Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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One Giant Leap For Mandokind

Jetpack trials for Mandalorians.

This was the first test of the prototype jetpack that Rena was working on, using a variant jetpack that instead of having a single powerful thruster, relied on four smaller thrust nacelles to get more precise directional movement. Obviously it wasn't perfect, but it would do. She wasn't the best hand at designing, either - she'd had a little help, but there was no other way to put this into action.

Instead, there she was on her home planet of Dantooine, where she'd left some notices out for her fellow Mando'ade in various places using some contacts. For her allies, she'd have to make a little work and some potential training - and she'd have to offer some help in return. She'd procured a series of MandalTech repulsorpacks for people to use, and had set up an obstacle course on the base of a small bluff, where a high stone wall meant that there'd be plenty of jetpack action for people. An obstacle course had been set up, with inflatable trees, walls, platforms and targets aplenty.

The advertisement?

Airborne combat training offered by quartermaster Rena Kryze on Dantooine at coordinates [redacted]. Jetpacks provided and data may be collected for technological development. Bring your best guns, vode.

Now if someone showed up, this might just work.

Catherine Romanov

Going after targets was thirsty, tiring work. Especially more so, when in a sandy dust bowl like Tatooine. This Saarlac's Kicker was nothing special. Why in the karking hell was it so popular? Mos Eisley was full of weird figures and items, but this has just got to just be another one of them. A sharp beep jolted her out of her reverie. The interest in the drink would have to remain a mystery for another day.

She tapped the playback button on her comlink, and it began to playback a prerecorded message that said "Airborne combat training offered by quartermaster Rena Kryze on Dantooine at coordinates [redacted]. Jetpacks provided and data may be collected for technological development. Bring your best guns, vode." Now that sounded interesting, more than this silly target hunt anyway. Catherine left her drink unfinished as she headed out of the cantina and towards her ship in the spaceport. Now this was a place she needed to be.

[member="Rena Kryze"]
James was training with a sniper rifle on Mandalore when his commlink began buzzing, he opened it up and there was an advertisement for some airborne combat training with jetpacks. Airborne combat training offered by quartermaster Rena Kryze on Dantooine at coordinates [redacted]. Jetpacks provided and data may be collected for technological development. Bring your best guns, vode. James liked the though of learning how to operate a jetpack better, as his father never really bothered to go too far in depth about them. Now that he thought about it, his dad never used jetpacks at all, they weren't even on the suit. James dropped that train of thought and headed over to a transport to head for Dantooine immediately. He got on the ship and went into the pilot seat and then lifted off into space, off of Mandalore. He entered warp speed and leaned back, waiting for Dantooine to come into distance.
[member="Rena Kryze"]

Anastasia knew that as a Jedi she could probably learn to fly but at the same time she knew it was important to learn to do things without the Force. There would come situations in which she couldn't use her gift and she would have to rely on what she knew. This could only help her.

Armed with her rifle she made her way to the designated place. She was a good shot but in the air she was sure was another story. Ana just hoped to be good and make her older brother look good.
[member="Catherine Maxwell"] [member="James Rorke"] [member="Anastasia Rade"]

There was an assembly of people that needed to... assemble. Most of them were faceless no-names who wanted a quick bunch of training from someone who was ostensibly good at what they did. The rest were apparently three people with faces because they drew enough attention by not being boring scrubs - these three are, of course, our intrepid adventurers: the nun with a gun because there are no male space marines, the guy from that one TV show, and Jedi Blondie.

Conversely, our heroine, who never ever removed her helmet (even to sleep, or so the legends tell), had rows upon rows of jetpacks ready for use. Blasters were provided if needed, though Rena severely doubted that a Mandalorian needed to borrow a blaster.

"Welcome to Dantooine, boys and girls," said the quartermaster by way of welcome. "You're going to learn the wonderful entry into airborne warfare. Before you can ride a mighty bes'uliik, you have to be able to navigate the air on a jetpack. Today we're going to do some basic jetpack training. I want to see how you move and how well you can shoot. Mount up and let's get started. Now. Who hasn't used a jetpack before?"

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