Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private One Small Step

Location: Jedi Temple, Coruscant



The moment Voli placed her foot on the Temple steps she can feel her stomach churn as it was being squeezed by a Sarlacc tentacle. Did she really make the right choice? Running from her parents in order to learn how to better harness her Force powers? Voli barely started her senior year of High School not that she cared, she maintained a 4.0 GPA at Coruscant High but Voli was never cared for School. Her parents did though and tried to instill it in her head that a good education will open avenues. That may be true, but her parents never seem to give a flying chit about the strange things that was happening around her. "You have an overactive imagination," they said. "You were just filled with rage."

Ugh! So, pushing Ellen against the wall with nothing more than her mind was nothing?! And Voli was six years old for crying out loud! Every time Voli tried to demonstrate her newfound power to her parents or her therapist, she couldn't summon it for whatever reason. Maybe it was because she was blinded by anger, maybe it was because she was plagued with self-doubt. Either way, it contributed to Voli's frustration towards her parents, therapist, everyone. The young woman sighed staring at the small box around her pale and bony fingers. This thing appeared in her hand one night after a vivid nightmare of Voli being lured by a voice who sounded strange yet familiar...... Voli was different, and she needed to know what was going on with her.

As she approached the entrance of the Jedi Temple, Voli adjusted the strap on her backpack. Her heart thumping against her chest, the Jedi were Voli's best chance to help manifest the maelstrom that's forming around her. The Force is strong with her that's something she's sure, but there was something more elusive inside of her ready to come out. Voli didn't know if she should be afraid or excited.

Dreidi Xeraic Dreidi Xeraic
Last edited:
Location: Coruscant, Jedi Temple
Attire: Jedi Outfit
Companion: Grisial
Equipment: Lightsaber, Nightsister bow
Tag: Voli Cholrass Voli Cholrass

"Grisial! Get back here, trouble!" Dreidi called out as her Vulptex was racing around the hallways of the temple. He had decided to be super active this morning when Dreidi had wanted a quieter, more slow starting beginning to the day. She hadn't even been able to grab some caf to wake her up more before the Vulptex was racing around the temple.

It seemed like he was on the hunt for something but she had fed him and he had a toilet break.

Chasing after the trouble maker, there was someone new entering the Jedi temple, they seemed nervous from the aura around them and clearly unsure where to go. Whistling sharply, Grisial paused turned to look at Dreidi, sensed her desires and bounded over to her, falling in line instantly.

As if Dreidi had been wanting the chaos of Grisial this morning and controlled that chaotic behaviour as soon as they had to do something else. It was actually more the refusal to embarrass Dreidi and Grisial's own personal desires to impress the Jedi Witch that motivated the behaviour. It was a relief that Dreidi let out a thankful sigh that her Vulptex didn't continue to cause chaos.

"Hello there, I'm Jedi Knight Dreidi Xeraic. How can I help you?" Dreidi walked over and introduced herself formally. While she wore the garb of a Jedi, carried a Lightsaber like a Jedi and was in the Jedi Temple, her appearance and attitudes were not strictly Jedi.

She was also a Witch of Dathomir.

A Vultpex sprinted towards Voli once she entered the temple halls, the young woman yelped seeing the crystal fox zip in front of her staring at Voli as if they were lost. "What a way to be greeted," Voli thought. "Didn't know animals can become Jedi."

Her presumed owner: A woman not too older than Voli approached the Vultpex whistling at him, the Fox ran towards her. Voli took a deep breath her heart thumping loudly. She always more of an insect person, they weren't as aggressive as the Vultpex was, but Voli had to admit, his crystaline fur looked immaculate. "Um hi...." Voli said looking over the young Jedi she was dressed in the typical Jedi Robe that much was clear, but there was something off about her. More like something goth," Voli thought smiling to herself. "Ugh a fracking pun. Just fry my brain already."

"My name is Voli," Voli said not making eye contact with the Jedi. She wasn't used to holding conversations, turns out when your only social interaction is online than your interpersonal skills aren't the sharpest. "Voli Cholrass. I-I come to the Jedi Temple to seek guidance....."

Voli sighed. This was getting awkward real quickly. "I have powers that I don't understand," Voli said. "I've been having weird thoughts and visions lately and I have no one to turn to for help. Except for the Jedi."

Dreidi Xeraic Dreidi Xeraic
Location: Coruscant, Jedi Temple
Attire: Jedi Outfit
Companion: Grisial
Equipment: Lightsaber, Nightsister bow
Tag: Voli Cholrass Voli Cholrass

"Pleasure to meet you Voli." Grisial nudged Dreidi and she chuckled, "oh, yeah, this is Grisial." She petted his head slightly as he was beginning to look a bit bigger than a usual Vulptex but nothing outlandish.

Nodding her head, "we can help offer guidance and understanding if you are in need." Her aura was there to soothe the anxieties of Voli and reassure her that she was in a safe place that would not judge her. It was important to allow potential Padawans feel like they were able to talk about anything they had on their minds.

That was at least the mentality that Dreidi held.

"What weird thoughts and visions have you been having?" Dreidi asked as she gestured Voli to follow her as they wandered the halls of the temple. Just to explore the place and allow Voli to be able to open up and talk so that Dreidi would have a clearer understanding of where Voli powers laid.

"Pleasure to meet you too," Voli nervously drummed her fingers against her black dress. With her outfit not fitting the norm for a "proper" rich heiress, Voli was afraid that she would stick out in a temple filled with warrior monks. Thankfully, the first Jedi she met not only looked like her but was covered in what looked to be ritualistic tattoos. "Dathormarian Tatoos," Voli thought her gaze focused on ink that was imbedded into Dredi's flesh, . "Didn't know the Jedi allowed Nightsisters in."

The young woman suddenly felt calming energies coursing through her body. All of the fear she felt entering the Jedi Temple was washed away. It didn't feel like it was from her own accord though. Did Dreidi used the Force to make her feel a certain way? No, this was different, like taking anti-depressants without the side effects. Not even five minutes in and Dreidi was a better therapist than her actual therapist. "Thank you," Voli said walking alongside Dreidi. "It's just that I have visions of a woman, and a movie theater weirdly enough. It looked look liked the Holomovie theater I go to in the lower levels. They show classic horror films. I go in and everything is quiet, I see the woman..... and she leads to me to the upper level where there was a dark smoke that engulfed me....."

Voli shuddered. "I often wake up screaming and destroyed my room with my thoughts. My parents wouldn't help me so now I have nowhere to go but here for answers."

Dreidi Xeraic Dreidi Xeraic
Location: Coruscant, Jedi Temple
Attire: Jedi Outfit
Companion: Grisial
Equipment: Lightsaber, Nightsister bow
Tag: Voli Cholrass Voli Cholrass

She could tell how much Voli needed the calming aura and looked sympathetic to the younger woman. It was clearly a difficult time with the Force, having visions and causing chaos in her room. It would be extra frustrating to then have your parents deny the issue makes that doubly infuriating since it is clear that there is something going on.

The tattoos covering Dreidi's body were all Dathomirian and connected her to her ancestry and to her Magick. Noticing that Voli was checking them out, "I know, Dathomirian is often linked with the Nightsisters and darkness, but I practice Magick to help others. I am not a Nightsister, just a witch of Dathomir." Dreidi clarified since being a Nightsister meant you were leaning into a dark side of the Magick, that you were going to be a crueller person to outsiders.

That was not how she was raised and it was not the witch she wished to be.

"Do you recognise the woman from your dreams? Someone you know or have met?" Dreidi asked with deep curiosity. Having visions, it wasn't always clear what they meant but there was always a being behind them. "I can help you clear these visions but letting go of the fear, the pain you are feeling... It is necessary, otherwise you will slip towards the Dark Side."

Dreidi knew untrained Force Users were one of the most at risk to the temptations of the Sith and the Dark Side of the Force.

"Nice," Voli gave a slow and steady smile while Dreidi talked about her Dathamarian tattoos. "It's funny, I've always been attracted to the darkness and magic. It was fascinating to me, the dark rituals, the occult...... it all clicked you know?"

She took a deep breath, Dreidi appeared to be understanding to Voli's situation but was it wise to divulge everything to her? Especially after she just blurted out that she was attracted to the darkness. "I don't know the woman," Voli said. "But I did feel a connection to her somehow..... I don't know how to explain it. As the darkness enveloped around me, she tells me to embrace the darkness. That she is the only one who understands me."

Voli shook her head. "Worst part is," Voli said. "I believed her, my parents have their heads in the sand so deep about my problems that I don't even know if they're listening to me anymore. My therapist who I've been seeing since I was six just gave me more medication."

Medication which she quit using since it numbed her senses to the Force. "Medication can be a real doozy," Voli said. "Thankfully I found more outlets such as doing rituals and performing magick but I still feel lost."

Dreidi Xeraic Dreidi Xeraic
Location: Coruscant, Jedi Temple
Attire: Jedi Outfit
Companion: Grisial
Equipment: Lightsaber, Nightsister bow
Tag: Voli Cholrass Voli Cholrass

Dreidi nodded her head slowly, "I was a big fan of heavy metal and rock bands. Would play gothic style and dress that way as well. Still do from time to time." Dreidi chuckled, "there is a big difference from acknowledging that there is darkness and pain inside yourself, inside everyone and attempting to harness that darkness."

There was a serious concern in her golden eyes. She had never been tempted to use the Dark Side in the fashion others were. Generally she was accepting of her emotions and saw the Dark Side as not dissimilar to the Light Side, but that didn't pose any less risk to her.

Balance was not an easy path.

"It is strange... Somewhat concerning that a random woman is calling out to you in the visions. Can you describe her?" Information, details these were crucial in helping Voli and Dreidi knew there would be time to handle the personality of someone wanting to embrace the darkness. Having a corrupting influence attempting to infiltrate already, that was an issue that there was not time to leave it be.

Dreidi had to try her best to help now. It was daunting.

Sighing, she stopped in front of Voli and looked at the other woman. "Parents can be difficult, the way they express their love or how they try to love you isn't necessarily how you wish to be loved. But that doesn't mean they were completely ignoring you or trying to make you feel so alone."

"If your therapist wasn't listening that is them doing a poor job. There are Jedi Healers here who specialise in therapy and mental healing if you require it. We see a lot as Jedi and sometimes having someone to talk to and help us is important." Dreidi stated. She had stuck with the therapist she had when moving in with Asaraa but they had fewer sessions over the years.

Opening a door to a meditation room, "in here we can discuss and explore your visions more. Together. Someone is attempting to send you down a path where you will be harming others, hurting innocent people in senseless violence. It is our job to confront people like that prevent them from causing more harm." Dreidi mentioned firmly. "It is our job to end cycles of violence. Shining a light on the darkness."

Truth is, it was difficult to describe the woman that was haunting Voli's dreams. She was comprised of black smoke, consistent of the black smoke that would infest the theater that Voli would enter in her dreams. Only speaking in a hushed, sing song voice, whispering words of comfort to Voli lacing seeds of valor into her heart. Not that Voli needed the push, since she buried her head into researching the darkness. Voli didn't find the Dark Side fearful the way Dreidi presumably did, whenever the darkness enveloped Voli she felt at ease with herself. As if all of her problems had been answered, however, the more Voli ventured into the dark, the more she felt that she was losing apart of herself.

"I.....," Voli started. "I don't know, she's just some hollow voice that tempts me with finding my true self. The one that my parents were trying to hide from me."

She always wondered why her parents would willfully ignore her powers. Did they see her as a freak? Probably, it wasn't like Voli made it easy for them to label her as one. Voli's taste in clothing, her interests and desires were far different from what her parents. "Ugh, sometimes I feel like I'm adopted." Voli threw her hands up as they approached a mysterious room. "No fracking way I'm the product of a lawyer Mom who defends the most corrupt politicians in the Alliance Senate and my dad who is an owner of a major Investment firm who got their way by stomping the competition."

Her parents were annoyingly vague about Voli's upbringing and as much Voli wanted to hate them, she couldn't. They did put a roof over her head and didn't kick her out the house. Still, Voli wanted answers and Driedi was the one who wanted to help. "Are you sure we're going to talk about the visions?" Voli asked. "No ritualistic stuff like breaking in people's minds like the Jedi did during the Hyperspace War?"

Dreidi Xeraic Dreidi Xeraic
Location: Coruscant, Jedi Temple
Attire: Jedi Outfit
Companion: Grisial
Equipment: Lightsaber, Nightsister bow
Tag: Voli Cholrass Voli Cholrass

Grisial entered the room and curled up in a corner, his gaze watching Dreidi and Voli in case the Jedi Knight needed his help but he doubted it since Dreidi was very capable on her own.

"Do you truly think your parents are preventing you from finding your true self? Or are they protecting you from falling into danger?" Dreidi asked with a critical eye, it was easy to presume a parent was blocking your path when they were actually guiding you down a safer, better route.

Dreidi chuckled deeply, "just because you dress definitely and your views differ from your parents, doesn't mean you are adopted. Most people when they are teenagers tend to be a stark difference to their parents, hating the idea there is any similarities because it meant they weren't their own person."

While Dreidi had met few that attempted to compare Dreidi to her parents, the older she got, the less she seemed to care about that. They were both great Jedi so in some aspect she had to view it as a compliment, she just didn't think her parents were necessarily good as parents. "Don't be blinded by your dislikes and wanting to be different. They raised you and allowed you to be the person you are, they accepted you even as you followed a path different to their own. They have allowed you to come here and explore the path of a Jedi."

Dreidi had assumed, given the young age of the teenager that she had been given permission and didn't just runaway, leaving her parents panicked and searching for her.

"Huh?" Dreidi tilted her head shocked at the idea that she would just break into the mind of Voli without permission. "Of course not, that's barbaric. No, it will be a discussion and if you give me permission, I will also try probing your mind and thoughts."

"I guess....." Voli sat on the floor and began to hug her knees. There was something about this mediation chamber that felt unsettling to her. Voli felt a shivers trickling down her spine. She tried to brush it off assuming that maybe there was a draft somewhere, or the air conditioning wherever it may be still running. "The older I get," Voli said. "The more distant my parents become, I tried to explain the abilities I have but they brush it off and say that I'm crazy."

She threw up her hands and the window doors slammed shut, the mediation chairs began to float around Voli as anger began to take over her. "Not again!" Voli thought. "Please no, stay calm, stay calm!"

The young woman took deep yet rapid breaths, but everything sounded like white noise. Voli continued to do her deep breathing and the meditation seats fell unceremoniously onto the ground loud thuds now filling Voli's ears. "Oh frack," Voli muttered. "I'm sorry sometimes I lose control....." What a way to introduce herself to a Jedi Knight. Get all angry because her Mom and Dad ignored her. This was definitely 1st world problems compared to what the other Jedi experience daily.

"Just probe my mind please," Voli said closing her eyes. "I want to know whether or not I'm going crazy."

Dreidi Xeraic Dreidi Xeraic
Location: Coruscant, Jedi Temple
Attire: Jedi Outfit
Companion: Grisial
Equipment: Lightsaber, Nightsister bow
Tag: Voli Cholrass Voli Cholrass

Waving her hand, Dreidi used the Force to adjust the temperature to something that was warmer for Voli. Nodding her head, "once again, that happens with all children, it hits a critical point and you start getting closer with them once again."

Using the Force, Dreidi placed all the furniture back into place. Not bothered too much by the outburst, it happened plenty to those who were not trained to be in control of their emotions and understand how to manage their Force connection. "Losing control can happen. Especially when you let your emotions take over, becoming a Jedi is dedicated to finding balance and peace."

"You aren't losing your mind Voli, it just isn't an issue with a quick solution," Dreidi commented as she raised a hand breathed in deeply. She connected with the Force and began gently to enter the mind of Voli. Hoping to help her out.

It felt good to actually receive reassurance for once in Voli's life. With her parents flat out ignoring her, other students thinking that she's strange, and her therapist saying that she everything that she was experiencing was a result of her overactive imagination. Voli was finally with somebody who didn't judge her, who probably shared her love for the magic and the occult and even if Dreidi didn't express love for the Dark Side like Voli, she didn't recoil in fear others did in the few times Voli opened herself up to people. "Besides," Voli thought. "Nobody's perfect."

Voli just hoped that she can better control her powers but she was happy that Dreidi instantly took her issues seriously. "She's cool," Voli thought smiling as she fell into a deep sleep. She felt herself floating for a bit before the cool dark air filled her nostrils and she opened her eyes seeing the large movie theater before her.


"There it is," Voli whispered to Dreidi. "The old Holomovie theater I go to, it's been appearing a lot in my dreams lately. If I had to guess, It's because the movie theater is one of my favorite to go to. It showed gory, bloody, horror movies that put me on the edge of my seat."

A small smile spread across her lips. "I felt safe here." Voli continued. "But now..... the place is desecrated by a great darkness."

Dreidi Xeraic Dreidi Xeraic
Location: Coruscant, Jedi Temple
Attire: Jedi Outfit
Companion: Grisial
Equipment: Lightsaber, Nightsister bow
Tag: Voli Cholrass Voli Cholrass

Looking around, Dreidi took in everything that Voli was picturing in her mind. "Is this a holotheatre that you visited? One that is special to you?" Dreidi was trying to find the links that was bringing this all to Voli's mind. Usually visions were not without meaning and importance, there was some connection to the person.

"Why did you feel safe here?" Dreidi asked, nothing that Voli said felt like she was living a dangerous life or that she was endangered. It was curious sentence that Dreidi wanted to explore further.

Placing her hands behind her back, Dreidi looked over to Voli, "lead the way. This is your mind, safer if you lead us through this." Dreidi stated, merely seeking understanding in what Voli was experiencing.

“I told you,” Voli said taking small steps forward towards the theater. “This was the theater I would often go to watch Holomovies. It was called Moonstone Theater and they showed horror movies: Dark, gory, and pants chitting horror movies.”

A wave of nostalgia was felt across Volis body as she reminisced the many times she spent at the theater. She even worked there on weekends taking people’s orders and working the popcorn machine. “I would go there after school and watch movies, even worked there to get discount. I would plop myself down on the seat with a large bag of cheese popcorn on one hand a large cola on the other and watch the movie enjoying the story and gore. I felt safe here, like it was my true home.”

She felt something tug at her heart, encouraging her to come inside the theater. Voli gulped as the lights turned on in front of her and Dreidi. “Now it seems that we’re in a horror story.” Voli chuckled nervously. “Yum.”

Dreidi Xeraic Dreidi Xeraic
Location: Coruscant, Jedi Temple
Attire: Jedi Outfit
Companion: Grisial
Equipment: Lightsaber, Nightsister bow
Tag: Voli Cholrass Voli Cholrass

Nodding her head, "apologies. I was never one for true horror films, hated the build of suspense, jump scares and fake-outs." Dreidi commented, "much preferred a good crime drama or thriller, a solid martial arts film was good entertainment." Dreidi mentioned as she thought about the films she would usually enjoy herself.

"It's good to have a place you enjoy and feel comfortable in." She mentioned as she listened to what Voli mentioned about why the place was so important to her. "Hopefully, one day the Jedi Temple will feel like home. Though there will be horror elements and tends to be a bright, cheery place. But that is sometimes a good thing, getting too tied down in one thing can be too life consuming. It is good to have varied hobbies." Dreidi commented, it was something that got her to expand life out of simply training as a witch and as a Jedi.

Looking over to Voli, Dreidi gave a warm smile, "well then, you need to remember that this is no different to watching a film. We can pause the horror at any moment we wish and take a step back to calm our nerves. Nothing can harm us unless we allow it. This is your mind, you control it, no one else." Dreidi reassured Voli, not wanting the young girl to be driven into fear but conquering it. That was how the Jedi, they never gave into their fears, they confronted them and moved forward.

"Lets see who hides under this mask of a monster." Dreidi mentioned as she gestured Voli to continue to lead the way.

"Are you sure?" Voli said as she opened the door. "I mean look at this place, you just used the Force to teleport us in my dream and it feels real. The theater, the air we breathe. It's like we're actually here but here....."

With Dreidi's ability, it already turned everything Voli studied about the Force upside down. It was exciting but at the same horrifying, what more didn't Voli know about the Force? "I-I can't go in," Voli stammered hesitating. "I'm afraid Dreidi of what I might find. What if I die?"

She shook her head. "If I die in the dream," Voli gulped. "Will I die in the real world?"

Dreidi Xeraic Dreidi Xeraic
Location: Coruscant, Jedi Temple
Attire: Jedi Outfit
Companion: Grisial
Equipment: Lightsaber, Nightsister bow
Tag: Voli Cholrass Voli Cholrass

"This is no more real than when you sleep and dream. Dreams can feel very real and grounded in the moment, but when you wake, you see how fantastical and wild these dreams are." Dreidi pointed out and hoped to soothe the concerns of Voli, whether or not they would die in reality if they did in this dream.

She did not think it was likely but she was also unsure of what was haunting Voli. If it were merely memories, then they were safe, if it was some external force, then they could suffer consequences enacted by the entity.

"I cannot say much on the dangers. There are currently too many unknowns, the further we investigate this, the more I will understand." Dreidi mentioned openly, not hiding her uncertainty.

Looking at Voli, "there will be many things we will face that will terrify us, that will make us want to run away and hide. To never confront it. It is part of life, but being brave, it is accepting that fear, knowing it exists but able to keep moving forward." Placing a comforting hand on Voli's shoulder and squeezes it reassuringly.

"Lets be brave together."

"But for us..... Jedi, the dreams are very real. The fact that we're fully conscious in my dream right now is..... hard to take in," Voli gulped as she continued to stare at the door black smoke now beginning to seep through the cracks. Voli continued to feel cold her feet were rooted to the ground. Fear gripped her heart despite Dreidi's consistent reassurances.

It was funny, Voli spent years saying to herself that she did not fear the darkness and even practiced black magic. Yet, the moment when she finally comes face to face with the darkness, she freezes. Dreidi placed her hand on Voli's shoulder once again, Voli calmed down but this time it wasn't because Dreidi was placing Force energies inside of her. "The only time I have to brave is when I'm afraid yeah?" Voli whispered to Dreidi while still staring at the door. "Let's get this over with then."

Shutting her eyes, Voli opened the door she can feel the black smoke tickle her skin while she wildly walked inside of the theater. She heard whispers from that same woman that was haunting dreams. "Come....." she whispered. "Don't be afraid."

"Frack," Voli opened her eyes and found herself inside of the theater. The cash register where Voli worked was there as well as the popcorn maker and the menu flickering above. "That's the place where I worked," Voli said to Dreidi. "People would buy Popcorn and other goodies and had the unenviable task of juggling change and giving Popcorn. It was tiring but at least I felt closer to home you know?"

Dreidi Xeraic Dreidi Xeraic
Location: Coruscant, Jedi Temple
Attire: Jedi Outfit
Companion: Grisial
Equipment: Lightsaber, Nightsister bow
Tag: Voli Cholrass Voli Cholrass

"People experience this, being aware of yourself being in a dream. It is called lucid dreaming. There is also vivid dreaming, which can be just as intense this will be. So, just know, nothing here is designed to harm you. We are in your mind, it wants to protect you, that is what you need to focus on." Dreidi informed Voli, she could sense the fear and apprehension from the young woman, that was concerning since it meant that things would get more dangerous for Dreidi if she didn't help things clear up.

Nodding her head slowly, "doing good work and helping others, sometimes they can be uplifting and ensure you wish to keep moving forward." Dreidi mentioned as she took a look around, "where does this other presence appear in here then?" Dreidi asked, while she did not wish to rush Voli, delaying this task or distracting themselves with things that was completely unrelated or unneeded, it would only do more harm since it would increase the anxieties and fear that Voli was feeling.

Dreidi continued to watch Voli as she looked around, noting how much she was searching for home and clearly feeling a dislike towards her own parents. It was sad to see.

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