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Diplomacy Opening the Door (Veradune | SJC)

Or'Fol looked at Caltin, slowly placing nudging him. The master could tell he wasn't liking this, but it wasn't a surprise coming from a warrior culture.

"Easy," he said in his fellow Master's mind. "Being aggressive and fighting with anger are not the same." He then looked at Vulpesen, clearly having his own concerns.

"While I respect your peoples' willingness to help in a fight, I can't help but feel like your own story reflects that of an ancient Sith from the days of the Old Republic, at least based on the records we have. At the same time though, you don't seem to be lying about your wishes."

Vulpesen Vulpesen Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor Zak Dymo
Gracin rose a brow at Caltin, sitting up a bit straighter in his chair. Having been monitoring the presences of those in the room, the jedi's doubts hadn't gone unnoticed, however master Or'Fol spoke before he could, causing the diplomat to relax a bit, though the comparison to the sith did cause Drant to stiffen in his seat, and there would be a bit of indignation spiking in his presence within the force, unhidden due to his own inability to access it.

"I suppose that's an understandable fear. I had always worried we would go the way of the ancient Mandalorians. Following battle for glory rather than a just cause. Rest assured however, our methods are far different from your counterparts." In this, Vulpesen has some experience. he had lived with the sith for about a year. He had fed them lies as to his reasoning, assuring his dark allies that he was after peace, much as he now professed to seek. All the while he had known it was a perversion and he only wished that the information he had gained had been of more use to their enemies when he left. "The sith seek peace through subjugation. They fight because it is a byproduct of their desire to control. They work to quell the freedoms of others and thus we consider them enemies. Our wish to help people find peace while we protect their freedoms. We do not control or rule those we go to. We may, if we ever gain more influence, encourage certain policies such as democracy, but unless a system is built on tyranny and slavery we see no need to force others into our vision."

"I thank you for your candor, Master Moric. Its exactly the thing we called you here for. We wish to address all the concerns you may have here and explain anything you might find odd or contradictory. What we have on Veradune we wish to share. Our culture, our beliefs, and our histories. This is all open to you and we hope that some day our planet will be open in a similar way to any that wish to visit us. This starts with honesty. If something is on any of your minds, I encourage you to speak. We can only address that which worries you if you lift your voice and bring it to our attention," Gracin spoke, his eyes moving between the masters, and even briefly over Zak Dymo. However, as he finished his invitation to speak, his gaze rested solely and intently on Master Vanagor.

"My friends are too polite. To liken us to the sith is an insult given our mission and all that we stand for. They enslave and crush those beneath them," Growled Drant as he sat up in his chair. Behind him, a grey tail could be seen flicking irritably from behind his back, "Even now, despite the dangers of exposing ourselves, we send emissaries and soldiers to the cesspools of the galaxy, hunting down every slaver we can find and freeing hundreds of beings in the process. We called you because we can't do it alone. We're catching minnows when we want to help you go after the sharks. The damned Bryn burn planets by the score and the sith will always do what sith have always done and we are powerless to stop them. Any move against them risks capture of one of our men or worse, a ship. We are prepared to die for others but I know you force users can do strange things to the mind. Already we poke at them because its the right thing to do. Protect what friends we have when those monsters knock at their door. But every poke is a risk, like a mouse nipping at the claws of a cat." The Armis' Excelsus eyes burned with a passion as he fixed his gaze on the jedi., bright golden eyes looking like embers of a growing fire. "Vulpesen here told me of the valor he witnessed among the jedi. How time after time he watched his friends lay down their lives for others they didn't even know. He told me about massacres he stopped in their name and the prosperity your kind have brought over the millennia, and his father before him told me the same, using your stories to inspire us to persevere when all seemed lost. I had hoped to find those like us. Those who understand what it is to sacrifice for others. I still hope that the fire I heard of hasn't burned out. I still hope you won't disappoint me." His peace spoken, Drant rested back in his seat, arm bending up from its rest to be placed beneath his chin. He had agreed to be quiet within this mission, using his presence mainly to answer questions to the jedi. Still, diplomacy for him did not mean suffering the indignation of being likened to the monsters he hunted. It didn't mean having the sacrifices of men he lost to those monsters being forgotten or discounted.

Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor Or'Fol Moric Or'Fol Moric
Be careful what you wish for.


Location: Veradune Conference room
Equipment: Conservator(Lightsaber)
Coming here was a mistake, not necessarily for the Silver Concord as a whole, but for Caltin personally, he was beginning to realize this. It was not their fault and if he was in their position, the big guy would probably act and react the same way that those who were staring at him were right now, but he could not help but feel the way he felt. There were red flags coming up all over the place for the massive Jedi Master. The nudge from his colleague was well-timed and spot on though.

~” Thank you for reminding me, we all need a nudge every now and then.”~

I could use some air.

Caltin then stood slowly, not to draw any aggression or concern, and waited for any honor guard to escort him to the nearest balcony. This was a negotiating tactic used quite often by the big guy, but this time it was legitimate, he did need to cool down or anything, but he needed to avoid saying something regrettable. He may not trust these individuals yet, but only yet. It was only a few moments that the massive Jedi Master returned, following his escorts, and took his seat.

My apologies. However, I was not going to respond to any comments as if prepared to draw my lightsaber, and with my history and background, it felt like that so taking a moment was necessary. If you wish to hear what I have to say, then I will tell you.

Crossing his arms over his chest and sitting back in his chair, Caltin made sure to glance at each and every individual in the room. In doing so, he was also paying attention to any movement of theirs as well as any doors that could possibly open up and bring any reinforcements. Paranoid? Probably. Prepared for the worst? Definitely.

You are worried about “catching minnows” and wanting to “help catch sharks”. If this is the case, why not join the Order? You would not be forgoing your heritage, in fact, it would be celebrated. You yourselves have commented about the stories of the Jedi and how we live. If you feel insulted about any comments or comparisons, I am sorry, however, while you say that you wish to address all concerns, it seems to me that being insulted when they are brought up is a bit of a counter to that. I do not doubt your wishes, I believe that you wish to help, right now all of this secrecy, the way we were brought in here, the closed-off areas for example are a bit of a counter to that.

Shaking his head regrettably, he looked at the table.

Say what you like about me. Maybe I am paranoid, maybe I am not the right one to be here. However, like you, I will not allow my people, the Jedi to be harmed when there is something I can do about it.

He was not trying to start or continue any hostilities, his words, his actions, his tone were all calm, cool, and collected. He clearly was not looking to cause any problems, but Caltin had seen too much not to say what he felt, not if they really wanted to hear it.


Zak Dymo

Everyone seemed super tense.

Master Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor seemed like he was being, like, seriously serious. It was the kind of tone that Zak got a lot. About how he should focus more, study more, meditate more. It was definitely, like, Jedi Academy lecture tone. And Zak should know. He got lectured a lot.

Then Master Or'Fol Moric Or'Fol Moric dropped the S-word, and one of the Vora- Vera? What was this planet called again?

Anyway, then Master Or'Fol dropped the S-word and one of the planet dudes was totes sweatin' it. Like, real rap beef type thing. There was more talking. Like, so much talking.

One of the alien brahs said something about them asking questions. And he'd even looked at Zak, but the Nautolan just shook his head. Nope. That was a trap. It was like when he was in class and the teacher would ask if Zak had anything to add to the discussion that he'd totally been listening to. Nope. Zak was wise to the ways of adults. That was a trap and he was not falling for it.

And then Master Caltin took a break.

The boy's hands gently brushed against the music player that hung around his neck. Just think, they could all be having a rave right now. No arguments, just the DJ spinning sick beats and the dance floor.

Instead, Master Caltin was back and now it was about the secrecy.

Which, that begged a good question. Were they going to see more of this planet? Did they have music stores? Were there clubs? Who were the hot bands? What were DJs on the planet spinning?

Or'Fol nodded at the first two responses. It seemed like the were willing to answer. Then the last spoke, and Or'Fol was hit pretty hard by the what he had to say The herglic didn't react though. He remained calm and mannered, waiting for his time to speak. He sighed a little, looking around.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean any offence by what I said. It's just that in my work studying history I have seen patterns. While I have also seen the reverse to be true, I hope you can understand. I would ask the same of others who follow paths that, before, have lead to despair. I can assure you though that we are still willing to sacrifice to help those in need."

He would then turn to Caltin, listening to what he had to say. He took a quick breath and looked at Zak. He wondered if the Padawan had been paying attention or not, but he'd confront that later.

Zak Dymo Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor Vulpesen Vulpesen
As Caltin requested a moment alone, Vulpesen turned to the guard within the rom who offered a small nod. After a brief moment on the coms, the guard would join Caltin as another strode in to take his place in the corner of the room. In his duties, Captain Harlow was concise and polite, hardly speaking a word as he guided master Vanagor, though his presence was certainly a relaxed one. For him, his presence was a formality and while while he didn't offer by virtue of not being asked, his job was simply to escort the Master to where he wished to go, with very few places being off limits to the jedi.

Upon his return, the trio sat patiently as he explained himself. While Drant was certainly less than pleased with the Jedi's attitudes towards the Verans, there was a respect to be had for a man attempting to to provide safety to his home. That much, the military advisor could understand. Gracin, upon hearing Caltin speak his concerns, changed his own demeanor. While previously polite with an almost neutral smile, a a genuine smile had begun to fall upon his features. This was the progress he had been hoping for. All the while, Vulpesen simply watched, his ears pointed forwards in attentiveness as he processed every word to make his reply.

"Rest assured Master Vanagor, at the moment there is no safer place for you in the Galaxy than in this room." Now with questions to answer, Vulpesen decided to simply go down the list of the Master's concerns. "There was a consideration to join your concord. However, there is a large difference in alliance and subservience. Don't mistake me, I don't believe your government to be tyrannical or in any way malevolent. However, just as you aren't completely sure about us, we don't fully know you. Veradune, while needing help protecting itself, is completely fine in ruling itself and we see no need to give up that freedom just yet. If in the future, we see joining your people to be a wise or beneficial course of action then we will guide our people to that path. or, if our people call out for it, then we will listen. As it stands however, the people of Veradune are content to follow one government, and not concern themselves with a second. This allows us to act without worrying about conflicting policies or treaties. Your concerns will always be taken into account, but quite simply, we aren't ready for a foreign power to be telling us what we can and cannot do. On a more personal note, I lived among the jedi for quite some time. I respect your mission, and even now, I hold many of the same values, and have kept just as many friends. Even still, there are reasons I never returned."

"The secrets, are something I think we can both agree are less than pleasant. Unfortunately, it is at present a necessary evil. I know it doesn't look like it, but we aren't trying to hide ourselves from the likes of you. However, even as a jedi, my duties were to deal with shadows and deceptions and if there's is one truth in that world, its that with the more people who know a secret, the less a secret it becomes. I don't fear the jedi knowing where we live. What I fear is that the sith, the Bryn, or anyone else knowing that you know. Information can be tortured out of people, even people like you. Or worse yet, I have seen a great many jedi fall... For all I know one of you in this room could be destined to join the ranks of our enemy. I hope not and I have no reason to believe so... still, I've seen it of men and women whom I thought I knew better and certainly trusted over you strangers."
There was a pain in that statement, a sorrow known by those who had lost those they loved to the seductive pull of the darkside. "You have the full power of the Silver Concord to protect you from danger. I have some friends and some secrets. Until we know that he have more than that, the secrets stay. Rest assured however, should this alliance come to be, we will leave the shadows as we will have no need for them. That is why we brought you here. To put an end to the secrets."

"As for being insulted, we've invited you here. Since the fall of the Galactic Alliance, you are the first strangers to step foot on our planet, and there were lives on the line. I am not a politician, Master Vanagor. I'm a military man, and to me it just looks like you jedi looking a gift eopie in the mouth. After all, we're the ones who are putting our necks on the line," Drant huffed.

"What my colleague is trying to say, is that we would be out of our depth to try and fight you so your caution might seem a bit unwarranted. As for closed off areas in our home, you are free to roam wherever you wish, particularly when this talk is over. Any places you are not allowed are for operational security, and even I would find it difficult to enter without going through the proper channels. If there is something you wish to see, by all means, let us know and I'm certain we would be happy to show you," Lucas explained. Drant's commentary hadn't gone without a momentary glare in his direction from the master of the courts. "Master Or'Fol, I'm pleased to hear that your mission still holds true. I assure you, this is a path our people have followed for millennia. It is in our blood to fight for the safety of others. We once did it at the Republic's side. Now we look to do it at yours."

Or'Fol Moric Or'Fol Moric Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor Zak Dymo
Be careful what you wish for.
He was not concerned about his own safety and it was normally insulting to assume otherwise. However, Caltin understood that this was not the intended tone of the host, and let it slide rather easily. In fact, the big guy could now understand more about why there was such secrecy. The thing is though that there was a rather big Ronto that needed to be addressed. They are talking out of each side of their mouths. Where one would mention how they did not know the Jedi, the other mentions how they show up after the fall of the Alliance. Even that could be set aside. What caught him was the “one of you could fall” comment.

”Gee, who is he talking about?” He thought to himself facetiously. The comment though made Caltin realize that the people in the room were being protective, just like he is. No, they are not alike, nowhere near alike, but he could respect the position at least. What he could not respect though was the anger coming from them, what did they expect? To be welcomed with open arms? There needs to be more of a process than simply “OHai! Welcum!”

The massive Jedi Master could see though that he was getting in their heads, even if “the military man” was acting childish.

I am not ready to offer my endorsement or support to this, but that is not a “no” from me. I would not be acting any differently than you if I were in your position, I do not think. Looking at Drant and raising an eyebrow. Though there are a time and a place for tones and comments that offer an aggressive position. They wanted his opinion and he gave it to them, he was respectful but honest, even pointing out his own faults, unlike them, well one of them. That being said, he was not going to be the source of any more concern.

I want to see more of what you have, but I am willing to give you the chance you are asking for. All I am asking is that you open your mind and remember that while this may not be the Jedi Order that, or I was once a part of, we are still Jedi in every sense of the word. He may not have been the perfect Jedi for this assignment, but he did believe in what he spoke.

Zak Dymo

So, the Vera-whatever brahs weren't sure who to trust.

And it seemed like both Masters Or'For and Caltin weren't sure if they could trust the Vera-whatever brahs.

Except, the Vera-whatever brahs had invited the Jedi here, so that meant that they were willing to kind of trust them? Was that it?

Adults were very complicated. Much overthinking this. Many not sure what was really going on. Or even what the conversation was about at this point. How much they trusted that they didn't trust each other? Or how much they didn't trust that they trusted each other?

I want to see more of what you have.

Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor 's statement struck a chord in the padawan. Without thinking -- because this was Zak and he never thought -- the boy blurted out, "Oh, are there any oceans on your planet?"

It was the first time he'd spoken since they arrived.

Zak didn't have pupils. His eyes were solid black, with gray clouds that seemed to swirl in pools of ink. So it wasn't noticeable, but the boy was looking around the room and more than a little embarrassed as it dawned on him that his inside voice had been an outside voice instead. "Uh, asking for a friend," the boy amended sheepishly, with a slight nudge toward Master Or'Fol Moric Or'Fol Moric

Herglics were aquatic after all.

Looking between the answers of the three, Vulpesen fond his tail flicking back and forth as he thought of his next course of action. Still, at least now they had questions that he could answer, questions that didn't seem to be designed to root out flaws that may or may not even exist. "We have several oceans on Veradune. However, none immediately around us. If you'd like to visit them however, I suggest you stay to the cordoned beaches. Our wilds have been known to be home to some rather dangerous species and our waters are no exception." In truth, the oceans were one of the few places Vulpesen didn't regularly explore on his planet. In his mind, he left the top of the food chain in such an environment and that was certainly not a good feeling.

"As for what you wish to see Masters Vanagor and Moric, I'm sure we can accommodate both. As I've said, you have an almost free reign to visit any area you wish to satisfy your curiosity. Unfortunately, my teachings with the Aing-Tii have grown a bit fuzzy over the years. Still, I'd be happy to give you access to the palace library. There you should be able to study what tomes we have. There were some losses when our planet was taken from us, but some knowledge was retained. Not to mention, we Zorrens boast a considerable life span after we complete our trials."

"I myself turned five-hundred and eighty this year. I remember the purges and what it was like before them. Drant here is only a little older than I am,"
Lucas said, motioning between himself and the military advisor. "I am happy to offer my stories should you wish to hear them. I warn you though, until recently, our lives have been less than pleasant."

Drant grunted in response. "Aye, I'll tell you what I remember as well. Perhaps then you'll see why our doors have been shut so long. Seeing your friends and family hunted like animals will do that to ya."

Or'Fol Moric Or'Fol Moric Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor Zak Dymo
Be careful what you wish for.


Location: Conference Room
Equipment: Conservator(Lightsaber)
They were testing his patience, well one of them was, and he knew it. Caltin was not going to blurt out that he had one of the largest targets in the galaxy on his back at one point. Nor was he going to tell how he could not let anyone get close because anyone that did lost their lives violently or spent the rest of it looking over their shoulders. He also was not going to say what else he was thinking, this person was not worth it. Of course, Caltin kept that last thought buried deep in his mind, somewhere nowhere would find it. The big guy was not going to cause any more problems, but he was not going to let them be created at his expense either.

We'll see. His tone was honest, it was of someone who was looking forward to seeing everything on the planet. The massive Jedi Master did not want to create friction but he knew that they were hiding a lot more than he even figured. It would just take time to find it all. Until then, he would sit in on everything and be involved. This was not to cause problems, unless warranted, but to lower any red flags that no longer belonged.

Zak Dymo

Something something something oceans. Blah blah blah beaches.

The Nautolan's head tails bounced as the boy gave an energetic nod of his head. Yes, he'd tuned out most of that. He got the CliffNotes. The important bits. Yes, there were oceans. More importantly, there were beaches. Which meant, beach parties. Zak was liking this planet more and more all the time, and he still didn't even think he knew its name.

He should probably get that down at some point.

"Sweet as, brah!" the tween uttered in his usual, bubbly, airheaded manner.

Then the boy peered back up at Master Or'Fol Moric Or'Fol Moric and realized that sweet as, brah was probably not a very Jedi thing to say. Clearing his throat, the padawan made an effort and composing himself in the likeness of the reserved Herglic. "ahem... I mean, impressive," the boy stated in a flat tone of voice, head turned up slightly with his eyes closed in faux serenity, and his hands folded in front of him.

He tilted his head slightly and cracked one eye open to peek up at the Herglic. Much Jedi. Many peacefull. Yes? No?

He was totally getting a lecture later, wasn't he? "...most impressive?" the boy inquired. Was that maybe more Jedi? Next level Jedi?

There was more talking. Vulpesen Vulpesen and his crew still trying to convince Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor of their sincerity.

Which was not what had caught Zak's fickle attention.

"Did... he just say five hundred and eighty?" the boy uttered. "Like, for real for real?"

The Nautolan looked around the room. Which was when it dawned on him that he'd said that out loud. And not in a whisper. "I probably should have kept that to myself."

At least that was something that they could probably all agree on.

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