Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Ooh..a Shiny Girl..

[member="Niyla Alura"]

Kitty followed along with her usual Agility, leaping over holes and clambering over debris like the natural acrobat she was. "Kitty looks forward to seeing this" She said as she kept up easily with the pink haired girl, the smile never leaving her face, though the blush eventually faded as they neared the star port. Kitty began to wonder what her life would be like if she went with this girl and her extended family, it might prove quite fun
[member="Niyla Alura"]

Kitty smiled softly as she followed allong behind the pretty pink haired girl, her natural agility making it easy to progress along with her. She wondered what she'd find, following Niyla to her...extended...Family. Adventure she supposed , it would be interesting she decided.

"So who all is traveling with you, Pretty?" she asked, her blush fading and her smile widening as she jumped along nimbly from pile of debris to pile of debris, her skirt managing to stay perfectly concealing of her underwear, somehow. Modesty was always a concern for the kitty

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