil could complain, those vanity-ridden specimens were a great contribution towards his own wealth.

“Indeed,” he replied as his offer was considered with a carnivorous grin, a somewhat unnerving expression but one that had to be accepted in a line of work with such dubious morality, “there's no pressure, naturally. It's entirely up to yourself, sir.”

As soon as the man stated his intention to grab forty winks the insectoid went about his own business with little hesitation. Plenty to do without being distracted by lackadaisical, alcoholic madmen.

The droids continued their surgery, having installed the new artificial lungs with little difficulty that had moved onto extraction and replacement of the liver and as they did Zazil began the black market bidding war across the more insidious and obscured part of the holonet. The opulent fools would have an hour before bidding would come to an end, just in time for proceedings here to be over.

Usually, Zazil would observe in satisfied silence as the bids rolled in, but there was yet more work to do. Nothing terribly taxing, but a necessity at the customer's request. The behavioural implant would need to be linked to a controlling device with an easy-to-use interface. Mercifully, all these things already existed separately but just needed to be connected.

A wrist link would do nicely.

Speaking of, the replacement arm was again nothing too fancy with bells and whistles. The droids had to trim back a little more of the arm just up past the elbow so that the cybernetic replacement could include the elbow joint, lessening the strain upon the rest of the arm. In terms of dexterity, it wasn't a top-of-the-range model but for strength, oh, the ape would be able to pack a very wicked punch.

The Verpine didn't bother to wake the seemingly-prone man to ask on his preference for synthflesh and made the decision on his behalf, opting to cover the new limb with artificial skin for the element of surprise in a fight rather than the mammal's vanity.

As bidding was nearing its end, the bulk of the work was already done. The fighter's inner-workings were now once more concealed by flesh, the long incision down the centre closed with dermaseal and finished off an appropriate dressing. All that was left was the modified control chip, which in application wasn't nearly so visceral.

A little drill to the skull here. A little precision with a hypodermic injector there. A test run of the wrist link to ensure that the device was connected properly and functioning as intended and it was done.

Just in time for bidding to end.

Zazil chittered happily at the winning bid, which sat at just over a cool half a million credits. Business as usual for the Verpine but for his potential new contractor it would hopefully come as a pleasant surprise and even greater motivation to work for them. So swift and efficient, the currency had already been exchanged and in a mere matter of moments, he was holding a credit chip with half the share sitting on it. Paid upfront too, another deal sweetener.

Zazil announced cheerfully, standing a good few feet away from the man, the chip in one set of spindly digits and a wrist link in the other. His overly bright demeanour wasn't just for him though, as a strong whack of suddenly applied adrenaline woke the specimen upon the table up with a dramatic start.

“...karKING HELL!”

Belfry of Tund Belfry of Tund
Sam Rodarch Sam Rodarch

It was a reasonably wise choice of the Verpine to stand some distance away from Archibald.


Archibald crashed up, a hidden shiv slashing through the air, before pausing. Glancing from the left, to the right, before refocusing on the insect. A grin there, sleepy slightly still. Making the shiv go away with a flourish. "Ahh, night frights, ya know how it be, eh?" Which was odd. Considering Arch hadn't been exhibiting anything of the sort while asleep.

No moaning, crying, rolling around.

Not even a little snore.

Perfectly prone, as if he was dead, until that display of kinetic slashing.

His attention only briefly flashed towards Sam. A snort there. Subdued laugh. "I see ya fixed up Sam-Sam real good. That be what we talked about?" Head gesture towards the commlink. Oh, his eyes caught the chit, but he wasn't going to take the bait.

Let the insect bring it up himself.

It seemed far too pleased with itself right now.
Ah! His decision to keep a wide berth was indeed a wise choice, as the man immediately burst into murderous life, the glint of the blade slicing through the air before him not lost in keen observation. It was an action that betrayed his careless drawl and lazy smirk, revealing the human as coiled in nature but always ready to strike like some kind of alcohol-fuelled snake.

Useful to know.

“But of course! Exactly as specified!” Zazil chittered in confirmation, feeling inwardly smug that he hadn't allowed his xenophobia to underestimate the deadly primate as he stepped forward into the path of a killer to actively hand over the wristlink.

“All the information you might require on our investigator friend is on here,” amongst other things as he then held out the credit chit, “and of course, your cut, sir. I am nothing if not efficient, after all.”

Thankfully Rodarch was left largely unaware as to why Archibald had a cut of anything and was more concerned with very suddenly being, well, alive. It was quite disconcerting, as just a moment ago (at least in her own perception) every breath had been a painful, monumental challenge, the world fading and growing colder and now like nothing had ever happened.

The woman looked down to review the damage, or perhaps more accurately the repairs, only to be faced with the sight of her own flesh. She was topless, well, aside from the dressing that ran down the middle of her chest and core but that wasn't providing much in the name of modesty.

“Ah feth!”
Sam shouted, attempting to shield her anatomy (well, two parts of her anatomy) from the room, “Where the kark is my top?!”

The Verpine looked befuddled by this loud and obnoxious statement and turned his head to look back at the idiot, already knowing which one he preferred out of the pair.

“We had to cut it off to save your life, silly!” Zazil chirped musically, betraying his own inner-annoyance with eccentric flair before a spindly green digit pointed towards a set of plasteel containers in the corner of the room, “Have a goosey gander in the lost and found for something you like, my dear.”

Perhaps a smarter woman might have wondered why a cybernetic chop-shop had a lost and found bin but the desire not to be so exposed overrode such logical thinking. It's fine, dead men don't need clothes, after all.

The Verpine's attentions returned to the monkey that wasn't a topless moron, well, if the lunatic hadn't stabbed him in the back on a whim, that is.

“Is everything satisfactory, sir?”

Belfry of Tund Belfry of Tund
Sam Rodarch Sam Rodarch

Archibald accepted the two items without much comment.

Briefly he scanned the chit with his commlink. Brows raised a fraction at the price, before meeting the ... well ... many eyes of the Verpine. A small nod there, the first and perhaps last sign of actual appreciation from the alcohol-fueled chimpanzee. Even a sociopath like Archibald could enjoy the little things. Like just being handed enough cash to buy a gorram ship.

That wasn't pocket money.

"Sounds good. We will get it-" Eyes flashed towards Sam, when she cried out for her top. A snort there. "-get yar arse clothed, Sam-Sam, we got business to attend to."

Attention back to the Verpine.


At the insect's question Archibald glanced on over at Sam again. Eyes up, down, brows furrowed there for a moment. "Probably. We will see how it works out during the op." Op. Loose tongue there as he got distracted. A hobo didn't just use a word like that. "Ya got an untraced gun lying about? I can use a knife, but might be cleaner that way."

A shrug there.

Up to the insect really.
It was an awkward shuffle over to the lost and found bins as Rodarch did all that she could to feel less exposed, one arm raking through the container while the other was kept on modesty duty. It was only then that she actually noted her arm, the mechanical whirr of fingers as the woman flexed the hand of the replacement.


One thought crudely pondered how hard it could hit and another, a quieter musing considered the extent of her injuries.

Almost died.

A short glance back to the pair wrought the bitter realisation that Archibald Sult had saved her life. Confusion only further fuelled by the sudden nature of her revival tried to answer the blur of questions that came up from such a revelation but only came up short. How could anybody fathom reason out of a monster like that?

That was the last thing she wanted to think about.

“Shet,” she muttered under her breath with a scowl as she picked out the least offensive-smelling shirt possible and pulled it over her head. The black garment had seen better days (she could relate) and had a few holes in it but nothing too egregious. Seemed to have a funny slogan on it, but it wasn't like she was going to be able to read it.

“No need to be clean,” Zazil responded quietly, indeed internally considering the man's choice of terminology before deciding that it would be in his best interest to do some digging on this new potential contractor, “if you're concerned about forensics then rest assured that we have such bases covered.”

Indeed, there were a lot more strings to this show than it seemed. A crooked payroll of those required to keep such a business sustainable. Hush money to turn eyes blind. Professional cleaners for the premeditated. Morticians that could make bodies disappear and reappear on the Verpine's slab like grim magicians.

Rodarch approached the pair, finally beginning to notice subtle changes in her body. The dull ache at the back of her head. The way her chest didn't expand when she drew each crystalline breath.

“What business ya mean, Sult?”

“Ah! Just a small job!” Zazil quickly interjected with enthusiasm (and he was enthusiastic to be able to put a name to the man's face), assuming that the less this monkey knew, the better, “In lieu of payment for saving your life, my dear!”

Did it even know what lieu meant? Ah, inconsequential.

“What fortune that you have such a great friend with you here, hmm? Lucky girl!”

Sam responded to that notion with an expression that could only be described as disgust, made sense given that she was actively trying to avoid any kind of mental scenario that contained both the words 'Archibald' and 'gratitude' simultaneously.

“...right, let's kark off an git'er done then.”

And with that Rodarch walked away.

Belfry of Tund Belfry of Tund
Sam Rodarch Sam Rodarch


Made him wonder just how deep this Verpine had its ... claws ? in this neighborhood. He reminded himself not to forget the data. Make a copy of it for sure, because it might come in handy later. Maybe Archibald would never see it again. Possibly. It was never bad to have some sort of insurance policy laying about however.

"One less worry," A shrug there. He was about to respond to Sam, but the Verpine already had it. Which made Archibald snort. This one was a slick little chit, but that was to be expected from an insect.

The reaction from Sam was priceless.

Definitely worth it.

"-yeah, what the lady said. We will be back." As Archibald passed the insect, he plucked out both the data chit and the commlink. Attaching one to his wrist, while the other disappeared somewhere in his clothes. No more words would be wasted on the Verpine. No, instead he followed Sam out and stretched lightly there.

Then took out the bottle to take a celebratory gulp there.

"Our good ol' doctor has a pest problem. A bounty, in ya words, so we gun' take care of that for him." Offering the bottle to her there. His eyes challenging as he watched her reaction.
Standing outside the chop shop the woman's eyes were immediately drawn to the darkened trail of crimson splatter that lead back to the cantina.

Right, almost forgot about that.

As the back of her head still thrummed with a nagging pain, a suffering of a different sort occurred internally with violent recollections of what had happened filtering through. She'd karked up. Let that gothic piece of shet get away with the slicer, the slicer that Sam was supposed to be protecting.

The dried blood upon her forehead cracked as it creased in a new layer of frown, hand touching upon where that shard of glass had impaled her core. Could have accepted it for what it was, how was Rodarch supposed to fight a damned space wizard?

Ah, but that wasn't what it was, was it? The Mandalorian didn't have to fight, she had to protect that dweeby little Duros but she chose to fight inste-

The presence of Sult interrupted her train of thought, his voice like a smell that you couldn't wash out that gave reason for her shoulders to rise and stiffen. Something about the job, a bounty. Sure. He was the last headache she needed right then. Even if he had saved her life. The woman only offered him the smallest glance, only to be confronted by the bottle.

Oh yeah, of course, he was going to pull that shet right now.

“Yeah yeah, jus' lead th'way, Sult.”

Just a swig, that's all it is. If it kept him off her back, all the better. Grabbing the bottle out of his hand the woman pointlessly stared the label, as if presenting some facade that she could actually read what it said. Like ripping off the band-aid Sam brought the bottle to her lips and took the daintiest of swigs.

Belfry of Tund Belfry of Tund
Sam Rodarch Sam Rodarch

Just as Sam took a swig, the smallest of them, his palm smacked into her shoulder.

A friendly clap on the back.

"That's the spirit!" Archibald said jolly, but of course there was something else behind it. A sudden thwap like that was liable to make her swallow far more than she bargained for. "Drink up, lass, perfect after such an invasive procedure." Drawled lightly there as he accepted the bottle back, took another swig himself and bottled it up again.

Only then did Arch set into a walk once more.

Didn't wait for Sam either, if she was still coughing.

"Now- this be a dead or dead job, savvy? Some piece of chit been causing a mess for the good ol' doc back there." Arch drawled over his shoulder. "Making its life pretty fethin' difficult. An' we both know ya wouldn't be 'ere, if it wasn't around."

Arch peered over at his commlink. Bringing up the location. Conveniently enough it was nearby. Well, as nearby as it could get. It would still be a brisk walk, but that would give Sam-Sam some time to catch her... breath. So to speak. He glanced on over to her. And only then did he notice the shirt she had put on a moment ago. Starting a harking laugh there. Even swatting his knee.

I'd never make a bad pun on porpoise.

"Good fethin' lord, woman, you picked a great one. On porpoise that's amazing." They turned the corner, went through several corners, until they eventually reached the hotel in question.

Run-down as feth.

More a place for a crack addict, instead of a journalist. But. What did Archibald know about Denon?

"Now, says 'ere it be room 3B. Third floor then. We doin' this nice and fast. No nonsense. You ready?"
The hand that suddenly thudded on her back did indeed ensure that Sam swallowed more of the drink that she intended and not entirely down the right pipes either.

As she was left coughing and spluttering in his wake the woman could only remark that it tasted just as foul as the last swig he had offered and did nothing excect burn that vile taste around her entire mouth. Comforting, at the very least, to know that alcohol was still as disgusting to her as before.

After the coughing fit had subsided and Rodarch caught up with Sult she was about to object to the notion of a dead or dead job but was interrupted by his sudden hilarity, which naturally, only caused her scowl to be tinged by confusion, her mind instantly wondering if he was karking with her.

On porpoise?

What?” Sam replied with all the perturbed seriousness that woman came pre-equipped with, before realising that he was referring to slogan of her borrowed t-shirt, “oh,” she followed up with, eyes peering down at the words that in truth made just as much sense upside-down as they did right side up, “yeah, jus' picked one that stunk least.”

It wasn't until they hit the nearby hotel and Archibald reiterated the job that Sam actually remembered that she held objections, namely ones pertaining to murder, even if that creepy bug had saved her life. She didn't want to kill and hadn't explicitly agreed to such business. Did that mean were she to have the choice or the wherewithal that she would have refused?

I mean, no...but..

“You made tha' deal, Sult,” she murmured, deliberately avoiding any eye contact with him once more as she was first to ascend the piss-stained stairwell, “you're doin' tha dirty work. Ah'm jus' muscle.”

Hopefully the cause to be stealthy didn't afford him much chance to respond as they reached the third floor of the dubious hotel, her severe gaze bouncing from door to door along the hallway. To him, it would have looked like strange hesitation. The 3 she could deal with as Sam could at least count to ten in knowing that you had to stand up before then. The B was a different story.

Shet, she mouthed, eyes caught between the second and third doors adjacent to one another in the hallway. Logic permitted that one of them was 3B. Besh was second, right? It's the ABCs, so it's the second one, yeah. Yeah, that sounded right. It's the second door along. This, turned out to be false, as the illiterate woman drifted towards what was in fact 3C.

Belfry of Tund Belfry of Tund
He stiffened up there at- you made da deal, you doin' the dirty work.

Turning slightly to catch her shape in his eyes.

There was danger in his eyes. A threat that was unspoken. "That deal I made saved ya life, Sam-Sam." His voice low, not jus' because of stealth. In fact Archibald wasn't really trying hard to stealth this one. "Might wanna think close what debts ya owe already." Before getting Arch to do more of her dirty work to sink her even deeper into his debt.


From one moment to the other his face lit up. A little spring in his step there. "But oh well, jus' means ya be owing me even more." Like two different people had just talked to her one after another.

From his sleeve a knife appeared.

Arch followed her towards the third floor. Then paused with her as she ... he wasn't really sure what she was doing. The door was right there. Stalling, trying to gather the strength to go through with this? Chit, she wasn't that much of a baby, right? "Uh-" And there Sam started to walk, but instead of going to B, she went to... C."

A blink there.

Perplexed expression.

It wasn't often that you could find Archibald at loss for words, but this was most definitely one of those situations. "The kark you doing, Sam, B is this on-" The curtains shifted. Just a flare of a grimy man with glasses, shocked, before noises out of the room. Someone making a run for it. "Oh, for feth's sake, you idiot!"

A growl there as he rushed towards room 3B, ramming through it, to chase after the reporter.

Sam Rodarch Sam Rodarch
Oh no.

Rodarch winced the very moment that Sult called her out, the internal cringe of getting something so basic wrong in sight of another an entirely different concept of suffering. Thankfully, the moment remained short as her indiscretion tipped off their target and a fleeting idiot was all that was left between them as Archibald charged into the door.

She left no time to be red-faced, immediately turning on her heel and heading back down the stairs with reckless abandon, hopefully, she could cut off his escape route.

As her boots thudded past multiple steps at a time Sam couldn't quite shift the concern from her mind from his prior words. Owing a man like that anything wasn't a good time (worse now that he had acknowledged it), even she could see that but it was the way he spoke before that reverberated throughout her thick skull. It was the sound of his voice, even as blood pumped in her exertion it made the Mandalorian's skin crawl.

Amazingly, for a woman that had not so long ago just come out of surgery the sudden cardio wasn't proving to be much of a problem at all. Oh, her chest ached from where they put her back together but Sam felt like she could run forever as she sprinted out of the hotel and round the corner to the alleyway, each breath fresh and regulated for the effort needed.

There he was, just climbing down the last rung of the rusty ladder of the fire escape.

Barrelling towards him she tried to clear her mind of minor headaches and of Archibald's low rumbling threats and calls of idiot but it was a task too great as the blood pumped in her ears.

“N-no! Wait!” the investigator cried out, realising there was nowhere left to run, his hands held up in surrender undeniable in any language, “you can't let them get away with this! Whu-what they're doing is mo-ack!”

Words were cut off as she caught up with him, her hand immediately wrapping around his throat and slamming his back against the wall. Her new cybernetic replacement squeezing ever harder as she looked up for Sult, just so she could look him in the eyes and let him know that she wasn't a fething idiot.

Unbeknownst to her, struggling gasps faded quickly as the metal hand kept crushing.

Belfry of Tund Belfry of Tund
Sam Rodarch Sam Rodarch

In fact Archibald was in hot pursuit, once he managed to break down through the second door.

By the end he leapt out of the window.

Not even bothering with the ladder. That way he would be able to take down this fether, make sure their debt was paid and that was that. Sadly he misjudged his jump. Maybe it was the alcohol, or the rush or just the insanity of the moment. Either way instead of on top of the researcher, Archibald landed in the trash with a thunk.

Coincidentally exactly where he belongs anyway.

A grunt there, as he crawled up, already prepared to continue the rush. Until he realized Sam was already here. "Ohey, Sam-Sam, you are fast." Then following her arm towards the investigator.

By this point...

He was already dangling down, dead, throat crushed.

", you can let go of him now, you know that right?" A laugh there, as he crawled out of the garbage bin. Brushing off a banana peel. "Way to prove me wrong, babe. Handled that well. Though the throat crunch was a bit overkill, painful way to go." Archibald whistled there, before shrugging. "Was just gonna clock him between the eyes. Easy, fast, but that works too I suppose."

Patting her on the shoulder as he passed.

"Always knew ya had it in ya. Check his pockets, make sure he doesn't have anything on him, data drives. Then drop him in the garbage." Without further ado he started climbing up the ladder again.

Time to check out his apartment.
As her eyes scanned the fire escape above Sam expected to catch sight of Sult in hot pursuit, but what she actually witnessed was the man leaping out of the window. Part of her wished for him to land head first, to be reduced to a scrap of paralysed monstrosity and the thought of which caused her form to clench.

Hand even tighter around his neck.

Unfortunately, Archibald's fall was instead broken by garbage (as if they didn't smell bad enough), which while amusing just wasn't quite what the former-shockboxer wished for.

There was a moment of somewhat smug satisfaction as she looked to the trashman, might not be able to tell where room 3B is but can at the very least catch a fleeing target. Really took the sting out of feeling like an idiot. Well, right until...

Rodarch's attention returned to the man still in her grasp, her head turning back round as a small niggle of concern was born from Sult's laugh and sat heavily within her core. Such an awful sound, made her stomach drop every time she heard it.

“Nah nah, I told ya I ain't goi-”

Head slumped.

Arms limp.

Legs dangling.

He was dead. Windpipe completely crushed. By her own hand. Archibald's following words seemed grow muffled as the Mandalorian stared at the body, her brown eyes growing wide and filling with both horror and denial.

“He's...nah, he's fine,” she managed to mutter, her prosthetic grasp upon his throat being released as if the body was now poisonous to the touch and it fell, crumpling to the ground at gravity's discretion. The hand that clasped upon her shoulder garnered no reaction from her as Rodarch continued to stare at the unmoving pile of flesh and cloth.

“Jus' passed out,” another utterance under her breath, a boot moving to nudge him awake but only succeeding in causing the carcass to slump in a new direction, “get up, get the kark up.”

She'd killed him.

As Sult climbed the ladder; this moment little more than breakfast to the scummy man Sam began to try and rationalise, excuses beginning to flow throughout her head in rampant succession, one after the other. As if anything might have made it okay.

Wasn't thinkin'. It's the new arm. I'm sorry. Wasn't payin' attention. Was squeezin' cus I was mad. Didn't know it would crush his throat like that. Called me an idiot. Just a mistake. I'm sorry.

“I...I didn't mean ta...”

Belfry of Tund Belfry of Tund
Sam Rodarch Sam Rodarch

Archibald sighed several steps onto the ladder.

Half turning around to watch her from above.

"Will ya getcha chit together? Ya can cry later, we got a job to do 'ere." A grunt there, before starting to climb again. "Was a bad fethin' man anyway, dun' be a child." Really what was Archibald expecting? Probably for the puncher lady to pull her weight more. To be less whiny about something as simple as a clean kill.

No cops, nobody alerted.

It was perfect.

His shoulder was burning up from that fall, but what else was new? Life was just a bunch of pain signals wrapped around a decaying body. He climbed back inside. Then did a systematic grid search. Turned the whole apartment over. Took out the drives of the computer, but not before making copies for himself just for the hell of it.

Did the same with any other remote drives around the place.

The rest was trashed. Papers shredded and then burned.

It didn't take more than ten minutes, maybe even less. Only then did Archibald come out again. "Let's go, got an alert to make." He murmured as he passed her.

At least if she had handled the corpse.

Otherwise there would be words.
The job was the last thing on her mind, in fact, there was only one thing on the Mandalorian's mind and it was currently slumped at her feet in a heap.

Didn't matter if he was a bad fethin' man or not.

It was a life. For all her pig-headed idiocy even Samantha Rodarch understood notions of the sanctity of life. That was somebody's son, brother, husband, perhaps even father. A link in a chain of lives broken by her, years upon years of experiences robbed by a single and careless metal hand.

“...was an accident,” she tried to justify to herself, her face stark white with the exception of the old crust of blood that still sat upon her forehead, “...ya were...ya were gunna die anyway...”

The admission did nothing to shift the trauma as the usually hard brown stare of the woman remained soft and guilt-ridden. She couldn't even think about touching the body, never mind raking through his belongings and throwing him into the trash.

No, her mind ran on loop and could only think about how she had carelessly closed the book on this man's entire life. Just like that, stopped. Nothing new would ever come from his life.

He had eaten his last meal.

Laughed for the last time.

Spoken his last sentence.

Had his last thought.

This man would never see all the people he cared about ever again and nor would they see him. He was a memory now, and sooner rather than later somebody would say his name for the last time and that would be it.


Her stomach lurched, and Sam was forced to stagger away from the body and over to the dumpster that Sult had landed in, the contents of her empty stomach: bile mingled with blood from the surgery suddenly splattering down the wall and onto her boots.

When Archibald returned from destroying the evidence he would find the corpse exactly where she had left it, and the Mandalorian stood with her palms against the wall and head hanging between her arms, incoherent mutterings of regret and denial spilling forth from her lips in pitiful repetition. She didn't even know that Sult was there.

Belfry of Tund Belfry of Tund
Sam Rodarch Sam Rodarch

A long look at the corpse.

Even longer look at Sam.

Then a fethin' grunt, before he crouched down and started going through his pockets. Pocketed a data chit. A moment later he hauled the corpse over his shoulder and unceremoniously deposited the body into the garbage container next to Sam. The big thunk of it and then its lid dropping might shake her slightly out of her haze.

"Did this for ya too, ya gonna sob some more, or ready to put ya big girl pants on? Fethin spirits, it's as if ya murdered a cute lil' bunny." See, Archibald could understand feeling sorry for a hurt cute animal.


They were all dirty filthy monsters.

Even the ones who seemed okay. Nothing wrong with putting them down. Not like they'd have a long expiration rate anyway.

"Let's go, unless ya need me to drag ya too."
Still didn't know that Sult was standing there, staring at her. Rodarch wasn't in some spew-stained alleyway at that moment in time, no, she was six feet deep in her own head. The same thoughts revolving around the same excuses.

An accident, how could the weight of life be justified by a careless mistake? It couldn't.

When the lid of the container slammed the woman was finally dragged straight from the spiral and back into reality, where that horrendous drawl slid under into her flesh like a dagger.

A cute lil' bunny.

It wasn't even a comparison. What was a bunny to a man? Did they think? Did they laugh? Did they love? No, for as adorable as they were, rabbits were just stupid, little animals, simply existing within an ecosystem that demanded flesh. A bunny was made to be eaten, a man was made to live.

The shockboxer couldn't articulate such considerations, however, and instead came a not-so-eloquent, low utterance.

“...kark off.”

Made sense that this meant nothing to Archibald, she'd seem him gun down a room of junkies and dealers in the flesh. No denial on his part either, he was a self-confessed killer, a monster. Sam was very much aware that Sult would have just as easily chucked her corpse in the trash if it suited him better.

It was the only reason why the woman pushed herself off of the wall and just started walking, presumably to return to the doctor and inform him that the job was done.

Belfry of Tund Belfry of Tund

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