Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Only The Beginning


LOCATION: Yumfla, Susevfi

Corbin Vasher held the beskar ingot reverently in both hands. He had completed his verd'goten and could now wear his own set of beskar'gam. Moreover, he had also finished his Jensaarai Defender trials. That gave him the right to make his own Defender armor using cortosisweave and Force Alchemy. Corbin already knew his armor would be a combination of both; he was as much Jensaarai as he was Mando'ade. They were both part of him, just as he was part of the Force. But he needed to know what form his armor would take. It wouldn't be difficult to figure out though; the Force would guide him. He had no doubt about that. His excitement bubbled up, and the joy of Life itself filled him as he let the Force wash over him, through him, and into the Mandalorian iron ingot. He closed his eyes, though he could still see. The Force emanated from and around everything, and it was all crystal clear to him, thanks to his Miraluka blood. Using the Force, he lifted the ingot into the air with Telekinesis. He could feel the ingot through the Force. It wasn't alive, of course, but it was of the earth. Specifically, if was of the earth of Mandalore, the ancestral home of his people. He had never been there, but he held a piece of it before him. And that piece was part of him. Corbin meditated on the ingot, the power and energy of the Force chruning through and around him. It was wonderful, and he couldn't keep a grin from his face. He never could understand how some of his fellow Jensaarai would sometimes get upset, angry, or even resentful about certain things. Such negative emotions! How could anyone who could touch the Force even the slightest ever feel anything but positive?
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He saw it. It was clear and resplendent. A beautiful set of full-body armor. And then the image was gone. He let go of the Force, snatching the ingot out of the air before it could fall. He couldn't quite keep the vision of the armor in his mind, but that was OK. It would come back when it was time to create it. What matter most was that he knew exactly what he needed to create it. And it was rather surprising. A list of minerals and percentages were stuck in his head, clear as if he had been memorizing them for weeks.
As he came to himself, Corbin realized he was hungry. He picked himself up off the floor of his room where he had been sitting cross-legged. He went to the door and opened it, strolling out and toward the kitchen of his family's house. His mother was busy dicing vegetables for a stew. It sure smelled good. His stomach growled loudly in agreement.
"Oh, I see you're finally finished," she said as she looked over at him. She had the same raven-black hair as Corbin. He also had her violet eyes in a sense. His inner irises were violet, though his outer irises were as black as his father's.
"I'm glad I didn't miss supper," Corbin said. "I didn't know how long I'd been meditating. Must have been a couple hours."
"Son, you did miss supper." She chuckled. "And breakfast and lunch as well! We checked on you a few times but didn't want to disturb you while you were meditating."
"Wait..." Corbin began, as his jaw dropped in astonishment. "You mean I was in a trance long enough to miss an entire day!? No wonder I'm so hungry!"
"Yep. Suzu was really worried at first, though she seemed to accept it very well when I said it was about your armor."
"I bet. Where is Grandma, anyway?"
"She went down to the shoreline. Go chat with her a bit. She'll be relieved, and supper should be ready by the time you get back."
"Ma'am, yes, ma'am!" He grinned as he saluted. Nyx just shook her head, but smiled when Corbin gave her a hug and kiss on the cheek. "Be right back." He tucked the beskar ingot into the pouch on his belt and ran out the front door.
The house was basically a burrow, set into the ground with a man-made hill built around it to protect from winds and rain off the ocean. It also made it stand out less, considering it was the only house so close to Yumfla without actually being in Yumfla. It was about 75 kilometers North of Yumfla, halfway between the city and the hidden entrance to the Jensaarai temple enclave.
Corbin went around to the side facing away from the ocean. Here they had a small cave in the hillside that used as a garage. His father had managed to find a pair of Balutar swoops for them. Za'el had given one to Corbin to get back and forth from the Jensaarai enclave and had kept one for himself to get back and forth from Yumfla, where he worked for the Deacon Mining Company in security and asset protection while Corbin was in training. Za'el seemed to like the job just fine, and never once complained about being tied down in one place, though Corbin wondered if he looked forward to being free of that now that Corbin had completed both his trials. Of course, his father had been given freedom by Mr. Harvey Deacon to take bounties here and thee as he saw fit. It was an added incentive, Corbin supposed, to having the reputation of a Mandalorian with the company. And it gave Za'el both freedom and financial resources to train Corbin as a Mandalorian whenever he wasn't training with Hakilah Mirolai and the Jensaarai.
Cobain jumped on the swoop, fired it up, and sped toward the seacoast.

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