Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Only as strong as those who lead her


Corvus looked at the invitation for the fiftieth time. I mean, who sends invitations on paper any more?

Then she read it for the twentieth time:

You are cordially invited to Ta’a Chume ‘Dan to represent the Galactic Republic at a charity dinner
This is a formal dress occasion
Drinks will be served on arrival and fireworks are planned (weather permitting) following the last dance

And scribbled on the corner in handwriting that looked suspiciously like the Grandmaster’s it simply read ‘Corvus.’ Perhaps there was another Corvus this was due for? OK, perhaps not.

But a formal dinner? Really? Corvus smoothed the hem of her robes with her palms. That means talking to people. And she’d already found out none of her usual companions were attending. She had hoped for some sympathy. Instead she suspected they all found it rather funny – but not to her face thank goodness.

I mean, formal dress? Jedi didn’t possess dress robes and she literally had nothing else to wear. She considered her Jedi Shadow robes – but wearing them in public kind of defeated the issue. And dancing? Was this compulsory?

So she reluctantly packed her bag and headed to the hangar. It seems someone from the Navy was also invited and was picking her up. She had no idea how the others were going to make their way there. In fact she had no idea how many ‘others’ there were.

So, looking around hopefully she checked with an engineer which ship was prepped for take-off to Hapes and she walked as confidently as she could in its direction.

[member="Gir Quee"] | [member="Megàn Alestria"] | [member="Catherine Maxwell"]
Altier-class Frigate Athena, somewhere in the Slice

"A dinner?" questioned T4-TU, "How exciting, sir!"

GIr eyed the glowing blue orbs that served as his droid's eyes before glancing away to his somewhat sparse wardrobe.

Space on a starship, even in an officer's cabin, was at a premium. The tiny rectangular prism was primarily filled with identical sets of Republic Navy duty uniforms. He shuffled them away, revealing the few remaining outfits. One was his dress uniform; it looked pretty, but it was a pain to maintain and constantly dry clean. That, and with his luck, either he or someone else would spill a drink on it, causing the man to have to purchase a completely new uniform. Between that and the possibility of getting it ruined on the trip to Hapes, he quickly dismissed the outfit. His father's trenchcoat was next in line, but as sentimental as that was, it was hardly appropiate for the occasion. He slid it over to reveal a conservatively cut, dark suit that Salmakk insisted he buy for his role in running Lucerne Labs. He eyed it warily. It's really the only good choice. He picked off the rack and eyed it carefully over, ensuring that it didn't need any last minute cleaning.

"That suit again, sir?" said the droid, "why don't you ever wear your dress uniform?"

Gir hesitated, "Because I don't want to mess it up. Do you see anything on the suit?"

The man stepped close to the droid and turned the hangar from side to side to show the whole suit to the droid.

"I think it looks fine sir."

"Thanks T4," said Captain Quee, beginning to change into it, "please inform the flight crew to get my shuttle ready."

"Yes sir."

[member="Corvus Raaf"]
Corvus was surprised to hear it was her own ship that was prepped for the flight. Strictly speaking it was a Jedi Order ship - but she was the one that tended to use it most. Not counting Knight [member="Kana Truden"] who seemed to prefer to borrow 'Raven' rather than use any of the line of ships that stood unused in the hangar.

Corvus confirmed the pre-flight checks had been done and - dropping her bag off in her cabin - made her way forward to the cockpit. Completing the routine of checks, she punched the coordinates for Hapes and having gained clearance for take-off guided the ship until she'd reached hyperspace and was able to let the astromech take over.

So, one participant had dropped out. She wondered who else. Perhaps it was just her going? She shuddered at the thought. At least one friendly face was needed before she was confident of lasting the whole evening.

[member="Gir Quee"]
Concorde-class Shuttle Remember Hast, en route to Hapes

Gir leaned back in his chair as the flashing lines of hyperspace began to stream through the shuttle's viewport. He rested his arms on the armrests, and found them surprisingly cold. Then again, I am only wearing my undershirt right now, not the whole duty uniform that covers everything. He briefly shuddered as he pictured the duty uniform in his head; it certainly wasn't horrible looking, but he doubted it would ever be featured on the latest holo-issue of Galactic Vogue. It's amazing how comfortable familiar things feel. I'm probably going to feel more out of place in a suit and tie than I would in my duty uniform, even it would actually be more out of place looking...but our perception shapes reality so often these days. The man shook the thought from his head.

"I should have brought T4 with me," mused the man, "What am I saying? I don't need his company that much."

The man promptly popped in the latest TV holo feature from the Core and began to let it play.

[member="Corvus Raaf"]
As her ship dropped out of hyperspace and approached Hapes, she checked to see if anyone had Messaged her to say they were going too. Nothing. No one.

She headed for her cabin to freshen up and put on...well a clean set of Jedi robes. Identical to the one's she'd just taken off - they were simply brand new and had no faded bloodstains or burn holes.

Walking back to the cockpit she waited to get close enough to request landing clearance. Looking at the invitation again, she shook her head. Dancing? Really?

[member="Gir Quee"]
The shuttle reverted out of hyperspace among the shimmering nebula of the Transitory Mists and towards the pristine world of Hapes. T4 had lectured him at end about the beauty of the world and its people, yet Gir wondered just how much sightseeing he would actually get at a state function. To be sure, he could probably sneak away from the festivities eventually, and immerse himself in the local culture a little bit. I'll have to keep a close eye on my chrono, since Hapes's sun never sets...but I think taking the time to sight see might be worth the loss of sleep...maybe. I guess we'll just have to see how exciting this state function is going to be.

Gir buttoned the cuffs of his dress shirt as the ship coasted in towards the world marbled in verdant greens and soothing blues. Certainly looks nice from up here...As his ship neared the outer edges of orbit, the Republic officer put on his comlink headset. Gir cleared his throat before flipping the call switch.

"Hapes Traffic Control, this is shuttle Remember Hast, requesting clearance to land."

"Shuttle Remember Hast, proceed to heading be transmitted to your nav computer, and welcome to Hapes."

"Thank you Control," said Gir, "moving as ordered."

Gir gently moved his yoke to the left, sending the Remember Hast into a gentle curve towards the world until the planet's gravity pulled him into the world's atmosphere and towards his designated landing pad.

[member="Corvus Raaf"]
Finally Corvus was able to request landing clearance. As the coordinates uploaded to her navcomp and the astromech ensured they complied with the request, she checked her messages. It wasn't great news but it was not as bad as it could be. Two of the party had dropped out - but one was going to keep her company.

A mad thought ran through her head. Had her fellow Jedi set her up for some sort of blind date? Dismissing this thought - they wouldn't dare - would they - she decided it could be a lot worse. As long as this person wasn't an extrovert who wandered off at the first opportunity and left her by herself, she'd be OK.

So she braced herself for landing - not that she was planning to crash the ship this time. No, she was just more nervous than she'd ever been in her entire life. Even the Jedi trials weren't this nerve-wracking.

[member="Persephone Callas"] | [member="Aleister Grey"] | [member="Gir Quee"]
The ramp came down with a solid thud as it met the duracrete landing pad. Taking a deep breathe, the man from Hast slowly strolled down the ramp of his vessel. A light breeze came and met him, bringing with it the mixed scents of grease and industrial oils along with the faint wafts of some sort of flowers. Gir guessed the latter scents were from the field of yellow and orange asteraceaes just outside of the facility. It could almost be some sort of manly cologne, with just a hint of sensitivity. The man sheepishly grinned before dismissing those thoughts. I believe I'm suppose to be meeting a Jedi before I head over. I doubt he or she will be very interested in romance, and neither should I.

But the thoughts stirred up some feelings that Gir had forgotten about. Even Salmakk has someone...and that's saying something. But Gir once again shook the thoughts from his head as another starship came in for landing. Perhaps that's the Jedi I'm supposed to link up with for this dinner.

[member="Corvus Raaf"]
The landing was safe enough - at least the ship was in one piece for once.

As soon as she'd confirmed everything was in order, she headed fr the exit ramp. She may to be looking forward to the event, but dragging her heels wouldn't make it any better. So she exited the ship, her Jedi robes clean and with a lightsaber and shoto swinging from her belt. She was even wearing her hooded robe - perhaps overdressed for the occasion but definitely a form of security blanket.

She scanned the hangar and saw a familiar face. Not someone she knew exactly but a member of the Republic that she'd met on Zeltros under somewhat different circumstances. Smiling she gave the officer a small wave of recognition.

[member="Gir Quee"] | [member="Persephone Callas"] | [member="Aleister Grey"]
Gir let a smile blossom across his face back to [member="Corvus Raaf"] and managed to muster a simple "Hi" back.

Good one Gir. You remember her name, don't you?...wait for it...nope. Don't remember name. She looked familiar to the man, though he could not fully place where they had met before. The man strode forward to meet the Jedi and almost extended a hand towards her before he thought better of it. That might not be proper...or would it? He quickly dismissed the thoughts from his head as he neared her.

"I'm really sorry, I know I've seen you before, but I can't recall your name. Mine's Gir by the way...or is it Captain Quee for this occasion?"
As the offer approached her, she bowed as was her custom and smiled as she straightened. "A friendly face - that's a good start. I'm Jedi Knight Corvus Raaf by the way. I think we met on Zeltros, but in less pleasant circumstances - and I don't think introductions were entirely possible."

"I could be wrong but I think we're the only two representing the Republic."
. She lowered her voice to a conspiratorial level. "I have to admit, this social thing isn't exactly my forte. I'm relying on you to keep me right."

"So, where do we go?"

[member="Gir Quee"] | [member="Persephone Callas"] | [member="Aleister Grey"]
Gir ruefully shook his head, "I'm not sure if I'm the right one to keep us straight. But hopefully they'll be some sort of ceremonial itinerary for us to follow to keep us straight."

[member="Corvus Raaf"]
And with that, Corvus scanned the hangar for either the sign of a welcome party or a throng of people hearing in a specific direction.

[member="Gir Quee"] | [member="Persephone Callas"] | [member="Aleister Grey"]

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