Balaya Praelior Zambrano
Balaya Zambrano, Emperor's Bust
Image Source: N/A
Intent: To rebuild an ancient Sith artifact that can be empowered over time.
Development Thread:
Model: Kaine's Heart
Affiliation: One Sith
Modularity: None
Production: Unique
The heart itself though is housed in a body, that is bound into the center of the casing by standard binders and left in a constant state of rage and pain. His body refusing to die easily but able to be healed with the darkside sorcery. Then from the vong a second casing layer of bodies that have been melted together and knit into a shell leaving only the small opening exposed. The final part was another outer layer of durasteel that could be changed later if needed but the rough grey of it allows for a sight to behold.
With the heart there are rings (additional subs) that act as sith talisman's able to channel the darkside and energies as the heart grows stronger. Its strength no where near the levels of the original heart of the great crystal itself. As the crystal grows and is fed more souls from genocide and conquest it will become more and more powerful (additional submission modifications) but for now it is at its infancy for strength channeling the rage and power generated from Kashyyyk's slaughter and loss of lives.
Primary Source:
Intent: To rebuild an ancient Sith artifact that can be empowered over time.
Development Thread:
- Formation of the Heart
- Pontite Crystal Here
Model: Kaine's Heart
Affiliation: One Sith
Modularity: None
Production: Unique
- Crystal
- Durasteel
- Flesh
The heart itself though is housed in a body, that is bound into the center of the casing by standard binders and left in a constant state of rage and pain. His body refusing to die easily but able to be healed with the darkside sorcery. Then from the vong a second casing layer of bodies that have been melted together and knit into a shell leaving only the small opening exposed. The final part was another outer layer of durasteel that could be changed later if needed but the rough grey of it allows for a sight to behold.
With the heart there are rings (additional subs) that act as sith talisman's able to channel the darkside and energies as the heart grows stronger. Its strength no where near the levels of the original heart of the great crystal itself. As the crystal grows and is fed more souls from genocide and conquest it will become more and more powerful (additional submission modifications) but for now it is at its infancy for strength channeling the rage and power generated from Kashyyyk's slaughter and loss of lives.
Primary Source: